Leadership contender Rory “Everyone was giving us a Natural born singers! Stewart MP leaves prisons standing ovation, clapping. Prisoners’ choir leads the National Newspaper for Prisoners & Detainees with ‘a heavy heart.’ I thought: Are we that good?” Music shines at Whitemoor to business start-ups a voice for prisoners since Newsround // page 12 Comment // page 19 Information // page 37 June 2019 / Issue No. 240 / www.insidetime.org / A ‘not for profit’ publication/ ISSN 1743-7342 PRISONERS’ EARNINGS 22 // BLUEPRINT FOR CHANGE! 26 // FLORIDA DREAMING 29 An average of 60,000 copies distributed monthly Independently verified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations ‘OBSCENITY!’ As Grayling’s private probation experiment is abandoned, Justice Select Committee boss describes one CRC in worst possible terms regarding its treatment of released prisoners Paul Sullivan One of the key elements, ‘Payment by Results’, has been ditched and under Gauke’s new system, released prisoners and those serving commu- Supervision of everyone under probation is to nity sentences will be monitored by staff from be taken over by the National Probation Ser- the National Probation Service based in eleven vice from December 2020. The current Justice new regions. Each of the areas will have a pri- Secretary, David Gauke, says contracts with vate or voluntary sector partner responsible the privatised Community Rehabilitation Com- for unpaid work schemes, drug misuse pro- Barry Nee, Chief of Care UK with Sonia Farrow 16 panies (CRCs) in England and Wales will not grammes and training courses, these will cost be renewed (despite saying last summer that an additional £280million. Gauke says the new they would be extended); Scotland has its own system will build on the successes of the cur- system. Last year, the government intimated rent system: “Delivering a stronger probation ‘Thrilled and humbled’ that they would end the contracts in 2020 - the system, which commands the confidence of early termination of contracts costing £171mil- the courts and better protects the public, is a Winning prison nurse delighted at award lion in compensation to the companies. pillar of our reforms to focus on rehabilitation and cut reoffending. I want a smarter justice system that reduces repeat crime.” We can’t go round the mulberry bush Under the discredited Grayling programme called ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’, 35 pro- bation trusts were replaced by the NPS and 21 privately-owned CRCs in 2014. The move was heavily criticised by MPs and watchdogs. Out- going Probation Inspector Dame Glenys Stacey was scathing in her final report - describing the failed system as, “irredeemably flawed.” When David Gauke announced the govern- David Gauke: “I want a smart justice ment was re-nationalising probation she said No more going… round and round Credit: HMP Wakefield system to reduce crime.” she was, “delighted” - adding, “Probation is a complex social service and it has proved well- Inside Time report after it was shortlisted as a Tree became a project because the Announcing the new system, Gauke said: “The nigh impossible to reduce it to a set of contrac- of the Year contender. All is mulberry is so important to reforms will enhance the work of the National tual requirements.” Shadow justice secretary not lost because a former of- Wakefield prison, it’s instru- Probation Service, while maximising the skills Richard Burgon said the Conservatives “have News has emerged that the ficer at the prison took a cut- mental in the place, everything of the private and voluntary sectors and will been forced to face reality and accept their famous Wakefield mulberry ting thirty years ago and grew revolves around it. provide up to £280m a year for probation in- probation model is irredeemably broken”. tree has been cut down. It is it in his garden and, following Unfortunately, it’s dead, but the terventions from the private and voluntary widely thought to be the inspi- an appeal, his widow is pro- aim is to replace it - we’ll have sectors. Report - Probation reclaimed page 14 ration for the rhyme ‘Here we viding a cutting for a new tree. one here where the original go round the mulberry bush’. was and possibly another one NEWS FLASH! GAUKE ANNOUNCES INCREASED USE OF ROTL! 13 Apparently, it died from a bee- Prison officer Simon at the other end of the jail so tle infestation in 2017 - a year Richardson told the BBC: “It everyone can see it.” Officially the LARGEST Our Expert team of over 40 specialist advisors prison law provider in have a wealth of experience to offer you including: the Country • Parole Board Reviews • Category A Review The National Prison Law Specialists • Recall to Prison • Minimum Term Reviews Trusted by more prisoners