etown Aide Charges See Story Below StoUy, breezy and (#dftf tee FINAL day and tomorrow. Cleat teA BM Bunk, Freehold jqiute cold tonight. : " (See Details Page J) EDITION Monmouth County's Borne Newspaper for 92. Years VOL. 93 NO. 134 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1971 20 PAGES TEN CENTS •JUic U.S •>" 2nd Board Mullj s Suit The Shore Regional High Acknowledging that court tra-curricular activities and tor to negotiate the contract picket line 'for several weeks, School Board of Education action probably ' would be teachers an obligation to per- dispute there, and a prelimi- the teachers organization and may join the Wall Township quicker but an appeal to state form them, but boards and nary meeting with the media- the board are waiting for Board of Education in an ap- Commissioner of Education the New Jersey Education As- tor is scheduled for Friday, PERC to assign a mediator. peal to the courts to stop job Carl h. Marburger more gen- sociation disagree over its ap- The Red Bank Regional Impasses in negotiations action by teachers associa- tle, m.y Martinez said, "No plication to current job action. High School board and educa- have been declared in 11 tions. one's trying to club the teach- The Middletown Township tion association, at the recom- school districts so far in Mon- 1 S. Thomas Gagliano, the ers with this. The bitter feel- Education Association has mendation of their PERC-as- mouth County. The Monmouth Ings an injunction would voted job action but hasn't im- signed mediator, are trying to County Education Association Shore Regional board's attor- 7 ney, is meeting this morning arouse might not be the most plemented it. The board and arrange another negotiating has charged that a group of with John J. Kolibas, the high the association were informed session without the presence school boards in Monmouth school principal, to assess the There is a 1968 ruling from yesterday1 that the state Pub- of a third party. are conspiring to stall negotia- effects of the job action begun the commissioner that boards lic Employes Relations Com- And in Howell Township, tions, a charge the boards . by the Shore Regional Educa- have the right to require ex- mission has assigned a media- where teachers manned a deny. tion Association on Monday. Action Begun Teachers in Shore Regional, Wall Township and Neptune Township have begun job ac- Sparse Crowd Shows Up tion — refusing to supervise all extra-curricular activities for which they aren't paid or under contract — to protest what they say is the boards" refusal io negotiate 1971 con- For Administrator Hearing tract demands. The Wall Township board on ByBOBBRAMLEY against the' business adminis- the improper deposits are al- fendant. Monday authorized its attor- MIDDLETOWN - Perhaps trator. leged to. have been-made in Mr. Britt called Joseph X. ney, William C. Nowels, to' discouraged by several ad- Mr. Seuffert is charged un- that yean Seaman of Perth Amboy, take legal' action against the journments, only about 75 der Civil Service'rules with Drafts Listed township auditor since 1963, as SUSPECTS REMOVED — Two suspects in the murder of John Russo are led from teachers, and the Shore Re- township, residents turned out neglect of duty, willful viola- The drafts include a federal his first witness. Asbury.Park,police .headquarters last night after their arrest and arraignment. gional board last week threat- for last night's initial session tion of Civil Service regula- draft for $14,670 received July Audit Noted'" (Register Staff Photo) ened a similar response if the ' of ,an administrative hearing tions and negligence toward 1, 1966, and deposited in the Mr. Seaman testified that a job action disrupted the edu- or charges against suspended public property. There are Eatontown National Bank special audit called for in Au- cational program, township Business Adminis- five counts of the charges, July 25, 1966; another for gust only days after the Ea- It has been expected that trator Richard W. Seuffert. with a different specific action ' $81,000 received April 4,1966, tontown National Bank failed Mr. Nowels, who hasn't been Special Prosecutor Roy F. under each, and deposited April 29 of that disclosed that the five drafts Two Held, One Sought available for comment, would Britt for the township and'At- Specifically, Mr. Seuffert is year; a third for $71,750're- indeed were deposited in the seek an injunction restraining torney Edward W. Wise Jr., charged with receiving and ceived April 4 and deposited defunct bank. Three of the th» Wall Township Education representing Mr. JSeuffertw depositing in the now defunct April 29,1966; a fourth federal grants — all federal — total- Association from the job ac- drew