Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-73556-8 — Framing Roberto Bolaño Jonathan Beck Monroe Index More Information Index addiction to literature, 172 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 16, 18, 123, 203 Adorno, Theodor, 65 “Balas Pasadas” (“Spent Bullets”) (Bolaño), 10 aesthesis, 118, 119, 142, 186 barbaric writers, 101 aesthetic and extra-aesthetic, 203 Barthe, Roland, 52 aesthetic and political regimes, 206 Baudelaire, Charles Africa, 73–74, 78, 126–127, 203–204 Benjamin and, 1, 199 African-American, 75, 84, 182 impact of, 5–6, 7, 198, 202 Agamben, Giorgio, 16, 200 lack of recognition, 76, 77 Allende, Salvador, 71–72, 86, 148 Poe and, 12, 199 alter ego narrative, 84, 87–88, 93, 99, 102, 178, poem-novels, 13–14, 67–68, 71, 74, 112, 116–117 203 poetry vs. novels, 187 Altieri, Charles, 14 potential death of poetry, 125 Álvarez, Eliseo, 99, 130 Benjamin, Walter, 1, 199 Amalfitano, Óscar, 69 Bernhard, Thomas, 177 Amberes (Bolaño), 2 Bernstein, Charles, 81 Amuleto (Amulet) (Bolaño), 45–46, 130–141, Bertrand, Aloysius, 11 175–176 Beyond Bolaño (Hoyos), 200 Andrews, Chris, 9, 186, 202 binary code, 206–207 anti-instrumentalizing discourse of poetry, 57 bisexual imagery, 161 anti-narrative novel, 2 Bloch, Ernst, 205 Antwerp/Amberes (Bolaño) Borges, Jorge Luis, 141 comparison to Monsieur Pain, 40–41 Boullosa, Carmen, 7, 36 introduction to, 2, 10, 15 The Bourgeois: Between Literature and History as literary compromise, 173 (Moretti), 200 undisciplined writing, 23–35 bourgeois novel, 36, 37 Arab poets, 204 Brecht, Bertolt, 65 Aragon, Louis, 37 Breton, André, 40, 44, 80, 165 Argentine literature, 8–9 By Night in Chile (Bolaño), 45–46, 84, 86, 131, art of the future, 96 133–139, 142–151, 175–176 Asia, 203 Auerbach, Erich, 199, 200–202 capitalism, 59, 160, 166 autobiographical poems, 69, 77, 79, 82 Cardenal, Ernesto, 164 avant-garde poetics Carerera, Jordi, 15 detective genre, 100 “Carnet de baile” (“Dance Card”) (Bolaño), 5 drawbacks to, 92, 96 Celan, Paul, 57 examples of, 65, 72, 74, 89, 144, 150 Césaire, Aimé, 78, 109, 172 historical nature of, 9, 111, 138–139 Chile, 71–72 perception of, 88 Chilean Catholicism, 89 politics of, 80, 90–91, 95, 97, 101 Chilean Communist Party, 146 revolutionary poetics, 95, 134 Chilean literature, 8–9 synecdochic representativeness, 81, 86 Chilean poetry, 90–91, 93, 99, 131 247 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-73556-8 — Framing Roberto Bolaño Jonathan Beck Monroe Index More Information 248 Index Christianity, 75, 89, 118 “Epilogue” prose poems, 40–42, 48 close reading, 118, 119, 200, 202 Eschenbach, Wolfram von, 189 Cold War, 51, 160, 181–182 Espinoza, Manuel, 170 collective trauma, 134 Estrella distante (Distant Star) (Bolaño), 86–102 combative literatures, 1 ethical concerns, 184–188 commercial viability, 25, 32 ethnicity, 181–183 communism, 75, 146, 160 Europe and the Americas, 2, 7, 10, 11, 18, 79–80, Communist Party, 37 93, 95, 113, 130, 164, 189, 201, 203–204 comparatist, 7, 12 experimental language styles, 75 Consejos de un discípulo de Morrison a un fanático extra-aesthetic, 203 de Joyce (Bolaño, Porta), 14–15 extra-literary discourses/worlds, 81, 92, 116, 170, conservative language styles, 75 177, 181, 184, 186–187, 195, 206 conventional generic expectations, 127 Cortázar, Julio, 7 fascism, 53, 160, 