© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at Linzer biol. Beitr. 46/2 1581-1598 19.12.2014 Notes on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) of the Republic of Seychelles M. MADL & P. MATYOT A b s t r a c t : An updated check list of the family Cerambycidae of the Republic of Seychelles is presented. 31 species are listed and new records of eight species (Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891, Ceresium unicolor (FABRICIUS, 1787), Xystrocera globosa (OLIVIER, 1795), Coptops humorosa FAIRMAIRE, 1871, Exocentrus subreticulatus BREUNING, 1957, Olenecamptus bilobus (FABRICIUS, 1801), Ropica sechellarum BREUNING, 1957 and Ropica signata PIC, 1932) are provided. Ropica signata PIC, 1932 is new to the fauna of the Republic of Seychelles (Mahé). K e y w o r d s : Cerambycidae, catalogue, new records, Republic of Seychelles Introduction Recently the Seychellean species of the family Cerambycidae including the subfamily Disteniinae, which has currently family rank, have been reviewed by VIVES (2009). The species list contains 11 species of the subfamily Cerambycinae, 14 species of the subfamily Lamiinae and three species of the subfamily Prioninae making an amount of 28 species. We add to the species list three species of the subfamily Lamiinae (Nupserha seychellarum BREUNING, 1982, Pseudocoptops seychellarum BREUNING, 1977, Tragocephala formosa (OLIVIER, 1792) based on the scientific literature. New collecting data of following species are provided: Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891, Ceresium unicolor (FABRICIUS, 1787), Xystrocera globosa (OLIVIER, 1795), Coptops humorosa FAIRMAIRE, 1871, Exocentrus subreticulatus BREUNING, 1957, Olenecamptus bilobus (FABRICIUS, 1801), Ropica sechellarum BREUNING, 1957 and Ropica signata PIC, 1932. The latter species is recorded for the first time from the Republic of Seychelles increasing the number of recorded Seychellean Cerambycidae to 31 species. In the Republic of Seychelles only two species have vernacular names. Stromatium barbatum (FABRICIUS, 1775) is called "Gros moutouc des meubles de maison" and Diseoblax wrightii (WATERHOUSE, 1880) "Gros moutouc du filao" (DUPONT 1935: 149). © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at 1582 Abbreviations biogeogr. ............................biogeography biol. ............................................. biology cat............................................. catalogue distr. ...................................... distribution ed.................................................... editor fig. (figs) ......................... figure (figures) pl. (pls)................................plate (plates) syn.............................................synonym tax. ...........................................taxonomy typ. gen................................typus generis Annotated catalogue The catalogue is organized alphabetically. Synonyms and misidentifications are marked with an asterisk (*). Only misspellings of genus and species names are indicated by an exclamation mark (!), but names of authors or years of publication have been corrected by the authors. The material is deposited in the Natural History Museum Vienna (Austria). Subfamily C e r a m b y c i n a e Anomoderus rugosicollis AURIVILLIUS, 1922 Anomoderus rugosicollis n.sp.: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Inner Seychelles), 426 (fig. 3), 436 (descr., biol., Mahé). Anomoderus rugicollis (!) AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2003: 18 (Silhouette). Anomoderus rugosicollis AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VIVES 2007: 2 (tax., Silhouette). Anomoderus rugosicollis AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VIVES 2009: 129 (tax., Mahé, Silhouette). 265 (pl. 3: fig.). Anomoderus rugosicollis AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). D i s t r i b u t i o n : Inner Seychelles: Mahé, Silhouette. Endemic. Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891 Ceresium albopubens n.sp.: FAIRMAIRE 1891: 182 (descr. (( not indicated), Seychelles without locality). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: LAMEERE 1893: 105 (tax., descr. &, Mahé). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: THÉRY 1897: 105 (La Digue). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: ALLUAUD 1900: 343 (cat. Malagasy subregion). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: KOLBE 1910: 17 (Cerf), 38 (tax., Mahé, Cerf). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: MARIE & LESNE 1917: 24 (cat.). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: AURIVILLIUS 1912: 123 (cat.). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Inner Seychelles), 432 (Mahé). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: GERLACH 2003: 18 (Silhouette, North, Aride). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: VIVES 2009: 128 (tax., biol., Mahé, Cerf, Silhouette, North), 265 (pl. 3: fig.). Ceresium albopubens FAIRMAIRE, 1891: GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at 1583 M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Silhouette: La Passe, am Licht, 1 sp. 16.