Paite sfekgfitfli FOL. 6, NO. 41. NANAIMO, B. C, THURSDAY DECEMBER 28, 1898. PRICE, 5 CENTS. declined ov.r £17,500 000 as compare! with ita object the restoration of the monarchy, IA REPORTED MASS4KE:th e sime petiod ..t 1892. while impoits were : He is an enthusiastic monarchist. It ia reduced £6,600,000 Tobacco imports in-1 thought here that his expulsion from Uru- eteased £67,000 and imporlid oils and Ger- guay, which is undoubtedly ih) if suit of Ogilvie's nmn articles increased £000,000. These are I action taken by lhe Biuzdiau Government BRITISH TROOP SAID TO HAVE the only exceptions in the geueral decline, to secure that end, will for a time put an Milled Under New and BEEN ANNIHILATED. The exports of food, drink, cln mieala, eud to his efforts to oveithrow the Peixoto and maohinery increased. The yarns and government, Unparalleled Methods textile fabrics exported di creaaed 243,000 ———_____. Flour By Lo Bcngula's Matabclc Warriors. pounds. The coal exported decreased i A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. PRONOUNCED by all leading baktrs the STRONGEST and Contradictory Reports—At First 2,250,000 pounds, Before lhe coal strike. Generally Discredited—Afterwards industry showed brighter signs. The cotton Continuation of Premier Davie's Address trade esp oially suffered from the coal strike BEST in the market. Partially Confirmed—A Painful Un­ in the Opera House. and increased foreign competition. Only Produces 30 POUNDS MORE BREAD per bairel of 196 lbs. certainty Regarding Their Fate. 10,006,000 pounds weight of cotton were (Continued from jeBterday'a isiue J thau any ouier Manitoba Flour. Strained Relations Between England purchased, whereas during ihe first eleven Then in respect to the settling of small and the Japan Empire Causing r,*Ir. m. n'.hsof 1892 .similar am, uni, waa obiuii.eJ homesteads, it might be as well to spend a Prom actual tes*s excp!n in quality for Pastry, Cakes, etc. Gladstone's Government Much Un­ fioui lhe United States alone. There has little more money on the roads and enable theae settlers to get their produce on the easiness An Open Rupture not Im­ been an unbroken decline since 1891 in the Asc ycur grocer for OGILVIE'S NEW FLOUR. quantity and qtviljty <,f these goods for the market. He did not disapprove of the probable British Trade During the east, and although most eastern countries Piemier'a acheme for all tbat povided he Bags Btwn wiih R-^d, White and Blue Twine. Past Year According to the Pall have iucreaBed their demand for cotton will give this chance to the settlers we al­ Mall Gazette. goods and the returns show ready have. Ins'ead of aiding them finan­ marked improvement the eastern de­ cially it would be better to give them roads M lEiSHMAN, VICTORIA, AGENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA mand, on the contrary is waning. and he thought if they got the roads they would not need much financial aid. An­ S-ll-Sm The orders for China aud Japan are gradu­ LONDON, Dec 27 —Despatches received other pdnt was the exclusion of Chinese by city houses through South African mer­ ally growing smaller and Turkey alao has required leas. The American trade has from the mines. Petitions sigued not alone chants, nport. the British South Africa steadily advanced, What effeot the change by miners but by business men, mmufac- Conipaiy'-i force under Captain Wilaon, 40 in tho tariff of the Unitid States, will bring turers, merchants, lawyer-, and pnaohers strong, to have been massacred by the nb ut, is a matter of coujeoture. The Liu- too had been presented to lhe Government MaUbele. cashir** merchants did not fear 'he McKinley every winter for the exclu-iou of Chinese 'AVID SPENCER tariff because they sent their beat goods to from the mines but they took uo notice of LONDON, Dec 27— It was reported this the S'ates. If the McKinley tariff has had it. He thought, as one who had worked in : : CRESCENT : : : afternoon that Captain Barrow, who was any effect, therefore, it has to increaae the the minea it was extremely necessary that we sent across the Shangani by Major Forbes cotton trade, which in lhe first eleven should luve men who were capable of under­ to reinforce Captain Wilson and who shared months of 1893, exported generally standing the (igus used in the mines, it was 1,339,586 pounds, thia being an in­ \ery eaaential to have intelligent, competent with him the command of the consolidated c crease over previous yeara. Brazil men working in the mines where there is •ew Goods for Xmas Just Received column**, had been lo. t with all his men. and the South American republics were gas. Where there are say 300 men work­ Late in the aftern ion, botvover, general laige buyers, but not half the quantity was ing in a mine every man haa the lives of the lies' Fancy Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs, 15c, 25'., 37-Jc, 50c. to |t. opinion in th*; city discredited all reports of shipped to Chdi as in 1892. The woollen whole number on his, shoulders. The trade be-.ts a bright aspect. Germany is Hon. Premier has spoken about his rail­ lies' Gauze Silk Embroidered II mil kerchiefs, (French), 50c. to $1. a massacre. LONDON, Dec. 27.