BEDROCK GEOLOGIC QUADRANGLE KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY James C. Cobb, State Geologist and Director EVANSVILLE and WEST FRANKFORT University of Kentucky, Lexington 30 x 60 MINUTE QUADRANGLES, KY Series XII, 2008 Version 1.0 Pc Psh Pc Pp Pb Psh Pc Ptc Pp Pc Pp Psh Psh Pc Psh Psh Pt Pp Pp Psh Pc Pp Pt Pc Pc Psh Pt Pb Pp Pc Psh Pc Psh Pp Pp Pt Pc Pt Pp Pmcl Psh Psh Psh Pt Pc Psh Pc Pc Pmcl Pb Pc Pp P Pp Pc Pm Pmcl Pb Pt Pmcl P Pc Pp Pb Pt Pmz Pbm Pb Pc Pm Pp Pbm Pb Psh Pp Ptc Pbm Pt Pt Pca Psh Pt Pp Pc Pc Pca Pp Pt Psh Pca Pc Pm Pt Ptc Pp Pp Mu Pt Pp Pc Pp Psh Pca Pp Psc Pm Pb Pp Psh Pb Pm Psh Ptc Pt Pb Pp Pp Pc Pt Pbm Pbm Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 16, North American Datum of 1927 Roads, railroads, and cultural basemap features are from digital data available from the Kentucky Division of Geographic Information (gis.ky.gov). GEOLOGIC SETTING AND STRUCTURAL SETTING DISCLAIMER The surface of the Evansville and West Frankfort 30 x 60 minute quadrangles consists of flat-lying sediments and sedimentary Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), no BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF PARTS OF THE EVANSVILLE AND WEST FRANKFORT rocks of the Quaternary, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian age. These deposits extend across the Rough Creek Fault System, an east- warranty, expressed or implied, is made by KGS regarding the utility of the data on any other system, nor shall the act of distribution E N west trending basement fault complex that extends from southern Illinois eastward into west-central Kentucky. This fault system constitute any such warranty. L H T T T IN W N N N S IL G R R L O U O E K V H R T O marks the north margin of a failed rift basin depicted as a half graben with vertical offset as much as several thousand feet on its KGS does not guarantee this map or digital data to be free of errors or inaccuracies. Some cultural features originate from O N O W N S T U E P B N B E K M R A A U E R A O W K C V C F V N O western end. data sources other than KGS, and may not align with geologic features on this map. KGS disclaims any responsibility or liability for E S E 30 x 60 MINUTE QUADRANGLES, WESTERN KENTUCKY N A R Y interpretations from this map or digital data, or decisions based thereon. N N E O O H L W H O L R R Numerous oil fields have been discovered north of the Rough Creek Fault System, and other stratigraphic, fault -related, or The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily S T N S I O O A D O I S V B N T L O R D B B M S E S E S T S T A A N S IL L T S anticlinal structures may play an important role in the accumulation of petroleum resources. Major oil companies have explored for representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. L O I D E N N S W I M T R E A IS W N E E Compiled by Thomas N. Sparks and Steven L. Martin N E O W E U H P W W deep gas, particularly in the Cambrian rocks. Coal from the Western Kentucky Coal Field (part of the Illinois Basin in Kentucky) is WEST FRANKFORT S O O N also a major commodity in the mapped area as there is long history of production from numerous coal beds that have been surface D KENTUCKY W L D Modified from compilations by Michael P. Solis and Matthew M. Crawford O E E N E IE Y S L R and deep mined (Weisenfluh and others, 2001). T F L E R L E A E V R D A I L O E N R L H E R V T R N R T A E O A W S E ACKNOWLEDGMENTS N G V O A N G A B L D H W E R P O R A T A C W E P This map was generated from compilation of Evansville and West Frankfort 1:24,000-scale Digitally Vectorized Geologic H O R D U U 2008 Faulting may have controlled the thickness and extent of some of the mapped rock units in the mapped area. Several major fluvial M C S S paleochannels have incised underlying rocks in the quadrangle. A Pennsylvanian channel called the Henderson Channel (Beard and Quadrangle (DVGQ) maps completed by KGS personnel, 2000–01 (see References). The compilation dataset was edited for this N S Y E E I N L contract deliverable by mapping the exposed and concealed bedrock contacts, approximating their subsurface extent where covered QUADRANGLE LOCATIONS N E G E E H L A Williamson, 1979) incises the Mulford (Western Kentucky No. 9, Springfield) coal and trends south from the city of Henderson to I S V L N E C E U I L R D O V IC t E O R E V O A U R X N T S IN K T I B E O H and not mapped by Quaternary sediments, and excluding all mapped Quaternary surface units. This work was funded in part by the E S O D E B R L E U the Rough Creek Fault System. Other channels and paleovalleys exist in the Caseyville Formation and in the Mississippian section. M D B S A L G C G U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Mapping Program under the STATEMAP Program authorized by the National SCALE 1:100 000 Geologic Mapping Act of 1992, Grant No. 07HQAG0062, and by the Kentucky Geological Survey. EVANSVILLE Digital mapping for the bedrock topographic contours was initially completed by William M. Andrews Jr., Steven L. Martin, and Ronald C. Counts from January 2005 to December 2005. 