TOURO COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY SYSTEM PRESIDENT’S REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Message from the President 3 Message from the Chairman of the Board 4 Message from the Chancellor 5 In Memoriam—Founder and First President, Dr. Bernard Lander 6 Mission Statement 7 What Makes Touro Unique 8 Notable Highlights UNDERGRADUATE DIVISIONS 10 Lander College of Arts and Sciences 14 Lander College for Women–The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School 16 Lander College for Men 18 New York School of Career and Applied Studies 20 School for Lifelong Education 22 Machon L’Parnasa–Institute for Professional Studies 24 Touro College Los Angeles 26 Touro College in Israel 28 Touro College in Europe–Berlin and Moscow DIVISION OF GRADUATE STUDIES 30 Graduate School of Business 32 Graduate School of Education 34 Graduate School of Jewish Studies 36 Graduate Program in Psychology 38 Graduate School of Social Work 40 Graduate School of Technology 42 School of Health Sciences PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS 44 Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center 46 New York Medical College 48 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine 50 Touro College of Pharmacy 52 Touro University California 54 Touro University Nevada E-LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 56 Touro University Worldwide AFFILIATE SCHOOLS 58 Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim–Institute for Advanced Talmudic Studies 60 Board of Trustees and Board of Governors 61 Institutional Advancement 62 Timeline of Achievements 64 Touro College Press 1 MESSAGE MESSAGE FROM FROM THE THE CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Touro’s 18,000 students at 16 undergraduate, mately 6,000 students annually in the health In both my personal and professional experi- complishments of our students, of whom we 12 graduate and seven professional schools sciences, Touro is fast becoming one of the ence, I have found four traits that consistent- are so proud. Education is clearly the key to are educated to believe that return on invest- largest health care educational systems in the ly accompany success: patience, persistence, their current and future success in all areas. ment means both economic prosperity and U.S. Over the last year, we opened a second perseverance and a positive attitude. These Since its founding by Rabbi Dr. Bernard social justice. campus for our college of osteopathic medi- four traits also characterize the prosper- Lander over forty-four years ago, Touro has cine as well as programs to train allied health ity and growth here at the Touro College Across the University System, we contin- sought to achieve and maintain educational professionals. We offer integrated honors and University System. We have flourished ued to create programs and initiatives that excellence in its programs, while simultane- and medical honors pathway programs that as a school, thanks to the leadership abili- fulfill our dual mission to strengthen Jewish ously supporting the prosperity and suc- provide opportunities for high achieving ties of our President, Dr. Alan Kadish; our continuity and enrich the historic Jewish cess of its students and graduates. While students to combine undergraduate studies Chancellor, Rabbi Doniel Lander; our Board tradition of tolerance and dignity, and serve our mission is steadfast, Touro is constantly with professional education. of Trustees; Executive Vice Presidents; the humankind. Drawing on our heritage and the integrating the latest educational technolo- Senior Executive staff; Deans and outstand- Jewish intellectual tradition, Touro focuses We are redefining health science education gies into our programs. Because we monitor ing faculty who all possess an abundance simultaneously on individual development and preparing students for the new work- our programs and finances with the utmost of patience, persistence, perseverance and and the greater good. place. Health care professionals of the future accuracy, we have successfully attained positivity. I believe that our students not only will work collaboratively and so, we are initiat- financial stability. Our resourcefulness has Touro’s unique formula for success rests on benefit from these valued attributes, but they ing inter-professional education programs helped us achieve our dual goals of expand- This year, as I marked my 5th anniversary our ability to constantly assess student and can feel them infused into every interaction to ensure that students learn to deliver ing educational opportunities, and achieving as President of The Touro College and societal needs as well as emerging job op- they have on all of our many campuses. health care as part of a team. professional excellence. University System, I am proud to report that portunities in every field. Our schools provide I have had many opportunities to visit our we are investing in innovative educational diverse, innovative and engaging course of- Beyond academic study, Touro’s tradition As the Chairman of the Board, I am very campuses throughout the U.S. and the initiatives, training and empowering students ferings, preparing