30_584146 bindex.qxd 6/28/05 8:05 PM Page 345 Index leaders in 1970s and beyond, 258–259 • A • religion, counterculture, and, 274 Abernathy, Ralph (civil rights leader), American Medical Association (AMA), 60 111, 116, 134 An Loc, Vietnam, 208 abortion, 240, 248, 250 Anderson, Marian (black singer), 90 Academic Senate, Berkeley, 224 Anderson naval ship sabotage, 190 acid (LSD), 277–279 androgynous fashions, 304–305 Addison’s disease, 23 anti–Vietnam War movement advertising, 55 aggression, building, 175 Afghanistan, 1980s proxy war in, 33 Cambodian invasion, response to, African Americans. See blacks 187–188, 203 Agency for International Development, 31 Chicago, protests at Democratic National Agnew, Spiro (vice president), 18, 75, 264 Convention, 75, 184–186 Agricultural Labor Relations Act, 255 civil disobedience, 174 Agricultural Workers Organizing civil rights leaders, 182–183 Committee (AWOC), 253 college students, 15–16, 172 AIM (American Indian Movement), described, 13, 169–170 17, 258–259 draft, resisting, 176–179 Alabama. See also Birmingham, AL early marches and demonstrations, 174 “Bloody Sunday” violence, 58 hippies, 275 freedom ride violence, 114 Kent State Massacre, 188–189 march through, 13, 126–127 media coverage, buying, 181–182 Montgomery Bus Boycott, 12, 97–99, military, problems in, 189–190 103, 105, 110, 111 My Lai Massacre and, 202 NAACP, prohibition against, 110 New Left, 218 Alcatraz Island, American Indian 1968 turning point, 183 occupation of, 17, 255–258 Nixon’s criticism of Johnson for, 74 Ali movie, 332 North Vietnamese seeing hope in, Ali, Muhammad (boxer), 89, 319–321 207–208 “Alice’s Restaurant” (Guthrie), 297 peace movement, 170–172 Alliance for Progress program, 31 private missions to Vietnam, 179–181 Alpert, Richard (HarvardCOPYRIGHTED psychologist and public MATERIAL suicides, 174–175 LSD experimenter), 278–279 teach-ins, 173 Altamont music festival, 301 Tet Offensive and, 14–15 AMA (American Medical Association), 60 VVAW, 190–191 American Graffiti movie, 334 appropriations measures, 92 American Indian Movement (AIM), Aptheker, Herbert (antiwar leader), 17, 258–259 179–180 American Indians Arkansas, school integration battle in, Alcatraz occupation, 255–258 96–97 casinos, 258 Armstrong, Neil (astronaut), 80 described, 17, 255 art, 316–317 30_584146 bindex.qxd 6/28/05 8:05 PM Page 346 346 The '60s For Dummies ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) bestselling books, 315–316 burden, shifting to, 198–199 Birmingham, AL Cambodia, move into, 204 freedom riders, 114 coup of 1963, 152 jailing of King and Abernathy, 115–116 creation, 150 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, 120 Easter Invasion response, 208 television coverage, 31, 32 Laos, invasion of, 187, 206–207 birth control U.S. troops and, 162 abortion, 248 Ashmore, Harry S. (Mission to Hanoi: A Catholic Church bans, 248–249 Chronicle of Double-Dealing In High female sexuality, unleashing, 246–247 Places), 180–181 before Pill, 246 Atkinson, Ti-Grace (lesbian rights Pill, introduction of, 245 activist), 245 planned pregnancy, embracing, 246 AWOC (Agricultural Workers Organizing Black Muslims. See Nation of Islam Committee), 253 Black Nationalism, 92 Black Panther Party origins, 13, 138–139 • B • police shootings, 230 Baez, Joan (singer), 224, 288 programs, devising and implementing, Baggs, William C. (Mission to Hanoi: A 139–140 Chronicle of Double-Dealing In High violent resistance, 140–142 Places), 180–181 black pride