Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. zEPPELli\f"kAIDER TWELVE MILES FROM LONDON. DA L E C GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN 1,000,000 COPIES. No. 1,925. LONDON, TUESDAY, ~IAY 11, 1915. [Registered as a Newspaper.] ONE HALFPENNY. Last Photographs Lusitania. Of The- u,·ng the Lusitania's lifeboats swung out in readiness ·and saloon _passengers on the promenade deck, were taken half an hour before the di~nster. These photographs, Sho "" 1 -· f h fil ·h' h contained the pictures of the Lusitania as she was sinking. A few seconds afterward Mr. Bernard '' ho sa'' the Mr. l\IcCormi.ck, who took 'fhe part 0 t e th~ ;1o~~grapher was struggling in the water, and his film was ruined. ~hotograpl~ taken. the ptctures. "nki fast a wireless operator continued with remarkable coolness to take snapshots," sa.td Mr. Oliver Bernard, "As the Lusitania, listed at an angle of 35 degrees, w~s sTheO::irele~s operator was Mr~ McCormick, who handed to the Daily Sketch the film referred to. Unfortunately scenic artist at Covent Garden .Theatre, who ':~e:fu~e hotographs ever taken. The two top pictures were at the beginning of the spool, and the sea water, though blurrin~ the a ·on of the sea water spmlt the most· wo p the film, <ftd "ot destroy that ~rt. !'{JE')DAY, llAY· 11, 19Hi, !!(l 2.-DAil.Y SKETCU~·-------------------------------:---:=:-:::1----~N~O~W;--~­ Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. • Ca b Offered this Week for IDEAS ID u always you can obtain one of the famoua ON .SALE EVERY SATURDAY. WHITELEY s C CLES • UPON OUR WONDERFUL 1r t Prize ~100; EASY PAYMENT TERMS. - £10; Second Prize, £25; Third Prize, The " Kildare Club " Record Model, all 180 Prizes of 5/- each bright parts thickly plated, bl~ck enam~lled 20 Prizes of £ 1 each ; &nd lined green, Dunlop Co. s Cambndge and 80 " Merit " Prizes. Tyres, guaranteed 12 months, Roller Lever Brakes, Perry Chain, and Free Wheel. If his boots are READ THE RULES CAREFULLY. 'Dri-ped' Soled WHAT YOU HAVE TO DD-For. this ueek's Competition choose your examples from those git'en below. SPRING CLEANINC FOR VALOUR FUTURE WIFE HOLIDAY PLANS A COOD POINT EMPTY POCKETS AMBITIOUS MEN RAILWAY BOOKSTALL !he can romp to his ON THE FENCE SCARE RUMOURS COMMON SENSE WAR BONUS FRIGHTFULNESS IRRESPONSIBLE VICTORY CONFESSIONS £3:19:6 ASSORTED TRIFLES THINKING HARD WOMEN'S CLUBS OUT AT ELBOWS rheart' s content. TRUANT BOYS BALD SPOT KEEN INTEREST BRITISH ADVANCE DANGEROUS CRISIS DIAMOND PIN COLD BATHS PEACE TERMS or 12 Moathly Payments of 6/8 tReal ~oy' s play-rough and tumb!e, • Prompt_ delivery after first payment. Having eho"en an e. ·ample, think of TWO or Competitors must write their names and 1 scraping, climbing, kicking, running THREE other "ords whic-h in their meaning have addresses and the date of sending the order on the -won't wear "Dri-ped" out half ~me bearing on the example used. back of the Postal Order. Friends may send as The first and last words selectea must begin with many ooupons as they please in one envelope, as quickly as ordinary leatheC:: any of the letters in the example chosen. The same provided sufficient postage is attached. Envelopes "Kildare Club " Cycles are letter may be used as the initial letter for both first must be marked "Bounties No. 11" in the top left­ ·Dri-ped cuts Boot Bills in half. and last wonb-even if such letter only appears band corner, and addressed IDEAS, Huntsman's British Made Throughout once in the example chosen. If three words are Court, Manchester. Jlomy nturned if not satisfied. Carri4g• Double - wearing, qu:te waterproof, selected anv word can be used as the middle word. For instance :- Bounties Coupons must not be enclosed wi!h Paid to your dtJor. flexible, light, non-slipping-" Driped " Coupons . for other competitions announced an · is sold on re-soled or Rew footwear by Example- this paper. All entries must reach IDEAS Office Dealers everywhere. Coes Without Saying not later than THURSDAY, MAY 1'3, 1915. Bounty- Don't wait, but send in your Coupo·ns now. BALEIGBS, SWIFI'S, SINGERS, po.tard for li•t of local True Dri-ped The Defaulting Tenant selling " Driped '"-and bas this mark The Editor undertakes that all Bounties received lUMBERS, JAMES, Etc., ee hoo"let " How to Example- shall have careful consideration, and the prizes e Boot Life." William in purple A New Joke awarded a.ccording to his opinion of their merit, also supplied. r & Sons, Ltd., County every few Bounty- DiS. Cannon Street, but his decision as to the prize winne:t:s must be Mancbeafer. inches. A Novelty Nowadays accepted by all competitors as final and legally binding in all respects, and entries are accepted Example- only on this understanding. OrUy Survivor The Editor will not hold him5€li responsible for ~ wm. Whiteley Ltd., Bounty- . coupons lost or mislaid. The published decision .. Vivid lma~ination may be amended by the · Editor as the result of QUEEN'S ROAD, LONDON, W• Not more than h\"'o Bounties mu!t be on one successful scrutinies. In the event of two or more coupon. Each coupon must be accompanied by a competitors sending in the same winning Bounty :r'HE SUPER-LEATHER FOR SOLES Postal Order for 6d., made payable to IDEAS, and the prize will be divided. · Write for Catalogues a.nd mention Da.il11 S~ Employ€es of E. Hulton and Co. are not allowed f\m2 <f) crossed "I& Co./" If more than one coupon is sent, one Postal Order for the full amount should to compete. Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill lUI II be enclosed. No correspondence can be entered into concerning this oomiJ(ltition. The result of this competition Coupons must not be mutilated in any way, will be announced in IDEAS, on sale May 22, or have anything affixed. dated May 28, 1915. · "TIZ" Cured my PAWNBROKERS' BARGAINS. YOU MAY USE THIS COUPON. Unredeemed Pledge Sale. Special Supplementary Liat of this Mooth'a COUPON. Sore, Tired Feet Unredeemed Pledgea Now Ready. Sent Post ~ree, 5,000 Sensational Bargains. EXAMPLE ..................................... .._..................................................... ~····························· Don'~ Delq. "Oh l Girls! Don't have puffed .. up, Wrlie &$ Once. aching, perspiring feet or IT WILL SAYS BOUNTY 0 0 0 0 0 0 YOU POUNDS. eeeo "" " oe e """ eo1eo •••••• eee eeeae •••••••••••••••••••• '" 0 ••••••••• ee oooo• o o 0 e I I 0 o o e oe 0 • oe • o o 0 e 0 o o o o 0 o o o 0 I o o 0 eo o 1 oe 0 e corns-Just Try TIZ." Bartaias ia Watches. Jewellery, Platt, Musical lastra•eats. EXA PLE Clotlliag, &c. ....... ·····················•·················································· ............ ····························· Illuanated Ful" • "TIZ makes Ll111 How Re&dJ'• BOUNTY ......................................................................................................... ........... ...... ALL GOODS tiSEHT my feet ON SEVEN AYS' APPROVAL r ente~ BOUNTIES Competition In accordance with theTules announced and agree to JU$t dance." Satisfadioa Gnraatwl accept the Editor's decision as final and legally binding. (Worth £2/10/-). FJeld, Race, or Mulne Glua (by 12/6 Lefaiqf); powerful Binocular, as.. used in Army and , Navy; 50 miles range: shows bullet mark J,OOO.yds.; wide field; Name saddler made sling case: week"sfree trial; sacriJice, 12/6; approval. OOooooo ............ 0004000_0 ___ , .................H ..i"""""'"'''"''"'"'''" '"'''"•••••••••• 32/6 ~1~~::·~~:~~r~:;~6~~~tnpc:,~~~:~~!f::,~~~ powerful 'lass made, name of ship can be distinctly read five miles from shore, brilliant field of view; In solid leather allnt Address ....................................................- .................................................. case; week's free trial; £1/12i6; approval willingly. ·12/9 . ~~~;l~ln~0r~~~~~:J~~~n~id~i~e ~~~U'~1~e~'!1s~:~ "BOUNTIES" No. 11. Closing THURSDAY, May 13, 1915. No. of P.O .................... .. embroidered American RoLes, c\c.; the perfection of a mother's persoi:.al work; never worn; worth £2110/.; sacritice,l2/9; approval. P.O. for Sixpence must accompany this Coupon. 11 10/6"' f:::~~.~~:~~~v~:~~=~~~~!!~:,S w':J!~y~:e'rl*!~ timekeeper; also Double Curb Albert, same quality; handsome ~o)Dpass attached; lndistin!lulsbable from new; week's free trial; complete. sacrifice, 1016; approval willingly before payment. 4/9 ~e~~~n~t~~~~~~~~e1:.els~t~n~:C!t~r:;:;)dfi~I!~~~~~T!~ easf!; sacrlfice,.~/9; approval willingly before payment. 1 0/6 ~~a~~~~n;1:~~~~~~~y0~o~1': 1fnk~~ fo.!~:~:r~~.C:i.Gold GIRLS ! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR­ 14/6 ~~~~ ~l~ckL:::;:I!ta~~~g!:.~!:s ~~~~~=~ . Ah! what relief. No more tired feet; no more (Worth £414 -). LadJ''& Solid <!old En~tllsh hall-marked t'lnrmng feet_; ·DO more swollen, perspiring feet. No 21/• Hey less Watch Bracelet; fit any wrist: perfect time­ n.ore pam m . corns. hard skin, or bunions. No hi.'eper: 10 years· warranty; week's free trial:. sacrifice, £1/1/- NO DANDRUFF-1/1~ DANDERINE. • I r a~ter w.hat a;lls your f~et or what under the sun 19/9 ~a'l~i~:~o i.~~~Wo~~~~:sa~~~ O:dgJ~~~e~ltz~~f:.~k~:; l ~·A. ve .tned Without gettmg relief, just use TIZ. great bar!:ain; worth £313/.; sacrlfice,19/9; approval before payment. .~:~z 1s the only :temedy that draws out all the (Worth :£9. 91-). Cent's Solid GoldE nltiJah ball-marked J '·IB<?nous e:rud!!-tions which puff up the feet; TIZ is 49/6 Key!e s Lever, Centre Second, hlgh.grade Chrono­ If with Danderine and carefully draw it 11 fPaph Stop Watch (R. Stanton, London); jewelled movement, Hair coming out 7 dry, ag1cal; TIZ 1s grand; 'PIZ will cure your foot timed to a minute a month; W years· warranty; 7 days' trial; f:'../9/6.
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