NNATIONALATIONAL WEDNESDAY August 26, 2020 3 Djoko Tjandra admits to bribing two police generals Kickbacks enabled ex-fugitive to travel within the country The Jakarta Post national relations unit for his alleged involvement in remov- Jakarta ing Djoko’s red notice status, Graft convict and former fugitive allowing the graft convict to free- Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra claims ly enter the country despite be- he was able to return to Indone- ing on the most-wanted list since sia and travel within the country 2009. without detection by bribing two Brig. Gen. Nugroho Wibowo high-ranking police offi cials. was also removed from his posi- The National Police revealed tion as the National Central Bu- on Monday that Djoko had admit- reau (NCB) - Interpol Indonesia ted to paying off Brig. Gen. Pra- secretary in relation to Djoko’s setyo Utomo and Insp. Gen. Na- red notice status. However, he has poleon Bonaparte. not been named a suspect in the “[Djoko] admitted to giving a case. JP/Dhoni Setiawan certain amount of money to the Meanwhile, Prasetyo, who Guilty: Former commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Wahyu Setiawan (on screen), listens as the judges read out the offi cials,” National Police spokes- served as head of the Civil Ser- verdict against him during a virtual hearing at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) building in Jakarta, on Monday. Wahyu was man Brig. Gen. Awi Setiyono Awi vant Investigator Supervisory sentenced to six years’ imprisonment and ordered to pay a fi ne of Rp 150 million (US$10,240) for accepting a bribe. said as quoted by tempo.co. and Coordination Bureau, stands He declined to provide further accused of issuing a letter that al- details as the investigation is on- lowed Djoko to travel within the Ex-KPU commissioner gets six years for bribery going. country. “[We] examined when, where After being at large for 11 years, Ghina Ghaliya In its verdict, the court did not er since 2017 – would also reveal Harun Masiku secure a seat to re- and to whom this money was giv- Djoko — a graft convict of the strip Wahyu of his political rights, information on other election-re- place a deceased politician in the en. We cannot reveal everything high-profi le Bank Bali corrup- The Jakarta Post/Jakarta but the bench denied his request lated bribery cases, including in House of Representatives. we’ve discovered so far, especial- tion case in 1998 — was arrested The Jakarta Corruption Court to be a justice collaborator in the the selection process of regional Apart from Harun’s case, Wa- ly regarding the amount, because in Malaysia on July 30. He fl ed the has handed down a six-year pris- case. KPU members and alleged fraud hyu was also indicted for allegedly the [investigation] is still under- country after being sentenced to on sentence for former Gener- Wahyu’s lawyer, Saiful Anam, in the 2019 legislative and presi- accepting bribes from West Papua way.” two year in imprison in 2009 and al Elections Commission (KPU) said earlier that his client fi led dential elections. Governor Dominggus Mandacan Earlier this month, the Nation- ordered to return Rp 546 billion commissioner Wahyu Setiawan the request during a hearing with Also on Monday, the court in connection with the selection al Police named both Prasetyo (US$54 million) to the state. after fi nding him guilty of accept- the Jakarta Corruption Court on handed down a four-year prison of provincial general elections and Napoleon suspects for alleg- Djoko’s lawyer Anita Kolopak- ing bribes in connection with an July 9, suggesting that he would sentence for former Elections commission members last year. edly accepting bribes in return for ing and prosecutor Pinangki Sir- election dispute. assist the investigation by pro- Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Saeful, a former staff member assisting Djoko. na Malasari have also been named “Wahyu Setiawan has been viding information on other par- member Agustiani Tio Fridelina of Hasto, was sentenced by the Napoleon was previously re- suspects for allegedly helping proven guilty of committing cor- ties suspected of being involved and ordered him to pay the same court in May to one year and eight moved from his post as the Na- Djoko while he was on the run. ruption as suspected,” presiding in the bribery case, such as In- fi ne as Wahyu. months in prison and ordered to tional Police’s head of inter- (syk) judge Susanti Arsi Wibawani said donesian Democratic Party of The two convicts were charged pay a Rp 150 million fi ne for his while reading out the verdict on Struggle (PDI-P) secretary-gen- under Article 12 of the 2001 Cor- involvement in the case. Monday. eral Hasto Kristiyanto and PDI- ruption Law, which prohibits Meanwhile, Harun is