The Takeoff News for Landmen Published by the Michael Late Benedum Chapter of AAPL September 2011 Issue The Presidential Address and then contribute hours pared when entering a a week on MLBC events. new area and make sure ―. being up Some of our member they understand the cus- companies provide allow- toms, culture, laws and ances for these individuals regulations of the state front and to accomplish our organi- they are working. Many zations tasks while main- will say, ―leasing is leas- taining their heavy work- ing‖ or ―land work is land honest in your loads. To those compa- work‖ wherever you go. nies, we offer a great While the concept is rea- deal of thanks for sup- sonable, the characteris- dealings is porting this organization. tics of each area may be hope everyone had vastly different. It is up I a good time at the Now on to a topic that to the Landmen and the always a September meeting. Ac- continues to arise in our companies employing cording to all accounts, organization and industry, them to seek out these the golf on Mystic Rock, ―Landman Ethics‖. We differences and make good policy.‖ sporting clays at the Field hear all the time that sure they understand them Club and tour at Falling Landmen are using unethi- prior to working in a new waters were fun events. cal tactics, and many area. Knowledge is a We had an enjoyable times, out right lies to push powerful tool for negotia- social time, dinner and or coerce landowners into tions. intriguing speech by Joe executing documents. Hardy. I know the raffle Sometimes, it may be due The issues created from and golf tournament gifts to a lack of understand- unethical behavior can be were a big hit. Many ing, as many of the Land- much farther reaching thanks go out to the spon- man new to this region than just a specific issue sors of this event and our may not be aware of with a landowner. Occa- golf event co-chairman particular state rules, sionally, as has been the Steve Carr and Brandon regulations and statutes. case in recent years, is- Ward for their leader- Or maybe, they simply sues have reached all the ship. don’t ―get‖ the culture of way to state government the region, and this ulti- in the form of potential In order for us to have mately leads them into legislation that could Inside this issue: such a good time, many ―hot water‖ with a land- cause a great upheaval in things had to happen owner. Just because a the way we conduct our The Presidential Address 1 behind the scenes. The certain tactic works in business and make a liv- preparation for all MLBC Louisiana, Oklahoma or ing. The unlawful practice Secretary’s Report 2 events, big and small, Texas, does not mean it’s of law and licensing sce- take lots of dedication by appropriate in Ohio, narios have taken root in Treasurer’s Report 2 our board members and Pennsylvania or West several states causing the volunteers. Many hours of Virginia. Facts are facts, AAPL and its local associ- Golf Outing 3 work go into conceptual- lies are lies, and what ations to wage battle with izing and organizing the- may be the grey area in the states on these issues. Clay Shoot Up-Date 4 se events. Planning between, is sometimes Should state legislators months in advance and hard to explain. But, obtain victory on these AAPL Regional Director’s 5 coordinating the activities being armed with the issues, our livelihood will from beginning to end correct information puts certainly change and a Letter to the Editor 6 take more hours than most you ahead of the game, career as a Landman will Meeting Schedule 7 can imagine. Its almost and being up front and definitely become more like having another job, honest in your dealings is difficult and expensive. Membership 8 and in some cases, it is. always a good policy. Several of our committee members work tireless Landman and their com- hours on their primary job panies should be pre- Con’t p. 2 The Takeoff Page 2 The Presidential Address (con’t.) Members of the MLBC and should not treat this as an employer/client that you AAPL should be mindful of insignificant event; an ethi- generate by spending ex- the code of ethics they cal investigation has the tra time in honest negotia- swore to uphold as a condi- potential to ruin a career. tion will be the cornerstone tion of their membership. of your career as a Land- Moreover, all Landmen In our line of work, too of- man. Equally important, should be aware that most ten Landmen are labeled you are also creating a ―Let us companies that hire them successful when they get positive view of the Land have specific ethical stand- documents executed quickly profession, and our industry remember the ards in their mission state- (a/k/a ―ink getters‖). as a whole. ments. For the sake of the Some work tirelessly on reputations of our members negotiating, while others Hope to see you at the up- wise saying, and our organizations, re- resort to pressure and ob- coming meeting in Wheel- ported incidences of mem- scure threats, without con- ing. Until then, be safe, ―Patience is a bers’ ethical misconduct sidering the reputation that productive and happy in need to be taken seriously is developing. Let us re- what you do each day. and regularly addressed at member the wise saying, Virtue.