Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-21-1973 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1973). Winona Daily News. 1279. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1279 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy with GOT lots or ^V scatte red rain, JINGUN' MONEY ^^ fSv^S ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ thuh(lersliowers , " .; Sold Aly Car Th/u A Want Ad 1 C^T' - All-volunteer armed forces Committee seeking doubts heard By FRED S. HOFFMAN whol truth WASHINGTON (AP the ) -- Some e on Pentagon officials are becom- ing increasingly uncertain that the "United States, can maintain adequate armed forces¦ on an all-volunteer basisi¦/ '¦' .'.. The Pentagon's official posi- Watergtjte: ; Ervin tion; is that ihe all-volunteer : concept can and will succeed. By JEFFREY MILLS layed ," the North . Carolina McCqrd said transmitted to That; has been its line since the ' WASHINGTON (AP) . ^- Sen. Democrat said . Sunday on him offers.of executive clemen- outset of the Nixon adminis- Sam J. Ervin says it is more ABC's "Issues and . Answers." cy in return for hit silence. tration, long before the govern- Caulfield, Ervin said , ' "may ment stepped drafting young important for h« Senate Water- Asked about possible dangers . through headlines based on corroborate McCord to a very men into the Army last Decem- gate investigating committee to substantial^ ¦ ' ' ' " hearsay testimony, Ervin, said, degree," and' may ber.. ". • ;. publicize the whole truth about testify he ; ; "I don 't think . there can be , met McCord three But Gen. Cr el g h'toh W. the scandal "than it is to get times in January as McCord ' much more, effective publicity . Abrams, the , Army chief of one;or two,people sent to jail." : in this case than has thus said, - to^ . ¦ ¦ ¦ far ¦ staff , told a reporter recently resr^ndlng: ques- been; . ' . ;. "' ; - ' •" ':;' ; Another . •potential-, area for the he is not yet prepared to pre- Ervin, . ; tions whether the Senate probe "I am not . .sure what would Senate investigation developed dict the outcome. Abrams in- have happened in this during the weekend when to, later - prose- case if .gov- dicated he expects, know by could impede there hadn't been, a lot of pub- ernment auditors alleged " that next whiter, after about a year cutions, said : the; Justice De- licity." . money had been Tunneled to the of experience without the pres- partnierit could ; have, tried Though, '.the investigating Watergate - conspirators after ence of the draft to spur enlist- ¦ ¦ cases ; before last Noveniber's committee: does riot resume its their arrest.; • . -, ments.' ' ¦ ; ¦¦ election; .' _ ' televised hearings until Tues- '¦ Genera! Accounting Office au- ' Another general said private- . day, other Senate ABOTJT: WATERGATE , ;;. Sen; ; SamVErvih, B^N C., could have committees ditors' said Nixon's. former per- ly, "The feeling is growing that "The whole case deal with aspects of the case chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee, continues his sonal lawyer, '' it is doubtful we can make it." been broken open long before " ¦ ' Herbert W. Kalm- ' ' ¦¦ today . .;i.' : " ' ;. ' '' .. - bach, told them .he collected discussion . with, interviewers: after ..the . conclusion of. ABC's in a .study for Congress^ the this; time arid I don't think the Archibald . Cox;; chosen by General Accounting Office pre- arid paid at least $210,000 "for "Issues . and Answers'''Sunday in:Washington; Ervin;said : it case . ought to be further de- Atty.. Gen.-designate: Elliot L, dicted early .this month that the distribution through^ intermedi- is highly improbable that his committee; wili question or seek ; Richardson to be special Water? aries to the Watergate ai written statement from President Nixon about any involve- armed services could fall as gate prosecutor, ' appears defend- ¦¦ many as 83,000 short of their ¦ with ants ot their attorneys." . ment in the Watergate scandal (AP ^Photofax) ' •' Richardson today before ; the goal of the 354,000 new enlist- Senate: Judiciary. Committee, ¦¦:¦ unless mental ments iiext year . Meanwhile, former CIA, Di- standards are lowered; Ins/c/e rector ; Richard Helms faces Biit the Army and the other questions today irom the : Sen- ¦erVices resist the idea of: ac- ftOT The College of Saint . OOI Teresa Sunday con- ate Foreign Relations ^Com- cepting more men who have mittee about any Cox . in- not graduated from high school ferred 201 degrees during CIA the 60th annual corhmence- volvement .in Watergate. Helms i*^ and who score among the low- ment- exercises: attended by is ambassador to Iran. est in qualification tests.. about 2,000 persons --: story The CIA gave, technical aid to ago Ten months , the Penta- and ' pictures,, page 3a. E. Howard Hunt, later to be power as proseigtir gon put into effect