# v f Hand County Press. VOL IX. MII.I.Kl! SOUTH DAKOTA. Till 17 0) \ V. NOV KM SEU 27 1890. NO 4s Tins committee shall hold Its THE INDIAN FAKE. first meet* Have you heard any thin# form the In I ing at the meeting LOCAL POLITICS. THE CHICAGO AND of the association at (buns to-day ? is the queation now i’kliSS COLUMN whish they are chosen. NOW 1 HAVE Many Humors of an Indian I p liisiii?. Th« committee a-days. shall elect a chairman of their owu num- A Report Current that Miller will but all anil Win Dewel has returned from Arling- Devoted t.> Niihieet-malter, principles and liiKiibstnntlated. ber, who shall act methods of teaching, educational NORTH-WESTERN as treasurer of tho lime and news. AM) a Candidate for ton S D., where he lma been at work R AILWAY. SKK THfriTl Excitement Dying Out. county association, and who shall make I'. S. Senator. this fall E. J. VERT. me ninurr througw line to an annual report ot all moneys received Editor FreNh, Dean, New Good* direct from t!,c mntnfactory, and naor© comiug. Tbr L»rn«*»t, We are in r> ceipt a rotuj Stories of what and expended by him. The executive of letter from A. nioat l*t.> and the Indiana are Do* Leading All communication* for fin* column dioitkl l» CHICAGO committee shall Five Independents Interview- Rosen, who went overland to Fairfield editor, ini; About Millerand make an annual report in addretoed to it* Miller,K. D. writing, to the association ed nu the Subject by the lowa this fall. Ho likes the country. AND AM, POINTS EAST. =BEST SELECTED== Elsewhere. Sira [sso operated ** to moot the requirements Article V. Meetings of this Reporter. Myrtle Watkins is expected home THE SUCUESSEUL TEACHER. Stoi kin Hand County. I c»i. «»11 you KKTrF.It (><K)|)H lor I.K-trtMONEY than yon run buy cliicwlK'rC association Press of I lie through mi l local travel. Provid- shall from Hriltoii S. 1). week, wm» All ware aold marked with one letter free of (lie done In a be held at least once u year at such this nhs The words of a witty Frenchman, ing fast through trains with close connec- Nilrn rharm*. ainrravlnf The Hand County Sunday places as the executiyo called to sue her mother, who wan Kick. like success,” have tions for School committee shall General Local Gossip, “Nothing succeeds determine, Maud County Billy. Association Holds litFirst been ofteu ipioted; there is a hint here. 81 r*nul TVTixinonpoliu STRICTLY FIRST CLASS M ANNER, Article \l. The News anil Personal Tile wtio wishes to he successful Contention* officers of this associa- teacher Sioux City. Council Bluffs. tion Men! iou. must study succeeding. shall he elected annually. The exe- A the teacher who is OmnTwi. Denver, MID-SUMMER NIOHT'S DREAM. moo, cutive committee shall till all vacancies 1. He will see that the successful n Pmu ol ’Tie true, and pity ’tis ’tis true, that X'ortlAud Repairing Promptly Attended to. THE INJUNS. occurtng dining the year teacher lias the power to awaken au in- CANDIDATE such good spell-binder!* na the Journal, AND AI.L POINTS IN Tho Indian evangelical A FOR U. 8. SENATOR. ti rest in others au 1 to utilize this iutere.st Fine WaMi Work and KnKmviii|> a Si>eetalty, scare became quite general Article VII. All christ Gazette, Republican anti Ree Heights Montnnn, inn mi for educational purposes. It used to be Wam)i 1 xx gtou, over the Duxota-i, occasioned of course by sisters and Hunday School Press should be using their energies to • Orogoa, hereby Leading liidependiints Interviewed on ssi that a good teacher who AT CITY DRUG STORE. IE. SOISTT^G- workers are considered to be continue that little game politics which I was one On 1. lorn in, the usual sensational and exaggerated the Subjeet. of j ElritistliColumlvin members of this association, and two hod the power of imparting knowledge. ¦stories. The ended Nov. 4. The brothers should let 1 Palace Sleeping Djnino Indians are somewhat ex- delegates any Sunday The following from a Miller corres- Tli* saving is still true, only U has been and I’ahh from School in white-winged peace spread her mantel are run on aP tlunugh trains, cited, and soruo few may be Hand couu.y und its superintendent pondent to the Sioux Fulls Press has re- extended, we now say that the aide tench- , rebellious shall o'er the uutuin's withered hopes—the ; Colonists Si.rrriNo Cars on overland er on" who eau develop fuculty over the Messiah craze, but that there he entitled to seats in its conventions. awakened political inttrests with is anil trains t California