INDEX AAA (Armenian Assembly of America), 80–81, Algerian War, 138 182, 189, 214n7 ambiguous knowledge, 60 Abdülhamid II, Sultan of Ottoman Empire, 35, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 174, 193, 215n1 175, 182 Abraham, Nikolas, 22 American Jewish Committee, 133 academic field: French triangle, 140, 140 fig.10, Améry, Jean, 17 149; historians’ agency, 150–54; political analogical bridging, 60–61, 73–75, 105, 126, mobilization of scholarship, 149–50 182–83, 201–3 acknowledgment: Armenian, 29–32; Anatolia: Armenians in, 106; Muslims and confession as, 18; implicatory denial and, Christians in, 215n7 26; microsociological perspective on, 18; Ani ruins, 217n8 social contexts and, 64; as contributor to Ankara, as capital, 10 repertoires of knowledge, 27–32; Turkish, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 133, 190 27–29 anti-Semitism, 56, 84, 136, 141 ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 174, Arendt, Hannah, 25 175, 182 Armenakan Party of 1885, 80 Adjemian, Boris, 7, 153 Armenia, Republic of, 66; Dashnaks and, 80; ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 133, 190 declaration of sovereignty, 72–73; recognition Aghet (catastrophe), 104, 106 of 1915 Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, 72, 133. Aghet—Ein Völkermord (2010 documentary See also genocide knowledge in Armenia film) (ARD), 202, 213n12 Armenia, Soviet Republic of, 10, 11, 66, 70–71; Aivazian, Haroutune (survivor), 30 accommodation with, 80–81; division of, Akçam, Taner, 7, 28, 108, 128 69; Nagorno-Karabakh region, 72; new AKP (Justice and Development Party), 10, 128 opportunities of 1980s, 71–76; Sumgait Aleppo, Syria: Armenian community in, 214n3; pogroms, 72, 73, 74–75 Armenian exiles in, 41; deportations and Armenian Apostolic Church, 62, 68, 78 massacres in, 90 Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), 80–81, Alexander, Ben, 79–80 182, 189, 214n7 Alexander, Jeffrey C., 3, 58, 105, 215n12 Armenian Christians, in Anatolia, 215n7 Algeria, 138, 156 Armenian Communist Party, 70 233 234 INDEX Armenian Congressional Caucus, 81 Assyrian Christians, in Anatolia, 215n7 Armenian cultural associations: in France, 20, ATAA (Assembly of Turkish American 147 table3, 147 table4, 148 table5; in U.S., Associations), 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 179 20, 214n3 Atatürk (Kemal, Mustafa), 10, 97, 129, 131 Armenian Cultural Organization of Minnesota, Atkinson, Tacy, 48 20, 214n3 Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, 216n7 Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, 80 Aurora Prize Ceremony, 120, 123 fig.7, 123–127 Armenian diaspora. See diaspora Auschwitz, 21, 59, 74, 94, 105 table1, 126, 137. See Armenian Film Foundation, 29 also Frankfurt Auschwitz trial Armenian General Benevolent Union, 80 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 93 Armenian genocide: commemorations of, authoritarianism, 29, 207 195 fig.14; cultural trauma and, 58, 205; authority, 61, 62, 95, 100, 115, 119, 164, 199 documentaries on, 19; The Forty Days of Avédikian, Serge, 77, 213n10 Musa Dagh (Werfel), 141; French laws Azerbaijan: Armenia demand for independence pertaining to, 135–37, 205; Holocaust and, 145, from, 7, 122; Nagorno-Karabakh War, 215n3; journalistic reporting on, 216n6; map 73; pogroms of late 1980s in, 214n3; of, 9 map1; Permanent People’s Tribunal, 142; Transcaucasian Socialist Republic and, 10; recognition of, 133 fig.8; silencing and, 23; Turkey and, 132, 207. See also Sumgait USHMM site on, 104–7, 105 table1. See also Boyer Law; Shoah Visual Archives Baader-Meinhof group, 98–99 Armenian Heritage Foundation, 189 Bachrach, Peter, 187 Armenian Heritage Park, 189 fig.13, 189–90, Badinter, Robert, 142 220n3 Baer, Alejandro, 116 Armenian intellectuals: genocide Bakhtin, Mikhail, 59 commemorations of, 130–31; internment Balakian, Peter, 19–20, 22, 74, 77 in Gulags of, 69; persecution of, 8, 30, 39, Baldikian, Krikor (survivor), 31 85, 215n10 Balkan War of 1912–1913, 93 Armenian knowledge: flexibility and inertia of, banality of evil, 25 59; mutations of, 66; overview, 207; rituals Barankitse, Marguerite, 216n7 and, 117–28; sedimentation of, 66 Baratz, Morton S., 187 Armenian Museum of America, 81 Barbie, Klaus, 136 Armenian National Committee of America, 80 Barna, Elizabeth K., 215n11 Armenian nationalist movements, 83. Barrot, Jacques, 160 See also Dashnaks Barthes, Roland, 142 Armenian newspapers, 214n6(ch4) Barton, James, 44 Armenian people: in Armenia, 66; conquest of al-Bashir, Omar, 94 by Ottoman Turks, 69 Battle of Kosovo (1389), 60 Armenian property, confiscation of, 213n7 Bauer, Fritz, 164–65 Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnak), Baydar, Mehmed, 99 80, 90, 105 table1, 215n1. See also Dashnaks Bayraktar, Seyhan, 28, 88–89, 100, 102, 108, Armenians: in Anatolia, 106; data collection on, 128, 215n2 215n7; displacement of, 48 fig.2; knowledge Beauvoir, Simone de, 142 of mass violence during WWI, 11, 109 Bellah, Robert, 115 Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), 72 Benbassa, Esther, 145 Armenian terrorism, 99–100 Ben-Gurion, David, 164 Armenisches Hilfswerk (German Armenian aid Berger, Peter, 2–3, 5 fig.1, 6, 17, 28, 56–59, 208 organization), 48 Bezjian, Zenop, 15 Armenophile movement, 84, 141 Bhatnagar, Prashasti, 212n1 Armenian Protestants of Tarsus, 15, 213n7 Biafran War, 34 Aron, Raymond, 142 birth cohorts, 54, 56, 64, 213n3. Assembly of Turkish American Associations See also generations (ATAA), 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 179 Black Dog of Fate (Balakian), 19 INDEX 235 blaming the victim, 89, 91, 102 Christians: in Anatolia, 215n7; language bland commemoration, 21 against, 91 Bloxham, Donald, 7 Christie, Carmelite, 15, 34, 212–13n6(ch2), Blue Book, 36, 43–49 212n3; archives and selection of papers of, Blumer, Herbert, 17 35–36; bearing witness with constraint, Board of Education v. Pico, 174, 179 36–38; biographical information, 35; diary Boghos Nubar Pasha, 80 entries, 38–43; entry on collective property Bosnia, 43, 60 appropriation, 213n7; return to U.S., 213n8 Bourdieu, Pierre, 4, 5 fig.1, 33, 62, 139, 165–67, Christoffel, Ernst, 48 184, 196 civil liberties, infringements, 177–78, 188 Boyer, Valérie, 135–36, 143–45 Clooney, George, 216n7 Boyer Law, 135–36, 143, 144 table2, 150, 153–54, Cohen, Stanley, 23–26, 88 158–60 Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 158 Bozarslan, Hamit, 28 cohort effect, 56, 64, 213n3. See also birth cohorts Brigadi Rossi, 99 Collectif des Antillais, Guyanais, Réunionnais, 151 Bryce, James, 43–44, 47, 67 Collectif VAN (Vigilance Arménienne contre le Buchenwald, 74, 75 Négationnisme), 20, 155, 155 fig.11 Bulgaria, 43, 93, 133 fig.8, 134 collective amnesia, 97 The Burning Tigris (Balakian), 19 collective memory, 17, 53, 54, 55, 69. Bush, George W., 165 See also carrier groups collective property appropriation, 213n7 Callimachi, Rukmini, 216n6 collective rationalization, 25, 26 Cambodia, 58, 203 collective trauma, 215n12 Canivet, Guy, 160 Collins, Randall, 114, 116 Caplow, Theodore, 120, 127, 131 Colona, Catherine, 157 carrier groups: Armenians as, 66; carriers, colonialism: denial of, 58; Mekachera law and, 53; dialogism and dynamics of, 59; ethnic 138, 152 organizations as, 79–82; flexibility of Columbus, Christopher, 58–59 knowledge, 55–56; genocide knowledge commemorations, inertia from, 59 and, 57–59; inertia of knowledge, 56–57; Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), knowledge and, 54–55, 65 25–26, 91–92, 95, 97, 106. See also Young Turk Carvounas, Luc, 157 era (1908–1918) Carzou, Jean-Marie, 143 confession, as acknowledgment, 18 Catena, Tom, 216n7 conflicting knowledge repertoires, 65 Catholic Church, 133 Constantinople trials, 95–97 Catholicos, 68, 80, 118, 119 Constitutional Council (CC), 79, 134, 136, 139, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies 157–61, 190, 197, 205, 206 (CHGS), 169 Constitutional Law Commission, 154 Central African Republic, 216n7 contra-genocide stance, 172, 174, 179, 180, 181, Central Committee of the Communist Party 183, 220n2 of Soviet Union (CPSU), 70 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment Central Council of Jews in Germany, 133 of the Crime of Genocide. See Genocide Central Revolutionary Committee (CRC), 149 Convention of 1948 certification methods, 211n2(ch1) Cooley, Charles H., 17 Chambers, Brooke B., 162–85, 220n1 Coordination Council of Armenian channels of communication, 65 Organizations, 149 Charasse, Michel Joseph, 160 Coser, Lewis A., 17, 56 charisma, 62 Council of Europe, 133 CHGS (Center for Holocaust and Genocide Country of My Skull (Krog), 34 Studies), 169 covert silence, 21 children, during Armenian genocide, 30–31 CPSU (Central Committee of the Communist Chirac, Jacques, 136, 138, 152, 153, 157, 160 Party of Soviet Union), 70 236 INDEX CRC (Central Revolutionary Committee), 149 denial strategies: historical decoupling, 97–98; crimes against humanity, 57 personnel decoupling, 97–98 criminal indictments, fear of, 212n7 Denoix de Saint Marc, Renaud, 160 criminal trials: in Constantinople, 95–97; Darfur Denying the Holocaust (Lipstadt), 23 conflict, 94; Eichmann trial, 94; as failed deportations, 30–31, 48 fig.2, 69, 90, 137 cultural tool, 94–97; Frankfurt Auschwitz Der Matossian, Bedross, 7, 217n10 trial, 59; International Criminal Tribunal Derrida, Jacques, 142 for the former Yugoslavia, 94; International deviance, 24 Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 94, 136, dialogism, 59 163–64, 167; My Lai trial, 94; post-WWII, diaries, 33–34. See also Christie, Carmelite; memoirs 107–8; truth commissions comparison to, diaspora: Armenian cultural associations in U.S., 214n6(ch3). See also Genocide Convention 79–82; Armenians living in, 66; Armenian of 1948; International Criminal Court terrorism and, 100; Le Génocide des cultural associations, Armenian, 214n3 Arméniens de l’Empire Ottoman (Mouradian)
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