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subsurface information was compiled from oil, gas, water, and coal data on file at the Kentucky Geological Survey (Martin Miles DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS and others, 2008) as well as data contributed by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the U.S. Geological Survey. 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REFERENCES Kilometers Pmz Mauzy Formation (Lower Permian) Pca Caseyville Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) Interbedded shale, siltstone, and limestone with minor sandstone and coal. Shale and siltstone (70%), interlaminated, poorly to Sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, shale and coal. Sandstone, quartzose, very fine- to coarse well-rounded grains, Beard, J.G. and Williamson, A.D., 1979, A Pennsylvanian channel in Henderson and Webster Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. Solis, M.P., and Terry, J.S., 2000, Spatial database of the Sutherland quadrangle, Daviess County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, well laminated, some steep crossbedding; calcareous and micaceous along bedding planes. Limeston e (25%), very fine- to micaceous, thin- to very thick-bedded, locally crossbedded. Basal part, locally conglomeratic; contains rounded white quartz 11, Information Circular 1, 12 p. Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-839. Adapted from Johnson, W.D., Jr., and Smith, A.E., 1969, Geologic map of the fine-grained, clayey to silty where interbedded; mostly even-bedded, up to 3 m (10 ft) thick. Sandstone (5%), fine-grained, pebbles. Shale, silty to sandy, locally carbonaceous and clayey. Coal, blocky, hard, bright, thin; includes Battery Rock coal Sutherland quadrangle, Daviess County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-839, scale 1:24,000. thin-bedded, crossbedded, shale and siltstone interlaminations common. Coal, very thin coaly or carbonaceous shales in lowest bed. Crawford, M.M., 2001, Spatial database of the Dekoven and Saline Mines quadrangles, Crittenden and Union Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky part of section. Conformably overlies the Sturgis Formation (Mattoon Formation equivalent); the upper contact has been Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1147. Adapted from Kehn, T.M., 1974, Geologic map of Solis, M.P., and Terry, J.S., 2000, Spatial database of the West Franklin, Caborn, and Mount Vernon quadrangles, Henderson and Union Counties, removed by erosion. Fusulinids of Early Permian age are found 43 m (140 ft) above the boundary. Type section located in Ptc Tradewater and Caseyville Formations, Undivided (Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian) the Dekoven and Saline Mines quadrangles, Crittenden and Union Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ- Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1152. Adapted from Johnson, W.D., closed fault segment on the Bordley and Sturgis quadrangle border (Kehn and others, 1982). Descriptions same as above. 1147, scale 1:24,000. Jr., 1974, Geologic map of the West Franklin, Caborn, and Mount Vernon quadrangles, Henderson and Union Counties, Kentucky: U.S. CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1152, scale 1:24,000. Pennsylvanian Rocks, Undivided Undifferentiated Rocks of Upper Mississippian Age Crawford, M.M., 2001, Spatial database of the Grove Center quadrangle, Kentucky-Illinois, and part of the Shawneetown quadrangle, Kentucky: P Mu n Unit equivalent to Kinkaid Limestone, Degonia Sandstone, and possibly older rocks within mapped fault segment in Calhoun a Unit equivalent to unnamed or unknown Pennsylvanian rocks within mapped fault segments.
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