TRINITY COLLEGE UEP.ARV 0 r: /- r. > v ;:, r> mmnin| n TRINITY COLLEGE • HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT f^"~~H| """""'I Vol LXXXV, Issue 8, November 17,1987 ^{RINITYJRIPOD Trinity Welcomes Soviet Journalist On October 2, Moffett sent a let- by Hillary Davidson ter to Starodomskava asking her Editor-in-Chief to come to Connecticut with a film crew to "do what he had done in Trinity will be the first Ameri- the Soviet Union." "Up until can college ever to be featured on now," he said, "only the negative Soviet television following yester- side of American life was shown day's campus visit by a Soviet jour- on Soviet televison." nalist and film crew. Moffett was quite surprised The visit was at the invitation of when the Soviets agreed to his Station WVIT's anchorman, Toby proposition. As Dr. James West of Moffett. Last July and August, the History Department said, "It Moffett toured the Soviet Union is yet another example of glas- with an American film crew. While nost'. It is another example of Rus- there, he visited farms, schools and sian officialdom not saying no to a factories. "I was able to go wher- good idea." ever I wanted," he said. "I was Starodomskava arrived in Wash- able to talk to the average citizen, ington, D.C. on Monday, Novem- the young and the old." He inter- ber 10. She will be spending this viewed Soviet journalists about week in Connecticut seeing glasnost' (General Secretary Gor- schools, talking to students, and bachev's reform campaign) and visiting other Connecticut institu- The Trinity Bantams beat Wesleyan into the mud with a score of 48-7 at this weekend's Homecoming game. asked people on the street about tions. While at Trinity, Starodom- their views of the United States. skava visited a 10:30 Russian Moffett was accompanied by language class and talked to Rus- S. African Priest Discusses Apartheid Svetlana Starodomskava, a 22 year sian Studies students. Starodomskava's visit to Trinity by Michelle Israel and Patricia South Africa which began in 1652, Luckett maintains that the world veteran Soviet journalist. She re- is not hearing the true story of ported on him as he covered the is significant because, according to Canavan and in the modern discovery of Dr. West, it "places us squarely on gold and diamonds in the area. The South Africa. "It is a fallacy to Soviet Union, and also served as believe that everything is fine," he his translator. the cutting edge of glasnost'. Trin- original settlers needed "serv- ity has already been the benefici- emphasized. The newspapers can't, Moffett was the first American ants," as was the custom of the ary of Gorbachev's glasnost' or don't, report on the state of journalist ever to give his uncen- The Reverend S. Luckett, direc- times, and modern day mine own- reforms. We are one of 20 under- emergency. This means that the sored impressions of the Soviet tor of the Diocesan Board of Social ers need cheap labor to extract the graduate institutions which will be police can arrest and detain whom- Union on the Soviet national news. Responsibility, Cape Town Dio- precious commodities from the participating in an academic ex- ever they like for any given amount He aired three reports, each ap- cese, spoke on last Monday eve- earth. Black Africans fit the bill in change program with the Soviet of time without having to present proximately three minutes long, on ning. Luckett is touring America both cases. Union. In addition, Trinity is get- an explanation for their actions. the most widely watched Soviet in order to let the public know that, By exploiting the blacks and con- ting a satellite dish which will en- Consequently, many students have news program. Station WVIT also "We need the American people to structing labor camps, the whites able the school to receive live Continued on Page 3 ran a five-part series on his visit. put greater pressure on the U.S. have instituted "a sheer destruc- Soviet television. government for economic sanc- tion of homelife by the labor situ- tions and recognition of the Afri- ation." Black men are separated ,More generally, Starodomska- can National Congress." from their families, and due to va's trip is considered a test of just Luckett was educated at Oxford, strict passbook laws, cannot visit Minority Prospective how far Gorbachev's glasnost' will where he was a Rhodes Scholar, each other. Some families follow go. When asked by Moffett how and received a Masters in Econom- the men and live in squatter camps glasnost' has affected journalists, ics and then lectured in Capetown. around the labor camps. Other Students to Visit Starodomskava replied, "We're we were able to attract 10 to 15 more open now. We don't camou- In 1980 he was ordained as a Rev- wives manage to live with their by Cynthia Woosnam erend in the Anglican Church. Ap- husbands in the exceedingly over- students." flage. We expose and dig to help palled by the "economic crowded