The Southwest Kansas Register BISHOP JOHN B. BRUNGARDT February 13, 2011 Page 25 SW Kansans make their voices heard at Topeka rally John Hough/SKR Photos Above: Father Wesley Schawe, far right, stands on the steps of the capitol build- ing with the youth and adults from the Diocese of Dodge City at the pro-life March for Peace rally Jan. 24 in Topeka. Top, right: Bishop-elect John B. Brun- gardt stands with youth from the Diocese of Dodge City. At right: Bishop-elect Brungardt celebrates Mass with Abbot Gregory Polan, O.S.B., at the Topeka Expo Center. Chris Riggs/ Advance Photo Page 26 February 13, 2011 BISHOP JOHN B. BRUNGARDT The Southwest Kansas Register The Coat of Arms of the Most Rev. John Brungardt (Continued from Page 22) the sun in heraldic shape, with a round On either side of the vertical the pro-life movement, as we are called to The vertical bar dividing this section disc surrounded by 16 rays, alternating respect the dignity of the human person, refers to the 100th meridian which runs wavy and straight, on a blue field. This bar are two Indian arrow- from conception to natural death, as we through Dodge City. The bar is again “Sun in Splendor” or “In His Glory” is a heads. They represent the are all made in God’s divine image and divided to indicate that the division of Messianic symbol of our Lord. The sun likeness. The rose rests on an argent (sil- Central and Mountain Time zones which symbolizes the light of God, who lights Native American heritage of ver) field, symbolic of transparency, then also runs through the diocese. us each individually and lights all of hu- the Diocese of Dodge City purity, as that of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the honor point of this section a manity; the light of justice; and the light and the Diocese of Wichita For his motto, Bishop Brungardt has golden circle becomes a repository for the of faith. “But for you who fear my name, selected the phrase, “Filled With Com- symbol of the Sacred Heart, commemo- there will arise the Sun of justice with from which the Diocese was passion,” from the Parable of the Prodigal rating the first Cathedral of the diocese. its healing rays” (Malachi 3:20). This formed in 1951. Son (Luke 15:11-32). Verse 20 states: This medallion is composed of gold, sig- passage also prefigures Jesus Christ, “the “...While he was still a long way off, his nifying the divinity of Christ, and of red, light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke The embattlements in the father caught sight of him, and was filled the color of His humanity. On either side 2:32). The symbol of the Sun is also im- upper section are the heraldic with compassion. He ran to his son, em- of the vertical bar are two Indian arrow- portant to Kansas, “The Sunflower State,” braced him and kissed him.” Compassion heads. They represent the Native Ameri- and to southwest Kansas agriculture in equivalent of fortifications comes from the Latin “com” meaning can heritage of the Diocese of Dodge City the growing and ripening of wheat for the which marked Dodge City “with,” and “passio” meaning “to suffer,” and the Diocese of Wichita from which production of bread, itself the matter of as a frontier town. The hawk thus compassion means “to suffer with,” the Diocese was formed in 1951. the Eucharist. The sun rests on an azure especially to suffer with the least of our The embattlements in the upper section (blue) field, symbolic of the separation surmounting the embattle- brothers and sisters. In using this phrase, are the heraldic equivalent of fortifica- of worldly values from spiritual virtues, ments represents the Black Bishop Brungardt prays that the Lord tions which marked Dodge City as a as our souls yearn to rise to the Lord and will continue to bless him with the virtue frontier town. The hawk surmounting the leave the things of earth. Hawk Indian War in which of compassion as he ministers with the embattlements represents the Black Hawk The lower part of the shield contains a Colonel Henry Dodge took people of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge Indian War in which Colonel Henry single rose in heraldic shape, significant City. Our compassionate Jesus loves us Dodge took part. to Bishop Brungardt’s devotion to the part. more than we can ask or imagine! Blessed Virgin Mary. The rose is a sym- The coat of arms is completed with a Significance – Bishop bol widely used for Our Blessed Mother which were given to St. Juan Diego on gold processional cross, with the pon- Mary, the “Mystical Rose,” in the Litany Tepeyac as proof of the apparition of Our John Balthasar Brungardt tifical hat, called a gallero, with its six of the Blessed Virgin. Rendered with five Lady of Guadalupe. This is also signifi- tassels in three rows, on