PROCEEDINGs CF THE PUBLIC HEARING IiELD AT THE PF.OPOSED EXPLORATORY DRILL \JG OF O1 (OilJE) I.JO' OF WELL AI-AMDAI-A NEAR VILL-LAUGRAM, LAUGRAM G.P, P.S-KATULPUR, DIST-BANKURA, WEST BENGAL UNDER THE PROPOSED EXPLORATORY DR|LL|NG (3 WELLS) tN BENGAL OnJSHORE BLOCK WB- oNN-20058, WEST BENGAL pRoposED UNDER NELP-vtt By M/s.orl AND NATURAL GAS coRpoRATroN LIMITED HELD ON 17.07.201'4 AT 12.30 PI'/I AT THE MEETING f{ALL OF B.D.O OFFICE LAUGRAM CLOSE TO THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED PROJEC1 DtsT. - BANKURA, WEST BENGAL. M/s' oil and Natural Gas Corporation Liririted (oNGC) submitted an application to the lvesi Bengal psllLrtio. Control Board (herein after refet.recj lc'as the state Board) for conducting a public Hear-ing for propose.l Exploratory Drilling of O1 (one) no of \\/ell at Anrdai-A near Vilt-Laugram, Laugram G p, pS-KatulpLrr, Dr::- Bankura West Bengal under propcsecj tf-re exploratory driiling (3 rvelis) in Bengal Onshcre Biock ...3 C,::.- 2oo5B,underNELPVii,\VestBenq;].'1slleitlrerlotificatiorlS.o.153-]dat:;---j MoEF, Govt of India, Eit',,ironiireitial C =..:. = ',rv:.I l)f-,- {-: ,, ' i -. \ - .- Accordingly, the St::= 3: .c-l -.. PM at the N,lectin5 -:,, 1-J.- J -t - coirsiderable gaiit:r''i-;= l -.--l rltonrh:r:v-r J !. others present c;:.': -:-: Sri Shyanrasish Roy,'un''3CSiExe) Additioirai District Niagistrate (Bankura)and Addl. Execuri,,.e officer, Bai-,i(ui-a Zilla Parishad pi'esided ol,er the hear-inq. The hearing started r,ritI a \^,,elcomc note fror-r-. Sri S. Monclai Invirorlntetrtal Fnqrr-lr--€i, \,vesi Bet-,qai p,-riilii]. ccntrol Board. ne briefed the audt€nce about iite nrcc_ririir_.,. of Pubiic Hearing, r,,''itic-ir is part Pr.;lrrc of Cc,rsLrltation process,;rrder EIA llor.iliieii,trr,20Jb e.j i:r, suirseq,,tent ant:nc'iltenis. l--le also nt€r rti:_ :-:,_..] i:'iai iLr: ic ilrofrsoon season, venue of il-ie i_.,uoiic hearin: i-;crS Lreen shifted fronr the siic of tire ;trci_r.,-t,l :_ ri'.1'-'Ci il ti,: i,4eetirig Hail Cf B.D.O C-ir:._. '_i;,;_.,-1- Cli-,S: t,-r -.: - site of the proposed prolect 5ri Shyarnasish Rcy,,'uyBCS(Exe) Additronai Distri:t \1asis:rate (Bankura) anC Addl E,rec Zilla Parishad highlighted tlr: inroorr.airce 3 i-j:cir.=s cf )uciic l-tea:iit.t anC ir-rior:-,a the irnportance of hydr-ocarbon exDlcra: rOit t. C.i i,rt3 aC:,'.,it\, fr. rSU ,iit: C,.ilC expiaineci its positi';e ir|ptacts. H€ i-:at,,r!,.ii:_ ::-: :t: urrdei-taKen tit cetaii ai- J ic use ioiar Representative of M,/s oii and Natural Gas corporation Limited (ohlGC) describeo tne Energl, lrrdia & expiained ir-nportance the cf Hycrocarbon exploration & role of ONGC. He na rrated project detaiis and the proposed poliutron control devices through porver point presentation the iikely environnrental irnpacts arisinq out c-.f the sanre as \^u,€ll as the proposed pollution measljres to be ll'7 taken tlrem. He iras nre rrtroned about the base line status of Air-euality, Noise Soil Quality & Water Qualitv of the area rn,'hich is rveli r"vithin the national standards He also