189–190 counter-narratives in novellas, 137 feminism, 133, 134, 176 creative non-fiction, 181–183 fiction. See also detective novels; novels creative-writing categories, 26 of Bolaño, 7–9 crime stories, 27, 29. See also detective novels creative non-fiction vs., 181–183 gender and genre, 159, 169–172 meta-fictional style, 24, 27, 50–61 cross-genre writing, 13, 55, 203 poetry and, 55–59, 86–102 cubists, 25, 111 post-avant histories, 86–102 prose fiction, 202–203 Dallas, Gilberte, 166 randomness of plots, 34 Darío, Rubén, 5, 83, 138, 203 fiction-making system, 24 “de otra manera” (“by other means,”“in another first-person condensed narration, 45 form”), 14, 66, 198 Forster, E.M., 25 death, in poetry, 65–66, 96, 184–188 France, Anatole, 4 The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Tolstoy), 143 Freire, Paolo, 117 Delorme, Raoul, 101 French poetry, 10, 126, 132 Depestre, René, 78 Freud, Sigmund, 39, 44, 134 detective novels. See also The Savage Detectives Frost, Robert, 140 avant-garde poetics, 100 “Fürst Pückler” (Bolaño), 2, 196 genre overview, 23–35, 54, 82, 99 literary detectives, 2 García Márquez, Gabriel, 100, 105, 106, 173, narrative drive in, 105–129 175 poems, 69 gender and genre, 159, 169–172 poetry in, 69 genre prose poetry in, 23–35 conventional generic expectations, 127 summary of, 198–200 detective novel genre, 23–35, 54, 82, 99, 100 The Dialogic Imagination (Bakhtin), 203 expectations of, 25 discursive freedom, 25 as gender, 159 distant reading, 200 importance of, 82 Distant Star (Bolaño), 131, 132, 133–139, 143, liberal-utopian fantasy, 170 175–176 narrative coherence and, 27 dream-like associative structure, 42–42 poetics of, 206–207 politics of, 203 economies of scale, 14 speech genres, 202 El espíritu de la ciencia-ficción (Bolaño), 130 system and hierarchy of, 16, 18 El gaucho insufrible (The Insufferable Gaucho) tragedy/comedy binary, 128 (Bolaño), 5–6 German romanticism, 60, 189 El Tercer Reich (The Third Reich) (Bolaño), 50–61 global, planetary frames, 6, 204 electronic and digital media, 166, 187 global novel, 203 Eliot, T.S., 138 global reception, 105 The End of the Poem (Agamben), 16 Goethe, 52, 53, 55, 57, 189 English poetry, 126 gothic-erotic poems, 112 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-73556-8 — Framing Roberto Bolaño Jonathan Beck Monroe Index More Information Index 249 Grass, Günter, 57, 177 La Universidad Desconocida (The Unknown guilelessness, 78 University) (Bolaño), 4, 10–11, 65–85, 131, 174, 204 Handke, Peter, 177 Lacouture, Auxilio, 14 The Hatred of Democracy (Rancière), 128 language games, 25, 123, 158 The Hatred of Poetry (Lerner), 128 Latin American dictatorships, 66, 71 Heidegger, Martin, 55 Latin Americanist, hemispheric, and global Hernández, José, 8 approaches, 3 heterogeneity, 202, 207 Lautréamont, Compte de, 6, 7, 108, 111, 161 heteroglossic amplification, 106 Le Spleen de Paris, “L’Étranger” (“The Stranger”) historiographic memory, 136 (Baudelaire), 1, 4–5, 15–16, 26–27, 35, 71, 74, homosexuality. See also Los sinsabores del 128, 156, 176–177, 194 verdadero policía Lerner, Ben, 128 bisexual imagery, 161 liberal-utopian fantasy, 170 identity and binary code, 206–207 library as metaphor, 1–4 literary taxonomies of, 139, 145, 158–162 Lihn, Enrique, 8–9, 11 in Los sinsabores del verdadero policía, literary and