6282 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 17 rationing of gasoline to conserve rubber, etc.; THE JOURNAL Senator from Texas EMr. O'DANIELl, the to the Committee on Banking and .currency. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by ~enator from Louisiana EMr. OvERTON], 3241. Also, resolution of the California the Senator from New Jersey EMr. State Council of Defense, relative to amend­ unanimous consent, the reading of the ment to the social-security laws; to the Com­ Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ SMATHERS], the Senator from South Caro­ mittee on Ways and Means. dar day Thursday, July 16, 1942, was dis-­ lina EMr. SMITH], the Senator from Ten­ 3242. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the pensed with, and the Journal was nessee EMr. STEWART], the Senator from Fraternal Order of Eagles of San Francisco, approved. New York EMr. WAGNER], and the Sena­ Calif., and the California St ate Aerie of the tor from Massachusetts EMr. WALSH] are Fraternal Order of Eagles, in convention as­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-E~ROLLED necessarily absent. sembled at Sacramento, urging legislat ion for JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED Mr. McNARY. The Senator froin tbe purpose of permitting the recipients of is old-age assistance to return to fruitful en­ A message from the House of Repre­ Oregon EMr. HoLMAN] absent on pub­ deavor and productive labor without being sentatives by Mr. Swanson, one of its lic business. penalized in aid they are now receiving; to clerks, announced that the Speaker had The following Senators are necessarily the Committee on Ways and Means. affixed his signature to the enrolled joint absent: 3243. By Mr. WHEAT: Petition of members resolution (H. J: Res. 318) to amend sec­ The Senator from Vermont EMr: Aus­ orf ·the Christian Church of Hindsboro, Ill., tion 1700 (a) (1) of the Internal Rev­ TIN], the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. urging passage of the Sheppard bill (S. 860); BuTLER], the Senator from North Da­ to the Committee on Military Affairs. enue Code to extend to the members of the armed forces of the United Nations kota [Mr. LANGER), the Senator from the · exemption from the tax on admis­ Massachusetts EMr. LoDGE], the Senator sions in cases where admission is free, from Colorado [Mr. MILLIKIN], the Sen­ and to exempt from tax the amount paid ator from Minnesota EMr. SHIPSTEAD], SENATE for admissions to theaters and other ac­ and the Senator from Ohio [Mr. TAFT]. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1942 tivities operated ·by the War Depart­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-one ment or the Navy Department within Senators having answered to their names, <Legislative day of Thursday, July 16, posts, camps, reservations, and other a quorum is present. 1942) areas maintained by the Military or NOTICE OF HEARING ON NOMINATION OF Naval Establishment, and it was signed ALLEN B. HANNAY, OF TEXAS, TO .BE The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, by the Vice President. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR on the expiration of the recess. THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Rev. Frank Steelman, D. D., minister, CALL OF THE ROLL Petworth Methodist Church, Washing­ Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence Mr. VAN NUYS. Mr. President, on ton, D. C., offered the following prayer: of a quorum. behalf of the senior Senator from Texas [Mr. CoNNALLY], the chairman of the 0 Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. subcommittee of the Committee on the name in all the earth. Before the moun­ Judiciary which has before it the nomi­ tains were brought forth or ever Thou The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the nation of Allen B. Hannay, of Texas, hads't formed the earth and the world, following Senators answered to their to be United States district judge for even from everlasting to everlasting Thou names: the southern district of Texas, I give art God. And yet there has been given Aiken Downey O'Mahoney notice, under the rule of the committee, unto us an intimate word and ·a near Andrews Ellender Pepper Bailey George Radclitfe that there will be a public hearing in approach. In obedience to it, we would Ball Gerry Reed the Senate Judiciary Committee room a come into our Father's presence as chil­ Barbour Gillette Reynolds Rosier week from today, Friday, July 24, 1942, dren who need His help and forgiveness, Barkley Green at 10:30 o'clock a. m. praying that Thou wilt forgive us our Bilbo Guffey Russell Bone Gurney Schwartz LEGISLATION PASSED BY MUNICIPAL sins and remember them no more. Brewster Hatch Spencer We pray Thy blessing upon Thy ser­ Bridges Hayden Thomas, Idaho COUNCIL OF ST. THOMAS AND ST. JOHN, Brooks Johnson, Calif. Thomas, Okla. V.I. vant, our President. May there be given Burton Kilgore Thomas, Utah to him the