·~·; ,1._ ~~·:'.~:;~~~~~~:§:~'.! Illuminated (decorated) Prayers and Passages of Baha'u'llah for teaching and deepen­ ing make welcome gifts, provide inspiring wall decoration and aid in memorization. Illuminated Prayers and Passa8es of 5aha'u'llah Preservation and consolidation of the victories won: This is one of the three major objectives of the Five Year Plan as the Cause of God goes "from strength to strength" throughout the worldwide Baha'i community. We can do this even in the face of rising global chaos if we use the strengthening serenity of our Sacred Texts, the Creative Word of God, to deepen and consolidate Baha'ls. For this purpose several short, simple, powerful quotations of Baha'u'llah have been chosen and are now available in large type, illuminated by dignified artwork. These attractive, brief prayers and meditations are suitable for framing or other kinds of display. Ten different quotations have been printed on 8. 5 by 11-inch paper - large enough for wall or window display, yet small enough to be carried in a notebook. Members of teaching, proclamation, conference, and consolidation committees might want to pay particular attention to this set for possible use at summer schools, institutes, and children's classes. They are excellent for complementing normal teaching materials or for gifts to participating individuals at Baha'i gatherings. The large type and easy-to-handle pages also make the material useful for persons with poor eyesight, or for beginning readers, either children or adults, who are not yet accustomed to Baha'i literature. In addition, these passages are generally brief enough so that students can memorize them without difficulty. The entire set of ten can be bound into a new believers' booklet either as they are or mounted artistically on colorful heavy paper. Further decorative illumination can then be added, limited only by the artist's imagination. In this way home-made albums can be tailored to a variety of indigenous cultures. Other possible uses include mementos for friends on special Baha'i occasions, or gifts for the sick or shut-in. These ten quotations by Baha'u'llah are available either in complete sets or as individual prayers and meditations in multiples of ten. How to Get the Illuminated Prayers and Passages of Baha'u'llah Your local Baha'i librarian or authorized Baha'i distributor may have them in stock, or may be able to supply you with prices and ordering information. If, however, you cannot find them in your area, you may send your inquiry to the International Baha'i Audio-Visual Centre, 1640 Holcomb Road, Victor, N.Y. 14564, U.S.A. for forwarding to the proper organization. Baha'i News aha'i Year 132 December 1975 No. 537 For Baha'is On ly , I , Contents - , · · J The Baha'i Faith in Burma . 2 A vibrant, unified community with a thirst for deepening In love with justice . 6 The story of Matthew Bullock: pioneer, coach , attorney Teaching the Faith in Togo . 9 People are reported to be receptive World Center . 10 Radio, prayer, excavation, travels of Hands of the Cause Around the world . 13 Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon Reipublic, Canada, Ethiopia, Greenland, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Liberia, iechtenstein, Malaysia, New Zealand, Northwest Pacific Ocean, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rhodesia, United States, Windward Islands Page 6 Page 9 Page 10 On the cover: Some Baha'i youth of Burma. The Baha'i youth are distinguished by their radiance and their love of knowledge from the mass of Burmese youth. Baha'i News is published monthly for circulation among Baha'is only by and Records, National Baha'i Center, 112 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL tne National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, as a 60091, U.S.A. Please attach mailing label. r ews organ reporting current activities of the Baha'i world community. Subscription rates: one year, US $8 ; two years, US $15. Manuscripts submitted should be typewritten and double spaced through­ out; any footnotes should appear at the end. The contributor should keep a Second class postage paid at Wilmette, Illinois 60091 . carbon copy. Send materials to: Baha'i News Editorial Office, 112 Linden Copyright © 1975, National Spiritual Assembly of the BaM'is of the Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091, U.S.A. United States. World Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Change of address should be reported directly to Office of Membership 2 December 1975 I Baha'i News ne of the most dramati c and exc