extra-literary worlds, 81, 92, 116, 170, 158–162, 179 184, 186–187, 195 queer poetic taxonomy, 69, 157 literary compromise, 173 in 2666 (Bolaño), 179–180 literary criticism, 161 horror-story identity, 137, 138, literary detectives, 2 141 literary-historical concerns how literature is made, 150, 196 avant-garde poetics, 9, 111, 138–139 Hoyos, Héctor, 200, 202 German fascism, 189–190 Huidobro, Vicente, 138, 141 historiographic memory, 136 humor and poetry, 121 myth/mythological historicizing, 139 Huysman, J.K., 144 novelizing histories, 188–197 hybridity in poetry, 75, 106 post-avant histories, 86–102 process of becoming, 9, 174 ideology to identity, 158–162, 206 prose poetry, 202–206 Illuminations (Rimbaud), 2, 26, The Savage Detectives (Bolaño), 174, 182–183 35 literary imagination, 41 Imagist manifesto, 80 literary taxonomies Infinite Jest (Wallace), 125 homosexuality, 139, 145, 158–162 The Insufferable Gaucho (Bolaño), 7 introduction to, 155–158 intellectual abstraction, 178–179 literary and extra-literary worlds, 81, 92, 116, interlocking narratives, 43 170, 184, 186–187, 195 intermedial verse poems, 69 novelizing taxonomies, 167–169 intermediality, 188, 206 literature Internet interactivity, 81 addictions to, 172 interpellating poetries, 162–165 Argentine literature, 8–9 The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 39 barbaric writers, 101 intra-literary discourses, 206 Chilean literature, 8–9 classification and critical taxonomies, 67 Jakobson, Roman (“Closing Statement: combative literatures, 1 Linguistics and Poetics”), 65 how literature is made, 150, 196 Jameson, Frederic, 66 narrative drive, 105–129 journalism vs. novels, 188 poetics of genre and, 206–207 journalistic investigation, 181–183 popular literature, 36 Joyce, James, 140 process of becoming historical, 9, 174 Jünger, Ernst, 145 questions of structure and form, 10–13 serious literature, 28, 31, 36 Kafka, Franz, 6, 7, 177 slaughterhouse of, 1 Kant, Immanuel, 57 vast minefield of, 1 Kittler, Friedrich, 192 visual media vs., 192–193 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-73556-8 — Framing Roberto Bolaño Jonathan Beck Monroe Index More Information 250 Index literature (cont.) narrative drive world literature, 203 alter ego narrative, 84, 87–88, 93, 99, 102, “Literature + Illness = Illness” (Bolaño), 5, 178, 203 7 anti-narrative novel, 2 littérature engagée, 48 coherence of, 27 long poems, 105, 120 counter-narratives in novellas, 137 longue durée, 15 culture of, 135 López, Carolina, 67 in detective fiction, 105–129 Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives) interlocking narratives, 43 (Bolaño), 3, 105–129 Marxism and, 136 Los sinsabores del verdadero policía (Woes of the prose poetry, 105–129 True Policeman) (Bolaño) National Autonomous University of Mexico “Amalfitano and Padilla,” 162–165 (UNAM), 131 “The Fall of the Berlin Wall,” 158–162 Nazi Germany, 145, 190–191 homosexuality in, 158–162, 179 Nazi Literature in the Americas (La literatura nazi introduction to, 155–158 en América) (Bolaño), 65–85, 156 “J.M.G. Arcimboldi,” 167–169 Neruda, Pablo, 5, 8, 57, 91, 94, 120, 144 “Killers of Sonora,” 169–172 Ngai, Sianne, 164 “Rosa Amalfitano,” 165–167 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 82, 134, 137, 200 love vs.
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