S U P P L E M E N T 5 Volume 17 # Number 6 # DECEMBER 2011 Editor-in-Chief 2nd Hong Kong Neurological Congress cum Ignatius TS Yu 余德新 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Neurological Senior Editors Society PT Cheung 張璧濤 Council of The Hong Kong Neurological Society 5 CB Chow 周鎮邦 Albert KK Chui 徐家強 Organising Committee 5 Michael G Irwin List of Speakers 6 Editors KL Chan 陳廣亮 Scientific Programme 7 KS Chan 陳健生 Henry LY Chan 陳力元 SESSION ABSTRACT PAGE David VK Chao 周偉強 TW Chiu 趙多和 FREE PAPER PRESENTATIONS Stanley ST Choi 蔡兆堂 3D Rotational Angiography as a Screening Imaging Test FP 1 10 LW Chu 朱亮榮 for Intracranial Stenting WK Hung 熊維嘉 Florence SY Fan TL Kwan 關添樂 Alvin KH Kwok 郭坤豪 Intravenous Alteplase for Ischaemic Stroke Patients with FP 2 10 Paul BS Lai 賴寶山 Borderline Eligibility in Hong Kong—How Selective Should Eric CH Lai 賴俊雄 We Be? Stephen TS Lam 林德深 Alexander Lau, Edward Wong, Yannie Soo, Deyond Siu, WY Lam 林永賢 Venus Hui, Edward Shum, Cecilia Leung, Colin Graham, Patrick CP Lau 劉志斌 Thomas Leung, Lawrence Wong Arthur CW Lau 劉俊穎 Nelson LS Lee 李禮舜 Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Advanced FP 3 11 Danny WH Lee 李偉雄 Parkinson’s Disease: Efficacy and Complications KY Leung 梁國賢 Movement Disorder Group, Prince of Wales Hospital, Danny TN Leung 梁子昂 The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Anne Chan, Jonas Thomas WH Leung 梁慧康 HM Yeung, Danny TM Chan, XL Zhu, Edith Wong, KY Lau, WK Leung 梁惠強 Rosanna Wong, Christine Lau, Vincent CT Mok, Wayne Kenneth KW Li 李啟煌 WS Poon David TL Liu 劉大立 Janice YC Lo 羅懿之 Guillain-Barré Syndrome: a Retrospective Study of Clinical FP 4 11 Herbert HF Loong 龍浩鋒 Profiles and Outcomes in a Tertiary Centre James KH Luk 陸嘉熙 Anna HY Wong, YF Cheung, WC Fong, KW Fong, HF Chan, Ronald CW Ma 馬青雲 YW Ng, LT Chan, YC Chan, WT Lo, M Ismail, HM Chan, P Li Ada TW Ma 馬天慧 Jacobus KF Ng 吳國夫 Stroke in Tuberculous Meningitis FP 5 12 Hextan YS Ngan 顏婉嫦 YP Chu, MK Fong, B Sheng, YH Chan, WT Wong, KK Lau Martin W Pak 白威 PC Tam 談寶雛 SW Tang 鄧兆華 DISSERTATION HIGHLIGHTS William YM Tang 鄧旭明 Transient Axonal Glycoprotein-1 (TAG-1) Polymorphism DH 1 13 Clement CY Tham 譚智勇 and Its Correlation with Clinical Features and Prognosis in Martin CS Wong 黃至生 Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy Kenneth KY Wong 黃格元 (CIDP) TW Wong 黃大偉 Shirley YY Pang Patrick CY Woo 胡釗逸 TK Yau 游子覺 Advisors on Biostatistics William B Goggins Eddy KF Lam 林國輝 Advisor on Clinical Epidemiology Shelly LA Tse 謝立亞 Hong Kong Med J Vol 17 No 6 # Supplement 5 # December 2011 1 INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL SESSION ABSTRACT PAGE ADVISORY BOARD Usefulness of ABCD2 Score in Prediction of 90-day Risk DH 2 14 of Stroke in Patients with Transient Ischaemic Attack in a Sabaratnam Arulkumaran Chinese, Non-tertiary Care Community Hospital United Kingdom KK Wong Robert Atkins Australia Clinical Profile and Prognosis of Patients with Myasthenia DH 3 15 Gravis in Hong Kong Peter Cameron Eric SW Yeung Australia Factors Associated with the Risk of Thymoma at the DH 4 16 James Dickinson Canada Presentation of Myasthenia Gravis KY Cheung Adrian Dixon United Kingdom Predictors of Early Neurological Deterioration During Acute DH 5 17 Phase of Ischaemic Stroke: Experience in Acute Stroke Unit Willard Fee, Jr United States at a Regional Hospital in Hong Kong Grace LY Cheung Robert Hoffman United States