Address Book - 2011 INDEX Sr. No. Name of the Office Page No. 1. Central Office 1 2. Management Development Centre 6 4. Health Insurance 6 5. Central Zone 10 6. Eastern Zone 22 7. East Central Zone 40 8. Northern Zone 55 9. North Central Zone 80 10. Southern Zone 99 11. South Central Zone 120 12. Western Zone 146 13. LIC Guest Houses at Zonal H.Q. 174 21. P & G S Units 176 20. IVRS / Info Centres 178 15. LIC Housing Finance Limited & It’s Subsidiaries 179 3. LIC Cards Services Ltd. 179 17. Overseas Offices 186 14. LIC Nomura Mutual Fund 186 18. Officers on Deputation to Other Organisations 191 16. LIC Pension Fund Ltd. 191 19. Ombudsman’s Offices in India 192 1 2 MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION (as on 01.08.2011) Shri D.K. Mehrotra Shri T.S.Vijayan Shri Thomas Mathew T Shri A.K. Dasgupta Shri R. Gopalan Shri Shashi Kant Sharma Shri Yogesh Lohiya Shri M.V. Tanksale Dr. Sooranad Rajashekhran Shri Monis R. Kidwai Lt. General Arvind Mahajan Shri Anup Prakash Garg Shri Sanjay Jain Shri Ashok Singh Shri K.S. Sampath CENTRAL OFFICE Yogakshema , Jeevan Bima Marg, P B No. 19953, Mumbai 400021 STD : 022 • Telegram : BIMAKENDRA_MUMBAI-400021 • Website : www.licindia.in • Fax No: 22028321 Actuarial, 22884103 (Board Sectt. / GJF), 22811049 (Corporate Communication), 22825829 (CRM), 22022159 (Direct Mktg), 22045607 (E & OS), 22810452 (Engineering), 22845518 (F & A), 22817253 (HRD/OD – CP), 22851915 (IT BPR/IT-SD), 22818237 (Inspection), 22810702 (Internal Audit), 22810448 (Investment Operation), 22024955 (Investment Monitoring & Acctt), 22810697 (Investment RM & R), 22852175 (L & HPF), 22824386 (Marketing), 22884129 (Marketing ULIP), 22884108 (Marketing B & AC), 22029923 (Marketing FPT), 22020681 (Micro Insurance), 22026284 (Personnel), 22828853 (P & GS), 22855982 (R.T.I), 22024587 (SBU – CLIA), 22810699 (SBU-Estate), 22850137 (SBU –IO), 22024597 (U&R), 22820009 (Vigilance), EPABX No. 66598000 Name Designation Telephone Numbers Office Residence Mehrotra D.K. Current In Charge, Chairman 2202 7060 2369 7760 Vijayan T.S. Managing Director 2202 0997 2363 7240 Mathew Thomas T Managing Director 2202 8085 2368 3509 Dasgupta A.K. Managing Director 2202 0965 2368 6550 1 Name Designation Telephone Numbers Office Residence Anand Vipin Executive Director (CC) 2202 8307 2437 7829 Bhargava Hemant Executive Director (Micro Insu) 2202 5236 2361 8081 Bhargava T. Appointed Actuary 2285 2174 2437 7208 Bhattacharya Rita Ms. Executive Director (IT/BPR) 22828665 2351 0727 Dikhale Saroj Ms. Executive Director (RTI/NPRJ (CPIO) 22021625 2351 1909 Ganesh K. Executive Director (CRM) 22028227 Hariharan S. Executive Director (Invst - M&A) 22028440 2351 2270 Kandwal Rajesh Executive Director (E&OS/SBU-Estates) 22021572 2352 6568 Kukreja V.K. Executive Director (F&A) 22028086 2612 8992 Mainak S.B. Executive Director (Invst. Oprns.) 