NOTICE TO READER: Whm ym flniib rnObig tldi BMcailn* lAAra a Ic stAjnp on tliiA notice. bAtuI Mine Ui my poAtal aaployco. md it will be plicwl in the hAn<1i of (Mtr eoldlers or MUon at the front. Ne wraeilAt. No may ^1918 •tfdreM,^A. 8. BUBLEgON^ FueiiMater GonerAL Mazev Blair LeadinffLady Jesse Blair s Comedians MAY 4, Ills CHOtOLATES TRY A SHIPMINT OF OUH FAMOUS RED BOX CHOCOLATES FULL POUND (36 LBS. TO CAtC) HALF POUND % (72 H LBS. TO CASE) A # ^ SEMO DEPOSIT- ASK FOR PRICE LIST CKTARS, CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES Grand Rapids, Mich. New York Office. 28 B. 22(1 St. LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS im OAK ST. KANSAS CITY MO MOVING PICTURE ARC GENERATORS 500 NEW MACHINES Bought at ITankniptcy Sale. Standsrd inanufa*'turc. fiO volts, 3.*> ajnp. Guaraiiteed perfvvi. ffTC AA Immediate delivery. ^IP«VAI Opera House Directory Write for Bulletin No. S.’y. Siiuiil (leneraiors aiid Gasf^ine Motors for all purpowes. JOHNSTON, West End, Pittsburgh, Pi. OHIO DOVER. Drawliit P««ulUleii, 12,00a VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS 0!<.\.vn TlimTRn—fkKUJi* 40a only •tace In Unrn <V 10.000 (KX^Ie. Itms ft**' Ht.\ Brautiful rnlnrs any alzr. lU-ntala and ra^iy trnnn. ■ 11 Warn* aUick ouon*zvr, muiKal Ub. <t r"*) BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS, tauihMTllle ado. 248 Wait Farty.alxth Street, • New York Crty. i^VMilOllall 93S Market Street. • • San Francisco, Cal. OERE’S the very latest quick and sure AT LIBERTY SCENERY ^ ^money-maker—Whirl-O-Ball,the au- * Winner for— • —THE— Dtammd Dya 0(1 at W'ater Onloia. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. tomatic “loop-the-loop” Game. Every- lO-Fool Side Wall Wanted B; lx)dy plays—men, women and children Ce^aliTwr*, 20th Century Wonder buy emallrr pircre, khaki or white. Slate price. ToM of all ap:es. Your receipts are all profit. $k8tin{ Rinks, TVvn annli.aa. nn tlU«h*. 4 t.M on eocfa font. Tw.y CASLY, Now Wilson. Oklahoma yran <ild. 0<»1 mt«naliMT. M.aher tn*«U with bat’) Every feature of Whirl-0-Ball is auto- Bjlfiird Halb, WtU aytrk Mlary .r p<T^-ruta(v. AJJttm Tll»> WANTED—A-No. 1 TEAM matic—no operating; or upkeep expense. • S4.'IUJ'UI‘'>1K, Uil <'ajnE> A>r., Itraddork, Pa I>olng Singles a.Kl DuublcB. up In Me<l. Acts; those do¬ ing strong Musical Acta preferred. Must change com¬ Automatic Coin Collector receives and Bu^I^ plete tor one week. Good dressers on anu ofT. Salary. registers the nickels. Automatic Scorer _ AT LIBERTY $40.00 and transportation after Joining. Open May 0. Comedy or pen. bus. Lead numbers; Roose fighters and tourists, don't write. ilAY'S KN- TKRTAINKUH. Manito. Illinois. adds and displays the score. Automatic XQ / lead in quartette; wardrobe; ability; Ball Release instantly adjustable to / above draft ape; 5 ft., 5; 125 lbs. Also WANTED, TUMBLERS AND BUMPERS deliver 6, 8 or 10 balls for 5c. I '^^sted.r,j7 chorus lady. 5 ft.. 1; solo dancer, small