students for a multitude of of responsibility for the greater good is ad- proud of our stability and potential for world, and have had the immense pleasure with the skills needed to succeed in high careers, from allied health and pharmacy to vanced by merging community engagement growth, and I recognize that it is a testament of interacting with our highly motivated and demand careers and engaging communities, law; business to education; and technology with classroom study in many of the schools. to the talent and dedication of the people intelligent student body. Our multi-faceted all while ensuring Touro’s financial stability. to Jewish studies—all reflecting the Jewish Students are educating local community who work at Touro. My fervent prayer to G-d mission of perpetuating the Jewish heritage As cited in The Wall Street Journal, Touro commitment to values and respect for ap- members about vaccines, assisting the is that He continues to bestow His wisdom and serving the general community in keep- was ranked #2 in the nation among “the best plied knowledge and discovery. We are able homeless and poverty-stricken with legal, upon us, that we continue to seek the best ing with the historic Jewish commitment private colleges for Returns on Investment.”* and willing to innovate rapidly and are adept accounting and educational services and for our students and graduates, and that we to intellectual inquiry, the transmission of at finding the best educational techniques caring for those affected by natural disasters. continue to proceed with patience, persis- At Touro, Jewish and universal values are knowledge, social justice, and service to soci- and solutions to meet the needs we identify. tence, perseverance, and a positive attitude. aligned to educate thoughtful citizens dedi- We look forward to continuing to educate ety, is achieved through the outstanding ac- cated to building a responsive and respon- Nowhere is this more evident than in our and develop the next generation of profes- sible society. Our graduates gain the knowl- medical and health sciences programs. Some sional, corporate, academic and community edge needed to succeed in their chosen of the best job opportunities currently exist leaders. careers and develop a commitment to the in the health care field and Touro students communities in which they live and work. are primed for success. Educating approxi- *Payscale College ROI Report, 2014 Dr. Alan Kadish Dr. Mark Hasten President Chairman, Board of Trustees 2 3 MESSAGE IN MEMORIAM FROM THE FOUNDER AND FIRST PRESIDENT CHANCELLOR DR. BERNARD LaNDER Touro College is the legacy of its founder, graduate schools are producing a new cadre Dr. Bernard Lander was a brilliant, inspira- of life to achieve academic advancement my beloved and esteemed father, Rabbi Dr. of skilled professionals. Our graduates are tional leader and visionary who revolution- and career success. ized the field of education. As an educator Bernard Lander, who imbued this institution in heavy demand in many sectors of the During the administration of former New and preeminent scholar, he devoted his life with a dual mandate, to strengthen Jewish workforce, including the health sciences, York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, Dr. to Jewish and general higher education. Dr. continuity and to serve the global commu- education and technology. Our acclaimed Lander was named associate director of the Lander founded Touro College in 1970 and nity. To that end he established a network of Judaic Studies programs are molding the Committee on Unity, a precursor to the city’s served as its first president until his passing schools that respond to the unique needs next generation of communal leaders who Commission on Human Rights, and was rec- in February 2010. of the Jewish people as well as an array of are spreading our mission across the U.S. and ognized as an authority on human rights. undergraduate and professional programs around the world. Under his leadership, Touro grew significantly that have enabled all members of our society He served for more than 30 years as vice By partnering our multi-campus institution into an institution with multiple campuses and to enjoy personal and professional success. president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish with local communities across the United international reach. Today, Touro educates Touro’s core values of individual develop- Congregations, where he emerged as a States and abroad, we have positioned our- approximately 18,000 students across the ment and the greater good, derived from spokesman for the American Jewish commu- selves as a resource both academically and United States and around the world. Dr. our ancient Jewish heritage, are expressed nity, and was deeply involved in the creation socially for our neighbors. As our campuses Lander’s creative genius and original thinking through myriad opportunities for intellectual of its acclaimed youth movement, the Na- continue to grow, especially in the west coast continue to be reflected in Touro’s innovative inquiry and personal growth that enable our tional Conference of Synagogue Youth.
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