January 31, 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 873 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, January 31, 1990 The House met at 12 noon and was point of order that a quorum is not Pickett Schulze ThomasCGA> Pickle Schumer Thomas<WY> called to order by the Speaker pro present. Porter Sharp Torres tempore <Mr. GEPHARDT). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi­ Poshard Shaw Torricelli dently a quorum is not present. Price Shumway Towns The Sergeant at Arms will notify Pursell Shuster Traficant DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Quillen Sisisky Traxler absent Members. Rahall Skaggs Udall TEMPORE The vote was taken by electronic Rangel Skeen Unsoeld The SPEAKER pro tempore laid device, and there were-yeas 301, nays Ravenel Skelton Valentine Ray Slattery VanderJagt before the House the following com­ 100, answered "present" 1, not voting Rinaldo Slaughter <NY> Vento munication from the Speaker: 29, as follows: Ritter SmlthCFL> Visclosky WASHINGTON, DC, [Roll No. 51 Robinson SmlthCNE> Volkmer January 31, 1990. Roe SmlthCNJ> Walgren YEAS-301 Rohrabacher SmithCVT) Walsh I hereby designate the Honorable RICHARD Rose Snowe Washington A. GEPHARDT to act as Speaker pro tempore Ackerman Emerson Leath CTX> Rostenkowskl Solarz Waxman today. Akaka English Lehman CCA> Roth Spence Weiss THOMAS S. FOLEY, Alexander Erdreich Lehman CFL) Rowland <CT> Spratt Weldon Speaker of the House of Representatives. Anderson Espy Lent Rowland CGA> Staggers Wheat Andrews Evans Levin CMI> Russo Stallings Whitten Annunzio Fawell Levine CCA> Sabo Stark Williams Anthony Fazio Lewis CGA> Saiki Stenholm Wilson PRAYER Applegate Feighan Lipinski Sangmelster Stokes Wise Archer Fish Livingston Sarpalius Studds Wolpe The Reverend Barbara St. Andrews, Aspin Flake Lloyd Savage Swift Wyden the Episcopal Diocese of California, Atkins Flippo Long Sawyer Synar Wylie San Francisco, CA, offered the follow­ AuCoin Foglietta Lowey <NY> Saxton Tallon Yates ing prayer: Ballenger Ford CMI> Luken, Thomas Scheuer Tanner Yatron Bartlett Frank Manton Schiff Tauzin 0 God of light, whose presence fills Bates Frenzel Markey Schneider Taylor our hearts with peace when we await Beilenson Frost Martin CNY> Bennett Gallo Matsui NAYS-100 in stillness, arouse in us a deep com­ Bereuter Gaydos Mazzoll passion for human need and a resolu­ Berman Gejdenson Mccloskey Armey Hansen Rhodes tion to fulfill responsibilities carried as Bevill Gephardt McCollum Baker Hastert Ridge a charge from Thee. Pour out abun­ Bilbray Geren McCrery Barton Hawkins Rogers Boggs Gibbons Mccurdy Bentley Hefley Ros-Lehtinen dant faith that we may witness to Thy Bonior Gillmor McDade Bilirakis Henry Roukema power in tasks both great and small, Borski Gilman McDermott Bliley Herger Schaefer and grant a faithfulness to those we Boucher Glickman McEwen Boehlert Hiler Schroeder Boxer Gonzalez McHugh Brown CCO> Holloway Schuette serve at home, abroad, and in those Brennan Gordon McMillan CNC) Buechner Hopkins Sensenbrenner circles where personal care and loyalty Broomfield Gradison McMillen CMD> Bunning Hunter Shays give strength to family ties. Enable us Browder Grant Meyers Burton Inhofe Sikorski to transcend petty divisions and limit­ BrownCCA) Gray Mfume Clay Ireland Slaughter <VA> Bruce Green Michel Coble Jacobs SmithCTX) ed thinking and to open channels for Bryant Guarini Miller CCA> Coleman <MO> Kolbe Smith, Denny ·Thy grace in mind and action. Keep Bustamante Gunderson Mineta Coughlin Kyl COR> always this Nation and her servants Byron Hall <TX> Moakley Courter Lagomarsino Smith, Robert Callahan Hamilton Mollohan Craig Leach CIA> CNH) under the protection of Thy eternal Campbell CCA> Hammerschmidt Montgomery Crane Lewis CCA> Smith, Robert care. May divine love in Thee meet Campbell CCO> Harris Moody Dannemeyer Lewis <FL> COR> divine love in us to create a perfect Cardin Hatcher Morella DeLay Lightfoot Solomon union of understanding. Amen. Carper Hayes UL> Morrison CCT> DeWine Lukens, Donald Stangeland Chapman Hayes (LA) Morrison CW A> Dickinson Machtley Stearns Clarke Hertel Mrazek DornanCCA> Madigan Stump Clement Hoagland Murtha Douglas Marlenee Sundquist THE JOURNAL Clinger Hochbrueckner Myers Dreier Martin CILl Tauke Coleman CTX> Horton Nagle Duncan McCandless Thomas CCA> The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Collins Houghton Natcher Edwards COK> McGrath Upton Chair has examined the Journal of Combest Hoyer Neal CMA> Fields Miller com Vucanovich the last day's proceedings and an­ Condit Hubbard Nelson Gallegly MlllerCWA> Weber Conte Huckaby Nielson Gekas Moorhead Whittaker nounces to the House his approval Conyers Hughes Nowak Gingrich Murphy Wolf thereof. Cooper Hyde Oakar Goodling Parris Young(AK) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Costello Jenkins Obcrstar Goss Pashayan Young <FL> Journal stands approved. Cox Johnson CCT> Obey Grandy Paxon Crockett Johnson <SD> Olin Hancock Regula Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. Speaker, pursu­ Darden Johnston Ortiz ant to clause l, rule I, I demand a vote Davis Jones CGA> Owens <NY> ANSWERED ''PRESENT''-1 on agreeing to the Chair's approval of DeFazio Jones (NC) Owens CUT> Carr the Journal. Dellums Jontz Oxley The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Derrick Kanjorski Packard NOT VOTING-29 Dicks Kaptur Pallone Barnard Fascell Mavroules question is on the Chair's approval of Dixon Kasich Panetta Bateman Ford CTN) McNulty the Journal. Donnelly Kastenmeier Parker Bosco Hall COH) Neal CNC> Dorgan CND) Kennedy Patterson Brooks Hefner Richardson The question was taken; and the Downey Kennelly Payne <NJ> Speaker pro tempore announced that Chandler Hutto Roberts Durbin Kildee Payne <VA> Coyne James Roybal the ayes appeared to have it. Dwyer Kleczka Pease de la Garza Kostmayer Smith CIA> Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. Speaker, I Dymally Kolter Pelosi Dingell Lantos Walker object to the vote on the ground that Early LaFalce Penny Dyson Lowery <CA> Watkins Eckart Lancaster Perkins Engel Martinez a quorum is not present and make the Edwards CCA> Laughlin Petri 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 31, 1990 D 1221 posite the Speaker and those on his The reason I rise is, although I do So the Journal was approved. left and right will be open. not see the gentleman from Washing­ The result of the vote was an­ No one will be allowed on the floor ton [Mr. SWIFT] on the floor, but he nounced as above recorded. of the House who does not have the has done such a yeoman job on the privilege of the floor of the House. Democratic side of the aisle on the Due to the large attendance which is Task Force on Campaign Reform, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE anticipated, the Chair feels that the working with the gentleman from Mis­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will rule regarding the privilege of the sissippi [Mr.VANDERJAGT] on our side the gentleman from New Hampshire floor must be strictly adhered to. on the same issue, and I do not want [Mr. DouGLAS] please come forward Children of Members will not be per­ my opposition to the voter registration and lead the Members in the Pledge of mitted on the floor, and the coopera­ matter, which was not a part of those Allegiance? tion of all Members is requested. over on negotiations on campaign Mr. DOUGLAS led the Pledge of Al­ reform, to in any way prejudice what I legiance as follows: see down the road as an opportunity BUDGET FAILS TO RESPOND TO for both parties to continue to work I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub­ 1990'S CHALLENGE together in some kind of overall pack­ lic for which it stands, one nation under (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given age on campaign reform. God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for permission to address the House for 1 all. minute and to revise and extend his APPEAL FOR BUDGET remarks.) SOLUTIONS Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, on MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Monday the President presented his <Mr. FAZIO asked and was given A message from the Senate by Mr. first budget of the 1990's. I think all permission to address the House for 1 Hallen, one of its clerks, announced Members recognized that the 1990's minute and to revise and extend his that the Senate had passed without are a crossroad for this Nation as we remarks.) amendment a bill and joint resolution face the changing world, as we face an Mr. FAZIO. Mr. Speaker, George of the House of the following titles: economy that is beginning to slow Bush's lips say the future but his H.R. 3792. An act to authorize appropria­ down in this country, as we face the budget speaks of the past. tions for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 for the legacy of debt and unmet needs that His first solo budget is replete with Department of State, and for other pur­ have to be addressed. This is a true accounting gimmicks, unrealistic eco­ poses; and challenge for leadership in this coun­ nomic assumptions, and deficit reduc­ H.J. Res. 149. Joint resolution designating try and the leadership for the future. tion measures which have been repeat­ February 16, 1990, as "Lithuanian Inde­ edly rejected on a bipartisan basis by pendence Day." Unfortunately, the budget fails to respond to that challenge and presents Congress and the American people. The message also announced that a set of very mixed messages to the It cites numerous problems, but the Senate had passed a joint resolu­ doesn't provide the resources to deal tion and a concurrent resolution of the country. It tries to define the crisis we face without taking action on that with them. And it continues the tre­ following titles, in which the concur­ mendous human and physical disin­ rence of the House is requested: crisis. It denounces timing shifts, while implementing some $8 billion in vestment which characterize the S.J.
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