At once for well-known act. l^aig engagement to right parts; both experienced; Joint only. kind of i»eople. Communicate .JACK MacI>oNALl>, Kach wndrl-O-Ball Came measures 10 ft long. 3^4 rt. wids proved! Closing here May 4. Address LARRY care Morris & Fell. Palace Theatre Bldg.. Broadway, and 7H ft. hlsh at loop; so compact that 2 to 12 Games esn POWERS, April 29-30-May 1. McKoao- New York. be tr .talled in any orainary room or tent. Each eet up In 30 min. Weight. 800 lbs.; in three S-il. sections. Shipped quick anywheresnywhere by eipress. port. Pa.; May 2-3-4, Homeatead, Pa. WANTED $5 to $10 an Hour On Each Game POSITION WANTED is the earning capacity of Whirl-O-BslI. And the inrestinent required Is unusually moderate rint-rlaM Maairfan dcalrra poaltlxi with aide ahn« FOR LA MONT BROS.’ SHOW in TiewT of the large profits. The season to "cash in" is at band. M'rite at once (or catalog, at aome auranirr rrwn. I a|T>car In full dreas auit giving details and prices. M. S< ARAKl'KHo. 124 \V »4 St.. Ch»»t«r. Pa. Man and Wife that can do two or more acta. Tan also place a couple of Single Performers and an up- BRIANT SPECIALTY CO., 114 So. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. A-l MUSICAL DIRECTOR. A. P of M ; A1 Choru* to-date Clown. State lowest salary and all in first (ilrl. At lllwrty May I. »h"w rlua.nc. WA.N'T aua letter. No time for correapondence. Address C. R. mrr an»a«fm«it. p.»»t rafrrantwa. A.ktrcM GEO. O IJk MONT. Halcm. lUlnola. Rl'.NItK. Mii.'.ral ICrrctor Hmpn-Kad llatiry Co.. Itata- Tta. N. Y., until May 7. than rare Hlllboard. Chlrar WANTED-MEDICINE PERFORMERS Two Saturdays, $160,000.00 Pay Roll llllnuta. .A-l Hkeh’h Team. Piano Pla.Ncr, gtMKl dr^'s^ers on and WANTED—Pull ai'tlnc Co-upany, with nr wtthnut off. Stale your age and what you do fully. Long, Band, fnim S to 2^ p«a|>la. Inr a wrrk-stand Mmllrlnr pleasant engagement. Address MILS. NEVA VTTIPIL- MUNITION TOWN Sbuw. 1 hatr (i.«l .h|h>w Car. 2:41 and alcrp on IzAT. Jean4*sville. Luzerne (’o., !*a. 1\ S.—Not the car. Trrma armrUnig lu «.a» of cimpany. Tm or Original Vuirdllat, but Ter> reliahle. tarlrei panpla band .hnw prrlarml. Pr.4>lr In all linr. nrllr. Mmw must rhangr nichUy. Will tire a amxl \JL//V MTrrY Mwllcine (Vimedian. flirl for Pla.s- show a goo.'. I'anrmtge on rhmr and modi- Inr aalrt tique Posing A«t. Amateur con¬ Would like (o hrar from a ml Mln.trrI Slmw that ran sidered. Auto tent show, thne-day stands, small rhangr for wrrk. JACK PALMER KOMEOV KIDS, toinis Ull August, then Michigan Fairs. Salary sure; Dunkirk, N. Y., May llth to lOth cara Dr. Slacuaa. 201 Raag 8t., Mtbarly, Mliamirl. mutt be low. Pay c»wn. Bon Harris write quick. BEN Wants Shows with their own outfits. 