ID EUROGEO Membership (Organisations represented) No. Company/organization Country 1 University of Vienna Austria 31 IGEWE Albania 311 Armenian State Pedagogical University Armenia 240 Fluffy Software PL Australia 260 Nam Natura Consulting Australia 271 University of Adelaide Australia 84 University of South Australia Australia 289 Western Australian Local Government Association Australia 52 Austrian Society for Geography Teachers Austria 236 BORG Oberndorf/Salzburg Austria 106 Democritus University of Thrace Austria 170 European Centre for Digital Earth Austria 287 Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna, Alpen-Adria-University Austria 30 Osterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft Austria 80 University of Innsbruck Austria 267 University of Salzburg Austria 53 Federation des Professeurs de Geographie Belgium 276 Flanders Marine Institute Belgium 93 Flemish Geography Association Belgium 3 Ghent University Belgium 73 Karel de Grote Hogeschool Belgium 296 Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen Belgium 283 Katholieke Hogeschool VIVES campus Belgium 74 KU Leuven Belgium 9 Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium 29 VIVES Torhout Belgium 83 Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium 12 University of Sarajevo Bosnia & Herzegovina 209 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) Brazil 44 Bulgarian Academy of Science Bulgaria 134 Bulgarian Association of Geographers Bulgaria 17 Gap Consult Bulgaria 18 University of Winnipeg Canada 307 University of Concepción, Chile Chile 295 Shanghai Normal University China 215 Hrvatsko Geografsko Drustvo Croatia 210 University of Zagreb Croatia 25 Visoke učiteljske škole u Petrinji Croatia 187 Charles University in Prague Czech Republic 10 Czech Geographical Society Czech Republic 110 Olomouc GIS Society Czech Republic 41 Palacký University Olomouc Czech Republic 112 VSB-.-Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic 190 Royal Danish Geographical Society Denmark 251 VIA University College Denmark 279 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria University Egypt 49 CEDARE Egypt 71 Minia University Egypt 294 Salahaddin University Egypt 157 Estonian Geographical Society Estonia 5 Association of Biology and Geography Teachers in Finland Finland 238 Centre for ICT in Learning, City of Turku Finland 203 Finnish Organisation for Geographical Information Finland 91 University of Helsinki Finland 270 Viikki Teacher Training School of Helsinki University Finland 237 CONTRIB' CITY France 19 GEOPICKMEUP France 105 Mission Operationnelle Transfrontaliere France 104 Societe de Geographie France 268 University Paris Diderot France 82 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia 50 Tbilisi State University Georgia 213 Association for Geography Germany 99 Association of Geographers at German Universities Germany 46 Catholic University of Eichstaett - Ingolstadt Germany 59 EGEA - European Geography Association for Students and Young Germany Geographers 111 Geography Education institute Germany 61 HafenCity University Hamburg Germany 285 Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg Germany 75 Rapidlasso GmbH Germany 116 Ruhr-University Bochum Germany 122 Technical University Chemnitz Germany 313 Thuringia international school-Weimar e.V Germany 264 Universität Duisburg-Essen Germany 266 University of Bonn Germany 79 University of Cologne Germany 269 University of Education Freiburg Germany 98 University of Potsdam Germany 85 VDSG Verband Deutscher Schulgeographen Germany 250 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Germany 2 Hellenic Geography Association Greece 291 National Technical University of Athens Greece 103 University of the Aegean Greece 55 Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Hungary 7 Eotvos Lorand University Hungary 201 Hataron Atnyulo Kezdemenyezesek Hungary 14 Hungarian Geographical Society Hungary 57 Kodolonyi Janos University of Applied Sciences Hungary 123 University of Debrecen Hungary 78 University of Pécs Hungary 11 Association of Icelandic Geographers Iceland 28 Nordic Geography Association Iceland 316 University of Indonesia Indonesia 16 University of Salahaddin Erbil Iraq 54 Dublin City University Ireland 232 ICON Group Ireland 142 Irish Geographical Society Ireland 163 University College Dublin Ireland 38 Ben Gurion University Israel 120 Oranim Academic College of Education Israel 22 Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia Italy 204 Societa Geografica Italiana Italy 114 Universit. Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Italy 225 University of Catania Italy 130 University of Messina Italy 172 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Italy 118 University of Naples "L'Orientale" Italy 228 University of Palermo Italy 248 University of Salerno, Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences Italy 302 University of Sannio at Benevento Italy 197 University of Sassari Italy 146 University of Trieste Italy 253 University of Verona Italy 286 Hosei University Japan 305 Shumei University Japan 111 Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan 64 University of Tokyo Japan 317 Human Orientation Movement for Environment Kenya 56 International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Kenya 4 Association Geography and Earth Sciences Latvia 119 Latvian Federation of Geographers Latvia 300 University of Latvia Latvia 26 Lietuvos Geografu Draugija Lithuania 217 Lithuanian Geography Society Lithuania 173 Association luxembourgeoise des enseignants de geographie Luxembourg 60 GeoBalcanica Macedonia 126 Maltese Geography Teacher Association Malta 88 University of Malta Malta 308 Autonomous University of Oaxaca “Benito Juarez” Mexico 76 EGEA Netherlands 227 ESRI Europe Netherlands 241 Fontys Hogeschool Kind en Educatie Netherlands 282 Fontys Lerarenopleiding Tilburg Netherlands 298 HAN university of applied sciences Netherlands 109 HERE Global B.V Netherlands 108 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Netherlands 94 International Baccalaureate Organisation Netherlands 45 KNAG Netherlands 179 Mapvision Netherlands 113 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Netherlands 166 Royal Dutch Geographical Society Netherlands 312 Springer Nature Netherlands 247 Udens College havo/vwo High School Netherlands 66 Universiteit Utrecht Netherlands 257 University of Amsterdam Netherlands 262 University of Groningen Netherlands 255 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands 208 University of Ibadan Nigeria 273 Bergen University College Norway 107 EGEA Trondheim Norway 27 Norwegian Geography and Geology Association Norway 77 Norwegian University of Technology and Science Norway 242 Sørumsand Videregående Skole Norway 8 Association of Teachers of Natural Sciences & Technology Poland 310 Jagiellonian University Poland 288 Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice Poland 42 Polish Academy of Sciences Poland 192 Polish Geographers Society Poland 200 Society of Polish Geomorphologists Poland 144 UNEP/GRID-.-Warsaw Centre Poland 315 University of Gdańsk Poland 34 Association of Portuguese Teachers Portugal 193 Center for Studies of Geography and Spatial Planning Portugal 175 Universidade de Lisboa Portugal 220 University of Coimbra Portugal 115 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași Romania 174 Bucharest University Romania 21 Romanian Academy; Institute of Geography Romania 39 Romanian Geographical Association Romania 20 Society of Romanian Young Geographers Romania 230 University Al. I. Cuza Iasi Romania 235 Al-Farabi Kazakh national university Russia 6 Alexander Herzen State Pedagogical University Russia 156 Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia 92 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia 259 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russia 138 Moscow State University Russia 70 Ural Federal University Russia 318 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia 284 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) for Russia Russian Foreign Ministry 233 Saudi Geographical Society Saudi Arabia 125 Primary school "Svetozar Marković" Serbia 191 University of Novi Sad Serbia 65 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 309 Catholic University, Ružomberok Slovakia 262 Pedagogic University of Ruzomberku Slovakia 40 Slovak Geographical Society Slovakia 121 Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU Slovenia 218 Drustvo Uciteljev Geografije Slovenije Slovenia 101 University of Primorska Slovenia 249 University of the Free State South Africa 280 AGE, Carlos III University of Madrid Spain 226 Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles Spain 100 EGEA Madrid Spain 292 Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobioología (IRNAS) Spain 231 Instituto Geográfico de Aragón Spain 222 Instituto Geografico Nacional Spain 261 Open University Spain Spain 47 Real Sociedad Geographica Spain 304 Univeridad de León Spain 244 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain 314 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain 245 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain 246 Universidad de Córdoba Spain 68 Universidad de Granada Spain 303 Universidad de Sevilla Spain 319 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Spain 72 Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona Spain 258 University of Girona Spain 143 University of Malaga Spain 90 University of Zaragoza Spain 24 Societat Catalana de Geografica Spain 33 Geography Society in Sweden Sweden 290 Karlstad University, Sweden Sweden 97 Linneus University and Lund university Sweden 36 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Sweden 188 ETH Zurich Switzerland 133 Federation of Swiss Geographer VSGG Switzerland 234 Kantonsschule Enge und Freudenberg Switzerland 297 Solothurn centre of excellence, switzerland Switzerland 51 Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Turkey 275 Erbil Ministry of Municipality & Tourism Turkey 239 Eskisehir Osmangazi University Turkey 32 Fatih
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