MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 17 7 Friedman, Herbert A. Personal. 1971-1972. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org HERBERT A FRIEDMAN UJA FOB 92, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL DAN FRIEDMAN 551 SOUTH STATE - BOX 193, Alnf ARBOR MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES FRIDAY TWENTYSECOND 'WILL BE JUST FINE. WILL MEET YOU AT LAGUARDIA. YOU CAN STAY WITH ME 'AT THE PLAZA HOTEL, WILL CALLU uroN ARRIVAL LOVE DAD I ~ 'i I . '• '\ RAPHAEL LEVY 22 PIN£CRE$T PARKWAY HASTINGS-ON·HUDtJON. N. Y. December 17, 1972 ~r Herb, Th-l?lJ:c you !or your note on mother's d&.lth. It WRS milch appreciPted. her fillP.l d"'ye 1n a Nur81ng BOiDe 1ri Yon"ters, -re :filled with one anJor pe.ssion- P'Rlest1ne, "Uld tben Is11!el. saw in tbe 1930's Sbe/PRlestine. visiting it/when my :ftn;ber went ~Ck to see his motber in JeruSAlem, but for a VPriety of ree.sona never got to Israel- to her regret A.nd mine. ror myseU, I think of her oS R sort o:f JmeriCA.n Cha,lut1'4 ' woricing in the Ameri~ lfilderUJss, long before Hitler, a.nd lcmg bef'c:e it w~s fP.shioDRble to be R li\dnssAh (she :founded the YollJrers ChApter) lady, or a Zionist, Wol'Jci~ for tbe Jewish stAte. Tbe mcment I got hQ.'.D9 ::frcm a trip to Isr2el, I -.s under en see her P.nd imned1"te obligsti~ to/report on conditions, Golda, B.G., And it I br:!d eeen tbe :f~mily (my Ro~Dia.n misbpocm in Zichron Yaa1c0v, And rII'f -2- Seplw!rdic rnisbpocha in Jeruaalem. ) Lat J Since somewhere in the 1930's • in the dA19f~tbe United Front. I expressed et!De Toeel ttnd serious dou'bta abdllt wblt tbe return to ZionSsnould do PAlestioe 's ~bs ~nd their rights-- lli:J.;.~t I ~me evcntuC\lil.y to •Ol"k far t1J.l (Bitler c~d my mind, of c~se) to her- l?nl']ced me AS somethipg t!pf!Cit4.l/- the sinner who M• the 11eht- the rebel •ho CA.me ham. emotion <f except r.ben I •oUld ~ biBr to let her )(no• I •as haDe dter Isrsel \~env.1Jr f.\ border during which she one of those/tripe tha.t/Correepomed with/••uia1 ft..:u'e-up. *""**DI tbe tr~les.) And tbs story tmt I p~rticul~rly relish About my- motber 0:-.,ppened when sbe WPlS 7&. J.t tbi\t time they turned out !IW ot the Jewish co:mium. ty ot Yonicer s to bonor her 'for thouSA.nde at y~rs ot ~dnssah and ~ 1"0%'k- lfhe ~yor Wl'\S on b?nd to present mr with ,.. certut:e.te, and her friends bild estAblisbed a forest in Is~el in ber 'OAD8. Tb\t night I got into my ~r. drove to Yo?Jke!"S, to t he Jewish Co..acrnity Oenter, And slipped into the ~t beside her. She turned to al'!, ,.nd l~d 0t me e11er the top of her glasses. "lbi\t's tbs ~tter, boy." she a.SJLed, "lcm't you ~Te enough Jewish meetings!" The best of New?esr' s to yw, Jrnncine A.nd tbe children. With lucic I'll see you in lebrwll7, during the Jwish Agency assembly• .-- ~~ November 12, 19?2 Dear Ted: It was good .eel.Ilg ~ in Vi911•_.Wk I am only sorry ~at we didn't get to •en&~ t~e ji)get;het'-! Next time you don't go to the h.otel yoitl an_,~·not~ sllPaP•e ~to~thout letting so'lll.ebOq know. I forgot to mentlo.11. a pe~onaLllfitter, for which I would appreciate a favor. So• ~JM> -.q- :g:~ Francine, coJllJIJiuioned the painting or SOJle porcela11f'.tr0ii a ve eld lady whi is a friend of hers in Gl1enoble 9 ~ce. H n Goldsmith of your of'.!*ce was helt>~ iD organ:i:skiit the details and recently wrote to Fr ancine that the-- parcet(!