'i^'V^i ^ ~ - ^-^^ •"' «s"=' ^>=j^'^::s;?^i5ft??^^^^?t^ ^^»f3^^pTrj.WiVr^«i^**^'Vi*'> ,r^:*^s«rj^ji .j^r^^ '-;:3^.«;^-«prw |\Jo ixxmisA, yShA. /6W<ert>6 ant ^^ocUncj fe WiMA^ovcbl AVINSTON tastes good—like a cigarette should! FINER R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. FILTER! Filters so effectively...yef doesn't flatten the flavor!r • New, king-size Winston is the filter ciga­ rette real smokers will enjoy! Winston's FINER got real flavor — full, rich, tobacco flavor. FLAVOR! Along with finer flavor, Winston also brings you a finer filter. The Winston filter is unique, it's different, it works so effectively — yet doesn't flatten the flavor. Winstons KING SIZE, are king-size for extra filtering action .. easy-drawing for extra good taste. Try a TOO! pack of Winstons! SMOM WINSTON tk mALi-dnoAAjiMq <^&i QiqaiiQitd FAMOUS GILBERT'S BRAND THE advantages are obvious, of buying NAMES items identified by the maker with his name or brand, and on which he stakes his reputation. You find more "names you —^trademarks know" at Gilbert's than in most other men's of stores, because through the years we have constantly stressed famous labels in men's QUALITY clothing. We have specialized in bringing them to South Bend, selecting them care­ fully by performance and reputation. These Brand Names represent firms that stand solidly behind their products—your guar­ antee of satisfaction. We can list only a few, there are many more. DQBBS ttOt»«fl idcSlk- E^liLE ^^ktkmf 809-817 S. Michigan St. SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! % December 10, 1954 An Idecri Place to Stay When Visiting at Notre Dame Indiana's Newest and Finest 92 BATHS open to the Public All Outside Rooms 92 ROOMS TERRACE DINING ROOM — Air Conditioned PRIVATE FUNCTION ROOMS — Air Conditioned BEAUTIFUL PATIO RADIO IN EVERY ROOM GOLF PRIVILEGES CIRCULATING ICE WATER LARGE PARKING AREA DELICIOUS FOOD DELIGHTFUL DRINKS Excellent facilities for Banquets, Dinners, Luncheons, Meetings and Receptions PROMPT ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN YOUR RESERVATION REQUEST OWNED AND OPERATED BY ARMAND E. LYSAK UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Manager The Scholastic n .xvd.^aT'^.^ mm^m Mm New "Silvered-Tip" writes the way you do . .. fine* medium or brood ... with­ out changing points. Re­ % fills available in blue, red, green or block ink. Get o FOR UNDERGRADUATES Paper-AAote Pen todayl HOME ON VACATION Brooks Brothers await your visit with a • MCMTt wide selection of good-looking suits and overcoats,.. colorful sportwear... tradi­ • CaitlMk tionally correct evening wear... and fine Sfffv«red-Tip furnishings. All are designed for today's re#jffs...49< undergraduates, and reflect the quality and good taste that have made the name Brooks Brothers synonymous with fine clothing the world over. ISTABUSHDimt at the Notre Dame 346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Bookstore BOSTON • CHICAGO • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO BaseMeat Badfai HaU December 10, 1954 FIRST PAGE IN A NEW ERA AT NOTRE DAME f TONE-ARM TEDDY WAS A Scholastic heedfe noodnik { Vol. 96 DECEMBER 10, 1954 No. 9 He had a 50 watt amplifier . Disce OuaM Semper Victuriis two speakers in every room . Vi\e Quasi Cras ^^l>rtitunl!> but still his sound wasn't up to snuff. Why?? He was using a Founded 1867 hi-fi turntable with a no-ji needle. But Teddy learned at last. He ^ Entered a-, second class matter at Notre Dame. sent his old needle to Transcriber ^^ Indiana. Accepted for mailini; at .special rate of and had us custom re-tip it with postaire. Section 1101. October 3. 1917. .Vutliori/ed .Inne 23. 1918. genuine diamond. li you are using anything but a Editor diamond — or a diamond more LAWRENCE J. BREHL than 12 months old — why not do the same. Remove your needle Associate and Sports Editor from its cartridge*, scotch-tape it to a piece of cardboard and mail PAUL FULLMER to Transcriber. Our e.xperts will Associate Editor straighten and strengthen the shank . re-tip it with a new FRED C. ECKART guaranteed diamond- A real bar­ _ JOHN ADAMS News gain at only S10.50 complete. 48 hour service. ^ ROBERT KAUFMAN .... Assistant News PAUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy *// you can'r remove needle send entire assembly. CHARLES McKENDRICK Assistant Copy DAVE COHEN Features TRANSCRIBER KEN WOODWARD .. Business Manager COMPANY Diamond Stylus Manufacturers JIM GALLAGHER Circulation 70 Pine Street — Oept. VlS.I PETER STURTEVANT Photo Editor ^,„„^ ••• , Attleboro, Mass. PAUL FITZGERALD Photography Coordinator ^ JOHN P. DEFANT .. Faculty Moderator ^fember of Catholic School Press .-Vssocialion. .