APRIL, 1969 Ilun’tijHiiw Tleius RfFb, I l i b I VOL APRIL, 1989 HEADLINES from Hazel THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. Will Rogers World Airport Please excuse the tears on the copy. ATTENTION MEMBERSHIP CHAIR­ International Headquarters I have just finished talking to HELEN MEN OR CHAPTER CHAIRMEN: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 WILKE and KATHY LONG as they In the 68-69 roster Article XV Sec. Headquarters Secretary are about to launch enroute to New 2A on page 146 the words “ dues plus Orleans and the start of the Angel LORETTA GRAGG $5.00” were omitted. Please insert the Derby. Alas! Alas! Alas! How I wish following wording in between the first I were going too. Like the famed Editor and second line so that it reads . Brooklyn Dodgers of yore, just “ wait HAZEL McKENDRICK . $5.00 dues plus $5.00 initiation until next year.” MARIAN BANKS P.O. Box 38499 fee (after March 1st) . Dallas, Texas 75238 and THON GRIFFITH checked in via radio yesterday enroute to the same I invite your attention to an article THE NINETY-NINES NEWS place. Oh woe-woe woe!!! in the special features section entitled Vol. 14 No. 6 FREE LIFE INSURANCE FOR VFR PILOTS. This is an article sent out April. 1969 Section Meeting by our FAA Regional Administrator, Published monthly, except bi-monthly Henry Newman. The FAA is conduct­ July-August and November-December OTTAWA-MONTREAL CHAPTER ing an Accident Prevention Program Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and and this is in conjunction with that is included as a part of the annual The SPRING SECTIONAL, OTTA­ membership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. program. I was amazed at the number WA-MONTREAL Chapter, will be held THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. of reports that mentioned bad weather Will Rogers World Airport in Montreal at the Grand Motor Hotel Oklahoma City. Okla 73159 c'.c. had hampered flying all winter. at 7700 Cote de Liesse Road on May 3, Return Form 3579 to above adc’ ress It seems that the winter is at long last 2n.l Class Postage pd. at Chickasha, Okla. 1969. Registration, with coffee and about over and with the coming of doughnuts, will be at 10:00 a.m. The r.pring all of us who have been patient­ 99’s will then hold a business meeting INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS ly waiting for “ better days” will be while the 49‘4 ’ers will be transferred eager to try our wings. This is a very President to the Montreal Airport for a tour o' ine and timely article and I earnestly DONNA MYERS the Air Canada Base. This will also recommend that you all read it. 11603 E. 6th PI. include a check-out in their flight Aurora, CJorado 80010 simulators. Luncheon will be held at NOTE TO ALL CHAPTER CHAIR­ Vice-President 1 p.m. and the guest speaker will be MEN/SECTION GOVERNORS: BERNICE “ BEA” STEADMAN from Air Canada. 12214 N. McKinley Rd. All Chapter/Section Refund checks Montrose, Michigan 48457 The cost will be $6.00 to 99’s—this were mailed as of January, 1969. Re­ Secretary includes a $2.00 Registration fee—and minder: ALL CHECKS NOT CASHED LYDIELLEN “ LYGIE” HAGAN $4.50 for 4914’ers. Room rates are WITHIN 60 DAYS WILL BE VOID. South 1907 Oneida Place $10.00 whether single or double. Please SO please cash immediately . Spokane, Washington 99203 make reservations early and direct DORIS RENNINGER, TREASURER. with Grand Motor Hotel, and please Treasurer contact one of the following m em ber The next issue is an “ ANNOUNCE­ DORIS RENNINGER if you are planning to attend in orde.' MENT ONLY ISSUE” and most of you 10-01 162nd Street have a month off. Of course next Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 that we may inform the Hotel of an approximate number for the luncheon— month has its share of deadlines what Executive Board PEGGY BEEMAN—Ottawa with income tax, licenses for cars, e t . Also the first day for sending in appli­ ALICE ROBERTS BARBARA BROTHERTON—Toronto cations for the Powder Puff Derby 9828 North 19 Avenue IRMA SELIG—Montreal Phoenix, Arizona 85021 come next month. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO HAVE AN ANNOUNCE­ Expecting a good turnout of Canadian GENE NORA JESSEN MENT PLEASE MAIL SO AS TO 99’s and hope that any of our American 2814 Cassia REACH ME BY APRIL 20th. Boise, Idaho 83705 members who are able will also at­ tend. And, girls, don’t forget to bring BETTY W. McNABB As the flying really gets into high 926 Third Avenue along those 4914’ers, I am sure they gear please be sure you are AFT. Albany, Georgia 31701 will enjoy the program. This is a great program, so GET APT. ford run of the N.Y. and New England Backward Glance Airways. Free Life Insurance As time rolled on, altitude and speed For VFR Pilots Column records, official and unofficial, con­ A VFR pilot is one who does not have tinued to be set. According to the edi­ Virginia Thompson, Historian an instrument rating, or an instrument tor, the first altitude record made by rated pilot who is not current in its Excerpts from “The Ninety-Niner” , a woman with a barograph to testify use. 1932 and 1933 thereto, was made by accident in 1921 If you are planning a VFR flight and On Oct. 15, 1932, “ The Ninety-Niner” out in California when AMELIA EAR­ HART decided to test the ceiling of are somewhat in doubt about the came into being. Because CLARA Weather, may we ask you to consider TRENCHMANN STUDER had been her newly purchased ship, a little Kinner Airster with a 60 HP Lawrance the following: such a good editor for its predecessor, motor. When she came down, they 1. Be sure that you get a weather “ Women and Aviation” published dur­ called her 14,000 feet an unofficial briefing before departure. ing 1929-30, the Board of Governors record. asked that she continue as Editor. The 2. The visibility through a wet wind­ subscription fee was $1.00 per year Under News Notes, five women shield is not nearly as good as for members or any woman or man aviation record breakers of 1932, the ground visibility reported on interested in what women were doing AMELIA EARHART, MAY T. HAIZ- the station teletype sequence. in aviation. LIP, LOUISE THADEN, FRANCES 3. If you’ve had a weather briefing, Speaking of costs, MARGARET MARSALIS, and RUTH NICHOLS, give some thought to an alternate COOPER requested that all members were invited as honor guests at a re­ course of action in case the fore­ desiring an official Ninety-Nine pin ception and ball by the Aero Club of cast does not hold up. send five cents extra to cover postage, Washington. 4. If you have been briefed on exist­ insurance, wrapping and boxing. Al­ California “ 99’s” flew up to Reno ing weather at stations along your though postage rates have soared since in a six ship formation in connection route, remember that the weather the days when a nickel would purchase with the movie, “ The White Sister” . between reporting points may not a lot, the cost of our official Ninety- GLADYS O’DONNELL was the only be as good as the weather shown Nine pin has decreased. In 1932, a woman pilot actually in the picture, at the reporting stations. silver gilt one, cut out but without and the director reported that he was 5. Any thunderstorms that may be propeller could be secured for $.50; inore pleased with her flying than with in the vicinity of your route will a silver gilt one with movable propel­ that of any two of the men. Three days add greatly to the weather hazard. ler but not cut out, $3.00; and a solid later, the girls flew back in a tight 6. The possibility of icing in the gold one with movable propeller, formation. Their planes, painted like clouds may prevent you from $12.00. Italian Army planes, aroused a lot of going “ IFR” safely, even as a last Since the pin was small, thoughts curiosity every time they circled over resort. turned to designing a practical flying a town. Machine guns (made of wood) 7. If things go wrong and you have outfit that would make it possible for were mounted on each ship, making to go IFR as an emergency them a menacing looking group. Can’t Ninety-Nines to readily know one an­ measure, are both you and the air­ other and for the general public to you just imagine the fun they had on plane equipped to cope with the distinguish them. One idea for a cos­ this trip? situation ? tume consisted of a wind breaker and Another bit of interesting news made 8. If the cloud ceilings are going to a pair of slacks with a wide flare at the Paris Herald headline in 1933. The keep you at low level, have the ankle. It sounds like our 1969 ver­ title read, "Koklab Amerikanckou you considered the ever-increasing sion except that theirs could be secured letchitse GILLIS prijki c napashutom number of communications towers with a tab and a button at the ankle. iz cam oletov” . Translated it means, and their long, wide-reaching guy- Clothes, though, were secondary in Lecture by American Aviator Gillis on wires? A few of these towers may importance. Flying to these young Jumping out of an Airplane with Para­ not be shown on your charts! chute. The language department of pioneers was serious business and they 9.
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