SAIGON (AP)--U.S. B52s, tactical fighter-bombers and warships press- ed their unprecedented bombardment of North Vietnam's heartland yester- day, with the attacks taking an increasing toll of lives and material. Radio Hanoi reported most of the attacks are in the areas of Hanoi, the capital, and the port city of Haiphong. A report from Warsaw said Bombing three Polish sailors were killed when a Polish ship in Haiphong Harbor was hit by U.S. bombers Tuesday. The Polish News Agency Pap said the ship, the Joseph Conrad, was sunk. Radio Hanoi, has admitted the bombings have taken a heavy toll since American planes hit they were resumed Monday night, but all broadcasts declare the attacks will not force North Vietnam into accepting President Nixon's demands for a peace settlement. North Vietnam hard The U.S. command in Saigon continued its stringent withholding of (See BOkBING page 2) Proxmire blasts ILRnVun SEC for its role I1II .1I in defense waste WASHINGTON (AP)--Sen. William Prox- Thursday, Dec. 21 1972 mire, D-Wis., said yesterday the Se- curities and Exchange Commission is not requiring full disclosure from defense contractors and "is just not otlzrttt performing its job." Absent from the hearings this week were two admirals, one assistant secretary of the Navy and heads of Grumman Aerospace Corp. and Litton Industries, two major defense con- tractors. Astronauts relax after trip All had been invited to testify ABOARD USS TICONDEROGA (AP)--Sailing the South Pacific to Samoa for the before Proxmire's flight home, the Apollo 17 astronauts did some shipboard Christmas shopp- Congressional ing yesterday and entertained Navy men with tales of space. joint economic Their second day back on earth was a relaxing one for Eugene A. Cernan, committee. Harrison H. Schmitt and Ronald E. Evans. They completed physical examin- The committee ations and toured their recovery ship. is examining the status of sever- The final leg of the moon voyage that started at Cape Kennedy two weeks al major weapons ago was a 13 1/2 -hour trip aboard an Air Force plane from Pago Pago, Am- systems, includ- erican Samoa, to Elliigton Air Force Base near Houston. ing the F14 jet "These men look as good as any crew of astronauts that I have ever seen," fighter produced said Dr. Charles K. Lapinta, recovery medical team leader. "They appear to for the Navy by be one of the more well-rested crews to have returned from space flight." Grumman and nuc- lear submarines He noted, without elaboration, SEN. PROXMIRE and other vess- W ater status that "there have been only a few els built by minor abnormalities of no conse- Litton. Figures for Wednesday, Dec. 20 quence. "Mostly, they are in outstanding V.A. Loomis Jr., a commissioner of WATER PRODUCED: 1,850,000 shape," Lapinta said. the Securities and Exchange Commiss- ion, did appear. But Proxmire said WATER CONSUMED: 1,383,000 The astronauts had another three- his testimony did not convince him hour examination yesterday as the the SEC is doing all it can to re- WATER GAIN: 467,000 aircraft carrier steamed to Samoa quire complete financial disclosures- and extensive physical awaited them including losses and risk of loss WATER IN STORAGE: 20,020,000 at the manned spacecraft center in from large defense contractors. Houston. "Let that sad word go out to the investing public," Proxmire said. (See PROXMIRE page 2) Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP December 21, 1972 01 PROXMIRE- from page one Proxmire's complaint is that investors rarely know whether a contract is incurring cost overruns or finan- GAZETTEER'1 cial problems on defense contracts until it is much too .a digest of late news j late. Then, he said, investors are hit "by the sudden shock waves caused by sudden revelation of risk or loss." Proxmire asked Loomis to provide information on what additional staff, funds and legislation might be needed to produce what Proxmire called more adequate disclos- LONDON (AP)--The governments of Britain and the Bah- ure by contractors. amas yesterday agreed to the main terms of a new cons- "It became apparent after this committee revealed the titution that will give full independence to the sprawl- huge cost overruns on the Lockheed CS program that firms ing island-colony next July 10. A communique winding doing business with the Pentagon were not adequately dis- up eight-day talks between British and Bahamian dele- closing the risks inherent in large, long-term defense gates announced that independent Bahamas will apply for contracts," Proxmire said. membership of the Commonwealth, the United Nations and other international organizations. During the talks "Once the problems became known, trading in the shares Prime Minister Lynden 0. Pindling said his government of such firms was immediately affected and the