labor camp barracks, but Summing up her expectations for our country." As Moffett said, though, "The big question is, just oppression, political inequalities the quality of life is far from sat- Trinity will be welcoming minor- the 1987 minority weekend, Cross and gross exploitation of black isfactory. Mine workers and their says, "I'm hoping that the Trinity what will Soviet viewers get to see ity prospective students once again of Connecticut? What kind of people," Luckett founded the families suffer from tremendous at its annual minority weekend to students will be as receptive as Board of Social Responsibility. poverty. they were last year. However, we mainstream American life will they be held from Thursday, November actually see?" Since that time he has worked tire- Some blacks go to the cities in 19th to Saturday the 21st. Approx- still need more hosts." In an interview with Professor lessly to help the black population order to find jobs, but their chances imately 75 high school seniors from If any student would like to help Sam Kassow on Saturday, Novem- achieve equality. Luekett was im- of improving their lives are small. New England as well as from or has any questions, call the Ad- ber 7, Moffett pressed him as to prisoned for his work in 1985 but Africans must have special passes Maryland, Washington D.C., Ten- missions Office, ext. 249 and ask why the Soviets would allow such has continued to support the cause to come into the cities, and to go nessee, Michigan, and Illinois are for Karen Cross or Jennifer Hard- Continued on Page 3 of blacks in South Africa. into certain areas outside of the expected to participate in the pro- Described by Vice President cities. Many do not obtain these in gram. Smith as a "man of integrity and time, and are arrested and put on The purpose of the three-day great courage," Rev. Luckett de- trial. Since many of the blacks are function is to invite black, His- scribed the apartheid policy as unaware of the laws, they are panic, Asian, and American Indian more than just a "physical sepa- forced to pay a fine or spend 90 students to experience the aca- ration of racial categories." days in jail. After either paying the demic and social life of the College. According to Luckett, aparthied fine or serving their jail sentence, The Admissions Office hopes to (which means "apartness") has its the blacks are sent back to the show the minority prospective stu- roots in the white settlement of "desperately poor" rural areas. dents the support that Trinity is willing to give them in order to further diversify the student body. Rucci Revises Security According to Karen Cross, assis- the perpetrator," as opposed to a tant director of admissions and the by Peter Swanson passing view from a car. coordinator of minority weekend, Assistant News Editor Rucci also stated that an officer "it is a good way to expose stu- on foot will be able to observe and dents to Trinity." A revamped nighttime Security enter many places on campus that The prospectives will be housed patrol went into effect November officers in cars could not. He added with host students in dormitories 1, established by Director of Se- that he selected North Campus and will be attending the many ac- curity Biagio Rucci. "because of all the activity that tivities which have been planned for them. These functions, which At present, there are four Secu- goes on there." have been carefully designed to al- rity officers who patrol the campus Rucci also decided that officers leviate any fears and answer any nightly. Rucci's changes include will do footpatrols in four week questions, include a reception at adding a Security officer and hav- shifts. By this method, the officers the Umoja House on Thursday ing three mobile units and two foot will become familiar with the area night, a Cave dance on Friday, a patrols instead of four mobile they are working and "be able to Saturday brunch with departmen- units. locate and observe problem spots." tal faculty and later a minority stu- Of the two officers on footpatrol, dent panel. Interviews and tours one would stay in the. North Cam- He felt that by strictly having mobile patrol, the officers "didn't are also scheduled and available for pus area and one would patrol the the prospective students. main campus, including the Quad get a proper perspective of resi- and the South Campus complex. dential life." An admissions officer said that Rucci decided to implement foot- Along with asking the adminis- "the true success of minority patrols for the "perception fac- tration for an extra nighttime Se- weekend won't be realized until we tor." He said, "the Security officer curity officer, Rucci has also asked find out who will be in the fresh- will be visible to both the student for two more Security officers, man class next fall." Commenting upon this, Cross says that "last and the perpetrator.
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