iting cirmustances of their acceptance of the How an entire Ofeatures of the Five Year Plan is the Faith , the elders of Daidanaw decided, great call raised by The Universal House of afte r consultati on, to invite Siyyid Mu?rafa village of 800 ustice for an army of pioneers and travel­ to present the teachings in their vill age. .ng teachers to forsake the ir homes fo r the Today, there are elderl y Baha' is living in accepted the Faith propagati on of the Cause of God . Daidanaw who remember the exciteme nt The heroic services of these dedi cated associated with hi s arrival, the joy with of Baha'u'llah Baha' is re lease spiritual powers which which the mass of the vill agers, some 800 have a far- reaching effect on the world. in total, entered the shelte r of the Faith of We may well specul ate on the magnitude Bah a' u' llah. 3 of this effect, which will onl y become ev i­ S iyyid M u?rafa settled dow n in dent with the passing of years. The present Daidanaw, devoting hi s life to the deepen­ condition of the Burmese Baha'i commun­ ing of hi s fe llow-believers, to the exte n­ ity offers a rare opportunity for a case sion of the teaching work to nearby vil­ study-to observe , nearl y I 00 years late r, lages, and to the translati on of literature the effect of a pioneering teaching venture into Burmese. Even in his nineties, he carried out in response to the Divine sum­ would enthusiastical ly walk miles to meet mons. an inquirer and share hi s be lief. 4 During World War II , maraud ing gangs Historical background from adj oining villages, possibl y inflamed In 1878, Siyyid M u?rafa Rumi settled in by re li gious fan ati cism , a tt ac ke d Rangoon, Burma, after nearl y three years D aid anaw , destroy in g the J-:l a?: iratu' 1- of travel in India and Burma in the com­ Quds. Siyyid Mu?rafa, 99 years old , was pany of Jamal Effendi , the eminent Baha'i murdered by these ruffians." The Guar­ teacher sent to that region at the instructi on di an, in a me morable cable, designated of Baha' u' llah. Siyyid Mu ~ r afa had em­ Siyyid M u?rafa as a Hand of the Cause of braced the Faith in M adras, India , in 1875 God , referred to him as " dearl y loved as soon as he came in contact with Jamal sta un ch high-minded noble soul Siyyid Effendi . In Burma, groups established in M u?rafa," ha il ed the " long record of hi s Rangoon and Mandalay by Jamal Effendi superb servi ces both teaching administra­ were patiently and lovingly nurtured by tive fi elds," and described him as " passing iyyid Mu?rafa as they developed into (to) supreme concourse. " 6 3 piritual Assemblies. 1 During the Ministry of 'Abdu' l-Baha, The Burmese nation today the fl edgling Burmese Baha' i community Burma today is experiencing many dif­ was the recipie nt of many blessin gs from fic ulties as a result of social and economic the Master. A hi ghl ight in the life of Siyyid conditions over the past several years. Its Mu?rafa was the occasion in 1899 when he economy is struggling, so that consumer was privil eged to take to the World Cente r goods and travel fac ilities are ve ry li mited . the marble sarcophagus which 'Abdu' l­ Several prov inces are experiencing insta­ B a ha accepted as a g if t fro m th e Baha'is of Mandalay and which was de­ bility resulting from political fo rces ~ with stined to enshrine the sacred remain s of the the central government undertaking milit­ Bab.2 ary acti on to quell rebellions. The gov­ During the Ministry of 'A bdu' l-Baha, ernme nt po li cy is such that Burmese citi­ the fortunes of the Faith in Burma were ze ns can onl y rarely obtain vi sas fo r travel suddenly and dramati call y revolutionized . abroad; a consequence is that Burmese The headman of the Daidana w vill age Baha' is have for several years been unable found himself involved in a legal case in to go to the World Cente r on pilgrimage or Rangoon, 30 miles away. His applicati on fo r the Inte rnati onal Conventio ns as­ for bail was granted on condition that a sociated with the electi on of The U niversal citizen stand s urety for him. The headman House of Justice. They have also been was pessimisti c about bein g abl e to satify una bl e to atte nd great Inte rnati onal Con­ this condition whe n, to hi s amazeme nt , a fe re nces at which Baha' is from ma ny stanger in the courtroom offered hi mself. countries gather. For many years the gov­ In response to the headman' s inquiry, the ' ernme nt provided visitors to Burma with Opposite page, upper left: the Hand of!he stranger identified himse lf as a Baha'i.
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