TRANSACTIONS OF THE Barfalk and Bartuicb INATURALISTS’ SOCIETY; PBESBNTED TO THE MEMBERS FOR 1905— 1906 . NORWICH: PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON, Ltd. 1906 . Price sys. Od. Jorfollt and flopiiilt Jaturalists’ f oiiietj. - OFFICERS FOR 1906 1907 . CH.\BLES A. HAMOND. Ei=Prf8tticnt. EUSTACE GURNEY. Ficc=|3rrsilifntB. RIGHT HON. THE E.-VRL OF LEICESTER, K.G. RIGHT HON. THE LORD WALSINGHAM, F.R.S. RIGHT HON. THE LORD AMHERST OF HACKNEY. RIGHT HON. LORD LINDLEY. mCHAEL BEVERLEY, M.D. F. W. HARMER, F.G.S. COL. FEILDEN, C.B., C.M.Z.S. T. SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S. JOHN HENRY GURNEY, F.L.S., F.Z.S. PROFESSOR NEWTON, F.R.S. H. M. UPCHER, F.Z.S. 5Trfasurct. F. C. HINDE. |t|on. Sfcrttarg. W. A. NICHOLSON, St. Helen’s Square, Norwich. 3Isst2tant .Siccrctarg. JOHN QUINTON, Norfolk and Norwich Library, Norwich. ?^on. ISibrarian. E. J. H. ELDRED. Committct. H. J. THOULESS. P. LENEY. REV. A. MILES MOSS. F. BALFOUR BROWNE, F. LONG, L.R.C.P. E, PEAKE. M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. g. H. LONG, M.D A. PATTERSON. F. R. EATON. .Sgfdal JFtnancial .SubsGTommtttft, THE PRESIDENT. F. BALFOUR BROWNE, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S THE TREASURER. E. PEAKE. THE HON. SECRETARY. EUSTACE GURNEY. Sournal CTommittff. W. H. BIDWELL. J. T. HOTBLACK, F.G.S. P. BALFOUR BROWNE, S. H. LONG, M.D. M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. a. W. PRESTON, F. R. Met. Soc. Emirsion (Committer. H. J. THOULESS. J. T. HOTBLACK, F.G.S. F. R. EATON. F. LENEY. Subitor. S. W. UTTING. ^armvutlj .Section. Ex-officio Members of the General Cemmittee. J. RYLEY, M.D., Chairman. J. BURTON, Treasurer. T. J. WIGG, I/on. Sec. — TRANSACTIONS OF THK NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. JOURNAL COMMITTEE REGULATIONS. The Journal Committee he^ to direct the attention of authors (of communications to the Society to tlie following R(‘gulations "which have been drawn up in order to accelerate the publication I'jf the Transactions, and to utilize as widely and as fairly as Hjossible the funds which the Society devotes to the i)ublicatioii lof scientific researches : 1.—Precedence will be given to papers dealing with hx;al Natunil lUistory. 2. —MSS. OF Pafeks. As soon as any paper is ready for publication, •whether it has been read before the Society or not, it must be sent to the lilon. Secretary for the consideration of the Journal Committee. 3. —Illvstr.^tions. Illustrations, if accepted, should bo drawn iu u form immediately suitable for reproduction, and .such illustrations as can x)e reproduced by photographic proce.sses should, so far as {xjssible, be nreferretl. 4.— Proofs. In general, a first proof and a revise of each paper will ^)c sent to the Author. If further proofs are reipiired, owing to corrections ir alterations for which the printer is not responsible, the e.vpense of such JDroofs and corrections shall be chargal against the .\uthor. All proofs must, :f possible, bo returnctl within one week, addressed to the Hon. Sec. 5. — Arstracts. Authors arc requested to hand to the lion. Sec. an ilbstract of their Papiers at the sjune time as they deposit their MSS. 0.—Separate Issi'e of Reprints. An Author requiring Reprints ' f his Paper must mark upon the revise of the proof the numher of copies le will require, lie will he charged for them by the printer, who will orward the copies to him when ready, shortly after the publication of the ^.Vansactions. — The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society has for its objects: 1. ‘The Practical Study of Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its inlluence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel ju’ejudices leading to their destruction. :B. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the Countj', and of exterminating rare plants i)i their native localities. 4. The I’ecord of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals izi and plants which have become extinct the County ; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. f). The i^ublication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk C). The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of sizecimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursion.s, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. : TRANSACTIONS OF THE Btxrfttlk and Bxmnich NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY; Presented to the Members for - 1905 1906 . VOL. VIII.