McCarthy All-College Campaign Meeting Tonight, 7:30 ...10:00 Wednesday Washington Room frittitg Washington Room VOL. LXIV No 25 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD FEBRUARY ti. 1908 Candidates Kramer, Mozzi To Speak Wednesday Night In accordance with the Senate's most members that the platforms would be resolved. Other areas into constitutional revision, there will were essentially similar and ad- which the Senate must look, he be an All-College Meeting Wed- hered closely to basic CITE ideals. noted, are the now ineffective com- nesday evening during which the The vote to decline from specific munications with Trustees, the Presidential candidates will speak support reflected the general academic freedom of the faculty, to the student body. sentiment that both candidates and the presentation of pressing The candidates, Lloyd J, Kramer would make equally effective lead- social issues on campus. '69 and Leonard P. Mozzi '69 ers. In considering an even more Mozzi viewed the College as a unfolded their platforms at a CITE basic question, some CITE community structure. He saw the meeting Sunday after which com- members felt it would be politic- role of the small college as that mittee members decided not to of- ally inexpedient to endorse a can- of an innovator, and stressed that Kennedy Photo fer their support to a specific didate. the College must find a way to Kennedy Photo Leonard Mozzi candidate. It was the attitude of Kramer's 20 Point Platform ap- construct an "integrated com- Lloyd Kramer peared in the January 30 TRIPOD. munity" based on the individual's In considering the platform both responsibility to his fellow stu- at the CITE caucus and in a dents, the College, and the larger Hershey Denunciation TRIPOD interview, he emphasized community outside the College. Parietals that the problem he would first Mozzi therefore speculated that the attack would be that surrounding individual's behavior be limited the "in loco parentis" concept. only to the extent that he infringes Delinquent Withheld by Lockwood Though defining himself as moral- on the rights of others. This theory ly against it, he expressed his formed the basis for his stand President - elect Theodore "At the moment," said Lock- desire to educate the students against in loco parentis and Lockwood, currently Dean of Union wood, "there are no grounds to while avoiding "reckless commit- parietal hours restriction. Cautioned College, refused last week to com- deny access (to this campus) to ment." He believed the in loco Administration officials, he ad- In its first consideration of a mit that college to a definite any recruiter because of what Her- parentis issue most important be- ded, should be invited to Senate parietals violation, the joint com- policy of opposition to Selective shey has done. We do not see cause it constitutes the nucleus meetings when discussion is rel- mittee on discipline has voted un- Service Director General Lewis Hershey's position as grounds for of the drinking, drugs, and evant to them. animously to issue "final warn- Hershey's policy of revoking the changing our policy on military parietal hours problems. He indicated that his proposals ing" to the student charged with 2-S draft status of student draft recruiters." Kramer went on to evaluate the for academic reform were based the rules infraction. The Joint protestors. The refusal brought Lockwood elaborated that Union present social structure as "in- on those in'the CITE platform, Committee, known as the 3-3 Com- a speedy rebuke from the Union would take action "if a recruiter equitable" and hoped that through to which he subscribed in his sen- mittee, consists of a rotating newspaper, the CONCORDIENSIS. (Continued on Page 7) Senate investigations the dilemma atorial campaign. standing committee of three faculty Lockwood declared that "It is and three members oi the Medusa. not yet clear to us, as an insti- The committee was created last tution, that the Government does February at the request of the not have the power to take this Knapp Discusses Financial Problem; Medusa after having several of action." Another view on the con- its own decisions overruled by the troversy was heard last week College, In one instance the Col- when 325 law professors from Cites Enrollment Increase as Cause lege suspended two students for 32 law schools signed a petition a year in a case where the Med- opposing the Hershey statement. Commenting on Wesleyan Pres- Knapp interpreted this increase folio," the publication reveals, ident Edward D. Etherington's as meaning that "more and more " has been the investment in secur- usa had recommended censure. Lockwood said that it was ities of the great Hartford-based According to the Medusa, this Union's understanding Uiat local statement that privatec.nllecrHsare, students are paving only half the on the financial brink, Director cost of their education here, thus insurance companies: Aetna violation was tried without vo- draft boards will not act to draft 1 Life Insurance Co.; Con- ference