~ac~r box or ~rcelain is in his of'.fice in Geneva, and what doe~ she want done nth it? The mu,wer is we want it aere in Jerusalem• and the .favor I need is to alik: ~u to help me arraDge to get lt here. I don't know how it ia paCked and therefore I don't know the best way to ship it without sutfer.ing breakap. The veey best way, of course, is :f'or the next person flying boll Geneva to Jerusalem to carry it on his lap. Seriously speaking, take a look at the parcel and me an .,eitza." As ever, HerbertaA. Freidman 1118 PEBR COLliD OU LAD Mmd·.Ul'B.t V~ BOU> Jm:LB.OSlt PAn. n. 191~, matsJ> eABS AJDICA VE - Bll>DB BY ?ftll'S D£AD, W LOv.Ell HIS CHAlft DJ> ~ JJEltJ'JIR OOAOIDOES !O !OU tatJRD JJl;1> ~, WllB J'llOJt?ftB OUTSDm cadM. IEAT.T.y m.P '!O E.l8E DB Pillf. mu WILL no w.tnn l'OtlRSET·' Bl SBD(l.!JI VI!I WBICB !O GO O• • YOU :ARE :All IIJ1Ba.11DEH ilD GinlD a&so• no 'Wm ~ ~ • YOU .a.lYB iifiiiilas:m-.m LDE B> .DEP If UP ft COl!E. ;.J , SEP 25 23 29 , i1 iJ T T E ~1 UIB891 MME0457 M CAJ097 1-031893A269 stP MTA805 01805 E L ILTX CO URNX 029 L E FR TDMT FOREST HILLS 29 25 1026A EDT VIA RCA E G G R R A RABBI HERBERT A FRlEDMAN ~ I BN GABI ROL ST A M ~RUSAL.EM ( l SRAEL) M M M E ~ARE DRINKING TO YOUR BIRTHDAY LOOK FORWARD TO RAISING A GLASS WI! E '()U IN VIENNA CHEERS BENJAMlN AND STONE COL 15 n., n Dr SPl'. 11 TEIEX CABIE MR NORMAN BENSIEY 310 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 1JNITED STATES FRANCINE ARRIVING Wmr.ESDAY THIRTEENTH VIA EL AL 23 DUE KENNEDY 3: 15 .P/Ml SHE WOULD APPRECAITE YOUR PICKING HER UP AT AI.RR>RT OR IF THIS IMfOSSEilE ..ABK YOUR FATHER SHE HAS liO HOTEL X RESERVATIONS INTENDS STAY.ING AT EAST END AVENUE I WAS IN AMMAN LAST WEEK .AND BOUGHT YOU A BEDOUIN KAFIYA FOR .ROSH HASH.ANA REGARDS HERB Thank you sent A~:t 6th • .. • :a•'lwn :lit Dft.10:l '1• ,a•'lw1.,1• 1972 ,.,,,:a 26 , 1:a:a'I ,.,.,. •:aa ••:a, .,.._,., 1nw1un 11•"-Dn ,,a•n.. .,.,.,. rir o•D1'lsnn •.1•.n• i•'I• ..,,, ... •J• aT'I ,,,so:a a•ripuu ,,,. J»'IT ,. ,nJ•,~I •••.1 :u:a:a ,,,:a 0•01nn •1l"'P22 ,n.,:::»T»'J ,., LEONARD D . BELL 10 BOWSER ROAD LEXINGTON, MA.SS. 02173 July 7) 1972 Rabbi Herbert A. Fried~an Villa Section Caesarea, Israel Dear Heru: Sorry I missed you durino your visit. \'e just had tco many funerals to attend between PhyHis's Dad f"d ny Mother. finally repl_ying to you".' letter of "•ay ?2nd, I'm not oetting ''neurotic" just a little tired at times . It's een a lono difficult campaign. Am.I, for what it's \"Orth, from l'that I sent, this is just the beqir.ning of the who l e mess . I intend to be in Israel beb·een now and Mid-October. Uill naturally ca 11 to see if we can have 1 unch . Our faoily sends k1ndest re9ards to your family. of course! ,- LDB/lp 29June?2 De~ r Herb, I'm writing to sk your advice on some Y. L. business, but first t~ere i s so~ething personal I wan• to get off mv ches+ . I h~ ve heard th t things are not ~oing as well with Haifa ~s you h~d hoped. Hokey as it sounds, I just want you to know th~ t if there 1s ~ ny way ~t all that I can be of service to you plePse don't feel hesitant ~bout asking. At the very least, I hope to hel, you know that there are many whose allegiance/loyalty/ad"!l-ipr!'lt~ on e+c ae:llS.in fierce. constant ~nd unshakeable. Busiress. Don is st1cking to h~s ~ns and figh+ing to h ve Irwin as the next chairman. It has really taken ~uch guts and some of his close friends are accusin~ him of very U¥1y things because of it. Tt' s also been a tough Feriod for him on other counts •••his business has been s1ipping because of the inordinate amount of time of, he P.Uts in here and he's had so~e family problems that only help to further drain him. Anyway, you know how he feels about you and if you could find a few M;n~tes just to drop him a note -- even nothing more than 'look !orward to seein~ you when the mission arrives' -- I think it would do a lot for hi~. 110 Wyom~ng Ave, Maplewool, NJ 07~0. Don and I ~ere both unhappy w:lth the rlission itinerary vinitsky sent uc and drE-fted one of our own. Before showing i• to anyone we'd like your co!!IDlents . s~nce you seemed pessimistic about the ch·nces of join1n~ u~ in Vienna we asked Ted Feder toiry and get Simon ',o/iesenthal to 1e-"d the group into Mauthausen.
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