f\ v-ck tf P5 ;,<Sly v, 1i V\~. lb Bulk Rate,U S Po!'ltaae Parr: _Yo!. 78 No. 16 · _ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1987. (6u3)862-1490 Durham. N.H. Durham "J H Perm,! 1t3(; O'Connell ,wins Sweeney drops after out of the race election . - By Jay Kumar possibie." Student Trustee candidate Sweeney said, 'Tm· looking Patrick Swe~ney announced to forward to concentrating on my rest -withdraw the Trustee election officials responsibilities with SAFC (Stu­ at 7:00 p.m. last night that he dent Activity Fee Council) and By Jay Kumar "happy,. with four people run­ is "withdrawing from the elec- Sen<:1,te Exec. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to help the After a tumultuous turn of ning, to get so close to 5 0 tion." He cited both personal events which ended up in the percent." and political problems as his students out with,respect to the withdrawals of three of the four He a~ded, "I' rri glad it's.. over reasons for withdrawal. Trustees, but there are other candidates, Dennis O'Connell "'·· because I've got school. I don't Sweeney, who received 26 avenues to explore which can more so." won the UNH Student Trustee need another week of campaig­ percent of the vote in the be as effective if nm: ' He added, "I encourage Den­ election yesterday. _ · ning ... Right now, I just feel like Student Trustee election Wed- The election, which took I have been pulled in 12 differ­ DENNIS O'CONNELL nesday, was. to have·participated nis to speak up and have astrong place Wednesday, originally had ent directions at once_,, ., in a run-off against opponent voice for student concerns .. .! I Dennis O'Connell neoct Wed- hope he strongly supports the O'Connell leading with 47.5 O'Co~nell said he has "no ing, _but after it was all said and nesday. As a result of his with- Greek system." percent of the vote, followed hard feelings toward Pat, but done, the person with the i:nost drawal, candidates Larry Don- In response to the editorial by write-in c;andid.ate Patrick I'm sorry that he had to misre­ -votes won. also in the Tuesday, October 27 Sweeney (26 pei'ceitt), Larry present himself.'' He added, "I "We're (election committee) ovan and Elizabeth Delucia withdrew two hours later and edition .of The New Hampshire, Donovan (16 percent), and respected Larry and Liz in their satisfied with the process, but O'Connell automatically became Sweeney said,_"I feel she (TNH Elizabeth Delucia (nine per­ campaigns. I'm looking forward what has to happen on a uni­ the winner of the·election (see editor..,in-chief Elizabeth Cote) cent). This forced a run-off to working with .them in the versity level is an awaren.ess of related story). should have done more research. election (plal)ned for next Senate the rest of this year.'' how important the 'trustee ."A large part of it is what's I hope in-the future Cote will Wed.) between O'Connell and O'Connell said he is "ecstatic election is, .as well as the rules happening at home," Sweeney endorse a candidate more pos­ Sweeney, because the winner that I can now represent stu­ governing how to campaign for said, referring to his grand- itively and not resort to poorly needs to have 50 percent plus dents on the Board of Trustees." that position," he said. mother, who is in intensive care researched~ ,unsubstantiated one vote to be the Trustee. Delucia said, "Of course I'm "We're going to set university in Keene,N.H. "I want to spend charges." There was a total of 1122 disappointed," but "1 think · rules and regulations governing a lot of time at home." Core said, "I understand that votes cast in the election, which Dennis is a very well-qualified all Trustee elections with the · He said, "One of the problem- Sweeney could be miffed by the had ballot boxes in the three candidate ... he deserved it." She University System so· there isn't s ... in this election dragging i~· · editorial, but I still maintain that campus dining halls, the MUB, added, "I think it ( the election) any difference between the' three 'it's puUing the Senate apart, and , the in.formation was well­ and Dimond Library. The elec­ was run fairly .. .! think they (the schools Plymouth State (CJNH, it's. making· it unproductive." researched and acciirate. The tion was· plagqed by accusations electjon committee) did their College, .Keene State College) ' "W-hat..J'd like to.see happen editorial staff stands behind the of ball"ot box stuffing and unfair best." { · in terms of how they elect their is all my votes be null and vqid, integrity ·of The N~w· H~mp­ campaigning, Larry Donovan was unavail­ trustee." which means Dennis would shire." At 7:00 p.m. last night, in a able for comment. - Gould said, "It's the strangest have the majority. We've both Sweeney said, "I would aiso surprise move, Sweeney with­ Gould said, "I think Dennis election I've ever seen ... the committed to working together encourage other supporters (of drew from the election for provides responsible· insight, whole process was beginning so I can use my, knowledge of opponents). to check their sour­ variou~ reasons (see related (is)well-qualified, and has key to apply unnecessary strain on in an wa ces before putting in a letter to story). This meant there would / leadership abilities in dealing all involved." the Trustees to hel -the editor. And make sure that have been a run-off between with adults, and that will help Information Officer Senate · they have a throrough under- O'Connell 'and Donovan-­ not only him but the students Michelle Scenna said, "I don't of the isslles at hand however, Jay Gould (who ran · of the university as well, in .think that the election was· run standing the election) said both Donovan dealing with the Trustees. I'm before slandering candidates as smoo!i}l.y"as it could have without a just· cause. A little and Delucia withdrew as well, sure Dennis will be a Trustee been. I think we have to review research goes a long way, Mr. at 9:00 p.m. and 9: 15 p.m., we can put our complete trust bylaws ... and clear a_lot of our T.A. O'Connell. A lot of lying 'respectively. · in:" them up." However, she said, never helped anyone." O'Connell said the victory was As for the election itself, the election "did what it was Responding to an anonymou,s detracted from by the fact he Gould said "there were some supposed to do." claim that he stuffed the ballot didn't win outright,-but he was . questions in terms of caJ;Tipaign- · box, Sweeney said, "I got a kick _out of that. Given the election procedures, that's impossible. Of course, it's (the claim) an­ onymous, which gives it less SaWyer RAs forced out. creaibility." Sweeney said, 'T d really like By Pam DeKoning them drunk and reported them Assis.tan ts, Karen /Bradley and to thank everyone who took the Two Sawyer Hall Resident to Nora." · Neil Bettez. We realize that time to write me in. All the hard Assistants,. Karen Bradley and Both Batchelder and Nawar . their actions were wrong. work that I put into my write­ Neil Bettez, resigned from their were unavailable for comment. "Yet we feel that they have in campaign I can now channel positions Wednesday night. Bradley s_aid, "We're . not done an outstanding job as towards my other SAFC respon­ Bettez, speaking at a Sawyer allowed to break any state laws, Resident Assistants, and have sibilities." Hall Council meeting Wednes- we're essentially state em- gone beyond their duties in day, said they did so under ployees: underage drinking is covering many of the respon­ pressure from Residential Life. not legal." sibilities of a Hall Director According to Bettez, the two Bradley said, ''She (Bat- (Sawyer Hall has been without RAs' went to a party Sunday chelder) does things by the book. a Hall Director all semester). night, "had a few beers and came She saw it as her responsibility We feel that the combination CORRECTION home." and part of her job." Bettez of their dismissal and the lack According to witnesses, Brad- added, "she did what she of a Hall Director would be a great detriment to our hall as ley and Pettez were not out of thought was right, what she had The Tuesday_October 27 issue of The New control or disorderly when they to do." · a community. Please consider came in. Peter Alto said, "When According to Sawyer resident this petition." Hampshire reported one of the charges against Karen and Neil came into David Green, Bettez announced The petition boasted one UNH student Paul Boulay as "assault on an Sawyer they were boisterous, at the meeting that "they we're hundred signatures. Sawyer Hall yet it didn't seemas .though they drunk at a party somewhe~e else houses 150 residents. officer,'-' ba~ed on a .release from Public Safety: were drnnk or disruptive. I _think · and they got nailed. He said Jenn Bettez and Bradley said they The actual civi.l charge brought against Boulay­ were touched by the petition but ·their dismissal is wrong and did her job and that they were is "simple assault," which was committed quite an overreaction." asked to resign. They were_given they didn't think it would have Ac'cording to Alto, Bradley a week to move out, but were any affect.
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