~~ T~ ^ 1 f /' THE JjKW YORK HERALD, MONDAY, UOiUbhR I!3, liJzZ. 11 SHIPP][NG NE:ws FR ALX PARts~ of THE \VORLD nailed)'"pan Bruno (Br), Port Limnrj; r\c M All c r Munwood 1RO NE Jupiter 21*t. VINEYARD HAVEN. Mass. Oct 22-Schr galled 22d. str Ctdrlc (Br), from Liverpool Prince (Br), Hong Kong, Manila, Sin^aMoorish CLOSING (L/r mmuj. Notice to Newton HO KK Hay Head 22d. Seaman A O (Br), which went ashore on for New York. pore. Port fiwettenham, Penaug. Port Haiti Nile .Sow and floated this * miui . ii-. i»ii'» ATLANTIC SHIPMENT Owners, Agents 1.425 1? Overfalls 22d. 1'lgs hedge Oct 18. tt'as SHANGHAI. Get 20.Arrived, »tr Manila mil t'mii, iiu jK.i r*>ii Foreign mails will <-lo»e as lntl Icated below at tlie General Pout Office and promptly and Masters. Norma 216 H Scotland u V 22<i. morning by a Now London wrecking ainru uapi, Seattle. ami Colon via Now York; Maasasolt, Fort City Hall Station. Ordinary prints, samples, parrel pott and registered articles Ship Olen 1,125 IS Ambrose H V 22d. and towed to New Bedford. Temporary Ivory; Dorchester, Philadelphia; Hampden, packages Ontario 14 HW Five Island f!5tl companythe ST JOHN XI!, Oct 21.Arrived, litre nuuii hours repairs will be made by divers before Norfolk. HP r.DATN TWP.RBAQEQ turner, r*cepi mat regisierea articles have to be mailed between the vessel is Her sails (Nor). Han Pedro de Macorla; KrosfohdLake Ysr. vi unnm iiivuunviiu of 8 AM and 12 The New York Herald Orizaba 792 H Scotland X, V 22d. taken to New London. New Vork. Arrived 'did, «Ar« Prince Arthur (Br). I'M. At the Foreign Station (corner of Morton and West streets) foreign of the publishesOscar II Ki.-, K Ambrose L V 22ri. and rigging had Iteen previously removed by Wlr.throp, mouth, N8; West fellna. Manchester; tugc mail closes half an hour later than at the General Post Hall Station. daily reports I'orto Klco 291 S Scotland X. V 22d. hunk and about half of her SOUTHAMPTON, Oct 20-Arrlved. air Sandwich, towing barge Hughes Office and City Cutty fishermen, New Confidence, mail closes at I'o#t doublo of merchant vesselspositionsPresident Adams (167 B Ambrose L V 226. cargo lind been taken off by numerous (Br). Vork via Cherbourg. Bt-rengariaBros, Outtenburg; Director, towing barges Supplementary the General Office and City Hall Station, where I, 21st. Kort Me; B I. postage Is the through coastal radio receivedPi«»ident Garfield DM E Ambrose V ing boats. fish, SYDNEY, NSW, Oct 18-Arrlved, etr City Maryland and Carroll, Point, required. SUPPLEMENTARY M AIC (double postage required) closes at President Harding 002 E Ambrose X. V 226. of Corinth (Br), New York via Fremantle, IF'illsbury. Lynn, towing barge Joseph .1 Berth Rates to Europe Begin Foreign Station half an hour later than the atlpplementnry closing time shown below, except operated by the Radio stationsUosalinil passed Netv London 12:30 AM 22d, Ac. Mock; Eastern, Salem, towing barge J II ttuth I NK 22d. to Navigation. towing barges Flora and that supplementary mall for Buropean rounti-lcs and for Central America, Ac, via of America and Corporationthe Winter Quarter Dangers str Wlnstead; Fame, hal. closes Han Jacinto left Galveston for Key West 4 to the Office ] TIENTSIN. Oct 18.Arrived, Mytllua BlwahlU, Bewails Point; Gettysburg, to Indicate Greater one hour later. Whenever mall V sail between the hours of D AM Crlstocsscdsand 0 Independent Wireless Telegraph fReported Hydrographlc (Br), Port Arthur. barge Temple (for Duluthi, I'M a supplementary mall office on the is hours PM 21st. Oct lat 2H Ion 95 a schooner towing Philadelphia, in fore post Btcanislilp pier open to the public Hi Company, Inc. Vessels San Juan 333 S Scotland L V 22d. 15, 12. 18. VANCOUVER. BC. Oct 21.Arrived, atra Enterprise and Robesonla; Z' tes, Lynn. Volume. the scheduled sailing time and closes 10 minutes before the scheduled sailing tltne. equipped about lot) feet long, bottom up. Columbia, eohrs Charlie & Willie. Business T'OUble postage required. The steamers for which Is on the with radio fSau Lorer.so 761 S Scotland L V 7 PM 21st,k Bi-ureocli (Br). Yokohama; Canadian lighter towing supplementary mall accepted apparatus may, The wreck of a small vessel lies sunk in Me; Gilbert Hfanrllff, Frankfort, pier at time of are shown below a of mail. Siboney 390 S Scotland L V 22d. (Bri, Victoria. Winner Kockport, sailing by dagger (t) following time of closing charge, report their (TF?)without Binslnawa 974 E Ambrose L V 21st. lat 32 48 3, Ion 52 Ot W, In 14 fathoms of Arrived 21at, atra Hakata Mam (Jap), Me; Mayflower (Br), Parrsboro, N'S. via noon Tariamo L V 22d. water. Yokohama Wheatland Montana, Tacorna. Boothbay Harbor. positions through the 412 H Scotland which arrived 10th, had Last week saw a moderate Vesta 227 BW Diamond Hhnal 21at. Str Carplaka .