I s s u e d , ■R jesd/w Thursday Saturday he ourier azett T C -G THREE CENTS A COPY Entered as Second Class Mall Matter Rockland, Maine, Thursday, December 21, 1939 V o lu m e 9 4 .................... Number 1 32. Established January, 1846 By The Courier-Gazette, 445 Main S t The Courier-Gazette Nomination Papers “THE BLACK CAT” THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK FOR CHARITY IN WARREN BODY FOUND BY BROOKSIDE Editor Are Sought By Two Gu­ WM. O. FULLER Associate Editor bernatorial Candidates, Will Of John F. Richardson Leaves An Estate Horatio N. Flagg Wanders Away From Alms­ FRANK A WINSLOW Payne and Fernald Subscriptions $3 OC per year payable house and Dies Of Exposure n advance; single copies three cents. Mayor Frederick O. Payne <R> Valued At $25,000 To Selectmen Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and very reasonable cf Augusta, one of five announced NEWSPAPER HISTORY aspirants for the Maine Republi- A fortune estimated at $25,000 tions in Massachusetts and Rhode Horatio N. Flagg, 82 years of age, Sea Scouts. The discovery was The Rockland Gazette was estab- and for the past two years an in­ llr.bed In 1846. In 1874 the Courier was can gubernatorial ncmination at amassed by hard labor and eco­ Island, and after coming here 25 made on tlie farm owned by former 'stabllshed and consolidated with the . _ h. mate of the city almshouse, left that Alderman Guy Johnson, between a Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was tne June pnmar.es lUesaay OD nomical living was placed a t the years ago was a merchant and real institution late Monday afternoon, quarter and a half mile from the established in 1855 and in 1891 changed ta;ne(j f;om the Secretary of State's estate agent on a small scale. Its name to the Tribune These papers disposal of the charity fund in W ar­ apparently on a short errand. The almshouse. consolidated March 17, 1897 ________ Department his nomination papers. Mr. Richardson, who died Dec. ren Tuesday through a bequest con­ old man never returned for supper, In the gathering dusk the aged - _ Nomination papers, used to pro­ 8 made his home the last few years but wandered on into the night and man had evidently become con- cure signatures of legal voters to tained in the will of John F. Rich­ at Warren Highlands in the family ♦ Ood made all men to be happy —Epictetus ••• Insure the primary ballot, cannot ardson of that town and presented of Ralph Miller. Hiss money was b? circulated until after Jan. 1. in the Knox Registry of Probate. invested largely in government se­ Cand.dates for the gubernatorial Richardson supposed to be a man curities. •THE GIFT OF THE MAGI" nomination must have at least of slender means, was formerly a Alfred M. Strout, Thomaston a t­ 2 972 signatures. ‘night watchman for state institu­ torney is named as executor. Hr. Lowe Will Speak From O. Mayor Payne and former State I Henry's Great Story On Sunday Senator Roy L. Fernald (R) ofri; (By The Roving Reporter) Morning Winterport are the only aspirants '8 i [ The Ballard School who have requested papers, the de­ PAGE & SHAW LOVELL A COVEL William D. Erskine of Old County "Boae" reads the Black Cat In response to (lie requests of partment said. The students at Ballard Business road has passed the three-quarter column religiously, and woe be unto friends, Dr. Lowe for the Christmas School had a merry time Wednes­ ASSORTED century mark, but there was no sus­ me if I make a mistake. Arthur O. Tlie most thoroughly satisfactory day night, at a joke Christmas tree. service Sunday morning will give picion of age about him when he Staples of the Lewiston Journal answer to your Christmas problem CHOCOLATES Names were drawn for presents and a story sermon and this year he will drove a pair of spirited grays will be Interested to know that the is to phone Fannie Clark at 563-W In Beautiful Christmas Boxes Russell Young officiated as Santa use O Henry's prize winning Christ­ through Main street one day this Old Red Schoolhouse version in and have her pack and mail (if you Claus. mas story "The Gift of the Magi." Prices 60c, $1.00, $1.50 week In the rock hauling days Tenants Harbor was: "Peter Rises wish! tlie famous Fuller-Cobb-Da­ Work has already started on the Literary critics have called this At Bill Erskine drove four horse teams Early, Fishes and Catches Eels;" vis candles in the black and white school paper. "The B,” the editor little gem the greatest of all in O. for tlie late Sam Doe many years, reverse, "Eels Catch Alligators, Fish boxes—any size—modest in p ric e - in chief and art editor being Cleora Henry's famous collection of short JACK GREEN’S and did it in