consciousness of Divine ap­ Byrd Lee Tunnell The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the pointment to hard and holy tasks. In Capper Lucas Tydings Senate a letter from the Acting Secre­ Chandler McKellar Vandenberg this trying day may his body and. mind Chavez McNary Van Nuys tary of the Interior, transmitting, pur­ be strengthened and his heart comforted Clark, Idaho Maloney White suant to law, copies of legislation passed in the midst of many distresses. Under Clark, Mo. May bank Wiley by the Municipal Council of St. Thomas Connally Mead Willis his leadership may there be achieved a Danaher Norris and St. John, V. I., which, with the unity that shall make of us a strong and Davis Nye accompanying papers, was referred to righteous Nation. the Committee on Territories and Insular In this Chamber today may wisdom Mr. BARKLEY. I announce that the Affairs. and guidance be given to the Presiding Senator from Delaware EMr. HuGHES] PETITIONS Officer and· his colleagues for the right is absent from the Senate because of illness. Petitions were laid before the Senate solution of intricate and complex prob­ or presented and referred as indicated: lems. May the winds of God blow The Senator from Missouri EMr. TRu­ MAN] and the Senator from Washington By the VICE PRESIDENT: through our legislative halls, cleansing A petition of citizens in the State of Cali­ the fetid atmosphere, clarifying the [Mr. WALLGREN] are members of the De­ forn ia, employees of the California Ship­ minds of men, reviving them spirit­ Committee to Investigate National building Corporat ion, praying for full and ually, giving them eyes to see, ears to fense, and are, therefore, necessarily unqualified support of the price-control hear, and hearts to understand. And if, absent. · policy of the President; to the Committee on as we sit in our sheltered places today, The Senators from Alabama [Mr. Banking and Currency. other men, who in other days ·have BANKHEAD and Mr. HILL), the Senator Petitions, numerously signed, of sundry walked with us the peaceful way, go forth from Michigan EMr. BROWN], the Sena­ ·citizens of the St ates of Illinois, New York, tor from South Dakota [Mr. BuLow], Pemisylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washing­ in blood and sweat and tears to pay the ton, praying for the enactment of Senate bill ultimate price for things that are dear the Senators from Nevada EMr. BuNKER 860, to prohibit the sale of alcohqlic liquor to men and God, may the heavens. bend and Mr. McCARRAN), the Senator from and to suppress vice in the vicinity of mili­ low, and everlasting arms enfold them, Arkansas EMrs. CARAWAY], the Senator tary camps and naval establishments; ordered may the vision splendid be given them, from Mississippi [Mr. DoXE'Y), the Sen­ to lie on the table. and to them may the words "well done" ator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS], the By Mr. CAPPER: be spoken. Comfort the sorrowing, raise Senator from Iowa [Mr. HERRING], the A petition, numerously signed, of sundry Senator from Colorado [Mr. JoHNSON], cit izens of Corbin and vicinity, Kansa-s , pray­ up ministers of helpfulness for tlie de­ ing for the enactment of Senate bill 860, spoiled the world around. Establish the Senator from Arizona [Mr. Mc­ ·to prohibit the sale of alcoholic liquor and righteousness and peace for all mankind. FARLAND], the Senator from Utah [Mr. to suppress vice in the vicinity of military Hear our prayer, 0 Lord, and grant us MuRDOCK], the Senators from Montana camps and n aval establishments, ordered to Thy peace. Amen. [Mr. MURRAY and Mr. WHEELER], the lie on the· table. 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6283 PROHIBITION OF LIQUOR SALES .ANI) c~ant vessels t~ the Government of Ireland; That the House recede from its disagree­ SUPPRESSION OF VICE AROUND MILI­ wrth amendments (Rept. No. 1553). ment to the amendments of the Sen~:..te and TARY CAMPS By Mr. REYNOLDS, from the Committee on agree to the same. Military Affairs: MILLARD E. TYDINGS, Mr. CAPPER. Mr. President, I pre­ S. R:s. 274. Resolution authorizing the RIC!URD B . R,USSELL, sent for appropriate reference and ask Commxttee on JM:ilitary Affairs to make such JAMES J . DAVIS, unanimous consent to have printed in inve s t ~ga ti ons with respect to the Military HmA:M: W. JoHNSON, the RECORD a letter in the form of a Establlshment as it deems advis3.ble; without Managers on the part of the Senate. amendment; and, under t~ e ru:e the resolu­ resolution adopted by the Kansas-Mis­ tion was referred to the Committ ee to Audit CARL VINSON, souri Conference of the Evangellcal an d Control the Contingent Expenses of the P. H. DREWRY, Mission Covenant Church of America, Senate · JAMES W. MaTT, Managers on the part of the House. urging immediate enactment of the so­ ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED called sheppard bill, Senate bill 860.
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