-22.5.2003 leg. M. Madl. D i s t r i b u t i o n : Inner Seychelles: Mahé, Cerf, Silhouette, Ile du Nord (North), Aride. Endemic. Ceresium unicolor (FABRICIUS, 1787) Ceresium unicolor (FABRICIUS, 1787): GERLACH 2003: 18 (Silhouette). *Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (tax., biogeogr., cat. Inner Seychelles), 432 (Mahé, Silhouette). Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): DUFFY 1957: 143 (tax., descr., biol., Seychelles without data), 144 (fig. 82). Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): DUFFY 1968: 144 (tax., descr., biol., Seychelles without data). Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): GERLACH, MATYOT & SAARISTO 1997: 29 (cat. Silhouette). Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): VIVES 2009: 128 (tax., Conception, Silhouette). Ceresium flavipes (FABRICIUS, 1792): GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). *Ceresium simplex GYLLENHAL, 1817: LAMEERE 1893: 105 (Mahé). Ceresium simplex GYLLENHAL, 1817: THÉRY 1897: 67 (La Digue). Ceresium simplex GYLLENHAL, 1817: ALLUAUD 1900: 344 (cat. Malagasy Subregion). Ceresium simplex GYLLENHAL, 1817: KOLBE 1910: 37 (Mahé). M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Mahé: La Roussette 1 sp. 13.-31.10.1991 leg. M. Madl. Distribution: Inner Seychelles: Mahé, Conception, Silhouette, La Digue. Known from all zoogeographical regions. In the Malagasy subregion Ceresium unicolor has been recorded from Comoros (Grande Comore, Moheli, Anjouan), Mayotte, Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues. Idobrium femoratum AURIVILLIUS, 1922 Idobrium femoratum sp.n.: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Aldabra), 432 (descr., Aldabra), 435 (key). Idobrium femoratum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VIVES 2009: 129 (tax., Aldabra). Idobrium femoratum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). D i s t r i b u t i o n : Aldabra Group: Aldabra. Endemic. Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922 Idobrium sechellarum sp.n.: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Inner Seychelles), 433 (descr. ( &, biol., Mahé), 434 (key), pl. 12 (fig. 3). Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: SCOTT 1933: 337 (biol.). Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VINSON 1961: 245 (tax., Seychelles without locality). Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VINSON 1963: 274 (tax., descr. (, Mahé), 275 (fig. 6), 277 (fig. 12). Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VIVES 2009: 128 (tax., Mahé). Idobrium sechellarum AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). Host plant: Vateriopsis seychellarum (DYER, 1877) (Dipterocarpaceae). D i s t r i b u t i o n : Inner Seychelles: Mahé. Endemic. Idobrium sechellarum is known only from the type material. © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.zobodat.at 1584 Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902 Idobrium voeltzkowi n.sp.: KOLBE 1902: 584 (typ. gen., descr., Aldabra). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: VOELTZKOW 1902: 559 (cat. Aldabra). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: AURIVILLIUS 1912: 131 (cat.). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Aldabra), 432 (tax., Aldabra), 434 (key). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: FRITH 1979: 8 (Aldabra). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: VIVES 2009: 128 (tax., Aldabra). Idobrium voeltzkowi KOLBE, 1902: GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). D i s t r i b u t i o n : Aldabra Group: Aldabra. Endemic. Iresioides aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897) Leptocera aldabrensis new species: LINELL 1897: 701 (descr., Aldabra). Glaucytes aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): ALLUAUD 1900: 356 (cat. Malagasy subregion.). Leptocera (Glaucytes) aldabrensis LINELL, 1897: VOELTZKOW 1902: 559 (cat. Aldabra). Leptocera (Glaucytes) aldabrensis LINELL, 1897: KOLBE 1902: 582 (cat. Aldabra). Glaucytes aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): AURIVILLIUS 1912: 436 (tax., cat.). Glaucytes aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Aldabra), 436 (tax., Aldabra). Iresioides aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): BREUNING & VILLIERS 1968: 58 (key), 60 (tax., Aldabra). Iresioides aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): VIVES 2007: 2 (tax., Aldabra). Iresioides aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): VIVES 2009: 129 (tax., Aldabra), 265 (pl. 3: fig.). Iresioides aldabrensis (LINELL, 1897): GERLACH 2009: 224 (red list). D i s t r i b u t i o n : Aldabra Group: Aldabra. Endemic. Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922 Obrium nitidicolle sp.n.: AURIVILLIUS 1922: 422 (biogeogr., cat. Inner Seychelles), 435 (descr. ( &, biol., Mahé, Silhouette), pl. 13 (fig. 7). Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922: Scott 1933: 337 (biol.). Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH, MATYOT & SAARISTO 1997: 29 (cat. Silhouette). Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2003: 18 (Silhouette, Praslin). Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922: VIVES 2009: 129 (tax., Mahé, Silhouette, Praslin). Obrium nitidicolle AURIVILLIUS, 1922: GERLACH 2009:
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