Seney National Wildlife Refuge Butterfly List This butterfly list was developed from literature search and observations on the Refuge. Literature included: Nielson, Morgan C. 1999. Michigan Butterflies and Skippers: A Field Guide and Reference. Michigan State University Extension, Michigan State University. Bolded species that are likely or irregular in the Upper Peninsula added from: Mueller, Steve. 1994. Michigan Audubon Society Butterfly Field Checklist for Michigan. Ody Brook Enterprises, Cedar Springs, Michigan. Habitat information for bolded species from: Lotts, Kelly and Thomas Naberhaus, coordinators. 2014. Butterflies and Moths of North America. http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/. Highlighted cells indicates butterflies that have been observed on the Refuge, at least once, according to the North American Butterfly Survey's of 1994-1996, 1998-1999, 2002-2004 for Fox River-Seney, Michigan. Conservation status: 1, Region 3 Conservation Priorities (USFWS 2002), 2, Regional Forester Sensitive (USFS 2003), 3, Michigan Special Animal (1999). Common Name Scientific Name Habitat Swallowtails Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes asterius Old Fields, vacent rural and urban lots, framland. Pine barrens, aspen forest openings and edges, Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Papilio canadensis roadsides and stream margins. Whites & Suphurs Floodplain forests and other shrubby wetlands and Mustard White Pieris napi roadsides Usually ristricted to Northern Hardowwed forests and West Virginia White Pieris virginiensis edges. Cabbage White Pieris rapae Gardens, roadsides, old fields and disturbed areas. Checkered White Pontia protodice Old fields, sandy areas, railroad beds, and roads Olympia Marble Euchloe olympia Open woodlands, oak-pine barrens on sandy soils. Valleys, hillsides, fields, meadows, and other open Large Marble Euchloe ausonides sunny areas Open areas, clover and alfalfa fields, roadsides and Clouded Sulpher Colias philodice Godart disturbed areas. Open areas, alfalfa and red clover fields, right-of-way Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme and wet areas Blueberry bogs and oak-pine barrens, recently burned Pink-edged Sulphur Colias interior pine barrens with abundence of blueberry, along trails Fields, roadsides and gardens, also Great Lakes Little Sulphur Eurena lisa coastal areas Harvester, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Blues Deciduous forests, flodd plains and alder-borderd Harvester Feniseca tarquinius stream banks. Old fields and disturbed areas, including weedy American Copper Lycaena phlaeas residental lots. Wet Meadows, marshes and stream borders with Bronze Copper Lycaena hyllus sedges and wild iris Bog Copper Lycaena epixanthe michiganensis Restricted to sphagnum-heath acid bogs Wet meadows, fens, seeps, inland lake margins and Dorcas Copper Lycaena dorcas some Great Lakes coastal areas. Roadsides, fields, disturbed areas, sedge marshes, and Pupleish Copper Lycaena helloides other wetlands. Open areas, forest edges, roadsides and old fields Coral Hairstreak Satyrium titus beginnin to revert to shrub-forest Banded Hairstreak Satyrium calanus falacer Forest openings and edges, old fields and roadsides Stiped Hairstreak Satyrium liparops strigosum Oak-pine Barrens Acadian Hairstreak Satyrium acadica Willow-lined streams, marshes, moist woodlands Sphagnum-heath bogs and pine-barrens in Northern Brown Elfin Incisalia augustinus counties Hoary Elfin Incisalia polia Oak-pine barrens, along great lakes dunes. Open oak-pine barrens, forest openings/edges and Henry's Elfin Incisalia henrici swamp borders Eastern Pine Elfin Incisalia niphon clarki Open pine barrens, forest edges and roadsides. Coniferous forest edges and openings, along roads and Western Pine Elfin Incisalia eryphon trails bordered by white pine. Openings, edges and sun dappled trails in Northern Early Hairstreak Erora laetus hardwoods containing beech Prairies, old fields, pastures and disturbed areas with a Eastern Tailed Blue Everes comyntas variety of legumes. Open areas with low shrubs including chaparral, Western Tailed Blue Cupido amyntula meadows, and open woodlands Northen Spring Azure Celastina lucia Forest openings and edges and along forest trails. Northern Blue Lycaeides idas nabokovi Openings in pine barrens and on rock outcroppings. Open woods, coastal dunes, prairies, meadows, road Silvery Blue Glaucopsyche lygdamus edges, rocky moist woods, and brushy fields Greenish Blue Plebejus saepiolus Old fields, forest openings, and roadsides Brushfoots Meadows, disturbed areas, pastures, streamsides and Variegated Fritillary Euptoieta claudia bogs. Forest openings and edges, forest roads and trails, and Krautwurm's Fritillary Speyeria cybele cybele old fields. Aphrodite Fritillary Speyeria aphrodite Oak-pine barrens, upland fields, prairies and