and Oregon. •H M wid here tight, fraught its sleepless nights, its Chair on BIG Article VIH. Amendments to this direct activity, as well as impart know- Fhek Cars the Denver limited be any serious trouble no one here be- “Mi'leris likely, according to report, ever varying confidence and doubt of man, For time of trains, tickets and all infor- Constitution iu»y be made at any ledge. lieves. annual to fin uish u candidate for the Cnited is gone mation apply to to station agents of the session of this association by majority 2. lie willalso see that the successful Chicago A Railway, States Senate. The gentleman in ques- The v»hirr of the buggy wheel over a North-Western or to Last week “the talk" struck Miller, und teacher possesses a foundation of know. j the General Passenger Agent at Chicago | tiou is one of the oldest settlers in the stui less and trackless plain is heard no } W. H. Newman, 3d Vice Pres. littie else was J. K Editing, president, Mrs, ledge, of materials for thought, to pre- heard. Men sat around the , county, Hiid lias been prominently luter- more in the gloaming; the good wife’s | J. M. Whitman, Geu’l Manager. DRESS GOODS Blaine, vice sent to his pupils. Here is an incident. Stores, joked and gassed about what they president, aud M, A. Sliuser, estod in politics, He is an independent rocking chair creaketh not in her solitary W. A. Thrall, Gen’l Pass. Agt. secretary, I A lady was examining the attuiuments of if Jr. were elected officers of the lof very pronounced views, and won) 1 vgii for the lelge lord's retain—or upon would do the reds came. Home were a resident governess, anil afti r having Oregon Washington. association for ensuing year. very striking figure tier pillowed brow no longer cun lie traced Montana, and sending make a in the senate. length in furor of to the Governor for M. A. Jr. ami Itov. Onie were catechised the applicant a greit The Northern Pacific Railroad p»nmum Shuster. ; As we have nothing but rumor to base G6, 30to 20." So why continue all through finally asked, yon know Greek ?” l>*k tt. Montana, Maho, Oregon ami S A L arms, while others olioseu delegate “Do E. loaded their shot guns, anti alternate, respect our statement on, it would hardly be this bitterness while the world looks on •Vaahington ww the first lino to hrmg the region ively “No; do you think that is necessary with j occupied l»y tbeM stat»«into communication with up to the state association. names, ? or hunted their old nistois. rignt to speak proper but he is and laughs the ea*»t, JtM main lift® and htatichea penetrate all Intern, ting such very young children ?” “Oh, but 1 Thursday two or three Indians addresses were made by likely to be heard from later on. The ia- Let your trains take counsel of your section h* f these -tut*. reaching nine tenths 01 camped j want you (o kuow a great deal mors than tin* chief cities, It in the Abort lilt® to Helena and Lev's Ewart uud Chapin. not gone on Wardall; hearts, Rut®, Motv? Spokane Falla, Tat of Miller, soaiothiug hy tha wuy ; dependents here are mid eujov the pleasant, dreamy with the children.” oru nml Seattle, Commencing Monday, Dec. Ist, north Failing you use] every day w« h mhl Portl *n t. orn., hi.-t Mmobly Mr. was also chosen as chair- ; have their breasts to Loucks, and calm of an Indian U| litre rut locked rising which follows point ning through train service from the cawt through which occurse every mouth, but this man of committee, and There is a here. the executive the . hardly hitch with Harden,” in the wake of the storm’s rage and fury—- the state* of Montana an*l Pullman meets at his cull. For example, the teacher should know Bleepers amt furuishtd Tourlsti'Bleeping Cara are time great significance was given to the association rustling a the side to get Wiaeon»in we Just who the correspondent means is little on reduced history extensively, uot us a catalogue of run via tli® Cant ml and Northern Pa- will begin our M. A. Shvster, Jk. Bt*c’y. rifle, and I*ii11 liian Pnlacc Bleeping Cura vis Chica- fact. By the time this news reached St. rates on coal. \ hat of mystery. Various leading moiiurcUs and buttles, tut as a record of go. Milwaukee M Paul and Northern i'Mcitlr, i somew a through Lawrence, there were ’probubly “5o Permit nature's countless bands to sow frt>m Chicago to the l’adflc (.'out without In- trank Leslie's l’opdar Monthly. independents are charged with senatorial mental movements.
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