- ports Oct 13, lat 43 54. Ion Sailed 21st, str Makura (Br), Sydney. Tug Eastern, barge transatlantic mails. THI USDAY. OCTOHKU 36. stations: followingVlUe d'Oran lat Ion 70 02 22d. Eugenia Hooper (not Jjarry Hooper) in the movement of El 38. 4i! 27, passed a small berg. VICTORIA, BC. Oct 21.Sailed, salvage str Sailed 22d, sir* Abeccon. Norfolk; generalimprovementcargo Porto Kico, Canal Zone, Panama, Independent Wireless West ,Camak 1,000 HE Boston L V 22d. Str Oct Algerlne, Mazatlan. to salvago the Mexican (prints, Ac), Nicaragua (except EastSalvador West Chatala 300 E Hole in Wall 22d. Canadian Navigator (Br), reports (Br), Liverpool: achr M M Hamilton,All*gheny to Kurope, especially- to ports in the TUESDAY. OCTOBER 84. Choluteca (also Company, Inc., New.TelegraphYork 16, lat 52 11. Ion 53 18. passed a large berg. atr c.uerroro. Gloucester; toga Sadie Itoaa, Gloueaeter, Africa Coast), Amapala City. West Ohetac 2.420 from Havana 22d. Arrived 22d, str Empress of Russia (Br), to United Kingdom. This was to a Europe, and West Asia (Norway prints, Ac, for Nacaoinc, Tegucigalpa and city (WCG); East Hampton, Wtldwood 420 ENB Hatterus 22d. Str Olaf Kongstad reports Oct 18. about 5 towing -chr Ituth & Margaret repair. must be specially addressed) via Cherbourg Yuscaran) In Honduras, Cnuca and Narltio L. I. miles 20 froin Norman, passed two Yokohama for Vancouver. Sailed 21st, strs Orltanl (Br), Port An. extent attributed to better and Southampton, alao parcel malls for (other (WSA); East Moriches, deg Cape tonio, Ja: Thomas P Deal, Pacific coast considerableGreat post Department of Colombia and Ecuador L. I. and New bergs, and 3 miles 9 deg and 350 deg YOKOHAMA, Oct 18.Arrived, atr of grain from inland at North Britain. Ireland, France and the parts of Honduras must be specially (WSE), London, By the Radio Corporation of from Capo Bauld, two bergs. (Br), New York. Deucalionports via New York. arrivalscountries mentioned In notes A and B below via San Juan and Cristobal, U S The United States respectively Sailed 22d, stra Cardiff Hall (Br), Atlantic but the line were llcjnnectlng dispatch for Cairo-Bagdad Air « AM. addressed),Conn.(WST). America. Homestead. Rotterdam and Antwerp ports, ships «tr army transport ST MI HI EE, Public Health Service will also (letphla; Phila! able to take care of all the Increase Mall). AQU1TANIA, 8 AM Yucatan and Campcche (Cuba and other A C Bedford 214 f E Ambrose L V 22d. NOTICE TO MARINERS. AMERICAN PORTS. via Norfolk and Baltimore; Thomas P Heal, Norway, Sweden, Denmark (t>Iand Finland parts of Mexico must be specially addressed) give free medical advice through Al'eco 1,350 HE New York 21«t. (By Telegraph.) Pacific ports via Now York. without difficulty, so the full cargo via Chrl.sti'.neand, Christlania and via Vera Cruz and Xiaracoa 377 S Scotland L V 22d. N *t was affected little. About the same hagen; also malls for CopenI Havana, Progreso, these stations. The Office under the ASTORIA. Ore, Oct 21.Arrived, atr BALTIMORE, Md. Oct 21.Arrived, strs marIt parcel post Norway, also parcel post malls for the MexicanTainpleo; Bravo Coeur 180 E8E South Pass 31st. Hydrographlc Port Peieian Savannah: Lord Antrim (Br), Ba Volume of was done as In the Swiden and Denmark, str FItEDERIK VIII, States of Guerrero. Radio of America, Uylayl 8 NE Cape Charles :.2d. Navy Department 1a established to aid (Nor), Angeles. Hellen chartering 0 AM 9:d0 Campcche, Chiapas, Corporation mariners. It nautical charts, row; Melrose. Boston: Golden Gate (Nor), previous and rates held firm at (sup AJ. Mexico, Morelos, Oaxaea. Puebia, manon. Mass. v,ape Byron D Benson 25 S Scotland 1, V 22d. publishes BKLLINGHAM, Wash, Oct 20.Arrived, atr New York; (Br), Bremen. week, Tlaxcala, Vera Cruz and Yucatan, str MON-Hidalgo, Camden 013 Id Tampico 21st. books, tables ai*d periodicals. It M thukuiia. Han Francisco. Maryland tho prevailing levels. t>WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8.">. Cod, Chatham, Mass. (WIM); Cayo Mambi 204 S Scotland I. V 22d by radio all urgent informationbroad(a***-!Sailed 20th, achr Meteor. Honolulu. Sailed 21»t, strs Blair, Manchester via Africa and West Asia via to vessels. Its branch Sailed Norfolk and Boston; Verbania (Br). London Increasing congestion at Montreal, Europe, Plym! Ht Thoman, Ht Croix, Halm, St Martina, Siasconset, Mass. (WSC); New Charles M Everest 190 SE Key West 21et. danger Involving 22d, str Uralsan Maru (Jap), \la New- York: Kl (Inn (Br krv West with the of the closed oiitli and Cherbourg (mall must be specially St Eustatlus, St Nevta. Antigua, Chattanoogj. City 21 SE Boeion 22d. have the latest hydrographlc inforoffice* Yokohama.
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