![BERITA BIOLOGI 2(1) Januari 1977 13](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
BERITA BIOLOGI 2(1) Januari 1977 13 CHECKLIST OF PLANT SPECIES ON THE PEUCANG ISLAND (UJUNG KULON NATURE RESERVE, WEST JAVA) KUSWATA KARTAWINATA Herbarium Bogoriense-LBN, Bogor &A. APANDI Institut TeknologiBandung, Bandung The Peucang Island is situated just off and are now deposited at the Herbarium Bogoriense. westernmost tip of West Java and is a portion of the In this list the families and species are arranged Ujung Kulon Nature Reserve. It covers a total area alphabetically. The nomenclature follows Backer of 450 hectares, comprising the level land and a ridge and Bakhuizen van den Brink (1963 - 1968) and for in the central portion with the highest point of about ferns Backer and Posthumus (1939). Figures 30 m above sea level. following the specific names refer to the tree Geologically this island is composed of Tertiary numbers in the main transect that was used in the materials and alluvial materials on southern and vegetation study. eastern coastal areas (Verbeek and Fennema 1896). ACANTHACEAE From the southeastern shore towards the hills, there Gendarussa vulgaris Nees are three types of soil, i.e. the sandy regosols, the AMARYLLIDACEAE tuffaceous over sandy regosols and the latosolized Crinum asiaticum L. tuffaceous regosols over podsolized grumusols ANACARDIACEAE . (Soerianegara 1969). Buchanania arborescens (Bl.) Bl. - 5. The vegetation of this island has been described Dracontomelon puberulum Miq. -161. by Kartawinata (1965) and the Participants of Mangifera longipes Griff. BIOTROP Training Course in Forest Ecology Mangifera similis Bl. - 94. (1972). Two major community types, which are not Mangifera sp. - 169. sharply demarcated, can be recognized, i.e. Semecarpus heterophylla Bl. - 111. a. Lowland community type which occurs on the Spondias pinnata (L.f.) Kurz - 158. flat portion of the island. Species that can be ANNONACEAE considered characteristics to this community are Artabotrys suaveolens Bl. Ardisia humilis, Casearia flavovirens, Chiso- Desmos chinensis Lour. •cheton pentandrum, Ficus variegata, Hernan- Mitrephora javanica Backer. diapeltata and Pterospermum javanicum. Orophea beccarii Scheff. b. Upland community type that occurs on the hilly Platymitra macrocarpa Boerl. - 173. portion of the island. Common species whose Polyalthia lateriflora (Bl.) King- 138, 182, 193. occurrence is restricted to this community and Polyaithia sp. - 46, 146, 190. • can be considered as characteristic species are Saccopetalum horsfieldii Benn. Arenga obtusifolia, Beilschmiedia javanica, Trivalvaria macrophylla (Bl.) Miq. , Diospyros macrophylla, Galearia filiformis, Uvaria concava T. & B. Ganophyllum falcatum, Garcinia dulcis. Uvaria javanica Thumb. Hydnocarpus heterophylla, Lagerstroemia Uvaria purpurea Bl. ovalifolia, Semecarpus heterophylla, Trtvalva- APOCYNACEAE ria macrophylla and Xanthophyllum excelsum. Alstonia scholdris (L.) R. Br. -47. In addition, on the southwest corner of the island Anodendron paniculatum DC. there is also a fresh water swamp forest whose Cerbera manghas L. - 44. species composition as yet has not been thoroughly Cerbera odollam Gaertn. - 234. investigated. Ichnocarpus fnttescens (L.) R. Br. The following is a checklist of species occuring Kopsia arborea Bl. on the island. This is based on the herbarium Kopsia pnmiformis Rchb. f. & Zoll. ex Bakh. f. specimens that have been collected mainly since 1958 - 52. 