OrchideenJournal Publisher: V.D.O.F. Vol. 6 · 3 Vereinigung Deutscher Orchideenfreunde e.V. 2018 Octomeria doucetteana Contents: Page 1 – 14 l Eight new species of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) ISSN-Internet 2195-772X 23.5.2018 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 3 Internet | Vol. 6 · 3 OrchideenJournal Eight new species of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) Described from the collection of Alfonso Doucette Eight new species of Pleurothallidinae Luke E. Matthews 3 (Orchidaceae) Summary: A new species of Lepanthes is described as Lepanthes alphonsiana; a Described from the collection of Alfonso Doucette Luke E. Matthews new species of Lepanthopsis is described as Lepanthopsis maculanthina; a new species of Masdevallia is described as Masdevallia alphonsiana; a new species of Octomeria is described as Octomeria doucetteana; two new species of Phloe- Abstract: Recent investigation con- the pedicel (Dressler 1981). The spe- species discovered in the extraordi- ophila are described as Phloeophila alphonsiana and Phloeophila doucetteana; ducted by Luke M. Matthews in the cies are distributed across the neo- nary collection of Alfonso Doucette. a new species of Pleurothallis is described as Pleurothallis doucetteana; a new orchid collection of Alfonso Douc- tropics in a wide range of habitats species of Stelis is described as Stelis uvaegelata. ette Madison, WI, USA, have re- from sea level to over 4,000 m in el- Lepanthes alphonsiana L.E. vealed eight species of Pleurothal- evation (Pridgeon 2005). In those Matthews, sp. nov. Key words: Neotropics, Lepanthes alphonsiana, Lepanthopsis maculanthina, lidinae that include a unique species habitats, they have evolved a variety Type: HORTICULTURE. Without collec- Masdevallia alphonsiana, Octomeria doucetteana, Phloeophila alphonsiana, belonging to the Lepanthes sect. of different adaptations to help them tion data, purchased from a Panama- Phloeophila doucetteana, Pleurothallis doucetteana, and Stelis uvaegelata Lepanthes with bifalcate petals, cope with water loss and attracting a nian vendor at the 2015 Pacific Orchid a tiny flowered species belonging pollinator and various other pressures Expo, flowered in cultivation 15 Dec to Lepanthopsis sect. Lepanthop- in order to survive. This has resulted in 2017, Doucette 249 (holotype: WIS). sis, a showy new species belong- a wide range of vegetative and floral Published by: ing to Masdevallia subsect. Cauda- forms that make the group fascinat- Diagnosis: Lepanthes alphonsiana is VDOF e.V. tae distinguished by the spotted ing to study. Here, I describe eight new most similar to L. bifalcis but can be Mittelcarthausen 2 sepals and pandurate lip, a minia- 58553 Halver ture species belonging to Octomeria Germany sect. Octomeria, two new species of email: [email protected] Phloeophila, a new species belong- ing to Pleurothallis subg. Restrepi- Editor in chief: Roland Schettler oidia that was long confused with P. talpinarioides, and Stelis belong- ing to the “Crocodeilanthe” group. A review of the relevant botanical lit- erature on Pleurothallidinae has not Date of Publication: found any match for these unusu- May 25th, 2018, 22:00 Uhr CEST al species. We take this opportunity to name Lepanthes alphonsiana L.E. Matthews, Lepanthopsis maculan- thina L.E. Matthews, Masdevallia alphonsiana L.E. Matthews, Octo- meria doucetteana L.E. Matthews, Phloeophila alphonsiana L.E. Mat- thews, Phloeophila doucetteana L.E. Matthews, Pleurothallis douc- etteana L.E. Matthews, and Stelis uvaegelata L.E. Matthews, as spe- cies new to science. Introduction: The Pleurothallidinae is a unique subtribe of orchids distin- guished from others in the orchid fam- ily by the joint between the ovary and Lepanthes alphonsiana. A. Habit, drawn to 5 cm scale. B. Flower. C. Dorsal sepal. D. Lateral sepal. E. Petal. F. Upper surface of lip. G. Flower in profile with sepals and petals removed. B–G drawn to 1 mm scale. Drawn from the holotype, illustration by Alfonso Doucette. 2 3 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 3 Internet | Vol. 6 · 3 OrchideenJournal Lepanthes alphonsiana. A. Detail of Lepanthopsis maculanthina. A. Habit, the holotype flower. B. Inflorescence drawn to 5 cm scale. B. Flower. on the “clonotype.” C. Dorsal sepal. D. Lateral sepal. Image courtesy of Alfonso Doucette. E. Petal. F. Upper surface of lip. multaneously few flowered raceme; G. Flower in profile with sepals and peduncle terete, 9.1–12.9 mm long, 0.1 petals removed. B–G drawn to 1 mm mm in diam.; bracts, tubular, membra- scale. Drawn from the holotype, nous, 0.7–1.0 mm long, 0.1 mm wide; illustration by Alfonso Doucette. pedicel, terete, 0.6–0.9 mm long, 0.1 mm in diam.; ovary, terete, six-sulcate, Forero, flowered in cultivation at 0.4 mm long, 0.1 mm in