Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blair, Dennis: Files Folder Title: Public Diplomacy 1981 (March 1981 – June 1981) Box: RAC Box 4 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name BLAIR, DENNIS: FILES Withdrawer CAS 5/16/2012 File Folder PUBLIC DIPLOMACY 1981 (MARCH 1981 - JUNE 1981) FOIA Ml 1-442 Box Number 4 HAENNI I ID Doc Type Document Description No of Doc Date Restrictions Pages 136901 CABLE RE TACTICS 3 3/17/1981 Bl D 3/21/2017 M442/1 136903 CABLE STATE 098311 2 4/17/1981 Bl R 8/23/2016 M442/1 136904 CABLE STA TE 098311 4 4/17/1981 Bl R 8/23/2016 M442/1 136906 NOTES RE INTERAGENCY MEETING RE SHAPING 8 ND Bl EUROPEAN ATTITUDES R 8/23/2016 M442/1 136919 MEMO BLAIR TO ALLEN RE INTERAGENCY GROUP 2 5/8/1981 Bl MEETING R 8/23/2016 M442/1 136922 CABLE BONN 10462 3 5/27/1981 Bl R 8/23/2016 M442/1 136947 MEMO RICHARD GILBERT TO INTERAGENCY 6/ 15/1981 Bl PUBLIC AFF ARIS WORKING GROUP RE MATERIALS FOR JUNE MEETING PAR 9/22/2017 M442/1 136927 CABLE BONN 11170 4 6/9/1981 Bl R 8/23/2016 M442/1 Freedom of Information Act• (5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIAJ B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIAJ B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIAJ B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] 8-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIAJ 8-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(S) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIAJ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name Withdrawer BLAIR, DENNIS: FILES CAS 5/16/2012 File Folder FOIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY 1981 (MARCH 1981 - JUNE 1981) Ml 1-442 HAENNI Box Number 4 ID Document Type No of Doc Date Restric- Document Description pages tions 136901 CABLE 3 3/17/1981 Bl RE TACTICS Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA] B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIA] B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] B-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] B-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIA] B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. Apr i 1 1 6 , 19 81 FRENCH AND WEST GERMANS HAVE MARKEDLY DIFFERENT VIEWS FROM AMERICANS ON EAST-WEST RELATIONS Americans are far apart from West Germans and French in their views on comparative East-West military strength, the benefits of detente, and how to deal with the Soviet Union. 'Ihese find­ ings emerge from surveys conducted in February in the three countries. Many French and We st Germans Pessimistic About Ea st-We st Balance Public perceptions of the Eastern bloc's military superiority are far more widespread in France and West Germany than in the United States. Large proportions in West Germany (68% to 27%) and in France (51% to 14%) think that the Soviet bloc countries have a military edge over the West. Americans, by contrast, are more evenly divided in their views. A plurality (44%) think the East is ahead but one-third (33%) believe the West is superior. In all three countries, however, majorities or large pluralities think the West is superior in economic strength and scientific and technical development. Americans Most Likely to Favor a Firm Policy 'Ibward the USSR The spread between opinion in the U.S. and that in France and West Germany on perceptions of East-West military power is even more marked on the question of how their governments should re­ spond to the Soviet threat. A majority (57%) of Am ricans favor a pol ic of "firmness" toward t About half as man 33% advocate "concili est Germany (67% and France p- p oac wit ess." These differences on policy toward the USSR may in part be explained by divergent views on detente. Far more West Germans (65%) and French (54%) than Americans (34%) believe that the West has benefited as much as the East from detente. About a third (30%) of Americans