PURCHASE GUIDE A Quick and Easy Checklist of Science Essentials 2020 See your Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual or visit www.flinnsci.com for product details. It’s Easy to Order Premium Quality, from Flinn Scientific! Exceptional Service, Deep Scientific Expertise, Guaranteed. Online Flinn Scientific was created from a www.flinnsci.com desire to serve science teachers and Email has grown to become a trusted source [email protected] for science supplies and equipment, laboratory chemicals and lab safety Phone resources and so much more. We 1-800-452-1261 support science educators in opening 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday–Friday young minds to the challenges and Fax joys of scientific discovery, and we 1-866-452-1436 (toll free) want to help you to make the most of every dollar. Count on us when Mail you’re looking for the highest quality, Flinn Scientific, Inc. most dependable products and most P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL 60510-0219 effective lab solutions. Don’t hesitate to contact us when you have a question or need advice! Quality Products, Fast Delivery and Low Prices Guaranteed Our Guarantee Flinn Scientific, Inc. guarantees that no sale is complete unless the customer is satisfied. Every item we furnish will either conform to the catalog specification, or we will ask your permission, prior to shipment, to ship an alternative product. Use this Purchase Guide as a handy tool for: • Taking Inventory • Order Preparation • Budget Management • Future Planning Use this purchase guide containing popular product recommendations ©2020 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved. to prepare your order, take inventory and manage your budget. 1 1 11 www.flinnsci.com Flinn Scientific 2020 Purchase Guide 1 Rec. Rec. Product / Item Name Item No. Qty 2020 Price Total Product / Item Name Item No. Qty 2020 Price Total Rec.Qty Rec.Rec.Qty Rec.Rec. Product / Item Name Item No. Qty 2020 Price Total ProductProduct / /Item Item Name Name ItemItemItemItem No. No.No.No. QtyQty 2020 20202020 Price PricePrice Total TotalTotal ProductProduct / /Item Item Name Name ItemItemItem No. No.No. QtyQty 2020 20202020 Price PricePrice Total TotalTotal Safety & Personal Protection Equipment Qty Aspirator, Water, Polypropylene AP1203 QtyQty1 $ 19.30 $ - QtyQty SafetyApron, rubberized, & Personal 27" W ProtectionX 36" L Equipment AP7125 30 $ 15.45 $ - SafetyAutoclave,Aspirator,Safety &Water, &Electric, Personal Personal Polypropylene Portable Protection Protection Equipment Equipment AP1004AP1203 1 $ 905.00 19.30 $ - Aspirator,Aspirator, Water, Water, Polypropylene Polypropylene AP1203AP1203 11 $$ 19.30 19.30 $$ - - Apron, plastic,rubberized, 30" W27" x W36" X L 36" L AP7120AP7125 30 $ 15.45 7.47 $ - Apron,♦Autoclave,Apron, Balance, rubberized, rubberized, Electric,Flinn Triple 27" Portable27" BeamW W X X 36" 36" L L AP7125OB2181AP1004AP7125 30301 $$ 15.45120.00905.00 15.45 $$ - -- Autoclave,Autoclave, Electric, Electric, Portable Portable AP1004AP1004 11 $$ 905.00 905.00 $$ - - Gloves,Apron, plastic, Butyl rubber 30" W forx 36" conc. L chemicals AP7482AP7120 301 $ 33.25 7.47 $ - Apron,Balance,♦Apron, Balance, plastic, plastic, Ohaus Flinn 30" 30" Triple W W x x Beam36" 36" L L AP7120OB1040OB2181AP7120 303015 $$ 155.00120.00 7.47 7.47 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn Flinn Triple Triple Beam Beam OB2181OB2181 $$ 120.00 120.00 $$ - - Gloves, Nitrile,Butyl rubber Disposable, for conc. Medium, chemicals 100/pkg AP7079AP7482 1 $ 17.9533.25 $ - Gloves,♦Balance,Gloves, Balance, Butyl ButylOhaus Flinn, rubber rubber Triple Economy for for Beam conc. conc. Choice, chemicals chemicals 1000 x 1 g AP7482OB2179OB1040AP7482 1151 $$ 33.25127.00155.00 33.25 $$ - -- Balance,Balance, Ohaus Ohaus Triple Triple Beam Beam OB1040OB1040 1515 $$ 155.00 155.00 $$ - - Gloves, Nitrile, Disposable, Large,Medium, 100/pkg 100/pkg AP7080AP7079 1 $ 17.95 $ - Gloves,♦Gloves, Balance, Nitrile, Nitrile, Flinn, Disposable, Disposable, ElectronicEconomy Choice,Medium,Balance, Medium, 1000 100/pkg300 100/pkg xx 10.1 g g AP7079OB2138OB2179AP7079 11 $$ 17.95188.00127.00 17.95 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn, Flinn, Economy Economy Choice, Choice, 1000 1000 x x 1 1 g g OB2179OB2179 $$ 127.00 127.00 $$ - - Gloves, Nitrile, Teacher,Disposable, Reusable, Large, 100/pkg prep room, Medium AP3259AP7080 21 $ 17.95 4.02 $ - Gloves,♦Gloves, Balance, Nitrile, Nitrile, Flinn, Disposable, Disposable, Electronic Large,Balance, Large, 100/pkg 100/pkg 510300 x 0.1 g AP7080OB2139OB2138AP7080 11 $$ 17.95219.00188.00 17.95 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn, Flinn, Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 300 300 x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB2138OB2138 $$ 188.00 188.00 $$ - - Goggles,Gloves, Nitrile, standard, Teacher, vented Reusable, Uvex®, safetyprep room, Medium AP7474AP3259 302 $ 20.95 4.02 $ - Gloves,♦Gloves, Balance, Nitrile, Nitrile, FlinnFlinn, Teacher, Teacher,Electronic Electronic Reusable, Reusable, Balance, Balance, prep prep1000 510 room, xroom,x 0.10.1 Medium g gMedium AP3259OB2140OB2139AP3259 22 $$ 300.00219.00 4.02 4.02 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn, Flinn, Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 510 510 x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB2139OB2139 $$ 219.00 219.00 $$ - - Goggles, Fogstandard, Free, ventedStandard, Uvex®, Vented* safety AP3309AP7474 30 $ 10.9020.95 $ - Goggles,♦Goggles, Balance, standard, standard,Flinn Electronic vented vented Uvex®,Balance, Uvex®, safety safety2101000 x x0.01 0.1 g AP7474OB2141OB2140AP7474 3030 $$ 20.95316.00300.00 20.95 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn Flinn Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 1000 1000 x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB2140OB2140 $$ 300.00 300.00 $$ - - GoggleGoggles, Sanitizer, Fog Free, UV Standard, light with Vented*timer SE1000AP3309 301 $ 615.00 10.90 $ - Goggles,♦Goggles, Balance, Fog FogFlinn Free, Free, Electronic Standard, Standard, Balance, Vented* Vented* 410210 x 0.01 g AP3309OB2142OB2141AP3309 303015 $$ 10.90437.00316.00 10.90 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn Flinn Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 210 210 x x 0.01 0.01 g g OB2141OB2141 $$ 316.00 316.00 $$ - - Goggle Sanitizer, DigitalUV light with timer SE1093SE1000 1 $ 660.00615.00 $ - Goggle♦Goggle Balance, Sanitizer, Sanitizer, Flinn Electronic UV UV light light with Balance,with timer timer 120410 x 0.0010.01 g g SE1000OB2143OB2142SE1000 1151 $$ 615.00 615.00461.00437.00 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn Flinn Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 410 410 x x 0.01 0.01 g g OB2142OB2142 1515 $$ 437.00 437.00 $$ - - LabGoggle Coat, Sanitizer, Teacher, Digital Medium AP3281SE1093 1 $ 660.00 45.30 $ - GoggleBalance,♦Goggle Balance, Sanitizer, Sanitizer,Ohaus Flinn PioneerElectronic Digital Digital Analytical, Balance, 210 120 x x 0.0001 0.001 gg SE1093OB2151OB2143SE1093 11 $$ 2,430.00 660.00 660.00461.00 $$ - -- ♦♦ Balance, Balance, Flinn Flinn Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 120 120 x x 0.001 0.001 g g OB2143OB2143 $$ 461.00 461.00 $$ - - Lab Coat, Teacher, LargeMedium AP3284AP3281 1 $ 44.0045.30 $ - LabBalance,Lab Coat, Coat, Ohaus Teacher, Teacher, Pioneer,Pioneer Medium Medium Analytical,320 g x 0.001 210 gx 0.0001 g AP3281OB2149OB2151AP3281 11 $$ 1,260.00 2,430.00 45.30 45.30 $$ - -- Balance,Balance, Ohaus Ohaus Pioneer Pioneer Analytical, Analytical, 210 210 x x 0.0001 0.0001 g g OB2151OB2151 $$ 2,430.00 2,430.00 $$ - - Lab Coat, Teacher, Tye-Dyed,Large Large AP6294AP3284 1 $ 78.7044.00 $ - LabBalance,Lab Coat, Coat, Ohaus Teacher, Teacher, ScoutPioneer, Large Large Pro 320 Elect, g x 4000.001 g xg 0.01 g AP3284OB2083OB2149AP3284 11 $$ 1,260.00 44.00670.00 44.00 $$ - -- Balance,Balance, Ohaus Ohaus Pioneer, Pioneer, 320 320 g g x x 0.001 0.001 g g OB2149OB2149 $$ 1,260.00 1,260.00 $$ - - EmergencyLab Coat, Teacher, drench showerTye-Dyed, & eye Large wash combo AP2264AP6294 1 $ 484.00 78.70 $ - LabBalance,Lab Coat, Coat, Ohaus Teacher, Teacher, Scout Tye-Dyed, Tye-Dyed, Pro Elect, Large Large 400 g x 0.10.01 g g AP6294OB1054OB2083AP6294 11 $$ 78.70266.00670.00 78.70 $$ - -- Balance,Balance, Ohaus Ohaus Scout Scout Pro Pro Elect, Elect, 400 400 g g x x 0.01 0.01 g g OB2083OB2083 $$ 670.00 670.00 $$ - - FireEmergency extinguisher, drench dry shower chemical, & eye ABC wash combo SE3001AP2264 1 $ 129.00484.00 $ - EmergencyOhausBalance,Emergency Navigator Ohaus drench drench Scout Electronic shower shower Pro Elect,& Balance,& eye eye 400wash wash 210g combox combo 0.1g x g0.1 g AP2264OB2186OB1054AP2264 11 $$ 484.00 484.00217.00266.00 $$ - -- Balance,Balance, Ohaus Ohaus Scout Scout Pro Pro Elect, Elect, 400 400 g g x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB1054OB1054 $$ 266.00 266.00 $$ - - Fire blanketextinguisher, with case dry chemical, ABC SE3006SE3001 1 $ 127.00129.00 $ - FireOhausFire extinguisher, extinguisher, Navigator Electronicdry dry chemical, chemical, Balance, ABC ABC 510210 g x 0.1 g SE3001OB2187OB2186SE3001 11 $$ 129.00 129.00262.00217.00 $$ - -- OhausOhaus Navigator Navigator Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 210 210 g g x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB2186OB2186 $$ 217.00 217.00 $$ - - ♦Fire Cabinet blanket - Flinn with caseflammables, 54-gallon SE7131SE3006 1 $ 915.00127.00 $ - FireOhausFire blanket blanket Navigator with with case Electroniccase Balance, 210510 g x 0.010.1 g g SE3006OB2188OB2187SE3006 11 $$ 127.00 127.00382.00262.00 $$ - -- OhausOhaus Navigator Navigator Electronic Electronic Balance, Balance, 510 510 g g x x 0.1 0.1 g g OB2187OB2187 $$ 262.00 262.00 $$ - - ♦ Cabinet - Flinn acidflammables, cabinet, 54-gallonpartial lined SE8041SE7131 1 $ 905.00915.00 $ - ♦Ohaus♦ Cabinet Cabinet Navigator - -Flinn Flinn flammables, Electronicflammables, Balance, 54-gallon 54-gallon 2100210
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