- Confirmation haa beeu our beat customer for woollens and worsted way policy and told us about the magnifi­ yarns, taking nearly half the g oda export­ I, • ^es' White Lace Trimmed liamlkerc' iefs, for evening wear, 50 and 7-r>c each. received from several commercial sources of cent financial standing of this province in the the report of the total annihilation of Cap­ ed. The export of woollen tissues amount­ money markets of the world. How could ed in the first eleven months of 1892 to if,- '.ies' White Hem-Siitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, $1.25, SI.50 and S2 per dozen. tain Wilson's force. It lacked confirmation we have any other than a good standing 4,8,15,158 pounds, compared with 5,231,140 by official messages, but it is generally ac­ when our resources are known. Lock at the ts' Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, 37-i, 50 and 75ets. each—choice. pounds in the mme months this year. The lumber of our country, the beat iu quality, cepted aa true. After the defeat of King exporta of worsted tissues, which amounted Lo Bengula at Buluwayo, he fled to aud look at the fish industry. It is not because fits' BUok Silk Handkerchiefs, fl, 11.25 and SI.50 each. to 8,104,560 pounds in 1892, fell to 7,561,732 of the excellence of the Government that acrosa the Shangani river pursued by the poui ds in 1893. our standing ia good in the markets of the 1 '.a' Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, from 25c. each to $1—a great bargain. British. Captain Wilson and about 40 men left the main pursuing column world. This present Government is guaran­ teeing the interest on railway schemes and Is' Hem-Stitched Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c, 75c and SI each. and crossed the Shangani after the enemy. THE BRAZILIAN IMBROGLIO. Shortly after he crossed, the river began io h-> believed he was not misrepresenting Cher Boas, SI, S'-75 to S.'i."5 and Si.~5. riae, and hia retreat was cut off. Soon re­ The Nictheroy Goes Gunning for Insur­ when ho aaid it was part of their policy to ports began to be received that the whole gent Warships-United States SS. New gu rurten tho pri::cip:tl too. He believed ' Storm Collars, Capes and Mulls. Real Bear Boas and Muffs, force had bpen killed and they were be- he (Mr. Davie) had said the Government York Sails for Rio. guarantees the principal to certain promot­ *•• =*' Cloth Suits SI.75, S2.00 and $4.50. j lieved at the Colonial office, though no offi- i cial despatches were received to confirm MONTEVIDEO, Dec. 25.—Advices from Rio ers g 'ing to wot k to build for say 8200,000 411 the above are special importations, and are marked at auch ridiculous low price ! them. 0 i Dicemher 12th a report was tele­ si) General Tulles, who had OJO of hia legs or §300,000 which they put in their pockets. shot off recently by the insurgents during He said it was a mighty ticklish piece of ,f all MUST BE SATISFIED if they examine and compare the goods. graphed from Cape Town that Captain Wil- I son's force had difeated the Matabeles au attack upon Governor's Island, died to­ busiuess guaranteeing the principal as well , under Lo Bmgula and that the natives had day. Ciptain Picking's' refusal to give as the interest on money invest* d in rail­ 1 fled. This report, however, like those of American vessels in Rio harbur ull lhe pro- ways. He had read reports in the papers | the massacre of lhe force,waa not confirmed. tec ion they desired from rebel fire while that the Ni.kusp and Slocan railway was J D. SPENCER, It waa then aleo said that Captain Wilson lauding cargoes, is asserted by aggrieved being cooalrue'ed in a most flimsy manner, irhiptnastcrs to be a virtual recognition of PROPRIETOR. waa understood to be making for Fort and when a Government guarantees the 1! Om Charter as the rise in the river prevented the insurgents as belligerents, aud their principal and interest for building railways his return to Buluwayo. The advices now view ia evidently chartd by American mer­ he believed it was better for the Govern­ received indicate that the firat reports of the chants iu this city.
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