22028957 28408791 Manivannan B. Executive Director (Personnel) 22028325 2361 8466 Mathew T.T. Ms. Executive Director (U&R) 2288 2876 2367 9408 Mishra N. Executive Director (Mktg-CLIA) 22855980 2353 0766 Rathi S.C. Executive Director (Internal Audit) 22026548 2351 0240 Ray Gopa Ms. Executive Director (Inspection) 2204 2251 2202 6554 Roychowdhury S. Executive Director (Marketing) 22027527 2363 2325 Saha K.B. Executive Director (HRD OD/CP) 22852177 2202 1623 Sangwan Usha Ms. Executive Director (Direct Mktg) 22022615 2368 6276 Sharma Sunita Ms. Executive Director (P&GS) 22028493 2281 2891 Venugopal B. Executive Director (IT/S D) 22841109 2430 2102 Vijayalakshmi D. Ms. Executive Director (RM&R) 2283 2912 2202 7522 Yadav Amit Executive Director (Engg) 22028267 2369 3712 Balakrishnan M.R. Chief (Board/GJF/Comp) 2202 3640 2352 1249 Bandopadhyay S. Chief (Investment) 2282 2957 2437 7138 Bhattacharya S.N. Chief (MBAC) 2202 1916 2351 0727 Chawla G.S. Chief (IT / SD) 6709 0302 2660 8432 Joshi P.G. CVO (Vigilance) 2281 0687 2368 4449 Kulkarni Madhuri Ms. Chief (Actuarial) 22023740 2539 0556 Kurup Hema Ms. Chief (P&GS) 2204 5304 – Kutumbe P.H. Chief (P&GS) 2288 5256 2437 7436 Masil P. Jeyamohan Chief (Invst Operations) 2202 8422 2352 1289 Mendiratta T.R. Chief (Personnel) 22044101 2353 2719 Mohanty S. Chief (Legal) 22855981 2660 6569 Molri P.K. Chief (F&A) 2285 2173 2660 2400 Rajkumar Chief (CRM) 2202 5892 2430 6564 Sarkhel Madhumita Ms. Chief (HRDT) 2285 2176 2437 1704 Shashikumar H.S. Chief (SBU-Estates) 22839867 2353 7731 Singhal K.K. Chief (Inv Mon & Accts) 22023305 2437 8341 2 Name Designation Telephone Numbers Office Residence Suseel Kumar T.C. Chief (Mktg) 22028270 – Thangavel S. C E (Engg) 2202 1967 2351 0484 Upadhyay Raju Chief Arch. (Engg) 66345435 – Venugopal P. Chief (Investment) 2288 3270 2351 9742 Verma M.M.L. Chief (SBA) – 2437 7118 Anand A.K. Secretary (MBAC) 6659 8347 2613 4584 Ashok G. Secretary (Legal) 2281 8242 – Ashok K.R. Secretary (P&GS/ACGC) – 2610 2759 Bhat A.G. Secretary (VIG) 2281 8240 2437 6844 Das K.K. Secretary (D-Mktg) 2202 1956 2351 2494 Dhamne Sadhana Ms. Secretary (P&GS) 6659 8944 2281 6348 Dhar P. Secretary (P&GS) 2282 4780 2618 3677 Dwivedi P. Secretary (Mktg) 2281 0679 2610 1709 Garg Sarita Ms. Secretary (P&GS) 6659 8538 2619 2653 Ghai Ashwini Secretary (INVO) 6659 8673 – Ghonge N.T. Secretary (OS) 2281 0689 2899 0216 Gopalakrishnan N. Ms. Secretary (P&GS) 6659 8582 6529 0396 Gujar B.B. Secretary (CP) 2281 8232 2437 6052 Gulati Sunil Secretary (Per Admn) 2288 0147 2353 2146 Hadkar S.S. Ms. Secretary (F&A) 6659 8305 2893 9480 Hariharan Usha Ms. Secretary (Invo) 6659 8609 2554 9972 Kanwar B.S. Secretary (Estates) 2281 0682 – Kemmu M.K. Secretary (Mktg) 2281 8241 – Kohli K.B. Secretary (CRM) 6659 8885 – Kulkarni M.A. Secretary (Inspn) 6659 8826 0251-2480579 Latha C.R.S. Ms. Secretary (Acturial) – 2854 8561 Mahtabuzzaman Secretary (D-Mktg) – – Mani J.S. Secretary (Invst.) 6659 8657 24376931 Mohana Perumal M. Secretary (MI) 6659 8885 2613 6821 Mukadam D.S. Secretary (CP-MR) 6659 8877 2432 3667 Mukherjee A. Secretary (INVM) 6659 8623 2437 6536 Nagaraja Rao P.V.S. Secretary (R.T.I). 6659 8779 2610 8390 Nanda H. Secretary (IT) 2612 8987 2612 3810 Narayan S. Secretary (Invst.) 