up battle lines in whaf Eaton town National Bank draft for $30,500 received June ing $167,420 ultimately found may be a long legal skirmish 24, 1966, and deposited in the their way back into an author- In Russo Slaying Case tion, but there are rumors without proper authorization that the board instead will as three witnesses were heard four drafts , representing defunct bank, June 28 of that ised township account in the ASBURY PARK - Two played in the slaying or who • The .victim, according to po- move against individual at length. grants from the federal gov- year; and a state draft in the Monmouth County National county men were held without was the alleged trigger man. lice, ran to a nearby closet, teachers for alleged contract Charges Cited ernment and one representing amount of ,$24,300 received Bank, the auditor said, but not bail on murder charges here where, he kept a. rifle. The At the request of several Green Acres funds from the July 13 and deposited in Ea- until some time — in one case Mr. Russo, a city business-' violation. last night and a third man is man, was killed about 7:30 slayer, it was said, fired'six Township Committeemen, state. All the drafts were al- tontown July 25. six months — after jtheir de- <Hte Contract sought in the slaying New p.m. Thursday while he"aod shots at the man, with one fa- . Whitney. Crowell, township at- legedly received by the ad- "We deny the charges," Mr. posit in Eatontown. The teachers contend that Year's Eve ol John Russo in eight members of his family ' tal bullet striking his victim in torney, „: cited . the charges ministrator during 1966, and Wise announced for the de- (See Hearing Page 2) they are adhering strictly to his home at 535 Prospect Ave. were having dinner. the chest. their contracts,. ceasing only Held for preliminary hear- John Russo Jr., a Toms Riv- Police said the killer those extra-curricular duties ing are Thomas Jackson, 27, er attorney and a son of the they assumed voluntarily, knocked at the front door of ; 1 of 84 Tindall Road, Middle- victim, has offered a $2,000 re The boards contend that'su- town, and John Tillman, 25, of the Russo home. Mr. Russo's son, Joseph, police said, an- ' ward for information leading' pervision" Of extra-curricular,- New Shrewsbury. to the arrest and conviction of Haven School Board swered the door and was con- activities is part of a teach- Police Chief Thomas Smith the slayer. Mr. Russo is a for- fronted by a man who asked er's obligation. said last night that city and mer assistant Ocean County about renting an apartment. "The teachers' action is, county detectives are now prosecutor. •«. against the. students, not the looking for Daniel Brewer, 19, The man suddenly bran- The victim was born in Italy board, and therms no question of Neptune, as the third sus- dished a gun, according to Jo- and had resided here more it's disruptive,?^ Elbert M. on pect. seph Russo, and shoved his than 40 years. He was the op- Hoppenstedt, Shore Regional Police would not say what way into the house announc- ,erator of a; fruit'and vegetable superintendent* said yester-.. ByBENVANVLIET since the Lehrbaums live be- will be entering the high The boards then noted that role the two arrested suspects ing, "This is a robbery." business. -day, and students are COJK FAIR HAVEN - After six yond the high water mark of school this fall. , , Fair Haven, as many munidh . cerned. Several studentsJfave months of thinking, the Board the Navesink River they are The joint letter says that palities along the Shore, was "come to administrators want- of Education has decided that not residents of the borough. "members of both boards carved out of Shrewsbury Ing to know'why scheduled ac- maybe, tiny Shrewsbury Town- When the borough was in- have been subjected to consid- Township, which at one time -UvJties aren'ttdkihg place." " ship should pay for the educa- corporated in 1612, the north- erable pressure from citizens extended from Middletown Soviet Jewry's Plight . WaJl Township is the first tion, of \Wiir.Children living on ern limits were described as south to central Ocean Coun- school district in the state to who feel that Fair Haven tax- a houseboat, which technically the high water mark of the ty. It now consists of .09 seek legal Restraints against payers should not be required is outside the territorial limits river. square miles in which 1204 job action. Interestingly, the to pay for the education of of this borough.' ' . In his June ruling, Mr. Gar- persons live, mostly in apart- N.J. School Boards Associa- children who do not reside in And if the township isn't re- rison said that state law pro- the community. "The mem- ments.
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