brieflv the process, drilling lrnpact assessment, Poliuticn Corrtrol Measures &. Invironrnent l,lanaEerrent plan. He rnentioned that iv1/s' ol",iGC has oroDOSpo to dr-ill 01 (one) no. \{/eil of depth 3250rr at ArncJai-A .eai.'ui rii Laugram, Laugram G.P. P.:i-Katulcur, Di:t-8.:i'ri<ur-a West Bengal. Exploratory drillilg to be u.dei-ta!,.ilr.:u '"stablish the presertce of nvdrocarborrs inii:ated by seisr-nic survey. He also statert that expioratory tirilling is temporary and short duration acti,.rit,"r and includes site prenaration, v,rell founcjaiion, rig lruilCirig, di_illi;r=l and restoi-ation o1'the'"vc'll site Tiris actir,'itv takes approxirrately 3-4 rnonths uncjer-norrrral roncJitic.s. ^r,-, . f_;ile 1 i_;. j area of about 6.1 :cr'€s r.^.,ill be r-equired for thc proposed ltroject and tire land'"^;ill b': returrned tc iirr: i;,rircj o\^/ners at almost pf.esent condition after drilling was corrpleted. He also explained to the audience about ONGC's conrmitment tor.vards Corporate Social Respcnsibilit',, programmes r,vith 5p..ial emphasis on: Health, Educatiop etc. During the discussion the panel members and the others present in the public hearing nrade qur:r'its,/ suggestions v;iih respect to the proposed pro.1ect, r,vlrich are noted i-.,elcr,v. Sri Nabin Chandra Kotal of Viil- Laugram requested the project proponent to explain in i:t:ris'= land acquisition process. He nrentioneci that habitation is about 1Kh/ a\'.,a\/ frlnr ti.: r,.t-:ti S.: project proponent shorrld cperate nraintainin: e'"r'. i.o'-''r:'-:: '- t''- : -i . j - '-, . ,- - infrastructur-eoii:::l rr'''-11'. s::'---- :'--r :'',. --: a" .- -.' : - - - - - -.=-=':::sl='. after cirillina ano a:-','t-..:S'.=,t :'r:::'r= :':-=:: :'l:l''=-. s'---- - =:: : i :- :' :. .. problern should nct aff:ct iir: r:e'a. i:'i:; i',.''al ial: a':: Sri lrlixui Cia'rjr, C=,:r'-i l' . rit-,3ui'a':. ai:l S.i S-,'.r::^ar l,: -:-:- :j -=a:=':-' ''a-j--s:al:": proponent to consi:e: fcr Cer"eicprrtent of local primar','s:hc:l a|: it a,3't:uic ar',.r riSl -'-a:-:: ground',vater shouid not be affected due to drilling activity.' Sri .Jo',roev h4cntiat li r'ril Laugranr aiso requested to consider develc'Jnrent of lccal ttealth centrc. Sri Aditir Kumar Ghosh of Vili-Laugrarr, Sri Bisv;ajit Gnosh, Sri Santosir LlonCai alt S'-r t;ri'r3 .a.3.'a:. Chakraborty of \.i rti- Fatepui' also r-aisecj sir-niiar issue Tle',, oueriecj ai-cLl ,cr.,:: :,'- -' ::-: j:,,: '1'- :, :'- ". condition of tire land r.'.'trich ,"^.'ill be returned after ciriillls. SriTusharKantiGhosh,N4enlberofLaugramGranlPancha',,etmer..tiCnectn3tCCr.:l..:'-::.':..'.'. the presentation should be fulfilled and should op:rat: ilai.tair-'n=:;r.l'o'- rra:-t"l ':'-'- : \./ill-Fate!Ltl.siet:: Sri Kalyan KLrnrar Ghosir L.f :L,3: ,'.