The 49thEpiscopal Musician's Handbook is here. Order your copyTODAY! . 200,- 2006 LectionaryYear B - NEW n-nsYEAR - suc;c;estionsfrom VoicesFound for Sundaysand majorfeasts one book- 126.00 Two books- s2,.ooeach Threeor morebooks - 124.00 each (Reqularshippinq of 4-6-week deliveryincluded in aboveprices. Orders outsidethe U.S., pleasecall or emailus at [email protected]. Orders are prepaidand no refunds.l Callus TOLL+REE at 1·877-822-8228· . .· ,· . to placean order usinqVisa or Mastercardor sendin your checkJo: · The LivinqChurch, P.O. Box 514036,Milwaukee, Wl 53203-3436:·.··· ... The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. Features Opinion 9 Witnessing Comes Naturally 11 Editor's Column Not everyone has the gift of evangelism, What a Difference 15 Years but we can all tell our story. Can Make BYKEN D. TifOMPSON 12 Editorials Eloquent Correspondent OtherDepartments 13 Reader's Viewpoint A Better Way to Begin 4 Sunday's Readings BYMILTON H . MURRAY 5 Books 14 Letters 16 People & Places A Moral Dilemma News__ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 8 Longtime TLC Correspondent Dorothy Mills Parker Dies at Age 94 OPPORTUNITY FOR SPANISH-SPEAKINGPRIESTS SUNDAY'SREADINGS We are opening another Ecumenical Spanish Church in the New York or Atlanta area and are in need of two Obligationsof UnconditionalLove additional priests. We worship in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. 'Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers' Salary will be $30,000 more than (Matt. 9:37) you are currently earning, plus The FourthSunday After Pentecost(Proper &A), June 12, 2005 parsonage, utilities, car, car BCP: Exodus 19:2-8a; Psalm 100; Rom. 5:6-11; Matt. 9:35-10:8(9-15) insurance and moving expenses. RCL: Gen. 18:1-15, (21: 1-7) or Exodus 19:2-8a; Psalm 116:1, 10-17 or Psalm 100; Rom. 5:1-8; Matt. 9:35-10 :8, (9-23) You must have a desire to serve Each of the four readings for today, announc e that God loves us if the the Hispanic community and including the psalm , is rich with proclamation does not also include the desire a long-lasting, secure descriptions of the blessings God call to respond in a life-changing way. career. Must be fluently bi-lingual pours out for his people. In different In Exodus , when the Lord promises in speaking/reading/writing in generations, in different ways , the to continue his love after the deliver­ both Spanish and English. abundance of his limitless and invinci­ ance from Egypt , he says it will hap­ ble love is provided. pen "if you are really prepared to obey Please send resumes to: In the time of Moses , as the lesson me and keep my covenant" (Exodus from Exodus relates , the Lord said , "I 19:5). In the psalm , those who enter Search Committee carried you away on eagle's wings and the Lord 's gates do so with "thanksgiv­ Attn: Byron and Candis Darken brought you to me [i.e. the deliverance ing" and "praise ," and are also mindful 459 Columbus Avenue # 234 from Egypt] ... You, out of all peoples, of his "mercy" (Psalm 100:3-4). Thes e New York, NY 10024 shall be my personal possession ... words imply that the people aclmowl­ You shall be a kingdom of priests, a edge God as the source of their bless­ holy nation" (Exodus 19:4-6). ings, and that they are sinful (i.e., in SHRINE OF OUR LADY The psalm is the words of a joyful need of "mercy ") in his sight. In the OF CLEMENCY and carefree people who lmow that epistle, even the word "trust" implies a Continuous Novena daily at 5.45pm they are loved , protected , and have dependent relationship, and words Send your prayer requests to access to their God. Paul , in the lesson such as "helpless ," "godless ," and "ene­ Canon Gordon Reid from Romans , writes of "proof of mies ," used by Paul as des cribing a S.Clement 's Church God's love for us, that Christ died for state that once existed but does no 2013 Appletree St. us while we were still sinners," and more, are evidence that the recipients Philadelphia, PA 19103 www.s-clements.org "we are filled with exultant trust in of the letter are profoundly changed God" (Rom. 5:8, 11). people . Finally, the gospel begins with the The bulk of the gospel lesson shows account of Jesus who tours "all the how those who are closest to Jesus towns and villages" teaching, "pro­ are obligated to extend his own min­ claiming the good news, " and "curing istry. They simply and absolutely can­ all kinds of disease " (Matt. 9:35). Nev­ not be only recipients