to preconditioiial moral '" students unless it is demonstrated of Development Harry K. Knapp heightening the financial strain on declared that "whatever our image endowment and other sources of necticut General Life Insurance codes and on a purely individual by proper authorities that the stu- Co.; and the Travelers Corpor- basis. Questions such as "Did dent has acted illegally in protest- may be, we are not a wealthy profit- income." making institution; we are definite- Etherington, speaking at the ation." the student involved offend ing the war. "Whether they will anyone?" were of prime concern. elect to act if this happens is ly a losing one." Economics Club of Greater Hart- Knapp commented that aggres- Knapp held that financial dif- ford banquet Wednesday night, sive management of assets will The final warning was issued still another question," Lockwood because it was felt by the Com- said. ficulties facing the Colleg-e and cited two major areas for improve- in the end attract more donations other private institutions are ment in the handling of college in addition to improving income mittee that the student had vio- The comments, in the form of finances: efficient use of facil- on endowment. The "single most lated the basic agreement each stu- an official college statement, came largely a direct result of growth over the last dozen years. ities and aggressive investment important issue," he maintained dent lias with the College: "To in response to an editorial in the of endowment. was that "the public must be made obey College rules." CONCORDIENSIS asking for "a Tuition paid by students covers only half the cost of their edu- Knapp applauded the College's aware of the tremendous financial Previous to the "Committee con- firm and clear position" on col- burden facing the College and that sideration of the matter, an un- lege action in response to the cation. The College has increased efficiency in the use of its facil- its enrollment by approximately ities, citing co-operative efforts tuition only covers half of the successful attempt was made in Hershey statement. 50% during the past dozen years. with Hartford Seminary and Wes- cost of a student's education." (Continued on Page S) leyan. He said that more areas of exchange should be investigated Colleges Offer Social Aid and suggested the future possibil- Qhmann to Join Speakers ity of sharing college adminis- trations. To Undeveloped North End The College's physical plant, At Pro-McCarthy Meeting Knapp pointed out, is one of the by Alexander J. Belida most efficiently used in the area. by Michael Floyd The College is one of nine area according to published reports, He noted the night graduate pro- Another voice has been added year at Theta Xi's pledge con- colleges and universities working more than fifty faculty members gram and summer school; and said to the program of the McCarthy ference, is involved in many 11- on the problems of Hartford's from the participating educational that College classrooms are rare- Public Meeting which will be as- beral causes. He is a national vice- North End district, the TRIPOD institutes are working with the ly vacant. sembled tonight in the Washington chairman for thp Americans has learned. According to acting presidents. The College's endowment, Room at 8:15. Richard Ohmann, for Democratic Action, a director College President, Dean Harold J.M.K. Davis, vice-chairman of Knapp maintained, was "nowhere a noted literary critic and schol- for Martin Luther King's South- Dorwart, the program, still in the the Greater Hartford Chamber of near adequate to support the ar of stylistics, who currently ern Christian Leadership Confer- formative stages, is designed to Commerce, has indicated that the school." He also commented that, holds positions in both the Eng-- euce, and has served in various bring into play the College's re- council is progressing satisfac- although not as heavily endowed as lish Department and the Admini- (Continued on Page 6) sources in aiding North End re- torily, and is determined to work Wesleyan, the College compared stration of Wesleyan University, sidents burdened by educational, in conjunction with other inter- quite favorably with other schools will be present at the pro-Mc- social, and employment problems. ested parties in order to effec- its size on a national scale. Carthy gathering. He is a vocal According to reliable sources, tively cope with the wide range The 1966-1967REPORTOFTHE representative of the growing dis- the College's initial involvement of problems. Both Dorwart and TREASURER explains tllat the Col- sent witli present Democratic in the North End marks only the Davis have indicated that although lege has traditionally emphasized Party -- i.e., Johnsonian -- pol- beginning of a broader program the group is encouraged by their the growth as opposed to current icies on the part of the Connect- which would reportedly encom- work so far, they intend to move income aspect of investing.
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