NO. 45. VOL. XXVII. MASON, MIOHIGAN, THUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1902. Cut Mowers and plants for sale, Eille THE JUDGE DEMURRED. DIVIDED THE CITY. Beech, Maple street, Mason. *lp ..COPALINE. Charges Against Woodworth Not Tiic B. y. P, U, has adjourned Its HALL LUMBER COMPANY, LANSING. MICH. iu Proper Form. meeting at William Fanson's for one Democrats Carried It for Five Officers, It will make your Supervisor IT. K, Gunn of Delhi week. Rcpublicanj Got the Rest. came to Lan-sing this forenoon wltl We want the trade of eveiy Farmer in Ingham County antJ Oil Cloth or Linoleum Mixed Iron wanted, $4 ton, la lb. for we're making special inducements to get it Lumber is the report of the committee rubber. Weigh and pay at Cold .Stor• pointed by the board of supervisors As Nice as New. cheaper than ever at our yards and now is the time to buy. The Result In the Two Ward*. age. 45wSp. ... Abe Rkkdv, • to investigate a Hairs In the olllce of Restores and preserves the color.. A visit will prove this. All those indebted to us, please call the county clerk. Under instruction Is very durable. Will not and settle, as we need the nioiieyi In MiisoH tliere was a fairly strong from the board Mr. Gunn presented spot or crack. HALL LUMBER CO., LANSING, Michigan Ave. & M. C, e. R. 44w2 Weiui Lawi:e.n'CE, vote out, 555 taking advantage of the the report to Judge WIcst as a charge We liave |]|etit.y of room in our harn.s to sral)lo your liorses wliUu yon arc loadlDK, elective francliise. It was a very •against County Clerk F, D, Wood 0. P. Osborn of the second ward lias For ,sale only by quiet election, but very earnest work worth, but the judge refused been grunted an increase of pension being done on botli sides. The day accept it, stating that ttie statute LONGYEAR BROS., from $17 to $24 per month. Good for was fairly pleasant. Some clouds and expressly provides tiiat the ciiarges Oliver. Druggists. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS .'^onie sunshine, There was consider• uust be specific and iii correct form TWichiganITentra^ li'ound, on Sept, Htii, on the rail• able cutting done .as will be seen in setting forth that the olllclal " Tho Niagara Fallt Rouie." road .track near tlie stockyards, a gen• the result below, our people standing charged witli misconduct In olllce or To the Farmers. BOUTIlWAlln, tleman's gold watch. Anyone liaving by their lioiiie candidates, no matter other acts of a nature warranting his Mason IfliOOft. in. l, in;n5|), in Yes, we want all your potatoes lost such a watch may obtain inl'brm.t- npon which ticket they appeared. removal, and giving the grounds upon Jackson lltoo 2:18 11:00 poultry, eggs and butter. Until fu tion at this olllce, * Not mucli attention was paid to tlie which the charge or charges are based To the Public Detroit B;30|), m, B:.')0 p. m.7;;i5 a, in ther notice wo will not accept any Geo. R, Huntington lias left the amendiiierits and to the minor tickets. As tlie report simply sots fortti tlie ChlcaKO C;l(l |), 111. S;l)ijp, 111. C:D5a. more cider apples. Remember we pay employ of the Michigan Ccnti-al at In the iirst ward 284 votes were committee's finding. Judge Wie cash, no trade, and liigliest market NOK'niWAHl), Jackson and went to Lansing last cist, three being blank and one stated that there was no use in accept price every day in the week. Ha iMason ii:20a, ni, llioo a. m. .'S;00 p. Monday to work in the job printing spoiled. There were 79 straight dem• ing them as grounds upon which to We, the undersigned, give notice Lansing l!;12 II:'.'d 5:23 you anything else in the vegetabl olllce ot Lawrence & VanBuren, ocratic, 70-straiglit republican and ask Mr, Woodwortli to come intocour Owosso 7:30 i2:,'irip, in.0;35 line ? Mason Cold Stouaok that the firm of Hartwick & Mick- Mason Rebekahs will give a donkey one straiglit prohibition tickets cast. and defend himself. SUKinaw S:W i:li! 8:08 soii is hereby dissolved. The late BayClty !i:2.''. 