Baldwin, Ruth Standish (Urban League college campuses, 137–138 founder), 109 factors leading to movement, 125 Ball, George (Kennedy and Johnson movies about, 331–332 advisor), 28, 154, 158 music, 286 Barry, Marion (SNCC chairman and Nation of Islam, 134–137 Washington, D.C., mayor), 113 Olympic athletes’ gesture, 319 baseball, 89, 317–318 blacks. See also civil rights movement; civil Bay of Pigs invasion, 35 rights organizations Beach Boys, 284–285, 294–295 in entertainment, 91, 284, 285–287, 315 beach movies, 310 in government, 93, 106 Beatles, 19, 281–282, 289–292, 294 in military, 88 beats/beatniks, 268–269 “Bloody Sunday” (civil rights violence), Beckwith, Byron de la, 117 58, 126 beer prices, 340 Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice movie, 311 Belafonte, Harry (musician), 289 body counts, Vietnam War, 160–161 Berkeley, University of California at bohemians, 268 activism before ’63, HUAC, 221 Bond, James (movie and book civil rights, 221–222 character), 308 hippies, Haight-Ashbury, 225 books, bestselling, 315–316 Oakland activities, 226 Boston, school desegregation in, 96 origins, 220 Boudin, Kathy (Weathermen member), 230 People’s Park, 226–227 Bowers, Samuel (Mississippi Klan protests, 222–223 leader), 123 Savio, Mario, 225 boycott, farmworkers’ rights movement, sit-in at Sproul Hall, 223–224 253–255 student movements, 15–16 bra burning, 241–242 Berlin Wall, 36 Breadbasket, Operation, 132–133 30_584146 bindex.qxd 6/28/05 8:05 PM Page 347 Index 347 Brezhnev, Leonid (Soviet premier), 79 Canada, draft dodgers in, 177–178 British musical groups. See Beatles; capitalism, 214 Rolling Stones Carlos, John (Olympic athlete), 319 Broadway, 311 Carmichael, Stokely (black activist), Brooklyn Dodgers, 89 113, 138, 240 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 111 Carson, Johnny (talk-show host), 312 Brown, H. Rap (SNCC director), 130 Carter, Jimmy (president), 178 Brown, James (musician), 286 casinos, American Indian, 258, 259 Brown, Jim (athlete), 89 Castro, Fidel (Cuban dictator), 34–37 Brown, Pat (California governor), Catholic Church bans birth control, 73, 129, 223 248–249 Brown v. Topeka Board of Education Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA decision, 95–96, 109, 117 Chambers, Whittaker (accused Alger Hiss Brown, Willie (San Francisco mayor and of spying), 70 protesters’ lawyer), 222 Chaney, James (slain civil rights Bruce, Lenny (comedian), 315 worker), 122 Brucker, Herbert (Green Beret Charles, Ray (musician), 91 designer), 33 Charlie Company, My Lai Massacre, Buckley, William F. Jr. (conservative 201–202 magazine founder), 262 Chavez, Cesar (farmworkers’ rights Buddhism, 274 leader), 16–17, 251–255 Buddhist monks’ suicide protests in Chavez, Helen Fabela (wife of Cesar), 253 Vietnam, 152–153, 174–175 Checkers speech, Nixon’s, 71–72 buddy films, 308 Chicago Freedom Movement, 132 Bunche, Ralph (U.N. leader), 92 Chicago, violence in, 75, 184–186, 230 Bundy, McGeorge (Kennedy and Johnson China, 76, 79, 208 advisor), 28, 157 Christmas bombing of North Vietnam, 210 bus boycott, 97–99 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) busing, school desegregation and, Castro, attempts on, 34–35 80–81, 96 Communists in South Vietnam, Phoenix Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Program targeting, 200–201 movie, 308 Cuban Missile Crisis, 37 Byrnes, John (senator), 60 Kennedy assassination, 43 LSD experiments, 278 OSS relationship with Viet Minh, 145–146 • C • Watergate, 82 