
May 4, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 8657 METRO WASTEWATER RECLAMA- HONORING MARTI JONES To those who would question these events, I TION DISTRICT LOGS 10 PERFECT point to the numerous reports contained in the YEARS HON. JEB BRADLEY U.S. National Archives detailing the process OF NEW HAMPSHIRE that systematically decimated the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire. However, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BOB BEAUPREZ old records are too easily forgotten—and dis- OF COLORADO Wednesday, May 4, 2005 missed. That is why we come together every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BRADLEY of New Hampshire. Mr. year at this time: To remember in words what Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Marti Jones some may wish to file away in archives. This Wednesday, May 4, 2005 upon being named a finalist for the 2005 Con- genocide did take place, and these lives were taken. That memory must keep us forever vigi- Mr. BEAUPREZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today gressman John Joseph Moakley Award for Ex- lant in our efforts to prevent these atrocities to recognize an important accomplishment in emplary Public Service. from ever happening again. Colorado. The Metro Wastewater Reclamation Initiated in 2002, the Moakley Award is given to a staff member of the New England I am proud to note that Armenian immi- District earned its second consecutive Plat- grants found, in the United Sates, a country inum Award from the National Association of Congressional delegation who demonstrates strong innovative methods of thinking and ef- where their culture could take root and thrive. Clean Water Agencies (NACWA, formerly the Most Armenians in America are children or Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agen- fectively works on behalf of their constituents. Marti has worked in New Hampshire politics grandchildren of the survivors, although there cies) for its second consecutive five-year pe- are still survivors among us. In my district in for over 20 years. Before joining my office in riod without a single numerical violation of its Northwest Indiana, a vibrant Armenian-Amer- 2003, Marti worked for U.S. Senator BOB discharge permit. ican community has developed and strong ties SMITH (R–NH) for 18 years, starting when he The award was presented May 1, 2005 at to Armenia continue to flourish. My prede- was a member of the U.S. House of Rep- NACWA’s 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting in cessor in the House, the late Adam Benjamin, resentatives, and later, the U.S. Senate. Be- Washington, D.C. was of Armenian heritage, and his distin- fore working for Senator SMITH, Marti served guished service in the House serves as an ex- According to NACWA, earning two back-to- as Assistant to the Mayor for Manchester ample to the entire Northwest Indiana commu- back Platinum Awards has been achieved by Mayor Bob Shaw. nity. Over the years, members of the Armenia- only five other wastewater treatment agencies Marti’s commitment to the citizens of the American community throughout the United in the country. Two Platinum Awards rep- Granite State extends far beyond the walls of States have contributed millions of dollars and resent 10 perfect years, during which the our Manchester district office. Marti has been Metro District has discharged almost 530 bil- countless hours of their time to various Arme- involved in Granite State Ambassadors, the nian causes. Of particular note are Mrs. Vicki lion gallons of treated, high-quality water into Board of Directors for the Photographic Histor- the South Platte River and completed more Hovanessian and her husband, Dr. Raffy ical Society of New England, a past President Hovanessian, residents of Indiana’s First Con- than 100,000 chemical and biological analyses of the Board of Directors for the New Hamp- that verify there were no permit violations. gressional District, who have continually shire Junior Miss Scholarship Program and a worked to improve the quality of life in Arme- The Metro Wastewater Reclamation Dis- past member of the New Hampshire Commis- trict’s 345 employees have every right to be nia, as well as in Northwest Indiana. Three sion on the Status of Women. other Armenian-American families in my con- proud of this accomplishment. It places them I would also like to take a moment to thank gressional district, Dr. Aram and Mrs. Seta among the elite protectors of the environment the Greater Boston Federal Executive Board Semerdjian, Dr. Heratch and Mrs. Sonya in the nation. and the Moakley Family for recognizing Marti’s Doumanian, and Dr. Ara and Mrs. Rosy These accomplishments result from the ef- accomplishments and those of the other final- Yeretsian, have also contributed greatly to- forts of many. The District has an outstanding ists. I congratulate and thank Marti on her ward charitable works in the United States and maintenance department, a well-engineered years of hard work and dedication to New Armenia. Their efforts, together