SYMPOSIUM ON PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY Sean Hughes Focal Neuropathies S 1 17 United Kingdom Windsor Mak Arthur Kleinman Guillain-Barré Syndrome: the Immunopathogenesis and S 2 18 United States Relationship between the Different Subtypes Xiaoping Luo Nobuhiro Yuki China Common Pitfalls in the Electrodiagnosis of Entrapment S 3 18 Jonathan Samet Neuropathy United States Alex CP Chow Rainer Schmelzeisen Germany SYMPOSIUM ON NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension S 4 19 David Weatherall BL Man United Kingdom Homer Yang Atypical Optic Neuritis S 5 19 Canada Carmen KM Chan, Andy CO Cheng Using Eye Movements for Topological Diagnosis of Central S 6 20 Disorders David S Zee EXECUTIVE EDITOR Cyrus R Kumana NOVARTIS SYMPOSIUM ON MOVEMENT DISORDERS JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH THE HONG KONG MOVEMENT MANAGING EDITOR DISORDER SOCIETY New Targets for Treatments of Parkinson’s Disease S 7 21 Yvonne Kwok 郭佩賢 Ken KL Yung, John MT Chu, Cathy NP Lui, Olivia TW Ng ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS Levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone as First-line Levodopa S 8 21 Formulation: Pharmacokinetic Considerations Warren Chan 陳俊華 Thomas Müller Betty Lau 劉薇薇 Homocysteine and Entacapone Treatment S 10 22 Thomas Müller Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Parkinson’s S 11 22 Disease Eugene C Lai 2 Hong Kong Med J Vol 17 No 6 # Supplement 5 # December 2011 SESSION ABSTRACT PAGE ORIENT EUROPHARMA SYMPOSIUM ON EPILEPSY JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH HONG KONG EPILEPSY SOCIETY Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures S 12 23 David G Vossler Upcoming Antiepileptic Drugs: the United States Experience S 13 23 David G Vossler GLAXOSMITHKLINE SYMPOSIUM ON EPILEPSY JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH HONG KONG EPILEPSY SOCIETY Sleep and Epilepsy S 14 24 Carl Bazil Psychiatric Issues in Epileptic Disorders S 15 25 Joyce Lam SYMPOSIUM ON NEUROGENETICS Basic Neurogenetics: What Clinical Neurologists Need to Know S 16 25 KY Mok Molecular Neurogenetics: Tools and Methodsh S 17 26 Liz YP Yuen Advanced Neurogenetics: Frontiers in Research S 18 26 KY Mok ALLERGAN SYMPOSIUM ON HEADACHE & PAIN Current Approach for Chronic Migraine Management S 19 27 SJ Wang Updated Guidelines for Treatment of Neuropathic Pain S 20 28 PP Chen Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias S 21 29 TH Tsoi BAYER LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Anticoagulation for Prevention of Stroke in Patients with S 22 30 Atrial Fibrillation Jaseong Koo SYMPOSIUM ON MOYAMOYA DISEASE JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH THE HONG KONG STROKE SOCIETY Surgical Outcomes from Revascularisation Surgery for S 23 31 Moyamoya Disease: Experience in Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong KF Fok, WL Poon, YC Wong, Florence Kwok, Dawson Fong Surgical Management of Moyamoya Disease S 24 32 KC Wang SYMPOSIUM ON ISCHAEMIC STROKE JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH THE HONG KONG STROKE SOCIETY Mechanical Thrombectomy in Ischaemic Stroke: a Look at S 25 33 the Toolbox Ferdinand Hui Medical Management of Intracranial Stenosis S 26 34 Kazunori Toyoda Hong Kong Med J Vol 17 No 6 # Supplement 5 # December 2011 3 SESSION ABSTRACT PAGE POSTERS Off-label