either side of the The personal side of the coat of arms is petals, this celebrated symbol signifies cant since the patroness of the Catholic shield, all in green. These are the heraldic divided in two equal sections by a hori- Mary’s five joys, the joyful mysteries Diocese of Dodge City is Our Lady of insignia of a prelate of the rank of bishop zontal line. of the rosary, and the five major Marian Guadalupe, and the Cathedral is named by instruction of the Holy See, dated the The superior half of the shield depicts feasts. It is symbolic of the Castilian roses in her honor. The rose is also symbolic of 31st of March 1969. %LVKRS*LOPRUH %LVKRS%UXQJDUGW *RGEOHVV\RXZLWK +RPHLVZKHUH JRRGKHDOWKDQG \RXU)DLWKLV DKDSS\UHWLUHPHQW :HOFRPHWR 6RXWKZHVW.DQVDV Brian Delzeit Brian Delzeit Hancocks of Dodge City Hancocks of Dodge City 2300 First Avenue • Dodge City, Kansas 67801 2300 First Avenue • Dodge City, Kansas 67801 (620) 227-2129 BUS • (620) 408-8816 (CELL) (620) 227-2129 BUS • (620) 408-8816 (CELL) Residential • Commercial • Land Residential • Commercial • Land The Southwest Kansas Register BISHOP JOHN B. BRUNGARDT February 13, 2011 Page 27 El Escudo de Armas del Reverendísimo John Brungardt oro, significando la divinidad de Cristo, la figura de Jesucristo, la “luz que se tar la dignidad de todo ser humano, desde y de rojo, el color de Su humanidad. En revelará a las naciones” (Lucas 2:32). El la concepción hasta la muerte natural, cada lado de la barra vertical están dos símbolo del Sol es también importante igualmente que todos somos creados al puntas de flechas nativas americanas. para Kansas, “El Estado del Girasol,” y a imagen y a la semejanza divina de Dios. Estas representan la herencia nativa la agricultura del Suroeste de Kansas en La rosa se posa sobre un campo de plata, americana de la Diócesis de Dodge City el cultivar y el cosechar el trigo para la simbólico de transparencia, luego pureza, and la Diócesis de Wichita de las cuales producción de pan, el pan mismo la ma- como la de la Santísima Virgen María. la Diócesis fue formada en 1951. teria de la Eucaristía. El sol se posa sobre Para su lema, el Obispo Brungardt ha Las aspilleras en la sección superior son lo un campo de azur (azul), símbolico de la seleccionado la frase, “Lleno de Com- equivalente de las fortificaciones que marca- separación de los valores mundanos de pasión,” de la Parábola del Hijo Pródigo ron a Dodge City como un pueblo fronterizo. las virtudes espirituales, mientras nuestras (Lucas 15:11-32). El versículo 20 dice: El halcón sobre las aspilleras representa almas anhelan ascender al Señor y dejar “…Estaba aún lejos, cuando su padre lo la Guerra Black Hawk Indian en la cual el las cosas de la tierra. vio y sintió compasión; corrió a echarse Coronel Henry Dodge tomó parte. La parte inferior del escudo contiene de su cuello y lo besó.” Compasión se de- Significado una rosa singular en forma heráldica, riva del latín “com” que significa “con,” y significante de la devoción del Obispo “passio” que significa “sufrir,” así es que Obispo Juan Brungardt Brungardt a la Santísima Virgen María. compasión significa “sufrir con,” espe- El lado personal del escudo de armas La rosa es un símbolo muy usado para cialmente sufrir con los más pequeños de está dividido en dos secciones iguales por Nuestra Santísima Madre María, la “Rosa nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Al usar una línea horizontal. (Continuado de la página 22) Mística,” de la Letanía de la Santísima esta frase, el Obispo Brungardt pide que La mitad superior del escudo representa del siglo XVI, que servía en el territorio que Virgen. Interpretada con cinco pétalos, el Señor continúe bendiciéndolo con la el sol en forma heráldica, con un disco ahora es la Diócesis de Dodge City. este símbolo celebrado significa los virtud de compasión mientras sirve a la rodeado de dieciseis rayos, alternando La barra vertical que divide esta sec- cinco gozos de María, los cinco misterios gente de la Diócesis Católica de Dodge ondulado y derecho, en un campo de azul. ción se refiere al meridiano centenario gozosos del rosario, y las cinco mayores City. ¡Nuestro Jesús compasivo nos ama Este “Sol de Esplendor” o “En Su Gloria” que cruza por Dodge City. La barra está fiestas marianas. Es simbólica de las rosas más de lo que le pedimos o imaginamos! es un símbolo mesiánico de nuestro Se- otra vez dividida para indicar la división castellanas que fueron dadas a San Juan El escudo de armas es completado con ñor. El sol simboliza la luz de Dios, que de las zonas de tiempo central y montaña Diego en Tepeyac como prueba de las una cruz procesional dorada, con el som - ilumina a cada uno de nosotros individu- que también cruza por la diócesis.
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