\s- The Varsity socialed Collei^i.ate Press. Represented for n.ational Fii, Steaks, (]hops ad\ertisinn by National .AdvertisinT Service, Inc.. 420 Madison .Avenue. .New York City. THE SCIIOL.VSTIC Is published «eeklv durin^' the school year, except durini; \acation and examina­ tion periods at the University of .Votre Dame. .Ad­ and Chicken $845 dress all manuscripts to the Editor. Box I8.T. N'otie Danu". Indiana. At Prices You Will Appreciate Special Football Review Staff * W EDITOR: Paul Fullmer. GAMES: Eiwin .Mphonsus. Da\e Davin. Bob Rulil. OUR SPECIALTY Paul Fullmer. Dave Kilkeary. Joe Madigan. Paul LaFreniere. Fled Eckart, .fack Gueguen. and y% Golden Brown Fried Potatoes Jack Mullin. FE.ATURES: Dick Connellv. John .Adams. G.iry Shoestring Potatoes Gates. Jim Goethals. Joe Bride. Dase Davin. Jug of Honey BIOGRAPHIES: Paul Fullmer. Dave Davin. Bob McDonald. Hot Buttered Rolls PHOTOGR.APHY: .Al B.almer. "Dutch" Hennimis. Gerry Traliicanda. John 0"Urien. Jim Guide. Mike Tlu>nlp^on. .Armin Gununerman. Hy Peskin. Bob Mackey. $1.1 ART: Steve Rebora anrl .AI Balmer. .ADVERTISI.VG: Ken Woodward. Harry Conlon. lA Loran Shefl'er. • For All-Weather Wear! OUR COTOR: The Irish caixed the first This dark cordo blucher o.xford is made page in a new Notre Dame era this year JOE MMCHf s with the "all-weather welt" for added —the Terry Brennan era. The Fighting- protection in any kind of weather- Irish romped through their tough schedule with the poise of a champion. Restaurant Leather sole and rubber heel. Ideal "Dutch" Hennings of the South Bend for year around wear. Tribune, Al Balmer of Indiana Engrav­ "Chicken in the Rough" ing, and Gerry Trafficanda pooled their talent to produce the cover—^THE IRISH 213 N. Main Open Sunday THE HANOVER SHOE ON THE JIOVE. 102 N. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind- O December 10, 1954 The Huddle Congratulates the 1954 Notre Dame football squad • • • STOP at the HUDDLE • • • for that little snack between classes Congratulations to the 1954 Fighting Irish from the NATIONAL MILK COMPANY SOUTH BEND, IND. Phone 7-1563 MICHIGAN CITY, IND. Phone 6-6277 MISHAWAKA, EVD. NORTH LIBERTY, IND. ELKHART, EVD. LAPORTE, IND. 8 The Scholastic ^ Notre Ddme Publications Diplomacy in a Whirlpool: Hungary Between Notre Dame, 100 Years, by Arthur J. Hope, C.S.C Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, A complete and popularly written history of Notre by Stephen Kertesz. Dame, filled with anecdotes and interesting stories. A The story of the totalitarian conquest of Hungary by perfect gift for that friend back home: $4.00 the Nazi and Red regimes is graphically told by the man who served in the Hungarian Foreign Ministry during the war and postwar years. $4.75 The Review of Politics A quarterly that provides in every issue a full range of articles which consider the problems of contemporary Soviet Imperialism: Its Origins and Tactics, life within the historical and philosophical focus of the Christian world-view. Walter Lippman says, "I regard edited by Waldemar Gurian. the Review of Politics as having very few equals and This basic text deals with the central question of the no superiors in the English-spe^ng world in the se­ Cold War: Is the enemy "Eternal Russia" or Com­ rious discussion of international politics." $4.00 a year munist aggression? $3.75 Natural Law Institute Proceedings, Vol. I. Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology. Edited by Alfred L. Sconlon. $2.00 by Hans Kohn. The Natural Law Philosophy of the Founding Fathers, by Clarence E. Manion. The first attempt in English at a comprehensive sur­ The Natiural Law and Pragmatism, by Ben W. Pahner. vey and analysis of Slav Nationalism, from its begin­ The Doctrine of Natural Law Philosophy, by Mortimer Adler. ning after the Napoleonic Wars to its climax in and Natural Law and Positive Law, by Harold R. McKiniion. The Eternal Law Background of Natural Law, by V^liam J. after World War II. $6.25 Doheny, C.S.C. The Foreign Policy of the British Labour Govern­ Natural Law Institute Proceedings, Vol. 11. ment 1945-1951, by M. A. Fitzsimons. Edited by Alfred L. Scanlon. $2.00 Natural Law in the Greek Period, by Maurice LeBel. A lighting up of the major lines and development of Natural Law in the Roman Period, by Ernest Levy. the British foreign policy while the Labour Govern­ Medieval Conceptions of Natural Law, by Gordon Hall Gerould. ment held office. $3.25 The Natural Law in the Renaissance Period, by Heinrich A. Rommen. Status of Natural Law in American Jurisprudenco, by Robert N. Wilkin. Bolshevism: An Introduction to Soviet Communism, by Waldemar Gurian. Natural Law Institute Proceedings, Vol. III. A clear and cogent treatment that reveals the basic Edited by Edward F. Barrett. $2.00 features of Bolshevism as a social and political re­ The Natural Law and Conmion Law, by Richsird O'SulItvan. ligion. $3.25 The Natural Law and Constitutional Law, by Edward S. Corwin. The Natural Law and Canon Law, by Stephan Kuttner. The Natural Law and International Law, by Carlos P. Romulo. Christian Democracy in Italy and France, by Natural Law Institute Proceedings, Vol.
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