Table of Contents 3 Letter from the Provost 4 B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences 26 College of Applied Science & Technology 36 College of Health Sciences & Technology 42 College of Imaging Arts & Sciences 56 College of Liberal Arts 80 College of Science 108 Saunders College of Business 114 Golisano Institute for Sustainability 122 Kate Gleason College of Engineering 152 National Technical Institute for the Deaf 170 Other Degree Granting Units 2014 Faculty Scholarship Report Design and Layout Nick Paulus Kelly Gatesman Photography Elizabeth Torgerson-Lamark/RIT Published by The Wallace Center - RIT Open Access Publishing Office of the Provost http://www.rit.edu/provost/ Message from the Provost We are proud that at RIT we embrace the teacher scholar model and have faculty engaged in the continual learning process. Once again, the faculty at RIT have created a substantial body of work during the past academic year. As a result of their committed efforts, both the quality and quantity of the research, scholarship, and creative work produced at RIT has steadily increased compared to previous years. Our new strategic plan, “Greatness Through Difference” underscores our vision to make RIT a pre-eminent student-centered research university. This includes faculty engaged in creative inquiry, the applications of new and existing technologies to solve industrial challenges, as well as interdisciplinary work that crosses and intersects traditional boundaries. The research, pedagogical undertakings and scholarly activities our faculty members embark on continues to impact the students we teach, our peers within the academic community, and the world. The connections made by RIT faculty through research, scholarship and creative work establish new opportunities for our students, and prepare them for the next stage of their careers. It is through these diverse scholarly pursuits that students and faculty are able to collaborate across international borders, and bring new insights and perspectives to their work. It is with great pride that I present this report highlighting our faculty’s scholarly achievements during 2014. Jeremy Haefner, Ph.D. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Rochester Institute of Technology B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences Computer Science Published Conference Proceedings: Lakin, Susan, Peter Ferry, and Joe Geigel. "Please Matthew Fluet, Assistant Professor Take this Moment to Turn ON all Cell Phones: A Published Conference Proceedings: Berg- Live Musical Performance Connecting Photog- strom, Lars, et al. "Practical and Effective High- raphy and Music." Proceedings of the Society er-Order Optimizations." Proceedings of the The for Photographic Education 2014 Conference Ninteenth ACM SIGPLAN International Confer- (SPE 2014), Baltimore, MD, March 6-9, 2014. ence on Functional Programming (ICFP'14); Ed. Nate Larson. Cleveland, OH: n.p., Print. * £ September 1-3, 2014; Gothenburg, Sweden. Ed. Manuel Chakravarty. New York, NY: ACM Edith Hemaspaandra, Professor Press, 2014. Print. £ Journal Paper: Hemaspaandra, E., L. He- maspaandra, and J. Rothe. "The Complexity of External Scholarly Fellowships: Online Manipulation of Sequential Elections." 8/1/2014- Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80. 7/31/2017 4 (2014): 697-710. Print. * National Science Foundation (CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI)) Journal Paper: Faliszewski, P., E. Hemaspaan- Amount: $224,329 dra, and L. Hemaspaandra. "The Complexity of ≠ Manipulative Attacks in Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates." Artificial Intelligence 207. (2014): External Scholarly Fellowships: 69-99. Print. * 6/1/2014- 5/31/2018 Published Conference Proceedings: He- National Science Foundation (Software maspaandra, E., L. Hemaspaandra, and H. and Hardware Foundations (SHF)) Schnoor. "A Control Dichotomy for Pure Scor- Amount: $236,744 ing Rules." Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth ≠ AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2014). Ed. Unknown. Quebec City, Canada: Joe Geigel, Professor n.p., 2014. Web. « Published Conference Proceedings: Ferry, Peter, Joe Geigel, and Susan Lakin. "The Nos- Published Conference Proceedings: Erdelyi, talgia Project." Proceedings of the Intelligent G., E. Hemaspaandra, and L. Hemaspaandra. Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (IN- "Bribery and Voter Control Under Voting-Rule TETAIN 2014), July 9-11,2014, Chicago, IL,. Ed. Uncertainty." Proceedings of the Thirteenth In- D. Reidsma, I. Choi, and R. Bargar. New York, ternational Conference on Autonomous Agents NY: Springer International Publishing, Print. * £ and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014). Ed. Unknown. Paris, France: n.p., 2014. Web. « Faculty Scholarship Report 2014 Christopher M Homan, Associate Professor Published Conference Proceedings: Sadilek, Published Conference Proceedings: Cui, Adam, et al. "Modeling Fine-Grained Dynamics Biru, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Christopher M. of Mood at Scales." Proceedings of the WSDM Homan. "Non-Independent Cascade Formation: 2014 Workshop on Diffusion Networks and Temporal and Spatial Effects." Proceedings Cascade Analytics. Ed. Peng Cui, et al. New of the 23rd ACM International Conference on York, NY: n.p., Web. « Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Shanghai 2014. Ed. Jianzhong Li Published Conference Proceedings: Homan, and X. Sean Wang. New York, New York: ACM, Christopher M., et al. "Social Structure and Print. « Depression in TrevorSpace." Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Published Conference Proceedings: Lasecki, Cooperative Work & Social Computing. Ed. Su- Walter S, Christopher M. Homan, and Jeffrey san Fussell and Wayne Lutters. New York, NY: Bigham. "Tuning the Diversity of Open-Ended ACM, 2014. Print. « Responses From the Crowd." Proceedings of the Second AAAI Conference on Human Com- Journal Paper: Lasecki, Walter S., Christopher putation and Crowdsourcing. Ed. Jeffrey P. M. Homan, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Architecting Bigham and David C. Parkes. Pittsburgh, PA: Real-Time Crowd-Powered Systems." Human AAAI, Web. « Computation 1. 1 (2014): 67-93. Web. « £ Journal Paper: DiFonzo, Nicholas, et al. "Net- Trudy M Howles, Professor work Structure Moderates Intergroup Differen- Journal Editor: Howles, Trudy, ed. Software tiation of Stereotyped Rumors." Social Cogni- Quality Professional. Milwaukee, WI: American tion 32. 5 (2014): 409-448. Print. « £ Society for Quality, 2014. Print. « Published Conference Proceedings: Homan, Invited Article/Publication: Editor, Trudy Christopher M., et al. "Toward Macro-Insights Howles,. "What Can we Learn from HealthCare. for Suicide Prevention: Analyzing Fine-Grained gov?" Software Quality Professional. (2014). Distress at Scale." Proceedings of the The Print. ∆ 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Computational Journal Paper: Howles, Trudy and Mark Paulk, Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Editor. "Data, Data Quality, and Ethical Use." Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality. Ed. Philip Software Quality Professional 16. 2 (2014): Resnik, Rebecca Resnik, and Margaret Mitch- 4-12. Print. « ell. Stroudsburgh, PA: ACL, 2014. Print. « Invited Presentations/Keynotes: Lytle, Megan Peizhao Hu, Assistant Professor C., et al. "Suicidal and Help-Seeking Behav- Published Conference Proceedings: Zhong, iors Among an Online Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Mingyang, et al. "ColStream: Collaborative and Transgender Social Network." 47 Annual Streaming of On-Demand Videos for Mobile Conference of the American Association of Devices." Proceedings of the the 15th IEEE In- Suicidology. American Association of Suicidol- ternational Symposium on a World of Wireless, ogy. Los Angeles, CA. 9 Apr. 2014. Conference Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM Presentation. « £ 2014). Ed. Unknown. Sydney, Australia: n.p., 2014. Web. * B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences 5 Featured Faculty MATTHEW FLUET IS AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN THE B. THOMAS GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES. HIS RESEARCH INTERESTS LIE WITH THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. Programming languages are the medium through which computations are communicated, not only from a programmer to a computer, but also from one programmer to another. Dr. Fluet’s research aims to design and implement pro- gramming languages that make it easy to write programs that are both executed efficiently and guaranteed to be safe. Recently, his major scholarship activities have been centered around the Manticore and MLton projects. The Manticore project (http://manticore.cs.uchicago.edu), in collaboration with Prof. John Reppy (University of Chicago) and students at RIT and UChicago, is a re- search effort to design and implement a parallel functional programming language that targets commodity multicore and shared-memory multiprocessors. The project has been supported by multiple NSF awards and yielded numerous publications. Dr. Fluet gave an invited talk on Manticore at the Second ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC’13). Dr. Fluet’s current research is focused on developing declarative language mechanisms for the controlled use of shared state and nondeterminism in parallel programs in order to increase their parallel efficiency. The MLton project (http://www.mlton.org), led by Dr. Fluet, is an open-source whole-program optimizing compiler for the Standard ML (SML) functional program- ming language.
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