![CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-Senatjj]. JANUARY 31](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1994 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATJj]. JANUARY 31, DEATII OF rroN. WILLIAM WINDOl\I. I sions, to which was referr.ed the bill of the House (H. R. 7051) gmnt- Mr. McKINLEY. Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to offer the resolutions ing a pe~ion to certain ~st Tennesseean~ engaged in the secret se~vice I send to the desk. of the Umte~ States durmg the lat~ rebellion_, reported, .a.~ a subst1tute The Clerk read as follows: therefor, a bill (H. R. 13424) gra?ting n. pens1?n to certam E~st Tennes­ R esolved, That the House ofRepresenta.tiveshas heard with profound sorrow secans engaged m the secret service of the Um tcd States d urmg the late of the death of Hon. 'Villia.m 'Vindom, Secretary of the Treasury, who for ten rebellion; which was read twice, and, accompanied by a report (No. years was a member of this body and for twelve years a member of the Senate, 3634), referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of llesoli·ed, That a. committee of nine Representatives be appointed by the Speaker, to joinsueh committee as may be appointed by the Senate, to attend the Union. the funeral of the late Secretary on belf a.lf of Congress, and to ta.ke such other Mr. NUTE, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, reported favor­ action as may be proper in honor of the memory of the deceased, and as appre­ ably the bill of the Senate (S. 8995) granting a. pension to Myra E. ciation of Congress for his public services. Lakin, accompanied by a report (No. 3635)-to the Committee of the Mr. DUNNELL. Mr. Speaker, I second the motion submitted by Whole House. the honorable gentleman from Ohio. Mr. BOOTHMAN, from the Committee on Claims, reported favor­ I ha>e the honor to represent the district on this floor which, for ably' the bill of the Senate (S. 1616) for the relief of Charles Adams, ten years, was so ably represented by the honorable Secretary of the accompanied by a report (No. 3G3G)-to the Committee of the Whole Treasury, whose den.th we this day deplore. He was for ten years a House. Representative in this House, and a member of the United States Sen­ ate from the State of Minnesota for the period of twelve years. His death will be profoundly mourned in his own State, and through­ BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS. out the country. Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills of the following titles were in- The SPEAKER. The question is on the adoption of the resolutions troduced, severally read twice, and referred as follows:. · submitted. Dy Mr. COGSWELL: A bill (H. R.13425) to provide for the posses­ The resolutions were adopted. sion, care, and maintenance of the Drexel Cottage on l\Iount McGregor, The SPEAKER subsequently announced as the committee on the in the town of Moreau, in the State of New York-to the Committee on p:>.rt of the House Mr. McKINLEY, Mr. MILLS, Mr. DUNNELL, Mr. Military Affairs. HOUIAN, Mr.O'NEILL of Pennsylvania,l\Ir. Fon.NEY, Mr. v .A.NDEVER, Dy Mr. STEPHENSON: A bill (H. R.13426) giving the consent of Mr. BLOUNT, and Mr. SNIDER. ' the United States to the erection of a bridge across Portage Lake, Mr. McKINLEY. As a further murk of respect I move that the Houghton County, Michigan., between the villages of Houghton and House do now adjourn. Hancock-to the Committee on Commerce. 'Jhe motion was a(J'reed to. And accordingly (at 12 o'clock and .11 minutes p. m.) the Honse adjourned. PRIVATE BILLS, ETC. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, a private bill of the following title EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS. was presented and referred as indicated below: . " By Mr. BELKNAP: A bill (H. R. 13427) granting a pension to Mrs. Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, the following communications were Adelia Coomer, an army nurse-to the Committee on Invalid Pen~ions. taken from the Speaker's tableo.nd referred as follows: INDIAN SCIIOOL AT PIICENIX, ARIZ. PETITIONS. ETC. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers estimate of an appropriation for an Indian school at or near Phmnix, were.laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Ariz., in lieu of a like estimate for a school at Fort l\IcDowell, Ariz. - By l\.fr. COOPER, of Ohio: Petition of John Scott and others, citi­ to the Committee on Indian Affairs. zens of Union County, Ohio; also, of C. E. Bonham and others, citi­ zens of Byhalia, same county; also, resolutions of Farmers' Alliance TRAVELING EXPENSES OF INDIAN SCHOOL SUPERINTENDE...';T, 1800. No. 514, of Ohio; also, of Byhalia. Alliance, No. 619, of same county Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy and State, for passage of the option bill-to the Committee on Agri­ of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting esti­ culture. mate of a deficiency in the appropriation for the traveling expenses of By Mr. DUNNELL: Petition of L. C. Titus ancl 70 others, citizens Indian school superintendent, 1890-to the Committee on Indian Af­ of Minnesota, asking for the passage of the option bill-to the Commit­ fairs. tee on Agriculture. INDIAN SCIIOOL AT CARLISLE, r A. By :r.Ir. ENLOE: A resolution of Subunion 6013 of the Farmers and Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy Laborers' Union of Tennessee, in favor of increasing the currency to of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an three times the present volume-to the Committee on Coinage, additional estimate for appropriation for' the Indian school at Carlisle, Weights, and :Measures. Pa.-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. LODGE: Resolutions adopted by the National Association TREATIES WITII TIIE KICKAPOOS. Of Builders, p.sking that plans and specifications of all public works be furnished by the Secretary of the Treasury to Builders' Exchange­ Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy to the Committee on Labor. of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to Also, petition of same association for the passage of laws providing the estimates for an appropriation for fulfilling treaties with the Kick­ for the distribution of information in regard to the remuneration and apoos-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. hours of work of the industrial classes and statutes relating to indus­ INDIAN SCIIOOLS. trial education-to the Committee on Labor. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a By Mr. STRUBLE:. Petition of J. J. Malcom and 12 others, citizens communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting amended of Woodbury County, Iowa, urging passage of House bill 5353-to estimates of appropriations for certain Indian schools for the fiscal year the Committee on Agriculture. 1892-~o the Committee on Indian Affairs. REPORTS OF CO:M:l\HTTEES. SENATE. Under clause 2 of Rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk and disposed of as follows: SATURDAY, January 31, 18!H. Mr. DICKERSON, from tho Committee on Commerce, reported fa­ The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. vorably the bill of the Honse (II. R. 13070) for the establishment of a Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J, G. BUTLER, D. D. fish hatchery in the State of Vermont, accompanied by a report (No. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. 3630)-to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. CREDENTIALS. Mr. 1\URTIN, of Indiana, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, reported with amendment the following bills of the House; which were The VICE PRESIDENT presented the credentials of JAMES DON­ severally referred to the Committee of the Whole House: ALD CAl\IERON, chosen by the Legislature of Pennsylvania a Senator from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1891; which were read A bill (H. R. 9429) for the reliefof Elizabeth Truex. ~Report No. 3631.) and ordered to be filed. A bill (H. R. 13038) to increase the pension of John E. A. Stephens. EYROLLED DILLS SIGNED. (Report No. 3632.) . The VICE PlmSIDENT signed the following enrolled bills; which Mr. SAWYER, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, reported bad previously received the signature of the Speaker of tho House or wlth amendment the bill of the House (H. R. 10323) to pension Fran-· Representatives: ces E. Bidwell, accompanied by a report (No. 3633)-to the Committee A bill (H. R. 154) to provide for the purchase ofa site and the erec­ of the Whole House. tion of a public building thereon at Pueblo, in the State of Colorado; .l\Ir. T.A YLOR, of Tennessee, from the Committee on Invalid Pen- and 1891. CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-SENATE. 1995 A bill (H. R. 188) to provide for the purchase of a site and the erec­ Petition of John W. Forrest and 14 other citizens of Buffalo County, tion of a public building thereon at Columbus, in the State of Georgia, South Dakota; · nnd for other purposes. · Petition of .John Lo.ss ·and 17 other citizens of EmIJlet Union, South Dakota; • CIIARLES 1\I.A..X WITTIG. Resolutions of the Colman Farmers' Alliance, No. 462, of Moody The VICE PRESIDENT appointed Mr. MANDERSON, Mr. DAVIS, County, South Dakota; and Ur. W ALTIIALL as the conferees on the part of tho Senate upon Petition of Thomn.s McBride and 13 other citizens of Lincoln, Mc­ the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.
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