DIRECTORY.] . DEVONSHIRE. COLERIDGE. 149 the same-. The principal crops are wheat, barley and the year 1659 to Sfr John Yonge kt. and hart. M.P:";... oats, The area is 4,770 acres of land and 8 of water; it is now t!he property of Mr. John Madge Pope. :rateable value, £5,542; ife population in 19II was 631 Sexton, The Vicar. in the civil and 648 in the ecclesiastical parish. Post &; M. 0. Office, Copplestone (letters should hav&. By Local Government Board Order, 16,408, Brittle Devon added). Miss Em~ly Edwa.rds, sub-postmis­ Downs and Cottages were transferred for civil purposes, tress. Letters through Exfter. The . telegraph office­ MarCh 24, 1884, from Colebrooke to Crediton. is at the railway sta.tion, but j.s not open -on sundays COLEFORD is a hamlet. and formerly a Roman settle­ Lt>tter- Boxes.-Coleford, Colebrooke, Knowle, Penstone,. ment, with a chapel belonging to_ the Plymouth Brethren. Yeoford & East Studham OOP.PLESTONE is a viMage, partly in this parish Public Elementary School (mixed), erected i"n 1875, at and partly in that of ..])own St. ~ary and a1so partly a cost of £1,6Jg, on a site given by the late Samuel in Orediton, with a station on the North. Devon branc1t Norrish esq. for 139 children; Norman Mabley, mastr of the London and South Western railway, 6l miles Pdi.ce St-ation.- Ooleford, William Hollo~ay, constable west-by-north from Credioon and 2o7l from London. Railway Station. Copplestone was ancienfly the property and residence ot • the family of. that name, whose co-heirs sold· it about Copplestone, Robert Winter, station master OOLEBROOKE. - tMock Wm. Jn. farmer, Low.Wootton tStoneman Frank R. farmer &i ' (Marked thus *should be addressed New berry Ohas.fa.rmer, West Studham assistant overseer, Bolts Bow, North Devon.) _ Norrish Geo. farmer; Higher Wootton Venton Walter J. grocer &; draper . , R I .d B .A. y· tPearce Herbert, farmer, Road farm COPPLESTONE D a1mpre ev. SI ore · · lCarage Price Rose (Mrs ) laundress · *Templer Robert Shawe, Paschoe R t G · H ll h Pope John "Madge, Oopplestone house- , aymon eorge, 'c armer, o ow ayes Salte M Endfield COMMERCIAL. tSalter .A.lbert, farmer, Broomhill r rs. COMMERCIAL. Marked thus t farm 150 acres or over. Salter Samuel, farmer, Prestons Bere Edwin, grocer tBrook Richard 0; & William,farmers, Sanders Joseph Ernest, farmer, W€st- Dick er John, carpenter Buttsford combe hill Edwards Charles William, farmer Coren John, farmer, Elley tShort Jedidiah, farmer, Horwell Elston Benjamin John, threshing Dart William Stanbury, farmer, Simmons John, farmer, Snell's farm machine proprietor, farmer & saw­ ~orth Downs Slader William, farmer,Eas-t Stndham ing mills, Shirley El<>ton William John, farmer, Higher Smal} Ellen (Miss), district nurse Miles Harry, assistant overseer &; tax Penston Stoneman Fras.farmer, Yonge's farm collector for Down St. Mary _ Gay Jesse, miller (water) & farmer Stoneman Henry, farmer, Brocks Milford William James, butcher tGillard Lewis, farmer, Pennyland Stoneman Jonas, farmer, Great Heale National Provincial & Union Bank of *tHawkins Richard & Geo. farmers, Vile John,, farmer, Rowe's farm England Limited! (agenc.y) (open Wood farm tWebber Annie • (Mrs.), farmer, market days u.3o tu :a.3o); draw Hill Samuel, farmer, Berry hall Whelmstone Barton on head office, 15 Bishopsgate,. Hockridge Joseph, farmer, Landsend London E C 2 Hutchings Edwin, farmer, Gt.Wootton COLEFORD. Newton Maud Mary (Miss), district tLee Frederick Thomas & Thorn~ Enderson Albert, farmer &; butcher nurse Gorwyn, farmers, Pens_tone Barton Heywood William, blacksmith tPope John Madge, yeoman, Cople· Leyman James Sidney, baker Jerrett George, hauliar, Buttisfar stone house . May William Snell, farmer, Beers Lee Emmeline. (Mrs.), New inn (For other names see Crediton.