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Add $1.0t) for non-subscription orders, I W__D__ PleaseDrugs:i._C][_OeeTwoOnesend'years02LeaF,Yearmeforeign(24issues)issues)o.eoftairhefoIIow,ngmarl$24$48.(12issues)subscrip$48.tionstoWar on MAGAZINEOF THE NATIONALANTI-DRUGCOALITION Name America'sonlynationwide AddressCity State Zip............................... antidrugmagazine Phone Make/:leEksp_ydbleIOW_lo/ [.rJI 304W _81tSI NewY,_,k '_Y Credit card holders, call toll free 1-800-35&9999. Cmlm ner I II I I I I I Vol. 14, No. 2 A Neoplatonic Republican Journal April 1981 6 How a Socialist Quarterly Drifts Toward Fascism by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 24 There's No Science in Science Fiction by Rbbert Zubrin 31 The Truth About Plato Part 2 by Charles Tate EDITORIAL 2 The Socialist One-World Conspiracy LETTERS 3 Music in Early America Plato, Philo &Jesus NEWS 4 Form New Cold War Committee EXHIBITS 5 Leonardo on U.S. Tour 53 Why You Don't Like Edward Hopper NOTES 48 CBS's 'The Bunker': Sympathy for the Devil 50 Diego Rivera's Aztec Cultism DRAMA 56 The British Definitely Hate Mozart MOVIES 58 Hollywood's Drug Pushers at it Again BOOKS 61 The Hoax Called 'Alienation' 64 Two Scientists Committed to Progress 69 Pres. Reagan's Economic Marching Orders 71 Book Briefs I I I I I I Editor-in-Chief On the cover Carol White Members of the German Marshall Fund's board of directors meet Associate Editor with Chancellor Willy Brandt at Harvard University. Kenneth Kronberg Cover design:James C. Montalbano THE CAMPAIGNER ispublished 10 times a Managing Editor year by Campaigner Publications, Inc., 304 Christina Nelson Huth w. 58th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Telephone (212) 247-8820. Subscriptions by mail are $24.00 for 10 issues in the U.S. and Art Director Canada. Air mail subscriptions to other coun- Deborah Asch tries are $48.00 for 10 issues. Second class postage paid at New York, New ProductionEditor York. " Copyright © CAMPAIGNER PUBLICA- Robyn G. Hyman TIONS,INC. ISSN9045-4109 i EDITORIAL Georgii Arbatov. The conference had been summoned to adopt an elaborated program for the desta- bilization of the new Reagan ad- ministration. The Socialist International ar- Global 2000 -- gued that its political-intelligence 100 Times Worse Than Hitler assetsdeployedinCentralAmeri- ca,in alliance with foreign-intel- ligence operations of the Soviet The Socialist beUnionemployedand thetoJesuitcreateOrder,an interna-could tional crisis to box Reagan into One-WorM Conspiracy continuingSince takingtheoffice,CarterAlexanderpolicy. Haig has consciously acted as an BEFOREHIS DEPARTURE from of- a citizenry committed to reversing instrument of that adopted Social- rice in November 1980, the trea- the damage and healing the ist International policy aginst the sonous and psychotic ex-President wounds inflicted on the U.S. body vital interests of the U.S. James Earl Carter committed this politic over the last four years. Yet There are naive people as well _: nation to a policy course which, if the criminally insane objectives of as fools who fall for Haig'slying permitted to be implemented, will Carter's Global 2000 remain the claim that he is standing up to result in genocide one hundred adopted commitment of powerful Soviet expansionism in Central times worse than that.perpetrated sections of the new Reagan admin- America. As is well known, in- by Adolf Hitler and his associates, istration, including the State De- cluding to Haig himself and his including those brought to the partment of that one-time subor- associates, the new secretary of dock at Nuremberg for "crimes dinate of Henry Kissinger, Alex- state is doing nothing of the sort. agai.nst humanity." ander Haig, and the key control Haig is, in fact, working with Under Carter, the policy per- points for national economic pol- those elements of the Soviet com- spectives of the so-called Global icy located in the Offme of Man- mand which share the world-out- 2000 report became the stated pol- agement and Budget, and Paul look CXlSresscdin the Global 2000 icy objectives of the U.S. govern- Adolph Volcker's Federal Reserve report. This faction, with which ment. In the last day of the Carter System. These elements are work- Gcorgii Arbatov is associated, has administration, a follow-upreport ing together with international endorsed the objectives of the was issued under the headline forces through the Willy Brandt- Brandt Commission on the Third "Global 2000: Time for Action." led Socialist International to at- World, albeit as not going far This successor report, produced tempt to negate the mandate of enough. The Brandt Commis- by the same interagency task force November 1980 by perpetuating sion's recommendations were sub- and group of advisers drawn from th_ stinking policies with which sumcd in the genocidal objectives outside the federal ,government, the name of the criminal incom- of the Global 2000 effort. sets out a course of action to im- petent Carter will be associated Now the Haig State Depart- plement the neo-Malthusian ob- for a long time. mcnt admits that the bloodbath in jectives of the earlier so-called E1 Salvador is caused by the fact study. TAKE THE CASE of the ongoing that that country did not adopt the For the first time in history, a bloodbath in Central America fo- population control and population nation-state has committed itself cused, at this point, on the nation reduction policies advocated by to global policy goals which en- of E1 Salvador.
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