think the East has benefited more than the West whereas fewer West Germans (19%) and French (16%) hold that view. -2- Many French Believe Soviet Global Influence Has Increased, But Many Also Mistrust Soviet Foreign Policy Additional questions asked only in France revealed that while the French are evenly divided about whether u. S. "influence" in the world had increased or decreased in the past decade (31% to 34%), almost half the public believes Soviet influence has increased; only 14 percent think it has declined. Twice as many (32% to 14%) also believe West European influence has in­ cre.ased as think the opposite. At the same time, fully 61 percent say they mistrust Soviet foreign policy. Only 12 percent -- far fewer than one might have expected in a country where 20 percent vote Communist -­ say they trust Soviet policy. '!he French are most trustful of West Germany (50% to 21%) and divided in their confidence in U.S. foreign policy (37% to 35%). * * * * The studies were conducted by Brule Ville Associes in France and Gallup Institutes in the U. s. and We st Germany in February 1981. Prepared by: R. McLellan (PGM/REU) N-4/16/81 7 24-0794 , · ;· T!EI.EGRAM I l'~GE si OF B2 STATE S98lll 9735 EUR7217 STATE 891311 S73S EUR72:7 ~ OltlGIH EUR-12 REPRESENTATIVES FROM STATE, USICA, AHO CIA AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH TO: ORIGIN OFFICE e!:.il INFO l'IIP-11 . [UR-03 l'MA·Sl P~D-Sl REA•Sl RPE-11 [EC-11 BEN;Sl -- REV\EV THE POLITICAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL SITUATION b Sl-81 111D-Sl IIEEF-Sl UKB-82 NE-82 GDR-11 FRG·fl sov-11 IN EUROPE, INCLUDING SOVIET PROPAGANDA EFFORTS; AS·Ol CE-Bl S0111.•Sl SOBl-02 PO·S2 IT·S2 l'A-81 CAH-12 ~-st fR-82 IIE-Sl SP-81 PMS-fl PL-82 HU-8'2 rn-st EE-S2 -- DEFINE POLICY PRIORITIES FOR THE NEAR-TERM AND IAC-02 YO·Sl R0-82 GR•Sl TU·Sl CY•Sl SE-St /ISi At TARGET_R~SOURCES ON THEM; INFO OCT-SS ADS-SS INR-18 ss-ts CIAE-SO DODE-80 NSCE-89 -- ENSURE THERE IS ADEQUATE GUIDANCE ON KEY POLICIES NSAE-88 PN-89 l'A-111 IIIR"E-ss sns-81 SAL-81 ICA£-II FOR STATE; ICA ANO OTHER USG REPRESENTATIVES IN SP-92 Sl'RS-S2 /ISl R EUROPE TO USE IN, BACKGROUNDING KEY GROUPS INCLUDING PRESS, CHURCH, LABOR, BUSINESS AND YOUTH; DRAFTED 8Y EUR - MPALNER APPROVED BY EUR - ANS. EAGLEBURGER •• LOOK FOR NEV WAYS TO COMMUN ICAT£ OUR 01/tl IDEAS EUR - DGONPERT AND TO RESIST THE INROADS OF SOVIET PRDPAGANOA; EUR - RBARRY S/ PKAPLAN !SUBS) •• ASSESS THE IMPACT OF COMPLETED ACTIVITIES AHO ICA - TCATHERMAN (SUBS) .... COORDINATE THE SUBSHIICE OF UPC0111NG EVENTS • -----------------113~S6S 1184132 /67 . 0 1781332 APR 81 ZEX 4. OUR FIVE POL ICY PRIORITIES FOLLOW. Fn SECSTATE VASHDC TO ALL EUROPEAN DIPlOtlATIC POSTS IMMEDIATE FIRST, £AST-\1£ST RELATIONS. THROUGH PUBLIC AND DIPLOl1ATIC CHANNELS 11£ SHOULD SE 11AKING 11AJOR EFFORTS 1 t ~ I C r" STATE 898311 TO BUILD 1/ESTERH CONSENSUS BEHIND THE NEV ADMINISTRATION ' S APPROACH TO EAST-I/EST REL AT I OHS. OUR NEAR·TERl1 FOR AMBASSADORS AND PAO$ OBJECT,IVE IS TO HAVE THE NATO MINISTERIAL. IN MAY DEMONSTRATE SOLIDARITY ·IIITN US. THE MINISTERIAL [. 0. 12865: RDS-I (4/16/0ll (UGLEBURGER, LARRY SI COMMUNIQUE SHOULD BE A USEFUL STATEIIENT Of ALLIANCE Yl£\IS ON EAST·IIEST RELATIPIIS. VE ALSO \/Ill SE PROVIDING TAGS: XG, SOPX f'OSTS WITH AOOITIOHAL UNCLASSIFIED POINTS TO USE IN SETTING FORTH U.S . OVERALL APPROACH. IT IS IMPORTANT SUBJECT: SHAPING EUROPEAN ATTITUDES THAT VE CONTINUE TO DEMONSTRATE \/£STERN FIRMNESS IN THE FACE OF PERSISTING SOVIET PRESSURES Oil POLAllD, l. IT IS CL£_A,R FROl1 ,PO~T REPORTING, MEDIA REACTION AND OCCUPATION OF AF GHAN ISTAN AHO OTHER AG GRESS I VE AC_TI OHS. SUR\'EY DATA THAT- IIE FACE 11AJOR PROBLE11S ·-111TH 1/ESTERK · EUROPE.AH PUBLIC OPINION. \IE MUST 11AKE MAJOR NEV EFFORTS SECOND, TNF. STRENGTHENING ALLIED SUPPORT FOR TNf TO GAIN -SUPPORT FOR U.S.
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