} - • • COLERIDGE (occasionally·spelt Coldridge) is a parish land. There is a chapel for the Brethren at .Allerbridge. and village, on- the river Taw, and the road from Orediton Coleridge Barton, formerly the property of Sir J. H. tQ TOO'rington, 3t miles south fram Eggesford station Williams hart. was bought in 1876 by Mr. WJ.ll and 3l miles .south-west from Lapford .station on t-he Harris, and now belongs to Mr. .fohn Harris, yeoman;. North Devon branc:h of the London and South West ern Birch Barton is the propE-rty of Mrs. Robert Densham; railway, 5t south from Chulmleigh and 10 nprtb-west Gillseot belongs t-o John Moon, yeoman ; Leigh Barton,. from Crediton, in the South Molton division of the county, to William Fisher ; Frost is the property of John C. North Tawton hundred, South M:olton petty se&sional divi­ Kingdon, Highe:e C.bilverton of William Hooper, and sion, Orediton union and county court district, rnral W ll~tacott of Herbert Molland. The manor was pur• deanery of Chulmleigh, archdeaconrry of Barnstaple and chased by the Hon. Newton Fellowes, afterwards 4th diocese of Exeter-. The church of St. Matthew is an Eal'l of Po?tsmouth, from Montagu Parker esq. whose edifice of stone, originally built duriJlg the 12th century, familv• had held it for a considerable time. The Eal'l but now chiefly in the Early Perpendicular -style, con­ of Portsmouth, who is now lord of the manor and sisting of chancel, nave, aislE's, south porch and an em­ in'propriator of the rectorial tithe, commuted at £.2oo~ battled western tower cont-aining 6 bells: it has a very W. Wyndham esq. i.s the principal landowner. The soil fine old ook .screen, with three doors complete: in the is loam; the subsoil is shale. The crops are w'heat and north aide is a recumbent figure representing John oats with pasturage. The area is 3,657' acres of land Evans, who was parkkeeper t-o Henry VIII. : in the east and 19 of water; rateable value, ;c,2,847; the population window of the north aisle is a small figure in stained in 1911 was 348 in the civil parish and 426 in the eccle­ glass, rep-resenting Ed ward V. also a figure of one of siastical parish. the princes murdered by the. Duke of Gloucester: a East Le~gh is a hamlet, 2 miles south .• portion of the church was partially restored. i'n 1877-8 Sexton, Frederick Keenor. _ by the 5th Earl of Portsmouth, and twenty years .gfter­ Post Office. William Rounsley, sub-postmaster. Lett-ers wards it underwent a complete restoration : in 1go6 the through Wembworthy, Devon. Lapford. about 3 miles b~>lls were re-hung, and in 1907 the chancel was rebuilt; distant (2 miles by the foot path), is the nearesi at the same tim~ a new east window was erected : when tnoney order & telegraph office tha north wall of the chancel was demolished a recess Wall Letter Box, East Lei~h with an arch was discovered. The re~isters date from Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874, for -95 the _year 1556. The living is a vicarage, with the rec­ childrrn; David R. Lindsay, master; Mrs. Elizabet;b tory of Nymet Rowland annexed, joint net yearly value Lindsav,• mistress [320, in the gift -of the Rev. J. Johnson, and held since The school is controlled by six man_l!gers; Charles John 1917 by the Rev. Eustaoe Diekinson Price M.A. .. K.I.H. Hannaferd F.A.I. New street, Chulmleigh, correspon­ of Trinity College, Dublin, who resides at Nymet Row- dent COLERIDGE. · Cole Francis, farmer, Skinnersland Keenor Frederick, mason Brealy Robert Fisher, The Bungalow (letters through North Tawton) Luxton Henry Arthur,poultry fancier-, Harris Misses, Rock.fi.eld Davey Frederick J. shopkeeper East cross Kelland Robert, The Retreat Deem Edward, blacksmith,East Leigh Luxton William, assistant overseer- & COMMERCIAl.. Densham Richard Rayrnont, farmer, coDector of taxes &; manure agent Bibbings Samuel,· road contractor. Venn & Southmoor Milton Frank, shopkeeper, East Leigh Toodypark, Leigh cros!i (letters Densham Robert, farmer, Birch Molland Herbert, fat"l(ler &; land- -through Bow) _ Fisher William, farmer, Leigh Barton owner, Westacott Bragg ErnestHenry, farmer,Bankland Harris John, yeoman &; farmer, Cole- Moon John, farmer, Gillscott Bussell Hy. farmer, Low. Chilverton ridge Barton Oldine George, farmer, Aller Bridge- Chapman James, farmer, Hankridge Harris WilliaiQ Froude, farmer, Partridge Lucy &; Bessie (Misse~), (letters through Tawton) HiP"her Park farmers, Park mill Cockerham John, thatcher I"aac. William Richard, saddler Rounsley- James, farmer,Trinit1 Leigh .
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