2:20 8:10 Regular convention of K, of P. next social at L 0, 0. F. hall Wednesday One vote was cast for the socialist Under the court's ruling, Mr. Gun Mackinaw 7:irj p. in, 7;0C a. m. 7:00 a. co-partnership will bejsucceeded by Monday evening. evenrng, Nov, 12. Ladies bring box labor ticket and one vote for John J. decided to go to Prosecuting Attor O.W.IlunoLKS, with lunch for two. Prizes will be Spouse, lieutenant governor on the the firm of C. P. Mickelson, who A new time card takes effect on the ney Tuttle and asklilm to prepare the K. D. Stanton, Gen, Pass, & Ticket Ari given. All are cordially invited. socialist ticket. Ticket AKoiit. Mason Olileago Michigan Central next Sunday. necessary document for filing with the will continue the business at the In tlie second ward 271 votes were I^ate E. Skchan of Lansing has been A big haul by highwaymen, substi court ciiarges of a specific nature. old stand, collecting all bills and tutes and others who steal the good cast, three being blank. The demo• It is probable that no further action BUSINESS DIRECTORY. granted a pension of $S per month. accounts and assuming all indebt• name and tame of Rocky Mountai crats cast 95 straiglit votes, republi• will be taken in the matter for a few ri33iTa:isi' Miss Bertha Tracy is the new trim Tea made famous by Madison Med cans 52 and prohibitionists six. No days,—Lansing Journal, Nov. 3d. edness of the late firm. We desire R. C. K. lIlCNDKItSON. Over Ilrowii raer in Mrs. .1. C, Kimmel's millinery D_ LnomLs.' At Dan.ivllli! Tuesilays. Crow cine Co. 35c, B. E. King. votes being cast for the other parties. to thank our many friends and pat• and Ijrltlge work a specialty. rooms. The tickets are given as they appear A Crowded Farewell Reception. Aurelius grange will meet Saturday rons for the kindness of their pat• Dining room and kitchen girls upon tlie otlicial ballot, republican, A public f.arewell reception was PI3:-Y-SICI.A.3>rS evening, Nov. S. The following pro• ronage, assuring one and all, that wanted at once at the American democratic, prohibition and socialist IIAS, G, .lENICINS, M. I). Practice limited gram will be given: given to Rev. and Mrs. Zimmerman at to (ll.seiiaes of Kye, liar, Nose and Throat, House, *lp labor. Below is the vote in the city tlie Presbyterian churcli last Monday we shall ever carry the most kindly C22^ WashlnKtoii Ave. S., UiasliiK, Midi. Recitation Mrs. M> Brown "Gravel Pit Jack," wiio was taken Keading Mrs. S, flnlse by wards; evening and the church was crowded memory of business and social re• K. MANN, Pliyslcluii and Surgeon. Olllce to tile county house some time ago Uecltation Mra. A. Hrowa Governof— ist wU 2d wd Tot I'lu with tlicir friends. Tiie church was G , In iVear Hlock, Hours 2 to r, p. m., and 7 Mnsle.. Mrs. M, Hetnans lations that we have been allowed 8 p. m. .Siiuoial altoiitloii to of eye, ear, died last Tliursday, Aaron T, Bliss 143 no 202 11 decorated witii potted plants and no90 and throat. Glasses scleiitlllcally and ac Lorenzo T, Dnrand 12i) 131 251 to enjoy at the hands of the people chrysanthemums, Pineapple sherbet curately lltled. Kesldonce at 0. \V. lirowiio's. Born, Saturday, Nov, 1, 1902, to Mr, I have secured the services of Miss Walter .S, Westerman,,. 1,1 12 25 of Mason and vicinity, believing n. KHKKLAND, M. D. r.awreuce Block and Mrs, Harvey Cole of East Alaie^ Bertha Tracy, who has been trim Shepard I), Cowler l 1 and cake were served in tlie base O. Hours—8 to I) a. in., i to 3,7 to a p. in. don, a son weighing nine pounds. ming in the largest wholesale house Lieutenant Governor- ment before and after the exercises that the new firm will be found to K. CEUTltUOK 1). OAMPllKFJ,. Physician n Michigan, and am in better shape Alexander Maltland.,.. un lis 203 Mr, L, W. Mills presided over tiie and Hurgcoii. Olllce at jsldtiticc, uorlli 1 All those indebted to us, please ca .John I'.lilble tl8 !.-» 251 merit like patronage and courtesies. D than ever to supply your wants, Don' meeting and after a few remarks stfct'l, I lours, 8 10 n'a. la,, 2 to -I and 7 to 8 p. tii. and settle, as we need the money, William' A, Hcartt ll 12 23 Country and town calls promptly attended. forget the big November sale. Prices 1 called upon tliose present who desired 44w2 WjSBiut; Lawkknce, Willis F, King I E. E. HARTWICK, r\K. KUANK K.TIIOMAS, Physician and Sup cut way down, Mus. J, C, Kijimel, ,lohu J, Spouse I 1 to make addresses. Col. L. IT. Ives J_/Keon. OlllcoovcrWiibh fcAVhitman's store MissZoc Corwin of Grass Lake, who Secretary of State- T. VanOstrand, Kev. A. F. White C. P. MICKELSON. residenciide e at corner II and Oak streets, Mason, Mrs. Phillips Lyon, wlibsehome was Fred M. Warner il(i 2GB taiiglit in our schools last year, was 119 A, J. Hail and Harper Reed respond southwest ot Leslie, killed liersel John Donovan 117 132 241) married to John Dean at her home ed, Mrs.G, C.
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