^-:-:'. :- ;. - -:,.i:I L: - .. - ._ _ cause ciarlage ic iire irearb','agrlcuiturai ianc. Ms. Avinanda hilukherlee, BDO of Kotulpur Block express her hope that socio-econonric scenar.ir :r ::. area will be inrproved due to the proposed project and project proponent should operate inai'.t,.ir,;;ri environmental norrls. Sri Sahadelt Kotai, Sabirapati, Laugrarl Pachayet Samity opined tirat project proponent shouid tinir:rtai.li: Corporate Social Resg;oiisibiiity prograrnme in consultation with localpanchayat and adnrinistraiion. Representative of l',4/s. ONGC nrentroned that only 6.1 acres of land is required for tentpcriir'',, "l.rs;j :rrJ compensation t'"iil De gti'en as per the guidelines of the State Government. He also assured that ldiro i^"",i itrt returned to the iaird cr'.riters in riearly original condition after cirillinq 1n",1ll over and sl-rall pi-ovide;cei;1..:11,- compensaticn 1.o ti'te iaii,J o'"vners as deterrnined by the district adn-'inistration based on tire natur'e ci laird for thr€€ y331'5 l'ie expiairred ai:out CNGC's conrnlitrnent for child educatiorr [], the CSR activities gtr-oposeci to [te carrred ort bv" ONGC to nearby school.s. lle informed that preference ivill b.' given tc the land losers for ildirect entployment for unskilled jobs. He also mentioned that nrobile FTP will be provided to treat effluent generated frorr the process arrd there is no threat regarding eirvir-onrnental pollutioir to the nearb\,',,illases. He also conrmitted that road infrastructure will be developed for the drilling activity. S.Morrdal, Sri Fnvironment Engineer, Durgapur R.O \^'/BirCB assurecJ the auCience p.esent. tlrat thu- deliberations presented by the speakers in the hearing v.,ill be dul5, 1s6.rded and'.ride3 i-ecording of +t-Ilc ^ rn;hole proceedings rvill be forwarded to the appropriate autlrorities fcr their-:,_,:'rsij:ra:r:n *.: a,i-,-1.- rrentioned ttrat West Bengal Pollution control Board shall take necesssr',i 5r.-!s as 3:' a.r. -r' '- : +._ _ .- _^-^i .J _;!! il lr- ^. ;,'-l-.-r.^r., tr" : ar. L'f ,-.O.-rr \-rl' irn 5 P'v -r.{ ra nr assistat'.:e ite€:L] to be a. e. He said tnat if h,,Ar \-rLo-.4 I Ll l t.- :,.:jctntenl of k tter i ,li tire area. In generai. the pLrblic prL'sent in the hearing welcomed the proi,:ct n:ovided the pr-oiect pr-ci:,onent address tire issua's ciisci-;sseci in the purlic hearing. TherT also recuestei: tirai:atepur'-Laitgr.ir,rr 11{,u:i sircuid also lte includel '.','ith ihe ivell name. The public i-.earins .'.as cti^iall.:ea 1.,, Sr; Sir,,,a,l1asis,: 1J,,, '.r./BCSi!,.€), Adcitioiral Jistrict ir4agistrate (Bankura) & AdCl. Ex:cuti.: Clficer, 3air:..,::?. Z,lla pa.isr.:; .,.,:fr lnairks to ihe audrence. (r/ 4'ht"" ir,.- er/c r.\ i.r-_ r2,;)' >/nrV J ! \ \ 5ri S.l,ionc'al Environn-ienia l Englneer, Durgapur R.O Iraie (3an'l;ra & -:-. lVest Bengal Pollution Control Board Bankura Zilia Par- 3-,-.--l)- -,-t " 1,,_. JJ-iJ --the Prr-bL'r ,, .: '.iec,.rQrrg 4lr'.lne Pro;ose.{ Exp{oitaforryOx;if-.tJ'( i ;, op Ane No. L{e(l olc Rsn Uc. nTrbo+c ,r/rlt-'L-ar-tgr.oi'r. , i i Lcr-uffrrnlm 4 P. fs - t^-ttr-tpculr , Oisi - Borrkurq) lrnd<.n {'he ii {-kopbseaf J!gj€_e+ af Fxplon rfonl SFrjttol44? (= WelL< ) t ;n..r, =i' li .,T,sl-?i',< -rln' 3.,,+ft! t ___:l $; iff:#Tffi h#g* t) tt i) 9L- ra.
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