‖ meetings and reviews. A ―Patience is a Virtue‖. The Mark A. Acree Landman under review positive goodwill for your MLBC President 2011-2012 Secretary’s Report This month’s newsletter un- She worked very hard to derwent a dramatic change improve our newsletter. I in format. This new format would also like to thank eve- is designed to improve ryone that contributed to ―readability‖ of the news- ―The Takeoff.‖ I hope you letter. I would like to take enjoy the new format. Misty this opportunity to thank my welcomes your suggestions assistant, Misty Christie, for and comments at mchris- doing such a wonderful job. [email protected]. Treasurer’s Report Cynthia Torbeck reports that the bank balance is $49,311.80. There are no outstanding bills. MLBC 2010 fiscal year taxes are in the hands of our new ac- countant Randy Preston, and will be filed with the IRS by November 15, 2011. Caption describing picture or graphic. Page 3 September 2011 Issue Golf Outing drivers, iron sets, putters, he MLBC Fall Golf and other golf related T Outing was held at items. beautiful Mystic Rock Golf Due to the high demand for Course, part of the Nema- this year’s registration, the colin Woodlands Resort, MLBC expects next year’s followed by a reception, event to fill two squads of dinner meeting and prizes. golfers and utilize both The event was coordinated courses. We look forward by Brandon Ward and Ste- to next year’s event! Below ve Carr of T.S. Dudley Land are a few pictures taken Company, Inc. After a during the golf outing. Ad- weeklong storm rolled ditional pictures are availa- through the area, blue skies cleared the way for all ble on the MLBC website. 148 golfers to enjoy a day of catching up with clients or old friends, and trying to hit the ball around the bru- tal PGA proven Mystic October Sponsors Rock. Prizes in an amount exceeding $17,000 were given away at this year’s EQT Production Company event due to our generous sponsors, with over 40 golf Mason Dixon Energy enthusiasts leaving with more than they arrived Arnold L. Schulberg, Esq. with. Prizes included cash, Honor Resources flat screen LED televisions, Terra Services, LLC Huntley & Huntley, Inc. Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC Page 4 September 2011 Issue MLBC Clay Shoot Up-Date The MLBC Meeting – Clay in their shooting abilities Shoot – was a success. The while competing with the weather turned out nice for guys. This was just a fun the afternoon and every- shoot. No one kept score. one enjoyed the time to So if you were to ask who socialize with other Land was the top scorer, they men, while showing off their would all say ―I was.‖ shooting talents. This was a co-ed Clay Shoot made up of a total of 12 people. Although the men out num- bered the ladies, I believe the women felt both com- fortable and confident Cindy Torbeck The Gang! Rich Robb and John Agostinelli The clays had no chance. Sherry Gorman, Carol Hoch, Marlene Heilmann, and Doug Richards—toured Falling Waters The Takeoff Page 5 AAPL Regional Director’s Report AAPL membership is and will require approval currently ~13,100. There of the Board only. are roughly 1,200 renew- als outstanding. AAPL’s Greg Zerkel is chairman Membership Committee is of the Annual Meeting in preparing a formal value San Francisco. Best of luck, proposition as to AAPL dues Greg! that will lay out the excel- lence of that minimal invest- A vote was taken and ment to members and pro- approved to have the spective members. 2013 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. AAPL is working with a he September marketing firm as to The Forms Committee T 2011 Board ―branding‖ AAPL. Efforts will be working on a set of Meeting of the AAPL was are underway to trade- horizontal drilling provisions held at the Four Seasons mark the AAPL name, ini- to the Model Form Joint Palm Beach, in Palm Beach, tials and logo.
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