6659 8670 2612 6576 Oke D.Y. Secretary (I.T.) 6709 0304 2612 0742 Padmavati Y.V. Ms. Secretary (Comp./GJF) 6659 8733 2610 8663 Pant Dinesh Actuary (ACGC/IO) – –100– 3 Name Designation Telephone Numbers Office Residence Parameswaran R. Secretary (P&GS) 6659 8595 2614 5942 Paul D.S. Dy.C.E. (Vigilance) 2281 8230 2437 6103 Paul Saji Secretary (C.C.) 2202 8943 –100– Prabhakaran Geeta Ms. Secretary (C.C.) 6659 8473 6529 0401 Prasad Mallika Ms. Secretary (Mktg-CLIA) 6659 8789 2438 3609 Ravikumar V. Secretary (Strategy Cell) 6659 8889 –100– Samtani S.T. Secretary (Mktg Ulip) 6659 8343 2563 0657 Saxena S.K. Secretary (RM&R) 2202 8844 2437 6103 Shekhar Pramila Ms. Secretary (Inspn) 6659 8574 2612 0659 Seth (Roy) Aruna Ms. Secretary (Per/ER) 2281 0701 –100– Seth Ena Ms. Secretary (IT/Hardware) 6709 0305 2611 9927 Shanbhag P.R. Secretary (U & R) 6659 8393 –100– Wairagade J.R. Secretary (HRDT/FPT) – 6521 5267 Sinha H.S.B. Secretary (HRD/OD) – 2352 2971 Soman S.S. Ms. Secretary (F & A) 2281 8243 2618 6746 Sridhar Seema Ms. Secretary (IT) 2613 4475 2618 5304 Swargiary A. Secretary (Board Sectt.) 2288 4103 6521 4682 Swaroop Arvind Secretary (Mktg: FPT) 6659 8818 2351 0450 Thakur S.K. Secretary (MBAC) 6659 8347 2613 5684 Tople V.V. Secretary (NPRJ) 6659 8926 2625 2543 Varughese John P. Secretary (Internal Audit) 2288 3056 –100– Agarwal G.P. Chief Mgr (D-Mktg) 6659 8934 2617 0055 Arora P.K. Dy.Secy.(Prod. Actuary/Mktg/ACGC) – 2351 4710 Bhanushali D.S. Dy.Secy.(HPF) 6659 8490 2666 5055 Chand Pasha N. Dy.Secy.(IT) 6709 0589 –100– Dasgupta Arindam Dy.Secy.(Invst) 6659 8656 2661 2049 Dayal Sanjay Dy.Secy.(Invst) 6659 8699 –100– Gaitonde P.P. Ms. Dy.Secy.(INVO) 6659 8783 –100– Ganesan K. Dy.Secy.(Pens Actuary/PGS/ACGC) 6659 8772 6518 6190 Ganguly Biswajeet Dy.Secy.(Invst) 6659 8641 2894 3015 Ghai Kiran Ms. Dy.Secy. (ER-DISC) 6659 8525 –100– Gupta N. Ms. Dy.Secy. (U/R) 6659 8880 –100– Gupta Niraj Dy.Secy. (Actl.) 6659 8369 2610 8886 Haridasan C. S.E.(E) (Engg.) 6659 8564 2774 5160 Iyer Sudha Ms. Dy.Secy. (H/OD) 6659 8566 –100– 4 Name Designation Telephone Numbers Office Residence Jadhav B.B. S.E. (SBU-Estate) 6659 8788 2891 6970 Jadhav E.S. Dy.Secy. (CC) 6659 8939 –100– Jain Nikhil Dy.Secy. (INVR) 6659 8950 –100– Jayashree G. Dy.Secy. (F&A) 6659 8319 –100– Kaur Guruvinder Dy.Secy. (INVO) 6659 8622 –100– Kesarwani Nandita Ms. Dy.Secy. (Per.ER) 6659 8518 2617 6576 Khanna Rajneesh Dy.Secy. (INVM) 6659 8855 –100– Kotwal M.R. Ms. Dy.Secy. (INVM) 6659 8630 2589 8204 Kumar Ashis Dy.Secy. (INVO) 6659 8859 –100– Kurien Rosaline Ms. Dy.Secy. (U&R) 6659 8386 –100– Malhotra P.K. Dy.Secy. (Invst) 6659 8621 2661 2074 Manoj Kumar Dy.Secy. (Actl) 6659 8399 2618 4648 Marathe M.S. Dy.Secy. (INVO) 6659 8834 –100– Menon M.S. Dy.Secy. (Estates) 6659 8445 2811 3305 Nimkar P.V. Dy.Secy. (Vigilance) 6659 8460 0250-2309375 Paul Bindu Ms. Dy.Secy. (RM&R) 6659 8935 2612 1820 Phanse P.S. Dy.Secy. (OS) 6659 8407 –100– Sawant M. Ms. Dy.Secy. (CP) – –100– Sen K.K. SE (Engg.) 6659 8568 6529 0429 Sharma Vivek Dy.Secy. (DMKT) – –100– Sheshagiridhar K. Dy.Secy. (P&GS) 6659 8840 6521 5365 Shrivastava A.K. Dy.Secy.(Valuation Actuary/ACGC) 6659 8322 2613 1350 Shriyan H.G. Dy.Secy. (F&A) 6659 8355 2590 1182 Sonija M.S.
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