LIEGE EDITION Easter Easter 3ariy in the morning they came JThan it ia written, and thus it unto the sepulchre, . and they THE ST f>ehooye4 Christ to suffer and to found the stone rolled away. rise f*©m the dead the third day. Luke 24:1-2. Daily Hews paper of U.S. Armed Forces in tna^Qropean Theater of Operations Luke 24:46. Vol. I—No. 72 Sunday, April 1, 1945 ven Army avariG 15th Army in Line; Ruhr Net Tightens; French Over Rhine The Seventh U.S. Army broke through the Gdenwald hills east of Mannheim yesterday and drove into Bavaria—one of the southern prov- inces of Germany which the Americans are scheduled to occupy after Ihi war. ' The.Seventh last night was only 15 miles from Wurzburg, 80 miles east of the Rhine and midway between Frankfurt and Nurnberg. Meanwhile, as it was disclosed that Lt. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow's 15tbl U.S. Army had gone into action and was holding a front line position on the Western Front, French troops of Gen. Jean de Lattre Tassigny's First Army crossed the Rhine for the first time since the Napoleonic Wars, To the north, the First U.S. and Second, British Armies were tightening their noose around the industrial Ruhr. Latest re- 5,000 Planes ports from 21st Army Group headquarters; put them only 38 miles apart. Secend Arind. in Action 1 HammerRails Tanks of the Ninth V.B. Army, spear- ? headed by the veteran Second Armd. Dir., continued to drive east from Its lower U-Boat Yards Rhine bridgehead and werw at least SQ miles beyond the river. Reds 40 Miles First Armor Races East, Meanwhile, the Sixth Armd. Dlv. of £ha Third -U.S. Army advanced to a point only, More than 5,000 planes struck al ten miles from Kassel, key communicat- enemy transportation and industrial ions center on one of the main roads From Vienna, Almost Without Challenge targets from Hamburg to Austria running nostheast to Berlin. yesterday. As Eeaster Sunday dawned on the WasS By Andy fiooney Front, Gen. Elsenhower had eiem«®&» of - - Stars and,. Stripes StaK. Writer .- - Thirteen hundred U.S. heavies Peri lltaly Line eight Armies across the classic water 4 WITH THE FIRST U.S. ARMY ARMORED SPEARHEAD, GERMANY, raided four rail and industrial centers, barrier to the heart of the Reich. AS Mar. 30 (Delayed)—This armored force raced 100 miles farther into the rounding out a month in which a record least 12 armored divisions were spearhead- Red Army forces in Austria fought Eighth AF load of 73,000 tons of bombs heart of Germany yesterday in one of the greatest armored blitzkreigs ing drives ranging almost from the Norta less than 40 miles from Vienna last was dropped on Germany, Sea to Switzerland and there were mount- I the war has yet produced. night and threatened to cut the RAF Lancasters and Halifaxes, 750 ing indications that the zig-zag tactics o£ Medium and light tanks, half-tracks, strong, gave the Hamburg submarine yards the tanks were throwing battered rem- main rai! line between Vienna and YaitaProposal jeeps bristling with machine guns, and their second hammering In 18 hours. nants of the Wehrmacht into chaos. Italy, the Associated Press reported. six by six supply truck trains raced over Italy-based Fifteenth AP bombers, Gen. Eisenhower's advance elements the German roads and fields at a break- • Marshal Stalin announced that troops meanwhile, carried out a series of raids were deeper into Germany from the west of Marshal Feodor Tolbukhin's Third neck speed. German resistance Is descri- on unspecified targets in Germany and than was the Red Army from the east. Ukrainian Army, driving forward in the Stirs (Criticism bed as "none, at all," in some places to Austria, and Ninth AF flew more than The Seventh Army's smash into Bavaria "moderate" in others. western tip of Hungary to within two (Continued on page S) (Continued on Page S) miles of Austria, had captured Szantgot- WASHINGTON, Mar. 31 (AP) —The The desperate German High Command thard, 38 miles east of the Austrian com- Yalta proposal to give Russia and the yesterday, raced a high speed express to many of the towns in the path of advan- munications center of Graz. UJ5. three votes each In the projected ce of one of the armored columns of the . A Soviet communique earlier reported World League Aasermbly aroused opposi- spearhead force, dropping from 10 to 30 a penetration of Austria by other fonces tion extending to the floor of the SS men at each town with bazookas, am- of Tolbukhin's operating farther north. Senate. munition and do or die orders to slow the They crossed the border above the town Sen. Chapman Revereomb (R-W.Va i advance. of Kroszegr: demanded that the U.S. get voting power Nazi PWs Crowd Roads Forces still In Hungary also seized equal to that of any country. He re- Kormend and Vasvar, Stalin reported. He ferred to the British Commonwealth of Issuing words of warning such as .announced, too, that Bulgarian troops Nations with six votes.' "roads cleared of Germans to shoulders only," the tankers drive their rumbling south of Lake Balaton in Hungary had The New Ycrk Herald Tribune declared setaed Csurgo, on the Yugoslav frontier. the proposal is not of "high Importance" vehicles at top speed 18 to 20 hours a 40 Miles Inside Austria because "the real work of the assembly day. All through the day. German sol- Is not going to be done by a nice balance diers stream out of the woods and fields The Associated Press said Soviet van- to give themselves up, and the roads guards were Believed to be 40 miles of voting majorities." back are literally crowded with a flow of The New York World Telegram said inside Austria. German positions there German prisoners and multi-uniformed were menaced by four Soviet drives the public "will assume there are other forced laborers who start migrating out such things under the Yalta bed yet to along a 130-mile front from southern of Germany the minte they are realeas- Slovakia across western Hungary to Yu- be revaaled." ed by the leading American forces. goslavia. These drives threatened Virna, The spearhead knocked out 450 Ger- Wlener-Neustadt, Graz and communica- man vehicles in" yesterday's advance. tions Unking up with the Italian front. Yanks Copy 'Blitz' German officers who thought they were . Stalin announced that Marshal Ivan escaping over dirt':road3 aft the main Koniev's forces, driving toward the Tactics, Nazi Says highway, time and again ran Into U.S. northern end of, the Moravian gap lead- LONDON, Mar. 31 (UP)—Radio Germa- forces cutting overland to' avoid passing ing into Czechoslovakia, had captured through the narrow-streeted towns. the Silesian towns of Batibor and Ets- ny, in a home broadcast by Wilfrid Von One small German command car which kau. Ratibor is six miles from the Oven, said today that American tank bumped into the American column ap- Czech border and 17 north of Moravska- tactics used in the breakthrough into the Reich are the same as those so often pur- parently thought it3 strength was limit- Ostrava. sued by the Germans in the first years of ed to the three tanks which the two Further official reports on the capture the war. officers in he car could see fro their of Danzig disclosed that 39,000 dead Ger- m Von Oven said, "We must admit oift side of the road. One officer opened mans had been found on the battlefield. up with small arms fire, and in return, Hitler, it was said, had ordered the port enemies learned the lesson well—the Ger- man word 'blitz' became a definite term 37mm fire from another tank clipped held at all costs. Tasa, Soviet news of international language. It could not be off the heads of the two- officers neatly agency, said half a million German refu- helped . «that that method al3o was at the shoulder level. Stars and Stripes Map by Brown gees had been found in the half-ruined soon adopted by enemy armies." While resistance Is described as light : At least 12 Allied tank divisions were zig- city. Hundreds of Danzig's finest build- and crumbling, armored men have found Slicing Wehrmacht ings were destroyed. A huge column Present U.S. tank thrusts were being of "crumbling German resistance" still kills zagging through the Reich yesterday as Yanks fighting at Paderborn were German tanks retreating eastward from carried out with "often no more than the : Americans. One tank was hit by bazooka only 3& miles from linkup with Allies north of the Bohr, Third Army tij» Danzig toward Pillau and Koenigsberg number we used to destroy on a single was ten miles from Kassel while Seventh Army was IS aaUes from WWnbmg, was pounded by the Red Air Force. day," he added. (Continued on Page t) ] THE STARS AND STRIPES Sunday, April 1, 1945 ■Editorial Pride, Sacrifice and Glory <t\OW ^vjt rVfflE TN my humble opinion this photo- graph is a prototype of patriotism, § man can find a flaw in the governmental Ifesus—A Divine Being system as outlined by" Jesus. It reflects in its simple figuration the i (Editor's Note: This article was written Czar arid Kaiser, President and Socialist, Imng idealism of America—Freedom I en 1912 for a Memphis paper and has give to its complete merit their admira- and all of Freedom*s kin-hips. It stirs I teen reprinted every year since.
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