California, University of. See Berkeley, civil disobedience University of California at antinuclear proliferation, 171 “Call to Conscience” article (Schweitzer), anti–Vietnam War movement, 174 170–171 New Left, 219, 222 Calley, William (My Lai Massacre Civil Rights Act lieutenant), 201–202 of 1957, 49, 99–100 calypso music, 289 of 1968, 127 Cambodia, extending Vietnam War into of 1964, 12, 57, 123–124, 236 antiwar backlash, 187–188, 204–205 civil rights movement. Congress, fallout over, 205–206 anti–Vietnam War movement, 182–183 Khmer Rouge, 205 Berkeley students, 221–222 Camelot Broadway musical, 26 Birmingham, 31, 32, 114, 115–116, 120 campus. See college students black pride, 125, 134–138, 319 30_584146 bindex.qxd 6/28/05 8:05 PM Page 348 348 The '60s For Dummies civil rights movement (continued) COFO (Council of Federated economic empowerment, seeking, Organizations), 121 131–134 cold war factors leading to, 11–12, 85–87 Berlin Wall, 36 freedom rides, 113–115 Castro, targeting, 34–35 Freedom Summer, 120–123 containment strategy, 33, 155 government and, 92–93 Cuban Missile Crisis, 36–40 Kennedy and, 25, 31–32, 43 described, 32 legacy of 1960s, 142 Goldwater’s rhetoric against Soviet lunch counter sit-ins, 31, 106–108 Union, 53 March for Jobs and Freedom, 104, Indochina, 147 117–118 Kennedy, John F., 32–41 marching from Selma to Montgomery, movie themes, 307 13, 126–127 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty, 40 Montgomery Bus Boycott, 97–99 peace movement, 170–172 New Left, 218 social problems as reaction to, 21 Nixon’s attempts to delay desegregation, space race, 29 80–81 Vietnam War, 13, 40–41, 161–162, 196–197 nonviolence movement, 102–105, 118 Cole, Nat “King” (singer), 91 performing arts, 90–92, 309–310 college students. See also FSM pushing for change, 12–13, 88–89, 101 black pride, 137–138 racial violence, 93–94 campus issues, 137, 217–218 radical groups, 13 folk music, 287 riots, 128–131 lunch counter sit-ins, 106–108 school integration, 80, 95–97, 109, 117 Vietnam War protests, 14 sports, 89–90, 319 women, growing number of, 237 statewide protests, acknowledging, 31–32 Columbia University protests, 229 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 127 comedians, 314–315 “We Shall Overcome” song, 294 Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy women, 240 (SANE), 170–171, 175 civil rights organizations Committee for Nonviolent Action Black Panther Party, 138–142 (CNVA), 171 CORE, 103,106-107, 110–111, 112, 113, 120 Committee to Re-Elect the President Deacons for Defense, 112 (CREEP), 82 NAACP, 32, 93, 95, 98, 108–110 communes, rural, 18, 273 SCLC, 103, 111–112, 126–127, Communism. See also cold war 131, 132, 133–134 in Cambodia, Khmer Rouge, 203, 205 SNCC, 113, 125 civil rights movement, Hoover’s Urban League, 109 approach to, 106 Clark, Jim (Selma, AL, police chief), 126 conservative movement and, 261–263 Clark, Mark (slain Black Panther), 140 eliminating in South Vietnam, Phoenix Clay, Cassius Marcellus (original name of Program, 200–201 Muhammad Ali), 319–320 HUAC, 70, 215–216 Cleaver, Eldridge (Black Panther), 142 1930s and 1940s, 215 closet, coming out of, 259–260 Nixon’s goodwill tours as vice CNVA (Committee for Nonviolent president, 72 Action), 171 North Vietnam, 146, 151 redbaiting/Red Scare, 48, 91 30_584146 bindex.qxd 6/28/05 8:05 PM Page 349 Index 349 Community Service Organization politics, 275 (CSO), 253 sexual revolution, 273–274 Congress.
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