roadsides. Canadian zone forest openings and edges, old fields Atlantis Fritillary Speyeria atlantis and roadsides. Bog Fritillary Boloria eunomia dawsoni Restricted to open sphagnum-heath bogs Bog Silver-bordered Fritillary Boloria selene atrocostalis Bogs and adjacent trials and roadsides. Moist meadows, pastures, old fields and clearing being Meadow Fritillary Boloria bellona invaded by violets Frigga Fritillary Boloria frigga saga Sphagnum-heath bogs with dwarf birch Open bogs, taiga, edges of open black spruce bogs, Freija Fritillary Boloria freija and pine forests Floodplain forest openings, meadows, marshes and Silvery Checkerspot Chlosyne nycteis roadsides Marsh edges, moist pastures, meadows, wet ditches Harris' Checkerspot Chlosyne harrisii and roadsides. Open areas including ridges, prairies, streamsides, open Gorgone Checkerspot Chlosyne gorgone hardwood forests, old fields, and forest edges Forest openings and edges, old fields, streamsides and Northern Pearl Crescent Phyciodes selenis roadsides. Meadows, pastures, old fields, stream banks and Tawny Crescent Phyciodes batesii roadsides. Brushy swamps, marshes, wet meadows and oak-pine Baltimore Checkerspot Euphydryas phaeton barrens. Forest openings, edges and trails, roadsides and Question Mark Polygonia interrogationis streamsides. Forest openings, edges and trails, swamps and Common Merchant Polygonia comma streamsides. Forest openings, edges, along streams, pine barrens Satyr Anglewing Polygonia satyrus and roadsides. Usually in coniferous forests and trails in Canadian Green Comma Polygonia faunus Zones. Boreal forest openings and edges, stream margins and Hoary Comma Polygonia gracilis trails. Gray Comma Polygonia progne Forests, swamps, pine barrens and trails. Compton Tortoise Shell Nymphalis vau-album j-album Forest opeings, edges and trails. Forest openings, edges, swamp, meadows, stream Mourning Cloak Nymphalis antiopa margins and roadsides. Swampa nd marsh edges, meadows, wet pastures, Milbert's Tortoise Shell Nymphalis milberti stream margins and roadside ditches. Old fields, praries, meadows, disturbed areas and American Painted Lady Vanessa virginienisis roadsides. Painted Lady Vanessa Cardui Old fields, disturbed areas, pastures and meadows. Swamp openings and edges, marshes, meadows, Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta disturbed areas, and rural and urban gardens and Old fields, pastures, meadows, disturbed areas, coastal Buckeye Junonia coenia dunes and roadsides. White Admiral Limentis arythemis Norhtern forest openings, edges, trails and roadsides. Marshes, meadows, stream and lake margins and Viceroy Limentitis archippus roadside ditches. Satyrs, Wood Nymphs and Arctics Deciduous forests, swamps and edges and along Northern Pearly-eye Enodia anthedon streams. Eyed Brown Satyodes eurydice Open sedge, meadows and edges. Deciduous forests, openings, edges, oak-pine barrends, Little Wood-Satyr Megisto cymela fens, and brushy old fields. Grassy, open areas including fields, meadows, Common Ringlet Coenonympha tullia grasslands, and tundra Open Northern forests, grassy old fields, meadows and Inornate Ringlet Coenonympha tullia inornata roadsides Prairies, meadows, brushey fields, disturbed areas and Wood Nymph Cercyonis pegala nephele roadsides Red-disked Alpine Erebia discoidalis Large, open, grassy bogs; other areas with acidic soils Macoun's Arctic Oeneis macounii Openings in forests of western jack or lodgepole pine Open jack pine barrens, dry grassy openings and open Chryxus Arctic Oeneis chryxus strigulosa brushy ridges. Black spruce-tamarask-sphagnum bog openings and Jutta Arctic Oeneis jutta ascerta edges Milkweed Butterflies Old fields, meadows, prairies, disturbed areas and Monarch Danaus plexippus roadsides. Skippers Open forests and edges, brushy fields, oak-pine barrens Northern Cloudy Wing Thorybes pylades and roadsides Open forest, especially aspen in Northern areas, edges, Dreamy Dusky Wing Eryannis icelus cut-over forest brushy fields, bogs, disturbed areas and Oak or oak-pine scrub, chaparral, barrens; on well- Sleepy Duskywing Erynnis brizo drained sandy or shaly soils Scrub oak woods, edges, cut-over forests and Juvenal's Duskywing Erynnis juvenalis roadsides. Rocky deciduous or mixed woodland and edges, Columbine Duskywing Erynnis lucilius especially in ravines or gullies Open areas including mountain grasslands, marshes, Persius Duskywing Erynnis persius sand plains, seeps, and streamsides Forest openings and edges, stream amrgins, bogs and Artic Skipper Carterocephalus palaemon mandan swamps. Streamsides, marsh borders, brushy swamps, ditches Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor and along drains Sunny open areas including forest openings and edges, Common Branded Skipper Hesperia comma meadows, and fields Grassy fields, pastures,
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