14 BERITA BIOLOGI 2(1) Januari 1977 Ochrosia parviflora Hensl. CORNACEAE Parsonsia cumingiana A.DC. Alangium longiflorum Merr. Parsonsia javanica Bl. Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang ssp. RauvolfUt reflexa T. & B: hexapetalum Wang. Rauvolfla samarensis Merr. - 207. CYCADACEAE Rauvolfia sp. - 25. Cycas rumphii Miq. - 258. Rynchodia verrucosa (Bl.) Woods, CYPERACEAE AQU1FOLIACEAE Fimbrystylis cymosa R. Br. Ilex cymosa Bl. DATISCACEAE ARACEAE Tetrameles nudiflora R. Br. ex. Benn. Aglaonema simplex Bl. DILLENIACEAE ARALIACEAE Dillenia excelsa (Jack) Gilg. Schefflera elliptica (Bl.) Harms. Dillenia scandens (L.) Merr. ASCLEP1ADACEAE Dillenia sp. Dischidia benghalensis Colebr. EBENACEAE -- //ova sp. Diospyros cauliflora Bl. - 59. Mandenia stenocentra Bakh. f. Diospyros eburnia Bakh. Sarcolobus globosus Wall. Diospyros hermaphroditica (Zoll.) Bakh. - -121, 248. BIGNONIACEAE Diospyros maerophylla Bl. - 128. Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. 217. Diospyros malabarica (Desr,) Kostel. Radermachera gigantea (Bl.) Miq. - 4. Diospyros maritima Bl. BOMBACACEAE Diospyros polyalthioides Korth. ex. Hiern. - Bombax valetonii Hochr. - 87, 90. 181. BORAGINACEAE Diospyros sp. - 191, 226. Burmania championii Thw. ELAEOCARPACEAE BURSERACEAE Elaeocarpus obtusus Bl. - 212. Canarium denticulatum Bl. - 58, 223. Elaeocarpus sp. Canaruim hirsutum Wild. - 284. Sloanea sp. - 73. Canarium sp. - 245. ERYTHROXYLACEAE Santiria sp. - 81. Erythroxyfum qtneatum (miq.) Kurtz. CELASTRACEAE EUPHORBIft'CEAE' Euonymus javanicus Bl. - 271. Alchomea javanensis (Bl.) M.A. Lophopetalum sp. - 211. Alchomea rugosa (Lour). M.A. - 289. Siphonodon celastrineus Griff. - 41, 65. CHLORANTHACEAE Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng. -18, 155, 186. Chlaranthus elatior R. Br. ex. Link. Antidesma montanum Bl. COMBRETACEAE Aporosa aurita (Tull.) Miq. - 147. Lumnitzera littorea (Jack) Voigt Baccaurea javanica (Bl.) M.A. Terminalia catappa L. - 167. Baccaurea sp. - 246. Terminalia microcarpa Decne - 133, 162,198. Bischofia javanica Bl. - 8 Terminalia sp. - 235. Bridelia minutiflora Hook. f. COMPOSITAE Cleidion javanicum Bl. Mikania cordata (Burm. f.) B.L. Robinson. Cleidion spiciflorum (Burm. f.) Merr. CONNARACEAE Croton argyratus Bl. - 106. Connarus monocarpus L. ssp. malayensis Drypetes longifelia (Bl.) Pax. & Hoffm. Leenh. Drypetes sp. - 36A, 149. Connarus paniculatus Roxb. Excoecaria agallocha L. Connarus semidecandrus Jack. Galearia flliformis (Bl.) Pax. - 143, 202. CONVOLVULACEAE Glochidion philippicum (Cav.) C.B. Robinson. Ipomoea illustris (Clarke) Plain Glochidion rubrum Bl. Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. Glochidion sp. - 20. BERITA BIOLOGI 2(1) Januari 1977 15 Koilodepas hantamense Hassk. ' HYDROCHAJUTACEAE Macaranga tanarius (L.) M.A. Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. Mallotus dispar (Bl.) M.A. HYMENOPHYLLACEAE Mallotus floribundus (Bl.) MA. Hymenophyllum sp. Mallotiis moritzianus M.A. ICACINACEAI-: Mallotus tiliaefolius (Bl.) M.A. - 129. Gomphandra sp. Margaritaria indica (Dal.) G.L. Webster - 50, Nothapodytes montana Bl. 158. 