with hundreds plant, great support groups, and management Hampshire. of other members of the Armenian-American who always strive to do the best for their rate- f community, have helped to finance several im- payers. They also have a dedicated oper- MEMORIAL TO THOSE WHO LOST portant projects in Armenia, including the con- ations staff that continually gives examples of struction of new schools, a mammography their ability to get things done no matter what THEIR LIVES IN ARMENIAN GENOCIDE clinic, and a crucial roadway connecting Arme- the challenge. nia to Nagorno Karabagh. The Metro Wastewater Reclamation District In the House, I have tried to assist the ef- serves approximately 1.5 million people. Its HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY forts of my Armenian-American constituency service area includes most of metropolitan OF INDIANA by continually supporting foreign aid to Arme- Denver and encompasses 380 square miles, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nia. This past year, with my support, Armenia including all of Denver and parts of Adams, Wednesday, May 4, 2005 received $84 million in U.S. aid to assist eco- Arapahoe and Jefferson Counties. Arvada, Au- nomic and military development. In addition, Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today rora, Lakewood, Thornton, and part of West- on April 16, 2004, I joined several of my col- in solemn memorial to the estimated 1.5 mil- minster are included. leagues in signing the letter to President Bush lion men, women, and children who lost their urging him to honor his pledge to recognize The Metro District collects and treats about lives during the Armenian Genocide. As in the 130 million gallons of wastewater a day at its the Armenian Genocide. past, I am pleased to join so many distin- The Armenian people have a long and 185 million-gallon-a-day Central Treatment guished House colleagues on both sides of Plant five miles northeast of central Denver. proud history. In the fourth century, they be- the aisle in ensuring that the horrors wrought came the first nation to embrace Christianity. This plant is the largest wastewater treatment upon the Armenian people are never re- facility in the Rocky Mountain West. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire was peated. ruled by an organization known as the Young Formed under Colorado law in 1961, the On April 24, 1915, over 200 religious, polit- Turk Committee, which allied with Germany. Metro District provides wholesale wastewater ical, and intellectual leaders of the Armenian Amid fighting in the Ottoman Empire’s eastern transmission and treatment service to 57 local community were brutally executed by the Anatolian provinces, the historic heartland of governments, including both cities and sanita- Turkish government in Istanbul. Over the the Christian Armenians, Ottoman authorities tion districts in metropolitan Denver. The course of the next 8 years, this war of ethnic ordered the deportation and execution of all Metro District began treating metro Denver’s genocide against the Armenian community in Armenians in the region. By the end of 1923, wastewater in 1966. the Ottoman Empire took the lives of over half virtually the entire Armenian population of NACWA implemented the National Environ- the world’s Armenian population. Anatolia and western Armenia had either been mental Achievement Awards program in 1983 Sadly, there are some people who still deny killed or deported. to recognize the excellence that was occurring the very existence of this period which saw While it is important to keep the lessons of routinely at many wastewater treatment agen- the institutionalized slaughter of the Armenian history in mind, we must also remain com- cies across the country. people and dismantling of Armenian culture. mitted to protecting Armenia from new and VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:13 Mar 11, 2009 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR05\E04MY5.000 E04MY5 erowe on PROD1PC63 with BOUND RECORD 8658 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 May 4, 2005 more hostile aggressors. In the last decade, 3,270-acre tract of land adjacent to the North Brush Mountain East—The Brush Mountain thousands of lives have been lost and more Fork of the Powell River in Lee County. The East proposed Wilderness Area is adjacent to than a million people displaced in the struggle property is considered to be the least dis- the Brush Mountain proposed Wilderness Area between Armenia and Azerbaijan over turbed forest in all of Southwest Virginia and and is located in Craig County. This tract is Nagorno-Karabagh. Even now, as we rise to is home to populations of two rare salaman- 3,769 acres in size and shares many of the commemorate the accomplishments of the Ar- ders. The Stone Mountain and Payne Branch characteristics of its neighboring proposed Wil- menian people and mourn the tragedies they trails are included as part of the proposed Wil- derness Area.
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