The Inventory of the Danilo Dolci Collection #824

The Inventory of the Danilo Dolci Collection #824

The Inventory of the Danilo Dolci Collection #824 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center DOLCI, DANILO #824 April 1983-Nov. 1984 I. MANUSCRIPT CREATURA DI CREATURE. Poems 1949-1980. New edition, revised and enlarged. 1982. TypescriptJ typescript-mimeo., and printed tearsheets, without corrections. ca. 310 p. on ca. 155 leaves. (#1) II. CORRESPONDENCE A. Letters 12.Y. DD to various persons, Arranged chronologically . 1958-1982, ca. 2000 letters Box 1-4 [1958-1962, B 1, 1963-1968, B. 2; 1969-1973, B.3; 1974-1982, B. 4f B. Letters from the following to DD: (Each folder contains DD's carbons and occasionally other items as well,) Box 4 Chavez, Cesar E. to Mrs. John E. Bailey, TLS photocopy July 29, 1969. (#10) Cousins, Norman (#11) 1966-1972. 11 TLS, 2 cards. Day, Dorothy (#12) 7 ALS, March 28, May 4, 1968 Friedmann, Georges (#13) 1960-1973. 19 TLS, 4 ALS, 2 postcards, 2 misc, Fromm, Erich. (#14) 1963-1980. 15 TLS, 1 ALS, 2 CTL, 5 memos, 1 telegram, 1 TLS photocopy. Giulo Einauid: Editore, S.p,A. (#15) 1956-1961. 5 TLS. Huxley, Aldous (#16) ALS, Oct. 16, 1960 Introduction to book by DD, carbon typescript; 6 p, Huxley, Laura (#16) ALS, Feb, 6, 1961. 1 Box 4 Klineberg, Otto (#17) 1969-1983. 13 TLS, 7 ALS, 1 misc. Luzi, Mario (#18) 2 ALS, 1977 "Incontro Con La Poesia Di Danilo", with holograph corr.; 4 p. type. mimeo., without corr. 4 p. in 2 leaves. "Restorando Su Danilo," typescript with holograph corr. 4 p.; typescript mimeo with holograph corr.; 4 p. on 3 leaves. Niemoller, Martin (#19) 1963-1975. 4 TLS, 2 postcards. Olivier, Laurence (#20) 1971. 2 ALS, 1 telegram. Box 5 Pastore, Giulio (#1) 1961-1963. 6 TLS Piaget, Jean (#2) TLS. June 29, 1973. Pierre, Abbe [H.A. Groues] (#3) ALS photocopy, Oct. 30, 1957 ALS, Feb.4, 1970 Russell, Bertrand (#4) 1962-1966. 17 TLS, 3 telegrams, 1 TLS photocopy 5 misc. "Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation," carbon type. 10 p. Sattini, Don Zemo (#5) 1962-1964. 2 ALS, 1 TL mimeos, 1 misc. Sauvy, Alfred (#6) 1957-1978. 1 TLS photocopy, 1 ALS photocopy 1 AN, 2 telegrams "Influence du progres technique •••" Type. with holograph corr., 26 p. Zavattini, Cesare (#7) 1962-1983. 7 TLS, 1 CTL, 2 ALS, 1 postcard, 2 telegrams "La Violenza," essay, typescript 20 p. "La Violenza," film script, typescript with holograph corr. and type. mimeo., ca. 60 p. (with carbon copy) 2 c. Letters from Italian writers, scientists and artists (#8) Box 5 Bernari, Carlo 1977-1978. 2 TLS, 1 ALS Bobbio, Norberto 1955-1972. 1 TLS, 2 ALS, 1 CTL, 1 postcard Calamandrei, Piero. 1956. Telegram photocopy Calvino, Italo. 1970. ALS Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo TLS, June 3, 1959 Gassmann, Vittorio ca. 1962-63, 1 TLS, 3 ALS photocopy, 1 ALS, 1 telegram Guttoso, Renato 2 ALS. Aug 24, Sept. 1, 1962 Iemolo, Arturo Carlo TLS. Jan. 11, 1958 Labini, Paolo Sylos 3 ALS. 1959-1967. Levi, Carlo 1962-1965. 2 ALS Photocopy, 1 CTL, 2 telegrams Preface to "Les Bandits De Dieu, 11 carbon typescript, 3 p., June 1957. Lombardini, Siro 1964-1968. TLS, ALS. Manzu, Giacomo 2 TLS. 1963 Modona, Guido Neppi TLS. Sept. 30, 1958 Moravia, Alberto Telegram. May 2, 1958 Petroni, Guglielmo 3 ALS, ca. 1977-1978 Pratolini, Vasco Telegram, TLS photocopy. 