3234 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 30, No. 23 / December 1, 2005 3+ Yb -doped YVO4 crystal for efficient Kerr-lens mode locking in solid-state lasers A. A. Lagatsky, A. R. Sarmani, C. T. A. Brown, and W. Sibbett J. F. Allen Physics Research Laboratories, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, KY16 9SS, Scotland, UK V. E. Kisel, A. G. Selivanov, I. A. Denisov, A. E. Troshin, K. V. Yumashev, and N. V. Kuleshov Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies, BNTU, 65 F. Scoriny Avenue, Building 17, Minsk, 220013 Belarus V. N. Matrosov, T. A. Matrosova, and M. I. Kupchenko У Solix, Ltd., 77 Partizanski Avenue, Minsk, Belarus Received June 22, 2005; accepted August 12, 2005 Т We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of soft-aperture Kerr-lens mode locking in a diode- 3+ pumped femtosecond Yb :YVO4 laser. Near-transform-limited pulses as short as 61 fs are generated around a center wavelength of 1050 nm with an output power of 54 mW and a pulse repetition frequency of 104.5 MHz. This is, to our knowledge, the shortest pulse generated directly from an Yb laser havingН a crys- talline host material. The femtosecond operation has a mode-locking threshold at an absorbed pump power 3+ of 190 mW. The nonlinear refractive indexes of the Yb :YVO4 crystal have been measured to be 19 ϫ10−16 cm2 /W and 15ϫ10−16 cm2 /W for the and polarizations, respectively, at 1080 nm. © 2005 Op- tical Society of America Б OCIS codes: 140.3480, 140.3580, 140.4050, 140.7090, 140.5680. ͑ ͒ Yttrium orthovanadate YVO4 is an attractive laser for the generation of ultrashort pulses from lasers material for the development of efficient, compact, that are efficient,й compact, and have reduced cavity and high-power, diode-pumped, solid-state lasers component counts.12 Reducing the intracavity losses when trivalent rare-earth ions (Nd, Er, Tm, and Ho)1 by excluding a SESAM (nonsaturable losses) can lead are used as dopants. Such laser materials are char- to a substantialи enhancement in the optical efficiency acterized by relatively good thermomechanical prop- of such a femtosecond laser. In addition, the shortest erties in combination with large absorption and pulse generated directly from a laser was produced stimulated emission cross sections for the optical usingр the KLM technique.13 One of the critical pa- transitions in the rare-earth ions. Recently, efficient rameters for reliable Kerr-lens mode locking is a high continuous-wave (cw) laser operation has been value of the nonlinear refractive index n2 of a laser demonstrated in a new Yb-doped crystal:оmedium. Although, Major et al. have shown that a 3+ ͑ ͒ Yb :YVO4 Yb:YVO4 when pumped with either a number of Yb-doped crystals are characterized by 2 3 Ti:sapphire laser or a diode laser. From theт point of relatively high n2 and are promising for KLM view of the development of new Yb-doped crystals for operation,14,15 only the Yb:KYW laser has been mode reliable and efficient femtosecond lasers, materials locked successfully by using the optical Kerr effect are preferred that possess high cross sectionsи (in par- under the conditions of direct diode pumping.16,17 4 ticular, the emission cross section) together with In this Letter we describe the parameters of a new 5–7 broad gain spectra and good physical and mechani- Yb-doped YVO crystal, which was selected for pos- 8 з 4 cal properties. In this context, given the strong and sible exploitation in KLM solid-state lasers. Impres- broad absorption peak (FWHM of ϳ8 nm) at around sively, our KLM Yb:YVO4 laser produced pulses as 985 nm, which is compatibleо with optical pumping by short as 61 fs at a center wavelength of 1050 nm with well-developed InGaAs laser diodes, the extremely an average output power of 54 mW for an absorbed low quantum defect ͑ϳ3.5%͒, and a relatively broad pump power of just 400 mW. The nonlinear refractive and smooth5 (glasslike) emission spectrum, the п indices were measured for the Yb:YVO4 crystal by Yb:YVO4 crystal is a good candidate gain medium for using the z-scan technique and were found to be 19 incorporation into diode-pumped femtosecond lasers ϫ10−16 cm2 /W and 15ϫ10−16 cm2 /W for and po- for the 1- mе spectral region. Indeed, 120-fs pulses larizations, respectively, at 1080 nm. with an average power of 300 mW were generated A schematic of the laser cavity and pumping geom- from a diode-pumped Yb:YVO4 laser that was pas- etry is shown in Fig. 1. For these experimental as- sively mode locked by using a semiconductor satu- sessments, a 2 mm long, 3 at. % Yb3+-doped YVO Р 9 4 rable absorber mirror (SESAM). Brewster-angled crystal was used and was oriented In fact, most of the work in the field of ultrashort in the cavity for polarization parallel to the crystallo- Yb lasers has concentrated on the employment of graphic axis c ( polarization). The pump source was SESAMs10 for passive mode locking. Kerr-lens mode 11 a 0.5 W, single-mode, fiber-coupled (mode field diam- locking (KLM) is another well-developed technique eter of 6.6 m), polarization-maintaining InGaAs di- 0146-9592/05/233234-3/$15.00 © 2005 Optical Society of America December 1, 2005 / Vol. 30, No. 23 / OPTICS LETTERS 3235 54 mW (400 mW absorbed pump power) and a pulse repetition frequency of 104.5 MHz. The correspond- ing spectral width was 21 nm at around of 1050 nm, as shown in Fig. 2(b) (solid curve), which implies a time–bandwidth product of 0.35. As can be seen, the spectrum of the mode-locked output extended over most of the 1015–1075 nm spectral range obtained during the cw operation of the Yb:YVO4 laser [Fig. 2(b), dashed curve]. A self-starting KLM operation Fig. 1. Schematic of the KLM Yb:YVO4 laser. LD, single- was sometimes observed, but generally mode locking mode fiber-coupled InGaAs laser diode; AL, 15 mm aspheri- was initiated by a small mechanical perturbation or cal lens; HW, half-wave plate; M1, M2, high-reflector by fine translation of the mirror M2. The pulses were curved mirrors (r =100 mm, r =75 mm); OC, output cou- 1 2 stable over an experimental period of more than 1 h. pler (T=1% and 3%). The pump threshold for Kerr-lens mode locking wasУ measured to be as low as 190 mW of absorbed pump power where the laser generated 130 fs pulses with an average output power of 8 mW. The M2Тfactors of the output beam were measured to be 1.2 and 1.4 in the sagittal and tangential directions, respectively. The deviation from the diffraction-limited value can be attributed to the nonideal overlappingН of the pump and laser modes in the laser crystal during KLM op- eration. Based on these results for this ultralow threshold, stable, and efficient Kerr-lensБ mode locking in a Fig. 2. Intensity autocorrelation (a) (dotted curve is fitted 2 Yb:YVO4 laser, we could predict that a Yb-doped assuming an ideal sech pulse shape) and spectrum (b) of YVO4 crystal should possess a relatively high nonlin- the KLM Yb:YVO4 laser pulses. The dashed curve on the graph on the right-hand side represents the tunability of ear refractive index n2. To confirm this, measure- ments of n by using the standard z-scan technique18 the Yb:YVO4 laser in cw operation. 2 й were performed. Moreover, an accurate knowledge of ode laser (JDS Uniphase) emitting at 980.5 nm. As- n is necessary for optimization of the KLM operation ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ 2 pherical f=15 mm and spherical f=63 mm lenses and for theи evaluation of Kerr lensing in high-power were used to collect and focus the pump beam into solid-state laser and amplifier configurations. A the gain medium, and the pump beam spot radius 0.96 mm long, 2 at. % doped Yb:YVO crystal was 2 4 was measured to be 17 m(1/e intensity). The mir- usedр for z-scan measurements. A passively mode- rors M1 and M2 have radii of curvature of 100 and 3+ locked Nd :YAlO3 laser operating at a 1 Hz repeti- 75 mm, respectively, and were designed for high ͑Ϸ ͒ tion rate and generating 100 ps pulses at 1.08 m transmission at approximately 980 nm 98% andоwith a peak power of 4.7 MW was employed as a high reflection at wavelengths in the 1025–1100 nm pump source. The M2 factor of the laser output beam range. Plane-wedged output couplers (OC)т with was determined to be Ͻ1.1. The laser radiation was transmissions of 1% and 3% at approximately focused to an ϳ32 m(1/e2 level) radius spot that 1050 nm were selected for the observations reported corresponded to a 3 mm long confocal parameter. At here. With this cavity, the laser mode radius inside и these conditions the “thin” medium analysis for the the gain medium was calculated to be 18 m 18 z-scan data was applied. An aperture of 0.5 mm in ϫ36 m. diameter was placed at a distance of 40 cm from the Initially, the cw performance ofз the diode-pumped beam waist, so that the far-field, on-axis, z-scan Yb:YVO laser was characterized. During the cw op- 4 transmittance could be measured. Systematic noise, eration, an incident pump power on the crystal of predominantly due to scatter, was reduced by sub- 490 mW gave a maximumо output power of 164 mW at 1033 nm (slope efficiency of 69%), and 146 mW at 1047 nm when 3%п and 1% output mirrors, respec- tively, were employed.
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