in England and Wales • Police Interviews • Sentence Planning Boards than any other Solicitors. • Independent Adjudication Hearings • Re-Categorisation With Experts across the Country, • Governor Adjudications • Transfer we can represent you in ANY PRISON. • HDC “Tagging” & Sentence Calculation • Close Supervision Centre Review Call our dedicated team on 0115 986 0983 or write to us at: FREEPOST RTAB-BATB-HGAU Carringtons Solicitors, for immediate FREE advice Nottingham NG2 2JR. www.carringtons-solicitors.co.uk call us at the local rate on 08454 750 650 Carrington Advert 75x265 09.2018.indd 1 22/10/2018 17:31 2 Mailbag ‘Mailbag’, Inside Time, Botley Mills, Botley, Southampton SO30 2GB. Insidetime June 2019 insidetime Starting all Innovation of Justice Mailbites a voice for prisoners since 1990 over again JM - A prisoner’s partner Send DC, another Medomsley? the national newspaper for prisoners published by Turner - HMP Norwich Inside Time Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of My partner is currently serving a lengthy prison sentence for Clive Broughton - HMP The Verne The New Bridge Foundation, founded in 1956 to a crime that he vehemently denies. I cannot rest while he is I am an IPP who has served I have just read your front-page story ‘Guilty!’ create links between the offender and the community. there, but I’m lost in a legal world for which I have little un- 12 years on a 5-year tariff. (April issue) about Medomsley Detention derstanding and no control. We find that doors have con- I’ve just been recalled, in Centre. I read the words spoken by QC Jamie Inside Time is wholly responsible for its editorial stantly shut behind us without even knowing that they were the end, deservedly so. I was Hill with interest and disbelief. He said - ‘To content. Comments or complaints should be there in the first place. It is endlessly disheartening. directed to the publisher and not to New Bridge. so scared of coming back, I simply say that it was a different time with twice rammed a police car different attitudes would be to abdicate As a shining light amongst all of this I recently attended the Board of Directors injuring a WPC which I’m responsibility.’ Last year, I reported to police Innovation of Justice: Reviving the Criminal Justice System sorry for. Prior to that I about my time at Her Majesty’s Detention Trevor Grove Former Editor Sunday Telegraph, which was held in Cardiff. The day featured a series of talks failed to provide a swab test, Centre, Send in Surrey, when it was a young Journalist, Writer and former Magistrate. by a variety of people who have been affected by false accu- Dr Peter Bennett Trustee, New Bridge Probation decided to recall offender’s ‘Short Sharp Shock’. Over the sation and / or disclosure issues within their case. There I Foundation and former Governor of HMP Grendon me to a bail hostel despite 6-weeks and 4-days I was there I was slapped Geoff Hughes Former Governor of HMP Belmarsh the fact I was living with heard of people who had come through the prison system, and punched by officers who would assault us John D Roberts Former Company Chairman and someone who I care for who were still fighting, of others in the same boat as myself for failing to say ‘Excuse me, sir’ as we passed Managing Director employing former prisoners deeply. Probation now say who are lost in a sea of confusion and of the legal representa- them. The answer I got from the police was Louise Shorter CEO Inside Justice and former my personal life was unrav- tives and the issues they themselves face. It was so wonderful that I should have reported it when I got producer BBC Rough Justice to meet people and speak openly, to not have to constantly released or within 3-years of that date. I was a Alistair H E Smith BSc FCA Chartered Accountant, elling, all lies. justify both his and my positions against those so willing to kid! Trustee and Treasurer, New Bridge Foundation I was made to sign 4 times a judge on only a half story. I felt an immense amount of sup- port from people I had never before met. The insideteam day with a 7pm curfew. I’m NPR should be mandatory 56 and a granddad, so con- Quinton Starling - HMP The Verne tact with my Mrs and grand- There is another of these conferences in London on Saturday I am really surprised by the amount of prisons kids came to a halt as the 22nd June 2019 and I would highly recommend this to anyone that do not receive National Prison Radio. We month went on. I found life who is desperate to learn more about the system and also to cannot receive NPR at The Verne. NPR is not harder and harder and my meet people who will give them the confidence to continue. only good at broadcasting music, but it is very head went.
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