Volume 34, Issue 3, September 2018 ISSN 0204-8809 ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA BULGARICA Bulgarian Society for Microbiology Union of Scientists in Bulgaria Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica The journal publishes editorials, original research works, research reports, reviews, short communications, letters to the editor, historical notes, etc. from all areas of microbiology An Official Publication of the Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria) Volume 34 / 3 (2018) Editor-in-Chief Angel S. Galabov Press Product Line Sofia Editor-in-Chief Angel S. Galabov Editors Maria Angelova Hristo Najdenski Editorial Board S. Aydemir, Izmir L. Boyanova, Sofia E. Carniel, Paris M. Da Costa, Coimbra E. DeClercq, Leuven F. Delpeyroux, Paris S. Denev, Stara Zagora D. Fuchs, Innsbruck S. Groudev, Sofia I. Iliev, Plovdiv A. Ionescu, Bucharest L. Ivanova, Varna V. Ivanova, Plovdiv I. Mitov, Sofia I. Mokrousov, Saint-Petersburg P. Moncheva, Sofia M. Murdjeva, Plovdiv A. Netrusov, Moscow B. Oudega, Amsterdam R. Peshev, Sofia M. Petrovska, Skopje J. C. Piffaretti, Massagno S. Radulovic, Belgrade I. Ranin, Belgrade P. Raspor, Ljubljana B. Riteau, Marseille J. Rommelaere, Heidelberg G. Satchanska, Sofia E. Savov, Sofia A. Stoev, Kostinbrod S. Stoitsova, Sofia T. Tcherveniakova, Sofia E. Tramontano, Cagliari A. Tsakris, Athens F. Wild, Lyon Volume 34, lssu€ 3, W ACTA M ICROBIOLOG ICA BU LGARICA Septembe r 20!8 CONTENTS Regular Papers Testing of Silanes for Antiviral Activity. .134 Angel S. Galabov, Lyubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb, Adelina Stoyanova, Ivanka Nikolova, Nikolay Petrov, Neli Vilhelmova-Ilieva, Luchia Mukova, RalitzaVassileva-Pencheva, Zoser B. Salama Relevance of Avidity Testing of VCA IgG-in EBV Diagnostics . .........149 Tsvetejlina Kostadinova,Liliya Ivanova, Zhivka Stoykova, Tatina Todorova, Denitsa Tsaneva Biofilm Formation Potential of Enteropathogenic Bacteria and Their Survival in Drinking Water-Associated Biofilms ........ ..... 153 Zvezdimira G. Tsvetanova, Hristo M. Najdenski Comparative Study of the Effect of Electrochemically Activated Water Solutions on Pseudomonas aeruginosa ... ........ 160 Teodora P. Popova, Toshka E. Petrova, Mila D. Kaleva, Stoil D. Karadzhov Microbiological Quality and Presence of tr'oodborne Pathogens in Full-Fat Cow's Yellow Cheese in Bulgaria .......... 165 Galina Satchanska, Petya Stefanova, Violeta Dicheva, Rositza Vatcheva-Dobrevska, Margarita Tsenova Resistance to Potato Virus Y in Potatoes Induced at Epigenetic Level . .. ..174 Nikolay M. Petrov, Mariya I. Stoyanova, Antoniy V. Stoev, Rajarshi K. Gaur Stenotrophomonas mattophilia - an Emerging Pathogen of Local Varieties of Tomatoes in Bulgaria .. .. .. .. 180 Mariya I. Stoyanova, Daniela G. Ganeva, Nikolay M. Petrov, Nevena S. Bogatzevska Short Communication AntibacterialActivity of Polyfloral and Honeydew Organic Honey. ........... 187 Galina Satchanska, Galia lvanova, Anna Doycheva Events 14th Nafional Congress of Microbiologists in Bulgaria with International Participation, October 10 - 130 2018.. ......... lel ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA BULGARICA Volume 34 / 3 (2018) Testing of Silanes for Antiviral Activity Angel S. Galabov1*, Lyubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb1, Adelina Stoyanova1, Ivanka Nikolova1, Nikolay Petrov1, Neli Vilhelmova-Ilieva1, Luchia Mukova1, RalitzaVassileva-Pencheva1, Zoser B. Salama2 1The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria; 2Siogen Biotech SDN BHD, Berlin, Germany Abstract Forty-three organosilicon class of compounds were tested for antiviral activity using a wide scope screening program in vitro (in cell cultures) including eight model strains of viruses belonging to seven tax- onomic groups including causative agents of infections in which applications of chemotherapy is indicated. The results obtained demonstrated a marked activity of di(hexadecanoyloxy)diphenylsilan (compound 27) only against human cytomegalovirus (SI = 30.9). A marked activity toward this virus at a low m.o.i. was recorded also by 1-o-dimethyl(octadecyl)silyl-(2,3,4,6-o-tetraacetyl-β-D-glucopyranosid) (compound 20). Small to borderline effect against this virus was found by silanes 2, 7, 15, 19 and 34, at silanes 2, 3 and 25 toward influenza virus A(H3N2) and at silane 9 versus vaccinia virus. As concerns the cytotoxicity it was established a strong variation towards different cell cultures used, the higher susceptibility of the HEp-2 cells been recorded. Keywords: silanes, antiviral testing, in vitro, cytotoxicity Резюме Четиридесет и три съединения от класа органосиликони бяха изпитани за антивирусна активност чрез широко-спектърна скринингова програма in vitro, състояща се от осем моделни щамове на вируси, принадлежащи към седем таксономични групи, включващи