REHABILITATION GAZETTE IVOL. 35, NO. 2 Washington, DC 20036, (800/ Agricultural Engineering Building, READING 544-3284, 202/939-9320); free. West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, A Summer Plague - Polio and Directory of National Informa- (800/825-4264). Its Survivors (ISBN 0-300-06292- tion Sources on Disability (NIS); When Billy Broke His Head ... 3) by Tony Gould; Yale University National Rehabilitation Information and Other Tales of Wonder, by Press; 384 pages; $30. Available in Center (NARIC), 8455 Colesville Billy Golfus and David Simpson is an bookstores in the USA in August Rd., Suite 935, Silver Spring, MD excellent documentary about Billy 1995, Watch Polio Network News 20910, (800/346-2742), Golfus, a journalist, disc jockey, and for excerpts and further information. [email protected](E-mail); $15. writer living with a disability after The Post-Polio Syndrome: 1995 Disability Law Products head injury following a traffic acci- Advances in the Pathogenesis and Services Catalog; Commis- dent. He gives a first person account and Treatment edited by Marinos sion on Mental and Physical Dis- and visits other individuals with dis- abilities. This Sundance Festival C. Dalakas, Harry Bartfeld, and ability Law, American Bar Associa- award winner was broadcast on Leonard T. Kurland; proceedings of tion, 1800 M St., NW, Washington, the New York Academy of Sciences DC 20036; catalog free. many PBS stations on Tuesday, May meeting (Bethesda, Maryland, April, 23rd. Many stations will show it at 1994); (800/843-6927, Ext. 341 Independent Living Skills another time. Check your local list- or 342); 412 pages; $100US plus Curricula (complete resources for ings. When Billy Broke His Head ... shipping fee. skill training needs of people with is distributed by Fanlight Produc- disabilities); Access Living, 310 S. tions, 47 Halifax St., Boston, MA Home Mechanical Ventilation; Peoria, Suite 201, Chicago, IL 02130,800/937-4113; purchase proceedings from Fourth Interna- 60607, (312/226-5900~,1687 price $245, rental $50/day, S&H $9. tional Conference on Home Mecha- TDD, 2030 FAX); 25 workshop nical Ventilation (Lyon, France, modules; $100 plus $9 postage. 1993);Amette Blackwell, Departe- PHONE ment Librairie, 2 rue Casimir Turtle Books is a series of 11 books, each telling a story about Several ADA materials are available Delavigne, 75006 Paris, France, in Spanish - 800/949-4232. (+33; 384 pages; a young child with a disability; $65US. language age 3-7 years; Jason and National Information Clearing- Nordic Publishers, P.O. Box 441, house for Infants with Disabili- Alternative Medicine: Expand- Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, ties and Life-Threatening ing Medical Horizons; compre- (814/696-2920,814/696-4250 Conditions (joint program of hensive report to the National FAX); $9.95 each pbk, $13.95 hbk. Center for Developmental Disabili- Institutes of Health (NIH) from the ties at the University of South alternative medicine community; Carolina, Columbia, and The Superintendent of Documents, Association for Care of Children's P.O. Box 371954, Pitts-burgh, PA Sprintrnothhammer has produced Health, Bethesda, Maryland) - 15250-7954, (202/512-1800 or a video in their Wellness in the 800/922-9234 ext. 201. FAX 202/512-2250); cite stock '90s series for polio survivors. The number 017-040-00537-7; 420 aquatic therapy video was written In Touch With Kids (ITWK) is a pages; $25, $31.25 international. and demonstrated with the assis- network for kids (age 1-18) with tance of Robbie Leonard, PT, at spinal cord injury to keep in touch New Directions in Supported through phone calls and letters. Employment edited by Paul Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabili-tation. The video presents Contact: National Spinal Cord Injury Wehman and John Kregel; VA Association, 545 Concord Ave., Commonwealth University Rehabili- options which survivors and thera- pists can use to individualize a pro- Suite 29, Cambridge, MA 02138, tation Research and Training Center 617/441-8500,617/441-3449 FAX. on Supported Employment, 1314 gram. The video costs $29.99 plus West Main St., P.O. Box 842011, shipping. To order call (800/235- The National Information Richmond, VA 23284-2011 2 156) or write Sprintrnothhammer, System for Vietnam Veterans (804/828-185 1);manual or cas- P.O. Box 5579, Santa Maria, CA and Their Families - 800/922- sette; $12.95, Canadian residents 94456. 