believed The jail term was lighter than P chairwoman Megawati Soek- state offi cials and civil servants to have fl ed the country short- the eight-year imprisonment de- arnoputri. from accepting gifts. ly after he was named a suspect Getting it right manded by Corruption Eradica- In his previous testimony, Has- Both Wahyu and Agustiani and remains at large. The KPK tion Commission (KPK) prosecu- to claimed he had not been aware were found guilty of accepting recently fi led a request with the tors. The judges also ordered the of any bribes involving Harun. around $47,350 in bribes from Law and Human Rights Ministry former commissioner to pay a fi ne The lawyer said Wahyu – who PDI-P politician Saeful Bahri in to extend an overseas travel ban of Rp 150 million (US$10,240). had served as KPU commission- exchange for helping PDI-P cadre on the suspect. Regions see spike in divorce rates amid pandemic Six provinces The Jakarta Post reported by kompas.com. He revealed that many of the declare alert status Jakarta couples had decided to end their A number of regions in Indonesia relationships because of econom- have seen a signifi cant increase ic pressures. for forest, land fi res in divorce rates during the CO- Lhokseumawe in Aceh and VID-19 pandemic, with fi nancial Semarang in Central Java have Alya Nurbaiti to neighboring countries – par- issues cited as among the main also reported a similar increase in ticularly Singapore and Malaysia factors of the breakups. divorce rates. The Jakarta Post/Jakarta – have been an annual phenom- The Soreang Religious Court Tribunnews.com reported that Six provinces have declared siaga enon in the country, the govern- in Bandung regency, West Java, the Lhokseumawe authorities had (alert) status for forest and land ment has been taking steps to for example, received more than received 315 divorce suits by the fi res, National Disaster Mitiga- prevent – or at least to mitigate 1,000 divorce requests in June end of July, up from 258 last year. tion Agency (BNPB) spokesman the impact of forest fi res. alone, higher than the average The Semarang Religious Court, Raditya Jati said on Monday. President Joko “Jokowi” 700 to 800 requests previously meanwhile, has recorded 1,586 suits. “The BNPB has asked adminis- Widodo’s signed last year a fi ve- received in a month. The court’s deputy chief, Mu- trations at the provincial, regen- page order for a permanent mor- A staff member at the court, hamad Camuda, said fi nancial cy and city level to increase their atorium on the issuance of new Ahmad Sadikin, said the majority issues were mostly cited as the preparedness for forest fi res, such permits for businesses in primary of the plaintiff s were wives who cause of the divorces. as by imposing emergency alert forests and peatlands covering a claimed they did not get fi nancial The ongoing COVID-19 pan- statuses,” Raditya said in a press total of some 66 million ha. support from their husbands. demic has sent Indonesia into its statement. The government is seeking this Antara/Aditya Pradana Putra He further said that the num- worst economic slump since 1999, The length of the emergency pe- year to double down on peatland fire General Elections Commission (KPU) commissioner Evi Novida ber of divorce suits had drastical- which has aff ected various busi- riod varied among the affected prov- prevention and law enforcement Ginting Manik (right) guides an offi cial during a digital simulation ly soared recently, overwhelming ness sectors and individual lives. inces, which were located in Suma- following the massive fires that rav- for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections at the commission’s offi cials at the court. Data from the Manpower Min- tra and Kalimantan, he added. aged much of Indonesia’s forests last offi ce in Jakarta, on Tuesday. “[The court] even had to close istry shows that as of May 27, The six year. for two weeks in May [because of more than 1.79 million people provinces are The govern- the case pileup],” Ahmad said on have lost their jobs after nones- Riau, where The BNPB has asked ment is focusing Monday as quoted by kompas.com. sential businesses shut down to forest and administrations at the on prevention South Tangerang in Banten, comply with government restric- land fi res are eff orts in Riau, meanwhile, has received near- tions. predicted to provincial, regency and South Sumatra ly 2,000 divorce petitions as of National Development Plan- last from Feb. city level to increase and Jambi, as Monday. On average, the city sees ning Minister Suharso Monoarfa 11 to Oct. 31, their preparedness for well as West Ka- between 2,500 and 3,000 divorce said last month that the govern- South Suma- limantan, Cen- cases annually.
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