a manner which ex­ Eat Raw Potatoes.” That's the tops in quality. Everybody knows J246 MALN ST., ROCKLAND. MF. J Condon and Fred Collins with Law­ .stories Infant baptism at the close cited the admiration of ills fellow way they use to spell PREFACE the candy and likes it—adv. 152*ItJ rence Cole as assistant to the art The Kmkland almshouse from whirti Horatio N. Elagg went forth to of this service. his death teamsters. Rankin, Limerock and dow n where they know haddock department, literary editor, Francis Park streets used to be dotted with from hake. Hatch, assisted by Mildred Watts, Do your Christinas shopping now! Do your Chrlstmaa shopping now! perished miserably by the side of , fused and lost his way. - Bloody limerock teams. They stirred tlie graduation editor and assistant the Meadow Brook. marks on his body showed where he dust into amazing clouds, but they Down in McAllister, Oklahoma, a Priscilla Robinson and Geraldine DANCE As he was accustomed to wander had been in contact with a barbed helped spell prosperity. State Prison Band furnished music Williams, activity editors, Sidney CHRISTMAS NIGHT away no special significance was a t­ wire fence. lor a policemen's benefit ball. Andrews, and Phyllis McCurdy, tached to his absence until after Dr. J. G Hutchins of Camden, That sounds like harmony, yet It At Glen Cove joke department, Dorothy Anderson Our very good friend the broad­ FINNISH RELIEF FUND supper when a search started, and one of tlie county's two medical ex­ was a swing band, mind you. and Elden Maddocks, printers. Rus­ caster found a "burgular," and then Grange Hall Tuesday noon intenr.ified greatly aminers, was called into the case, —o— BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE sell Young and E3den Maddocks and put a "casement" on a warship. Sponsored by V. F. AV. under orders of Mayor Veazie. and rendered a verdict of "death due What has become of "T.RP?" I alumni editor Maynard Oraves. Probably opened on the front piazza. Huntley'Hill Post The Boy Scout call was answered to over-exertion and exposure " Tlie miss his keen and interesting ob­ COMMUNITY BUILDING Ed. Pointer In the Boston Olobe. Miss Priscilla Robinson spent the also by the fire department and temperature during the night was servations. - Music by But what is Ed Pointer going to do MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 , week as guest of Miss Mildred Watts American Legion patrol, these below freezing. Hal’s Rhythmairies at her apartment on Lindsey street. about those broadcasters, who in­ KIDDIES' SHOW 4.00 P. M.—EVENING AT 8.00 groups soon being augmented by The body was taken to the Russell Among the contributions to the Admission 35 Cents sist upon telling about "sched-uals," | Out of town pupils who will go! volunteers from among the citi­ Funeral Parlors where services will Finnish fund in New York was a I heme for the holidays are Phyllis and who tell about somebody being Mai McNeil and his Texas Trailers zens. be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon, check from Greta Oarbo, motion “arranged" in Municipal Court? RADIO HEADLINERS OVER AA'HDII McCurdy of Houlton. Mildred Watts The search which was directed by Rev. Dr. Guy Wilson officiating. picture actress who wrote to Chair­ of Clinton. Priscilla Robinson of And For the Dance Chief of Police Arthur D. Fish and Officers had several times re­ man HooVer that she was very Tenants Harbor and Geraldine Wil­ Chief Engineer Van E. Russell was turned Flagg to the institution and A lobster weighing 20 pounds and DANNY PATT and his LUMBERJACKS ROLLER SKATING happy to have a part in thia great liams of Boothbay Harbor. School of brief duration, the body soon for a while he was an inmate of measuring 354 inches in length, cause to help a brave people And TEN FINNISH ACTS USHERS IN COSTUME OCEAN VIEW closes Dec 22 and re-opens Jan. 2. being found by Albert E. Wallace, the State Hospital in Bangor, from has been caught at Chatham. Mass., everybody feels that way about it. M.ss Ruth Lenfest is employed in Entire Net Proceeds To Relief Fund BALLROOM commander of Winslow-Holbrook which he was transferred to the Was that the kind they used to a dentists' office in Walpole. Mass. Post, who was accompanied at the Rockland almshouse some months pick up on the Rockland waterfront If my good friend Bill Wincapaw MATINEE 10 CENTS EVENING AT 8 O’CLOCK, 35 CENTS 152-153 WED. THRU SAT. and Miss Edith Jordan is working moment by Gerald Margeson, a past ago. He had no relatives, as far as at low tide, when lobsters were sell­ could only hear half of the nice In a Portland office.
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