9234 ext. 402. add $2.50. Farming with an Upper To receive a free copy of Save Getting Ready for College: Extremity Impairment and Food Dollars and Help Your Advising Students with Learn- Improving Farmstead Accessi- Heart contact The American Heart ing Disabilities and 1995 bility are both available from Association, 800-HAUSA1. Financial Aid for Students with Breaking New Ground Resource Disabilities; HEATH Resource Center, Purdue University, 1146 Center, 1 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, FOR YOUR HEALTH Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in the United States. A high proportion of the deaths could be prevented by reducing important risk factors for heart disease. Three important contribu- tors are physical inactivity, high-fat diet, and smoking. * Cigarettes kill 419,000 Ameri- * Smoking reduces the amount of smoke. WHO currently estimates cans each year - more than alco- oxygen to the heart muscle while that there are 1.1billion worldwide hol, heroin, crack, automobile and simultaneously making the heart who are cigarette smokers. airplane accidents, murders, suicides, beat faster (increasing its demand * In the 25 years between 1955 and AIDS combined. Most of these for oxygen). and 1990, the percentage of deaths result not from cancer, but * Smoking is the main cause of American adults who smoke has from heart attacks. chronic lung diseases. SEECOPD declined from 42.3% to 25.4%. * Cigarette smoking is the number BELOW. * Over the past decade, there has one cause of cancer death in men. * Many studies show that second- been no significant decrease in Lung cancer surpassed breast cancer hand smoke can have harmful smoking rates among youths in the as the leading cause of cancer deaths effects on non-smokers. Sidestream U.S., but higher tobacco taxes in among women in 1987. smoke - smoke in the air from California have led to a drop in ciga- * Nicotine in smoke increases blood burning tobacco - actually has higher rette smoking; and in Canada, high- pressure, heart rate, the amount concentration of some harmful com- er taxes have led to a decrease in of blood pumped by the heart, and pounds than mainstream smoke. smoking of almost 2/3rds since 1980. the blood flow in the arteries of * Smoking costs the U.S. $65 the heart. billion per year in health-care costs * When cigarette smoking ceases 6 Smoking is a major risk factor of and lost productivity - that's $262 the likelihood of developing cardio- peripheral vascular disease - the per American per year. vascular disease declines rapidly. narrowing of the blood vessels that Risk is reduced within one year, and * In the U.S., 1.5 million people after ten years the risk is essentially carry blood to the leg and arm quit smoking each year, but as many muscles. that of a nonsmoker for a person as 50 million adults continue to who smoked a pack a day or less. \ STOPSMOKING RESOURCES Calling It Quits, Smoking and Heart Disease, How to Avoid Weight Gain when Quitting Smoking, Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease. Free from the American Heart Association, National Center, 7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX 75231-4596, 800/242-8721, or your local American Heart Association. Freedom From Smokingo For You and Your Family; Freedom From Smokingo For You and Your Baby; A Lifetime of Freedom From Smokingo, and In Controlo: A Video Freedom From Smokingo Program. For price information contact your local American Lung Association. If You Smoke ... Stop for Good. Free from the American Medical Association, 515 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60610, or its co-sponsor Marion-Merrell Dow, Inc., 800/362-7466. -- RESOURCESFOR CoPD Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation (PERF), P.O. Box 1133, Lomita, CA 90717-5133 (310/539-2295) has published three booklets on Essentials of Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Part I introduces the basic methods of pulmonary rehabilitation and methods of treatment. Part II focuses on medications and quality of life issues. Part I11 specifically addresses the future for patients with chronic lung disease. Single copies of each are available without charge. PERF also has produced two videos on Pulmonary Rehabilitation; one for physicians and one for lay people. Single copies of each are available without charge. Questions about lung disease? Call LUNG LINE", 800/222-LUNG. Callers within Colorado dial 303/355-LUNG. LUNG LINE" nurses are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Rocky Mountain time. LUNG FACTSW, 800/552-LUNG, is an automated information service available i 24 hours a day, seven days a week. LUNG LINE' and LUNG FACTSW are services of National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Denver, CO. To receive a patient education materials list call 800/423-8891, ext. 1079 or 7700. REHABILITATION GAZETTE IVOL. 35, NO. 2 For the Traueler The Channel Tunnel, linking the Canada's National Transportation . for the Disabled, $19.95 plus IJnited Kingdom and France, is now Agency has published three guides: $3.00 S&H; Travel for the operating. For accessibility informa- Improving Access for Travellers Disabled (AHandbook of Travel tion contact European Passenger with Disabilities; Air Travel Acces- Resources and 500 Worldwide Services (EPS), EPS House, Waterloo sibility Regulations; Complaint Access Guides) $19.95 plus $3.00 Station, London SE1 8SE, United Guide for Removing Undue S&H; Wheelchair Vagabond, Kingdom (44 71 922 4499). Obstacles to the Mobility of $14.95 plus $3.00 S&H.
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