stock- also intends, after independence, to renegotiate his holder was left holding the bag." country's main treaties and agreements with foreign nations. BOMBING- from page one news concerning the massive attacks in the North above MOSCOW (AP)--Foreign Communist delegations, including the 20th parallel. Cubans led by Fidel Castro, have converged on Moscow However, the Pentagon reported yesterday that U.S. this week for the 50th anniversary celebrations of the bombers have inflicted "very significant damage" on a- Soviet Union's founding. In addition to Castro, Hungar- bout a dozen different kinds of military targets in what ian party leader Janos Kadar and more than a dozen Comm- appeared to be virtually nonstop raids on Hanoi-Haiphong unist chiefs from countries where the Communists do not and other areas of North Vietnam. rule arrived in the Soviet capital for today's celebrat- ion. High-level representatives of all pro-Soviet Comm- Pentagon spokesman Jerry W. Friedheim refused to agree unist parties were expected to make up the biggest such with a reporter's characterization of the attacks as gathering since the 1969 world Communist party confer- "terror bombings." ence. "We are striking military targets," Friedheim told a briefing. "We do not strike civilian targets. WASHINGTON (AP)--President Nixon's visit to China He said U.S. bombing of civilian targets in North Viet- last February has been voted the top news story of 1972 nam have been "extremely rare." by editors and news directors of Associated Press member For the first time since the intensive bombing of all newspapers and radio and television stations. Nixon North Vietnam resumed on Monday, Friedheim listed the called the seven-day visit "the week that changed the types of targets being hit, although he still refused world." He conferred with Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and to discuss specific targets by name and location. Premier Chou En-Lai and broke a 22-year vacuum in Sino- American relations. Some of the other top stories of the He listed railyards at Haiphong command'and control year selected in the AP poll were. facilities, warehouses and transshipment points, comm- 2. The attempted assassination of Alabama's Gov. Wallace unication facilities, vehicle repair facilities, power as he campaigned for the Presidency. plants, railroad bridges, railroad rolling stock, truck 3. Terror at the summer Olympics. parks, Mig fighter bases, air defense radar and antiair- 4. President Nixon's re-election. craft missiles and gun sites. 5. Henry Kissinger and his mission to end the war. 6. President Nixon's visit to Moscow and the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation agreement. Stateside Temperatures '%OF Guantanamo N =1- Honolulu Clear 83 Gazette Boston Rain 43 Local Forecast New York Rain 50 Ra dAf. -~ B. MCtddt d.,t. -. Alf.d Partly cloudy with isolated """a" i."."q Ilt Miami Cloudy 78 morning showers becoming mostly Chicago Cloudy 39 clear after sunset. Visibility asv .s.t St. Louis Cloudy 47 mid Slith mr.p. Att,, Edit-o 10 miles. Winds N 4-8 knots SJ ,, - y. _ _i. I New Orleans Cloudy 75 . .tt. at . Denver Cloudy 501 becoming SE 8-12 knots during Seattle Rain 52 the afternoon returning to San Francisco Foggy. 60 N after sunset. High today 86. ft Low tonight 71. Bay conditions t l 0 n . t - t - Los Angeles Fair 78 *ff t If t L . , h 1- 3 feet. High tide 2154. Cloudy 60 Dp~tIf ifI tt tbIy Little Rock Low tide 1716. Thursday, December 21, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 LOCAL BRIEFS *skeet shoot The Skeet and Trap Club will hold a NSSA registered shoot starting at 10 a.m. this Sat- urday. Competition will lead off with 410 gauge, with 20 and 16 gauge to follow. All NSSA members are invited. *longusta Trapping of longusta is pro- hibited, the head deputy game warden said this week. Bag limit is 15 longusta per per- son per day and minimum size, excluding antenna, is nine inches measured from between the eyes to tip of tail. Vio- lators of -these regulations will be given a citation and will present themselves in a court established by the base game warden. *grand prix Kids, there will be a Gitmo Grand Prix at this year's Mardi Gras. The Naval Base Civic Council will be hold- int the event and Councilman H.M. Cook at 98283 has more "The Ohio Express", above, will appear Dec. information. Call AWH. Dead- 29 at the Leeward Point EM Club and Dec. 30 line for entry and weigh-in is Groups and New Year's Eve at the Windjammer Club. Feb. 15. The group gained national fame for its re- cording of "Yummy Yummy". *hospital next "Alive and Kicking", also to appear next The "All Star Revue" will week at Gitmo, will follow this schedule: visit patients on Ward S of week Dec.
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