—Part ii. i^orfaief) PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON, LTD. 1906. PAST PRESIDENTS EEV. JOSEPH CROMPTON, M.A 1869—70 „ „ 1870—71 HENRY STEVENSON, F.L.S 1871—72 MICHAEL BEVERLEY, M.D 1872—78 FREDERIC KITTON, Hon. F.R.M.S. 1873—74 H. D. GELDART 1874—75 JOHN B. BRIDGiL\N 1876—76 T. G. BAYFIELD 1876—77 F. W. HARMER, F.G.S. 1877—78 „ „ 1878—79 THOMAS SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S. 1879—80 OCTAVIUS CORDER 1880—81 J. H. GURNEY, JUN., F.Z.S. 1881—82 H. D. GELDART 1882—83 H. M. UPCHER, F.Z.S 1883—84 FRANCIS SUTTON, F.C.S 1884—85 JIAJOR H. W. FEILDEN, C.B., F.G.S., C.M.Z.S. - - - 1885—86 SIR PETER EADE, M.D., F.R.C.P. 1886—87 SIR EDWARD NEWTON, K.C.M.G., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. - - 1887—88 J. H. GURNEY, JUN., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 1888—89 SHEPHARD T. TAYLOR, M.B. 1889—90 HENRY SEEBOHM, F.L.S., F.Z.S 1890—91 F. D. WHEELER, M.A., LL.D 1891—92 HORACE B. WOODWARD, F.G.S. 1892—93 THOMAS SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S 1893—94 C. B. PLOWRIGHT, M.D 1894—95 H. D. GELDART 1895—96 SIR F. G. M. BOILEAU, Bart.. F.Z.S., F.S.A. - - - 1896—97 A. W. PRESTON. F.R.Met.Soc. 1897—98 J. H. GURNEY, F.L.S., F.Z.S 1898—99 JOHN T. HOTBLACK 1899—1900 SIDNEY F. HARMER, Sc.D.. F.R.S 1900—01 W. H. BIDWELL 1901—02 HENRY WOODWARD, LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., F.G.S. - 1902—03 FREDERICK LONG, L.R.C.P 1903—04 WALTER GARSTANG, M.A. - - - - - - 1904—05 EUSTACE GURNEY 1905—06 I^orfolh and IJor^iDich Uaturalists’ ^odclg. OFFICERS FOR 1905-1906. ?prrsil)tnt. EUSTACE GURNEY. Ei=|3rcsil)rnt. WALTER GARSTANG, M.A., F.Z..S. iTicri^3rrsil)fn(s. RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF LEICESTER, K.G. RIGHT HON. THE LORD WALSINGHAM, F.R.S. RIGHT HON. THE LORD AMHERST OF HACKNEY. JIICHAEL REVERLEY, M.D. F. W. HARMER, F.G.S. COL. FEILDEN, C.B., C.M.Z.S. T. SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S. JOHN HENRY GURNEY, F.L.S., F.Z.S. PROFESSOR NEWTON, F.R.S. H. M. UPCHER, F.Z.S. dTrraBurrr. F. C. HINDE. JUon. .Srcrttarj. W. A. NICHOLSON, St. Helen’s Square, Norwich. 'Sssiatant S'trrrtaru. JOHN QUINTON, Norfolk and Norwich Library, Norwich. Jljan. librarian. E. J. H. ELDRED. i!Tommittrf. W’. L SUTTON. II. J. THOULESS. F. R. EATON. W. H. BIDWELL F. BALFOUR BROWNE, F. LENEY. H. A. BALLANCE. M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. F. LONG, L.R.C.P. S. H. LONG, JI.D. 3oumaI Committft. W. H. BIDWELL J. T. HOTBLACK, F.G.S. J. REEVE. F.G.S. S. H. LONG, M.D. A. W. PRESTON, F. R. Met. Soc. Eitursioii iTommiUcr. C. BUSSEY. J. T. HOTBLACK, F.G.S. E. CORDER. A. PATTERSON. H. J. THOULESS. A. W. PRESTON, F. R. Met. Soc. W. H. BIDWELL. F. R. EATON. aiibitor. S. W. UTTING. llnrmoutlj .Section. Ez-ofjicio Members of the General Committee. J. RYLEY, M.D., Chairman. J. BURTON, Treasurer. T. J. WIGG, //on. Sec. LIST OF MEMBERS, 1906. •Members wbo have compounded for their subscriptions are marked with an asterisk. A Boileau E. F. The Grange, Fundenliall Bolingbroke L. G. Ferryside, Norwich Allen Miss Tombland, Norwich Bridgman Frank G. •Ames Victor 6 Huchess Street, Portland Place, W, Thomham Cottage, King’s Lynn Brittain Henry Amherst o£ Hackney, Eight Hon. Lord. St. Stephen’s Street, Norwich F.Z.S., Y.P. Didlington Hall Broeck Ernest Van den. Bon. Mem. Andrews W. H. M. Hethersett 39 Place de I’Industrie, Brussels Aplin Oliver V. Bloxham, Oxon Brown Eev. J. L. Atmore E. A. Lynn Chapel Field Grove, Norwich •Avebury, Et. Hon. Lord, D.O.L., F.E.S. Browne Frank Balfour, M.A., F.E.S.E. High Elms, Hayes, Kent The Cottage, Sutton, Norwich Bumand G. B. Eollesby Hall Burrell W. H. Sheringham B Burton S. H., M.B. St. Giles’ Street, Norwich Bussey C. Tombland, Norwich Backhouse James Hale Side, Harrogate Butcher iirs. H. F. Ballance H. A., F.E.C.S. Chester Place, Norwich 46 Prince of Wales’ Koad, Norwich Butler Colonel Balls J. E. Bank House, Norwich Plumpton House, Bury St. Edmunds Barclay Evelyn H. Colney Hall Butterfield W. C. J. Euskin Barclay Francis H. The Warren, Cromer 4 Stanhope Place, St. Leonards Barclay H. G., F.E.G.S. Colney Hall Buxton A. F. 50 CornliUl, E.C. Barclay T. H. F. Colney Hall Buxton E. G. Thorpe, Norwich •Barclay E. High Lea, Hoddesdon Buxton B.
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