209. Stemonurus secundiflorus Bl. - 177 Suregada glomerulata (Bl.) Baill. - 40. LAURACEAE Trigonostemon ovatifolius J.J.S. Actinodaphene sp. FLACOURTIACEAE Beilschmiedia gemmiflora (Bl.) Kosterm. Casearia flavovirens Bl. - 175. Beilschimiedia roxburghiana Ness - 154. Casearia grewiaefolia Vent. - 15, 282. Cassytha filiformis L. Casearia hosei Merr. - 157. Cinnamomum timers Reinw. ex Bl. - 86. Flacourtia rukam Z. & M. - 104. Cryptocarya ferrea Bl. - 23. Ryparosa javanica (Bl.) Kurz ex K. & V. - 69. Cryptocarya mentek Bl. ex Nees Scolopia spinosa (Roxb.) Warb. - 22, 113^ 283. Cryptocarya nitens K. & V. - 21, 31 FLAGELLARIACEAE Dehaasia caesia Bl. - 102. Flagellaria indica L. Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob. Litsea velutina (Bl.) Boerl. - 199. GNETACEAE Gnetum gnemon L. - 36. Litsea sp. - 139. Gnetum cuspidatum Bl. Nothaphoebe umbelliflora Bl. - 188. LECYTHIDACEAE GOODENIACEAE Barringtonia asiatica Kurz. Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Planchonia valida (Bl.) Bl. - 70. GRAMINEAE LEGUMINOSAE Axonopus compressus (Sw.) Beauv. Adenanthera microsperma T. & B. - 215. Brachiaria lanceata Ohwi Canavalia cathartica Thon. Ghrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin. Cassia javanica L. - 114. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Cynometra ramiflora Lindl. - 256. Eragrotis tenella (L.) Beauv. ex R. & S. Dalbergia pinnata (Lour.) Prain. Ischaemum muticum L. Desmodium umbellatum (L.) D.C. Sporobolus diander (Retz.) Beauv. Entanda phaseoloides Merr. Tliuarea involuta (G. Forst) R.Br. ex. R. & S. Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O.K. - 64 GUTIFERAE Parkia roxburghii G. Don. Calophyllum inphyttum L. - 1 Peltophorum pterocarpum (D.C.) Back. - 38. Calophyllum sp. - 10. Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre- 187. Cratoxylum formosum (Jack) Dyer - 35, 115, Sophora tomentosa L. 125. Spatholobus ferrugineus (Zoll.) Bth. ' Cratoxylum sumatranum (Jack) Bl. LOGANIACEAE Garcinia celebica L. - 84. Fagraea ceilanica Thumb. Garcinia parvifolia (Miq.) Miq. LORANTHACEAE Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz - 19. Dendrophtoe pentandra (L.) Miq. Garcinia sp. - 89, 254. LYTHRACEAE HERNANDIACEAE Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz, Hernandia peltata Meissn. Lagerstroemia ovalifolia T. & B. -39, 48, 206 HIPPOCRATEACEAE Pemphis acidula J.R. & C. Forst. MALPHIGIACEAE Hippocratea sp. Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz. Loeseneriella pauciflora (DC.)A.C. Smith MALVACEAE Salacia chinensis (L.) Ding Hou Salacia sp. Hibiscus tiliaceus L. -232. 16 BERITA BIOLOGI 2(1) Januari 1977 Tfiespesia populnea. (L.) Soland, ex Correa. Streblus spinosus (Bl.) Corner. MELASTOMATACEAE MYRIST1CACEAE Memecylon edule Roxb. var. ovatum (J.E.. Horsfieldia canarioides Warb. -203. Smith) Clarke - 150 Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb. MELIACEAE Horsfieldia macrocoma Warb. -205, 241. Aglaia aregentea Bl. -11 Knema cinerea (Poir). Warb. var. sumatrana Aglaia cauliflora' Kds. - 144 (Miq.) Sinclair -100. Aglaia elaeagnoides (A. Juss.) Bth. -251. Myristica guatterifolia DC. -14. Aglaia elliptica Bl. - 99. Myristica elliptica Wall. -196. Aglaia heptandra K. & V. -98. Myristica sp. -244. Aglaia latifolia Miq. var. teysmanni K. & V. MYRSINACEAE Aglaia odoratissima Bl. var. pauciflora K. & V. Ardisia humilis Vahl. -16. Aglaia palembanica Miq. -74. Ardisia
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