1958-1962. 3 Box 5 Repaci, Leonida (#8) 2 ALS, 1957 Sachetti, Maria Fermi CTL. Oct. 22, 1956 Sciascia, Leonardo TLS, ALS. 1964-1966. Segre, Beniamino 5 TLS, 1 ALS, 2 telegrams. 1966-1974 Silone, Ignazio TLS, ALS photocopy, 1958-1959. Spagnoletti, Giacinta 4 TLS, 1 ALS. 1975-1977 Uccello, Antonino ALS with statement. 1967. Vigorelli, Giancarlo 2 TLS. 1976 Vittorini, Elio TLS photocopy. 1958 TLS, 1963 Zevi, Bruno 6 TLS, 1 telegram, 1 CTL, 1958-1974 Speech, 1962. Carbon typescript, 2 p. D. Letters from Italian Politicians (#9) Alicata, Mario TLS, 1964, "Rispondiamo All'Apello Di Dolci," 1958 Carbon typescript with holograph corr., 4 p. Amasi, Aldo TLS. 1972 Codignole, Luciano Telegram, 1976 Di Vittorio, Giuseppe TLS photocopy, 1957 Fiore, Tommaso 3 TLS, 1 CTL, 1 CTLS, 2 postcards, 1958-1968 "Che Gioca Solo." Typescript with holograph corr., 4 p. 4 Box 5 Giolitti, Antonio (#9) 2 ALS. 1973-1976. La Malfa, Ugo Remarks on visit to DD. 1963. Typescript with holograph corr., 3p. Telegram. TLS. 1957-1963. La Torre, Pio TLS, 1978 Lombardi, Riccardo TLS. 1957. Longo, Pietro TLS. 1964 Lussu, Emilio ANS with attachment. 1964 Mancini, Giacomo Telegram. 1971 Nenni, Pietro TL, ALS photocopy. ca. 1967 Pajetta, Giancarlo 3 TLS. 1963-1967 Parri, Ferruccio 2 telegrams. 1958-1967 Saragat, Giuseppe TLS. 1964 Tremelloni, Roberto TLS. 1957 Secretary General to Alessandro Pertini. TLS photocopy. 1981 E. Letters from International Personalities (#10) Ai, Vo Van 3 ALS, 2 TL mimeos, 3 TLS, 2 telegrams, 3 misc., 1967-1969. Ascoli, Max TLS. 1960 Berrigan, Daniel facsimile signature on broadside 5 Box 5 Bloch, Karula (#10) CTLS to Prime Minister Andreotti, 1978, Borgese, Elisabeth Mann TLS, TLS photocopy, 1974 Castro, Josue de 3 TLS, TLS and ALS photocopies, 1957-1964, Chomsky, Noam TLS, 1969, Casie, Dubrica 2 TLS, 1963, Descoendres, Eric Statement signed, 1970 Domenach, J,M, TLS. 1974 Dumont, Rene TLS, 1961 Gupta, Om P, TLS photocopy to B,M, Beck. 1963. Huberman, Leo ALS, TLS. 1965-1967 Hunt, Edgar TLS, 1973. Jungk, Robert TLS, Telegram, 1957, Kissinger, Henry A, TLS, 1963 Locher, Gottfried W,, TLS, 1968 Mack Smith, Dennis TLS, 1963 Martin, Pierre CTLs. 1970, Maspero, Francois TLS, 1965. Mauriac, Francois TLS. 1958 6 Box 5 M'Bow, Amadoue-Mahtar (#10) TLS, 1980 Moule, Peter TL. Telegram. 1963 Mumford, Lewis TLS, ALS. 1969 THE HUMAN PROSPECT, carbon typescript with holograph corr. excerpt: VIII 52-74 Myrdal, Gunnar TLS. 1976 Naraian, Jaiprakash Telegram. 1971. Pauling. Linus TLS. 1967 Radhakrishna 3 TLS. 1 TL mimeos. 3 telegrams. 1960-1971 Ramachandran, G. 2 TLS. 1964 Rukeyser, Muriel TLS. 1975. Poem "Per Dolci, 11 typescript, 1 p. Translation of DD, 52 p. Sakamoto, Yoshikazu TLS. 1971 Santillana, Giorgio di ALS. 1964 Senghor, Leopold S. CTL. 1963. Shatil, Joseph I. TLS. 1961 Suchodolski, Bogdan 2 TLS. 1977 Thomas, Norman 2 TLS. 1963 Tikhonov, Nicolas Telegram. 1959 7 Box 5 Waller, Ross D. (#10) TLS photocopy. 1980 Wyzanski, Charles E. ALS. TLS. 1964 12 letters and 3 misc. from various Box 6 E. General letters. 1957-1980. 49 letters (#1) III. PHOTOGRAPHS (#2) A. DD and associates. 125 photos. 