diam. The flow- the University of Wisconsin-Madison, er resupinate; dorsal sepal, narrow- 16 Jul 2014, Doucette 224 (holotype: ly ovate-triangular, subacute, translu- WIS). cent purple, 2.0–2.2 mm long, 0.9–1.2 distinguished by the lateral sepals Discussion: The new species with mm wide; lateral sepals narrowly ellip- Diagnosis: Masdevallia alphonsiana not fused past the middle (vs. connate highly distinctive petals are only sim- tical, acute, fused at the base before is most similar to M. cloesii but can be for their length) and the trilobed (vs. ilar to Lepanthes bifalcis of Ecuador. the middle, translucent purple, 1.9 distinguished by the spotted sepals bilobed) lip tightly surrounding (vs. The species is readily distinguished by mm long, 0.7 mm wide; petals ellipti- lacking an eyespot, pandurate lip, and hanging below) the column. the lateral sepals not fused past the cal-subfalcate, acute, translucent pur- the more acute retrorse tooth at the Herbs presumably epiphytic, caespi- middle (vs. connate for their length) ple, 0.7–0.9 mm long, 0.5 mm wide; base of the petal. tose, 41.9–63.5 mm tall. The shoots and the trilobed (vs. bilobed) lip tight- lip, trilobed, lateral lobes wrapped with a terete stem, 21.6–35.6 mm ly surrounding (vs. hanging below) the around the column, central lobe ovate, Herbs epiphytic, caespitose, 56.2– long, 7.6–11.4 mm in diam.; sheaths, column. The species can be immedi- subacute, dark purple, 0.9–1.3 mm 108.7 mm tall. The shoots with a terete 7–10 in number, papery, lepanthiform, ately distinguished from all Lepanthes long, 0.5–0.7 mm wide; column terete, stem, 16.0–24.5 mm long, 2.0 mm in 3.8–5.1 mm long, 0.5–2.5 mm wide; species reported from Panama (Bog- stout, transversely bilobed, the lobes diam.; sheaths, three, papery, com- leaf, narrowly ovate, acute, petiolate, arin et al. 2014) by the distinctive of the stigma extending around the an- pressed, 7.0–14.0 mm long, 2.0–4.0 20.3–27.9 mm long, 7.6–11.4 mm wide. transversely bilobed petals with fal- ther cap, cream, 0.2 mm long, 0.5 mm mm wide; leaf, sapthulate, petiolate, The inflorescence an ascending, suc- cate lobes. wide. erect, obtuse, 62.6–121.8 mm long, cessively flowered raceme; peduncle 16.0–22.0 mm wide. The inflorescence terete, 17.8–22.9 mm long, 0.5 mm in Lepanthopsis maculanthina L.E. Etymology: The new name is a port- an acending, solitary flowered; pe- diam.; bracts, tubular, membranous, Matthews, sp. nov. manteau formed by combining two duncle terete, 77.1 mm long, 1.7 mm 1.0–2.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide; pedi- Latin words: macula, meaning speck, in diam.; bracts, tubular to inflated cel, terete, 3.5 mm long, 0.5 mm in di- Type: HAITI. Sud: Pic Macaya National and ianthina, meaning violet. The in- and compressed, membranous, 12.5 am.; ovary, terete, six-sulcate, 1.6 mm Park, secondary forest on karst, 1000 terstitial -ai- was removed for eupho- mm long, 1.7–2.6 mm wide; pedicel, long, 0.4 mm in diam. The flower resu- m, flowered in cultivation at the Uni- ny. The name refers to the flower’s di- terete, 15.5 mm long, 2.3 mm in diam.; pinate; dorsal sepal, ovate-triangular, versity of Wisconsin-Madison, 12 Mar minutive size and purple coloration. ovary, terete, six-sulcate, 7 mm long, apiculate, translucent yellow suffused 2017, Doucette 347 (holotype: WIS!; 2.2 mm in diam. The flower with broad- with brownish-purple, 2.9 mm long, isotype: USD). Discussion: The new species was ly spreading sepals; dorsal sepal, el- 2.0 mm wide; lateral sepals oblique, originally identified as Lepanthopsis liptical-obovate, fused at the base to diverging, fused at the base, apicu- Diagnosis: Lepanthopsis maculanthi- the lateral sepals, white spotted with Scanned images comparing flowers of late, translucent yellow suffused with na is most similar to L. dodii but can purple, translucent at the base, 21.9 Lepanthopsis aristata (A) and L. macu- brownish-purple, 2.3–2.6 mm long, be distinguished by the few flowered aristata, with which it grows sympat- low), elliptical-subfalcate petals (vs. mm long, 9.9 mm wide, contracted in- lanthina (B) shown with a 1 mm scale. 1.7–1.8 mm wide; petals transverse- inflorescences (up to 6 flowers vs. up rically. The new species can be distin- elliptical-ovate), and the narrower lip to a filiform tail, 46.9 mm long, 1.3 mm Image courtesy of Alfonso Doucette. ly bilobed, forked, the lobes equal, to 16 flowers) whose flowers open si- guished by the shorter sepals (1.9–2.2 (0.5–0.7 mm vs. 1.0 mm). in diam.; lateral sepals oblong, white falcate, narrowly obtuse, orange suf- multaneously (vs. successively) with mm vs. 3.0–5.0 mm) elliptical-subfal- spotted with purple, suffused with Masdevallia alphonsiana L.E. Mat- fused with rose, 0.8 mm long, 3.6 mm purple sepals (vs.
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