Use of Rituximab in Refractory Neurological P 1 35 Autoimmune Diseases—Experiences of a Regional Teaching Hospital in Hong Kong Vincent HL Ip, Alexander YL Lau, Anne YY Chan, Lisa WC Au, Florence SY Fan, Nick NC Ng, Edward HC Wong, Yannie OY Soo, Vincent CT Mok, Thomas WH Leung, Lawrence KS Wong Cisplatin Neuropathy: a Prospective Study on Chinese Patients P 2 35 KF Ko, WY Lau, WK Cheng, MC Kwan, LK Yip, KP Yiu A Lady with Autoimmune Lymphocytic Hypophysitis P 3 36 Presenting with Right 3rd, 4th and 6th Palsies SH Li Long-term Outcome of Stroke Thrombolysis in Hong Kong P 4 37 Chinese Patients Edward Wong Do Cerebral Microbleeds Increase Intracranial Haemorrhage P 5 37 Risk in Hong Kong Stroke Patients Receiving Thrombolytic Therapy? Edward Wong, Alexander Lau, Yannie Soo, Deyond Siu, Jill Abrigo, Tom Cheung, Venus Hui, Lawrence Wong Intravenous Thrombolysis Versus Intra-arterial Recanalisation P 6 38 Therapy for Acute Ischaemic Stroke Due to Large Artery Occlusion—Comparison of Outcomes from a Hong Kong Hospital Edward Wong, Simon Yu, Alexander Lau, Joyce Hui, Deyond Siu, Colin Graham, Cecilia Leung, Venus Hui, Lawrence Wong, Thomas Leung The Efficacy of Deep Brain Stimulation for Advanced P 7 38 Parkinson’s Disease YF Cheung, HF Chan, TL Poon, PMP Choi, WS Chan, FC Cheung, HM Chan, P Li A Case with Atypical Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome P 8 39 OC Lau, BH Fung, PW Ng, CH Lo, CK Chan, KY Cheung Headache Associated with Chest Pain and ECG P 9 39 Abnormalities: What Can It Be? Raymond CK Chan, CH Lo, PW Ng AUTHOR INDEX 40 4 Hong Kong Med J Vol 17 No 6 # Supplement 5 # December 2011 Council of The Hong Kong Neurological Society President Dr Leonard Sheung-wai Li 李常威醫生 Vice-President Dr Jonas Hon-ming Yeung 楊漢明醫生 Hon Secretary Dr Kwok-kwong Lau 劉國光醫生 Hon Treasurer Dr Wing-chi Fong 方榮志醫生 Council Members Dr Eric Lok-yiu Chan 陳樂耀醫生 Dr Nelson Yuk-fai Cheung 張煜暉醫生 Dr Gardian Chung-yan Fong 方頌恩醫生 Dr Sonny Fong-kwong Hon 韓方光醫生 Dr Kwok-fai Hui 許國輝醫生 Dr Thomas Wai-hong Leung 梁慧康醫生 Dr Colin Hiu-tung Lui 呂曉東醫生 Prof Vincent Chung-tong Mok 莫仲棠教授 Dr Bun Sheng 盛斌醫生 Dr Kin-lun Tsang 曾建倫醫生 Dr Winnie Wing-yin Wong 黃詠妍醫生 Ad Hoc Member Dr Tak-hong Tsoi 蔡德康醫生 Past President Dr Ping-wing Ng 吳炳榮醫生 Hon Legal Advisor Mr Tsang-hoi Koo 顧增海律師 Hon Auditor Mr Eric Li 李家祥先生 Organising Committee of the 2nd Hong Kong Neurological Congress cum 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Neurological Society Chairmen Dr Jonas Hon-ming Yeung 楊漢明醫生 Dr Leonard Sheung-wai Li 李常威醫生 (Co-Chair) Scientific Committee Dr Wing-chi Fong 方榮志醫生 Dr Gardian Chung-yan Fong 方頌恩醫生 Dr Sonny Fong-kwong Hon 韓方光醫生 Dr Kwok-fai Hui 許國輝醫生 Dr Thomas Wai-hong Leung 梁慧康醫生 Dr Colin Hiu-tung Lui 呂曉東醫生 Prof Vincent Chung-tong Mok 莫仲棠教授 Publication Committee Dr Winnie Wing-yin Wong 黃詠妍醫生 Dr Eric Lok-yiu Chan 陳樂耀醫生 Website Dr Nelson Yuk-fai Cheung 張煜暉醫生 Dr Kwok-kwong Lau 劉國光醫生 Dr Bun Sheng 盛斌醫生 Dr Kin-lun Tsang 曾建倫醫生 Hong Kong Med J Vol 17 No 6 # Supplement 5 # December 2011 5 List of Speakers Name Affiliation Prof Carl Bazil College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, United States Dr Carmen Kar-mun Chan Hong Kong Eye Hospital, Hong Kong SAR Dr Phoon-ping Chen Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital / North District Hospital, Hong Kong SAR Dr Andy Chi-on Cheng Hong Kong Eye
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