811 x 10" See separate listing B. Cesar Chavez. With signed inscription to DD. 11 11 8 X 10 · IV. PRINTED A. Newspaper Columns by DD 1. "Experienze." L'Ora. Feb-July. 1972. 9 items (#3) 2. "Incontri. 11 L'Ora. Apr. 1965- June 1966. 45 items. (#4) 3. Reports on Foreign Trips. a. Africa. L'Ora. Apr. - May, 1964. 15 items. (#5) b. India. L'Ora. January 1961 3 items. Box 7 c. Israel. L'Ora. September, 1961. 6 items (#1) d. New York. L'Ora. April, 1961. 5 items. (#2) e. U.S.S.R. L'Ora. November, 1961 9 items. (#3) f. Yugoslavia. October-November, 1963 i. L'Ora 9 items (#4) ii. Paese Sera. 7 items (#4) B. Articles in Foreign Journals 1. English (#5) a. "Tools For A New World." Saturday Review. July 29, 1967. 8 Box 7 b, "Mafia-Client Politics." Saturday !J!2l Review. July 6, 1968 c, "The Maieutic Approach." Prospects. Summer, 1973. d. "Feeding Hungry Minds." Times Educational Supplement. November 28, 1975, 2. Russian (#6) Articles and poetry in six issues of Foreign Literature. 1958-1980, Photocopies. 3. Slovenian (#7) Articles in three issues of Express. October, 1963. C. Articles and Mimeographs (#8) 1. "Strutture Isostatiche." Milan. [architectural study] 2. "Quanti Altri S'Impiccheranno ••• A Partinico?" Palermo. 1954. DD et al 3. "Riflessioni Sull'Attivita Del Centro Di Partinico." Offprint from Scuola ~ Citta, Dec, 1960. 4. "Risultati E Limiti Di Un Tipo Di Riunioni Sperimentato Con I Contadini." Offprint from Cultura Popolare, Feb. 1962. 5, 11Riflessioni Su Obiezione Di Conscienza, Gruppi, Pianificazione, 11 Partinico, Aug. 1963. 6. "Per Le Diga Al Bruca," Partinico, October, 1963. 7. "La Mafia Come Impedimenta Alla Sviluppo Nella Zona Della Jato." Partinico, October, 1964. 8. "L'Urbanistica EI Pianificatori Dal Basso." Partinico. October, 1964. 9. "Politica, Cambiamento Sociale E Nonviolenza." April, 1966. 10, "Dalle Vecchie Strutture Alle Nuove. 11 Partinico. Autumn, 1967. 11. "Casa E Pace?" Partinico. March, 1968. 9 Box 7 12. "Meetings for the New Educational Centre." 1972. (#8) 13. "Per L'Approfondimento Dell'Iniziativa Antifascista." Partinico. January, 1972. 14. "Holism And Ecology." Japan. 1981. 15. "Selected Poems." Philadelphia. 1983. 16. "What Does It Mean, To Die?" excerpt from CONVERSAZIONI. Hudson Review. Summer, 1964. Box 8-9 D. Newstories And Articles re: DD [Including book reviews.] 1953-1982. V. CENTRO STUDI E INIZIATIVE - PARTINICO. Box 10 A. Publications of the Center. (#1) 1, "Persuasi della necessita••• " 1955. 2. "Un Lavoro Di Sviluppo.11 Parts 1-3 1964. 3. "Atti Del Seminario Internazionale Di Studi Sulla Citta Territorio," 1969 4. "Guardando A vanti Dieci Anni." 1979. B. Scrapbook: Articles and Photographs about the Center. [unbound] (#2) VI. FRIENDS OF DOLCI A. Publicity and Fundraising publications. 14 items (#3) B. German and Swiss Branches Box 11 1. Newsletters. 1972-1982. ca. 100 p. (#1) 2. Reports and publicity. 1972-1982. ca. 75 p. (#2) 3. Radio broadcast transcripts (#3) i. Recorded May 24, 1982. 29 p. ii. Recorded May 28, 1982. 19 p. 10 IX. CENTER NEWSLETTERS Box 12-13 A. "Appunti Per Gli Amici." Nov. 1955 - Nov. 1984 Box 12, 1-493, various numbers Box 13, 509-913, various numbers Box 14 B. "Verbale Di Consiglio Del Centro Sept.

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