a new $1,500 piie of. the The: weekend; Syt- : Watergate : con- By JOHN CHADWICK retained is to give me;, hell if I attorney general about the con- bonus to lure young men into Polo ¦ spirators, that was used in bur- enlisting/ for ground-combat r BIB - tende Mai festi- WASHINGTON (AP) - Har- don't do the job, and I ; think he duct of his: duties and respbnsii val at Spring Grove , Minn., glarizing the Los Angeles off ice vard -University professor Ar- ought ; to : keep that ' authority," bilities. ;¦ jobs in the Army and the Ma- of a psychiatrist treating ¦ featured many events, in- Dr. chibald Cox testified . today . he Cox said of the powers dele- . Other ; changes were in. the rine Corps, an .area of consider- Norwegian , smor- Daniel Ellsberg, ,; who was able difficulty in raising enough cluding a is satisfied he -has been, granted gated to him by. Ricbardson.: nature of tightening up, the gasbord and-: program — charged with leaking the: Penta-¦ all the : power anyone could ask Richardson; now secretary of original provisions. manpower. story and pictures,: page , 9a. gon papers t0 newsmen. But late last month, the Pen- to be an independent special Defense, said he is confident Richardson, who announced : James McCord, a convicted prosecutor , in , the Watergate that Cox , 61, . will conduct ' a tagon had-to raise that bonus to Flunn M°re'. 'than: 700 Watergate burglar, Cox's appointment Friday, said r I y nil - residents of. Hous- is expected case and. related.matters. :: "full, fair . and impartial investi- $2,500 for a four-year enlist- to - face further , questioning ¦ ' Cox will, have full authority to ment because the smaller ton, Minn;, turned put Sun- ' ' Cox , a Democrat who served gation of all these matters," investigate and prbsiecute all bf Tuesday oh his statement that ^ bonus wasn't working well day to ,: welcome- and honor as ' U.S. solicitor,; general :for ; Richardson submitted . to the fensfts arising out of : the 1972 Navy Lt. Cmdr. Bob . Flynn, as. security chief . for the .Com- enough. The higher bonus is mittee for the Re-election of,tlie five years by appointment of committee : revised . guidelines presidential election. being tested this month and who was released March. 15 the late President John Fi Kenr under which Cox will serve.as after 5'/4 years in''.captivity President he' received; daily in- : He . said -this , includes ; the next, :. along with a new $2,500 in.Red China — story and telligence reports from nedy, testified before the Seri- spedal prosecutor in the ; Jus- break-in ahd bugging; at the the. in- ate Judiciary Committee. ' enlistment bonus for men pictures, page lb; ternal-security . division of the tice Depkrtmeht, .testifying he Democrats' Watergate head- equipped to handle a dozen justice Department.: ' He was accompanied by El- had made one final , change quarters and "allegations; in- Minnesota even as late as\ this morning at technical skills in short supply. ¦J.UurOOfc : liot L. Richardson, whose nomi- volving the President, members ay 1*669 Jaycees : Sun- Committee investigators said Cox's suggestion;; House: staff The bonus is only one of a HER WIN .Amanda Jones,: who : was named nation to be attorney general is of the White: , or AFTER .> . day wound up their state they will want to know whether pending before presidential appointees." range .of new initiatives the , the committee. One change Richardson made Miss U.S;A. during beauty pageant , in New Ybrk Salurday convention ; ; on the campus government wiretap informa- Richardson announced his ¦ se- originally, Nixon administration opened up ' of St. Mary's College — . in the guidelines sub- Cox, who will be paid $38,000 over the past four years in its night, . shows her winning form .on the roof of New York s tion, was included. lection of Cox last Friday, to mitted to the committee; was: to a year and be empowered to who balls from stories and picture, page bid. for shifting away from a Americana Hotel on Sunday. Miss Jones, 22, lb. Following McCord to the wit- serve as special Watergate add a ¦ provision that the special assemble his own staff of: law- draft-based military force to Illinois; represented that state in the pageant. She measures ness stand will be former White prosecutor. pro sec u tor will determine yers and investigators, said the one built but of volunteers only; 36-24-36. (AP Photofax ) : " ' • " . -:' House aide John Caulfield, who "The only authority he has whether and to what extent he job could take a year. Sun shade being prepared Kissinger;Tho j Sky ltib crew schedule meet again; no By HOWARD BENEDICT Conrad Jr.,^ Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin and Paul J. phere, believed to have been polluted with poten- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.
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