25-75. Also legitimate Concessions. All CRANKR, Haginaw, Michigan. R. F. I>. No. 6. MUSICIAN WANTED WanUsl Drat-rlaai MualrlHi. Rides, Candy Race Track, Kewpies sold. Don’t write, wire and prepay them. In play pLaurn. mual undmuuul ptuanplay tnatru WANTED FOR ALABAMA MINSTRELS ED. C. ALLISON, 128 W. 19th St., Erie, Pa. mna thnrnughly Jlight hnura day. Cond taiary. Dott’t Musicians that double. Band I.deader; preference to one aigtly unlnta y>ai i-an 1111 th« blU. Aniwar bf wtm that has people. Good salary- every wwk. Car accom¬ .'TTR.L.ND nui.cnu'l. .NifhrUlc. TWuMaeCL modations. Sister Team. Goo*i p<*ople at all times wanted. Comedians, Novelty Acts. wire, write or come «»n; we can use 3’ou. H'»ss Canva'*maM. Address all WANTED FOR MACKEY’S COMEDY PLAYERS WANTED FOR SUMMER SEASON mail or wires to \V(»RI)E\ ALABA.'IA MINSTRELS, VtuderiJle People that (vx anrk in opening do ui>-tO'(Ut« i|ieciaIUr», change fer wiv<k <r nvire aiul read Dlarkfar*. IrMi and Ifubdi OmnUana and Mlnit I.ieitchfteM. Kentuckv. llnai. for Tabiold Oauedy Dramas. Bute lowest quiek. Aria Must (Tiangr ntxaialllm and aria fiv wvHi ataniM J. FRANK MACKEYg Wehrum. Indiana Ce.. Pennsylvania. Skrtrh Tram and VtnIInlat nith rnl iHiwrtalUra WANTED, EASTWOOD HARRISONS P. H.—^Perfonner^ for my Me«L Show write FRm> MX].«LJ’*R. wrile to ttie ah^va orti- WANT Tl» BI'Y a gt«.l awaid-hand fna-F^ (Dra CHARMING WIDOW CO. dlUnnA and money <>. K. tn wreede Gt^K Bii4h<ip, but it muet take Triare in Bijen.<hurg. gan). 1 T. SI A.SGIJ’IK. .Mlllrtattwm, Pa Straight Man. Tenor Singer, al^o Blackface Come¬ dian with good si>ecialty, ('hararter Woman with WANTED—All kliuU <V Ai4s. Hingvew. Musliians. for Kinging voice. Wire T.4atrohe. I'a. This tab. is ths G<<ik« linSb.rs' MliuUrels (Hoh siwl J'—I. AikIrwM booked stdid and playing dates. sll mail tn IL II GttMkht. 114 Msrsli tH.. Brsrtts- Car and Tent For Sale Uwvn. Ililnnis. Uls''ks sihI whllm write. PARTNER Thai can promote Red Cross benefits: COMPIJTE DRAMATIC OUTFIT: Tent, 70, dramatic end. with two 40s, stage, scetlerr. blues, revrres. elec¬ must have $l,rxin for half Intere'^t. I d-di’i nerd the tric cables, marquee and all complete, used seien months. Price, $1,900.00. rUId..v(AN CAR. 74 feet long, WANTED, CALLIOPE PLAYER money, but want a partner that 1.4 interested and will 4 suteruoms. kitchen, baggage end. steel 8-wbeel trucks, steel plstforros. Baker hesU-r. rintsh css, straight as Prvfrr onr that (l•>tJhtra band or 4I0M M*nia turn in hustle. 1 have complete outfit. TENT ^|IIDW. The an arrow. Price, $1,800.00. E. B. GRUBS. 918 Deirwarc SL. Ksntss City, Mlssaurl. ah<iw CAN I SK Clarhirt and Hlldv HI CO BROS.' money Is htTe. r(»rre. Ijelp get It. Addre-a AMAZON SHOWS. K H Jonra. Managrr. Tuwanda. Kan.. May KUOS.’ SHOW. r')sht>rif*n. Ohio UNITED AMUSEIVIENT CO. WANTS 2; Lxms. Kan. May 8. KanaptSla. Kan., May 4. 2 more good Shows. Will furnish good tops. Would like to hear from 6 or Kuaacii. Kan.. May 4. ACRDBAT WANTED LADY DR MAN 7-in-l and good Athletic Show. Good opening for Cookhouse, Knife Rack, troo(l Ground Tumbler that can do a few lofty trickx. Dart Gallery, Ball Games and Hoopla.
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