причинители на инфекции, при които е показано приложение на химиотерапия. Получените резултати показаха отчетлива активност на ди(хексаноилокси)дифенилсилан (съединение 27) само срещу човешкия цитомегаловирус (SI = 30.9). Отчетлива активност спрямо този вирус при ниска множественост на инфекцията бе отчетена също от 1-о-диметил(октадецил)силил-(2,3,4,6-о-β-D-глюкопиранозид) (съ- единение 20). Слаб до граничен ефект спрямо този вирус бе намерена при силани 2, 7, 15, 19 и 34, при силани 2, 3 и 25 срещу грипен вирус А(H3N2) и при силан 9 срещу вирус вакциние. Що се касае до цитотоксичността, установено бе силно вариране спрямо различните използвани клетъчни кул- тури, като най-висока чувствителност бе отчетена при клетки НЕр-2. Introduction The presented organosilicon class of com- sugar-organosilicon compounds as well as the ves- pounds comprises di(acyloxy)dialkyl silanes, di(a- icles formed by these compounds (Siosomes®) can cyloxy)diaryl silanes, di(acyloxy)dialkoxysilanes, be varied on a broad basis, thus enabling adapta- tetra(acyloxy)silanes and sugar-organosilicon com- tion to a particular problem. A large number of the pounds – mono-, di- or trialkyl, alkoxysilyl sugar silanes and sugar silanes such as alkylsilylsilanes, (saccharide(s)) as pyranosid. alkoxysilylsilanes, alkylsilylphosphonate, alkylsi- By appropriate composition of the four sub- lylphosphites, hydroxyl and methoxy derivatives stituents at the central silicon atom, the properties of the sugar silanes and diemethylalkylsilylethyl and uses of both the non-aggregated organo- and saccharides have been prepared and physicochem- ically characterised These compounds can be used: * Corresponding author: 26, Academician Georgi Bonchev Str., BG-1113, (i) in non-aggregated form, as organosilicon and Sofia; [email protected]; phone: +359 2 870 0108; fax: +359 2 870 0109 sugar-organosilicon molecules; (ii) in aggregated 134 form, as vesicles (Siosomes®) (Kunath et al.,1992; which in an Oestrogen analogue (Farkas, 2006). Richter et al., 1992a, b, c, d, e; 1993a, b; Richter Thus, it is not inconceivable that Silanes exhibiting and Salama, 1994; Pallas and Richter, 1995; Mühl a therapeutic effect could be discovered, developed and Richter, 1997; Aisa et al., 1998, 1999; Aisa and and clinically used. This development has given Richter, 1999; Ardah et al., 2000; Uhr et al., 2003). rise to therapeutic Siosomes®, where the therapeu- As a general principle, organosilicon com- tic effect of the broken down drug transport system pounds (compounds containing one or several Si – could act in synergy with the encapsulated drug C bonds), although not known in nature, can ex- e.g. anti cancer agent(s) encapsulated in Siosomes® hibit biological activity. This statement is the most where the Silanes have proven chemotherapeutic important result of extensive interdisciplinary re- activity (Salama, 2016). search in the field of bio-organosilicon chemistry, A special interest represents Siosomes®. They carried out by chemists, biologists, pharmacolo- are vesicles consisting of at least one concentric, gists, toxicologists and physicians during the past self-contained layer of organosilicon compounds of 20 years. Several tests involving compounds which the general formula 1 given above. Like liposomes, contain silicon in the molecule, used as therapeu- they can contain a great variety of active substances tic agents in human medicine, have been success- encapsulated in their compartments. Depending on ful (Voronkov, 1979; Tacke, 1985a,b; Tacke and substance-specific properties such as chain length Wannagat, 1997). A large number of organosilicon of the compounds’ lateral chains, injection rate, compounds with high and specific biological activ- temperature and agitation rate, Siosomes® of var- ity has been synthesized and subjected to pharma- ious size and structures (unilamellar, multilamellar cological and toxicological testing in recent years and heterolamellar) can be obtained which, when [Tacke, 1985b]. So far, we can differentiate three compared to liposomes consisting of phospholip- main groups of research in the field of biological- ids, have the advantage of chemical stability and a ly active organosilicon compounds, however, these defined composition (Kunath et al., 1992; Richter cannot be separated from each other in all cases: (1) et al., 1992a, b, c, d, e; 1993a, b; Richter and Sala- synthesis and biological investigation of silylated ma, 1994; Mühl and Richter, 1997). derivatives of well-known bioactive organic com- Siosomes® with a heterolamellar structure pounds; (2) synthesis and biological investigation are either unilamellar vesicles enclosed in the larg- of organosilicon compounds which either have er multilamellar vesicles, or they are multilamellar no organic analogs or which
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