of grace . They ertheless, there are still obligations must be channels of grace to others. imposed on those who are on the To the disciples Jesus gives authority receiving end of divine love. It is not to do what he does , with the charge to sufficient, nor completely true, to exercise it on their own . • LookIt Up Under what conditions are the disciples to carry out their mission? (Matt. 10:Sb- 14) Why does Jesus in1pose these conditions? Explore ... ThinkAbout It The Religious Life Why are the disciples forbidden to visit the gentiles or Samaritans? (Matt. 10:5b) SUMMER PROGRAM August 16 - 26, 2005 NextSunday Prayer • Study • Ministry The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 7A), June 19, 2005 Write: Sisters of St. John Baptist BCP: Jer. 20:7-13; Psalm 69:1-18 or 69:7-10,16-18 ; Rom. 5:15b-19; Matt. Box 240, Mendham, N.J. 07945 10:(16-23)24-33 973-543-4641 www.csjb.org RCL: Gen. 21 :8-21 or Jer. 20:7-13; Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-17 or Psalm 69:8-11 , [email protected] (12-17), 18-20; Rom. 6:1b-11; Matt.10:24-39 . 4 THE LIVING C HUR.CH · JUNE 12. 2005 BOOKS Wherein the World Christ One example of the many that fill A Crisisin the Lifeof God this book is Miles' reading of Jesus' is Integrity? encounter with the Samaritan woman By Jack Miles. Vintage Books. Pp. 352. $14. Thechallenge of doingwhat is right at the well related in John 4:5-9. Miles ISBN 0-679-78160-9 . By Bruce B. Roberts, Craig D. Rice, and identifies the well in question as Joe E. Smith. Augsburg. Pp. 200. $13.99. ISBN 0-8066-5154-7. Jack Miles does not write easy Jacob's well and, weaving the riches of books, but he does write fascinating the Hebrew narratives into the story, As with any book worth its salt , the ones. This book, which fol- in seven and a half riveting title of this book greatly intrigued me. lows his Pulitzer Prize-win­ pages he opens new vistas I suspect many of the readers of this ning God: A Biography, for the reader (and the review probably share my concern - treats the Christian texts homilist ). that the idea of integrity with the same unique per­ It is the conversation of is in some jeopardy in spective, intellectual rigor stories that makes this book today's society. and beautiful writing. As the t such a treasure. Miles appre­ The authors have done book's extensive prologue ciates the dialogue of the var­ a comprehensive presen­ expla ins , and the briefer ied authors, compilers, tation. They have taken a caveat, "A Note to the communities, and editors Kinsey-like approach to Reader," makes clear, Miles considers whose arrangements of mythic stories ,... ,_., ,.. , their subject. Instead of the biblical text "as ifit were astained­ play off each other to the benefit of all. presenting a series of glass window ... looked a,t and appre­ Those who speak of a "living scrip­ essays about integrity, in ciated as a work of art, rather than ture" would do well to spend some Section One they recount a series of seen through in an attempt to discern time with this incredible example of stories from interviews they had with the historical events that lie behind it." just how lively these scriptures can be. a great number of people. With short The reader must bear in mind this dis­ I repeat the clear warning that this elucidations and analyses, these are tinction or risk utter confusion. Still, is not easy reading. This is challenging arranged in groups of stories related for the careful reader the reward is writing about the world's most chal­ to thematic issues such as "Character great. Miles renders familiar stories lenging literature. If you're up to the and Integrity," "Family and Integrity," fresh and, after centuries of textual challenge, the view from the sununit is "Community and Integrity," Complex­ harvesting , finds sufficient grain in the breathtaking . ity and Integrity." Following each gleaning to make a satisfying and (The Rev.) Sam Portaro story are "Questions for Reflection nutritious loaf. Berwyn, Ill. and Discussion." So the book lends itself easily to a group to read and dis­ cuss. In the smaller Section Two, "Ideas for living with integrity," the authors turn to some practical recommenda­ One of the world's f \.~:.~;~:-,:-;~i I I •'1'1111,,,1 I I tions for seeking to live a life of 1 . I I 1 1 II II ti 11 I I I greater integrity. t t f I f The book strikes an excellent bal­ grea seas o earning.
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